HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-01-07Roy Vf.W~hee!er
i~rry Lane
.0, C, Shackel f or~t
T.W. Edward~
T.N. Trevillian
Rufus Chevming
John ~rshall
Hermo~ ~owbray.
N. Garland
J. ~. Hopkins
Dr. J.~.Ear!y
N. Garland
Dr. H.~.Wi!liams
Dr. Y.E,E~rly
Cor Juz~y
!. 00
At a c~t~di~meeting of the Board of Supervisors. of ~!bemar!e
Co~nty held at the Cotu't House of said Cotunty on the 7th day of J~nuary 1924.
Present; J.M, Fr~y, Chairman, J.L.Pitts, C.Purcell EcCue, C.A. Eil~ler, P.H.Gentry
an~ ~J, E.Abeil. :
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
~n motion of C. Purcell EcCue, seconded by J.L.Pitts, R,E.Lee
was~re-appointed up~. of Roads, at the seine salary and bond
On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by J.L.Pitts the fol-
lowing resolution was adopted.
WITEI~_~kS, s~ short section of road on the Free Un~o.n-Boonesville,
White Iiall District, highway through the J.R.~aupin Farm has not be~n graded or
improved, due to the fact that the said ~aupin opposed all efforts made by
the ~Engineers and Board to secure a practical route, such as the public were
as~<_,~ng or and. entitled to have and failed. The case was carried ~.to the
Court for adjudication, which action was directed by the Board ef ,Superivisors
in Z922. There being a lack of funds in the District Treasury to ~ay land
damages-and for construction of same. Therefore in order to avoid any further
del~y, the Boa'rd of Supervisors appropriate the necessary fund for the land
d~n~es and completion of the work, when said decision has been rendered along
the ~lines of the present Engineers survey, it being understood that t~is is an
advancement to the White Hall District, which is to be returned ~to the County
when funds are available.
# The Board was called $o order and on motion duly seconded
C.P~2rcell McCue was elected temporary Chairman.
Mr. EcCue then called for a election of a Chairman and
vice-Chairman for the year 1924 and On l~otion of C.A.~iller and seconded by
J.L.~Pitts, ~. J.M.Fray was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board and
.Er. 'P.H. Gentry was elected vice-Chairman.
J.M.Fra. v. Chairma~u, appointed C.Purcell McCue, CoA.l~iller~
On motion of C. A.~iller and seconded by C.Purcell EcOue
it is unanimously Resolved that the Board ~ttend the Good Road Association
Eeeting to be held in Ric~%ond.
Since the Board of Supervisors have aviiled themselves of
the Robertson act and borrowed $600,000, loaning the same to the State for the
construction of a State road from Louisa to the Nelson line. And a portion of
theee funds now being due the County of Albemarle. It is therefore extremely
important that some steps be t~ken a~ this session of the Legislature to secure
the return of tlais money, or such relief as may lessen the interest charges
now borne by the tax payers of our County.
~E IT P~SOLVW_J) therefore, that an acti~ campaigh be under
taken with this end in view, and a committee named by the Chairman to co-
operate with .our memebers of the legislature and others. And such compensation
be paid, and funds appropriated, as may justify said cmr~ittee in doin~
At a regular meetim4 of the Board of Superviscrs of Albemarle County held
at the Court House of said County on the 16th day of ~anuary 1924.
Present: J.E,Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell EcCue, C,A.~iller, P.H.Gentry and
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
In accordance with the law enacted by the State Legislature providing a tax
of one cent a gallon on gasoline for the construction of roads and bridges in
County System of Higheays.
Be i~ resolved that application be and is hereby made to the State Highway
Com~uission for approval for the expenditures of the first allotment from this
fund to supplement the available Bond Issue Fund to surface a section of Cotmty
~oad #9,~ extending South from State Highway #9 to Ivy Depot. to V~agners Store.
On motion of C.Purcell ~IcCue and seconded by J.E.Abell the following resolution
was unanimously adopted.
~?~S, this Board -on the 7th day of ~y 192~, entered into a cOntract with
A.V~.l~cClay for the construction of a section of the Red Hill Road, and,
~P~AS~ ~r. ~cClay contracted to complete this construction on or be~o~e
the 15th day of August 1923,
~.~RE~AS, work has not even been started on this road. BE IT ~SOL~rED that this
contract be forefeited b~-D[r. ~cClay, and that the Highway Department be requeaied
to enter into a contract with other parties, in order to complete the construction.
at the earliest possible moment.