HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-01-16On motion of C. A. Miller and seconded by C.Purcell McCue it is unanimously Resolved that the BOard attend the Good Road Association Eeeting to be held in lcnmo~d Since the Board of Supervisors have aviiled themselves of the Robertson act and borrowed $600,000, loaning the same to the State for the construction of a State road from Louisa to the Nelson line. And a portion of three Funds now being due the County of .~tbemarle. it is therefore extremely important t.h~t some steps be taken at this session of tl~e Legislature to secure the return of t~mis money, or such relief as .may lessen the interest charges now borne by the tax payers of our County. BE iT RESOLVF~D therefore, that an active ca~,upaigh be under taken with this end in view, and a committee named by the Chairman to operate with our memebers of the legislature and others. ~nd such corapensa~tion be~ ps,id,, and funds appropriated, as may justify said conu~ittee in doingS- C ha i rrna n At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court' House of said County on the 16th day of January 1924. Present: J.E.Fray, Chairman, C.Puroell EcCue, C.A.Miller, P.H.Gentry and ~'E.Abell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. In accordance with the law enacted by the State Legislature providing a tax of one cent a gallon on gasoline for the construction of roads and bridges in Cot~ty System of Higheays. Be it resolved that application be and is hereby ~uade to the State Highway Conmutssion for approval for the expenditures of the first allotment from this fund to supplement the available Bond Issue Fund to surface a section of County Road #9,~ extending South from State Highway #9 to Ivy Depot. to Vfagners Store. On motion of C.Purcall ~tcCue am.d seconded by J.E.Abell the following resolution was unanimously adopted. V,~_~RE~D~S, this Board ~on the ?th day of ~ay 1923, entered into a contract with A.W.l~cClay for the construction of e~ section of the Red HilI Road, scud, ~¥~AS~ ~r. EcClay contracted to complete this construction on or be.~o~e tko 15th day of August 1923, and ¥~i~S, work has not even been started on this road. BE IT ~wi~SOLV~ that this contract be forefeited b~ l~[r. l~cClay, and that the Highway Department be requested to enter into a contract with other parties, in order to complete the construction at the earliest possible mo~nent. ?0 A delegation of citizens appeared before the board and petitioned tb~t the 0!d Lynchburg Road be improved and the Board after a thorough discussion of the matter is of opinion that it was a district question and is referred to ?.H. Gentry, supervisor of Charlottesville District. A. delegation of citiz'ens appeared amd petitioned the Board to improve ~ke road !eading.f~om Ivy Creek Bridge via Co!tb_u~st ~d others to the intersection of said road with the Hydrat~lic road, which the Boa:rd ~tikewise deemed a district ma~.~er and referred it to h~r. Gentry, A petition of citizefis for a relocation and grading of the County Road from Eilton Bridge via T,E.~ilhoit, C.E.Hughes, Mt. Eagle Church and others to Buck Island Creek and thence towards Woodridge a distance of three miles, on motion of C.A.Eiller a~d seconded by P.H.Gentry it was unanimously resolved that the matter be referred to R.E.Lee, Supt. Roads, to go their and make an estimate of the cost of'such prop~ed change and report back to the Board at its'next regular meetin8 On motion of C. A.~i!ier and seconded by J.E. Abei! it is ordered that all new county road constructionawork compie.ated for the year be referred to the Supt. of Roads to make estimates of cost before the next budget. In the~atter of the County Road. from Faber to B. Jarman, On ~otion of C.Purcell EcCue smd seconded by C.A.Eiller it is ordered that the County do the engineering upon condition that the citizens do all the G.Stuart Ha~mm', Treasurer, presented to the Board a together with all warrants paid by hi~ during the month of December' 1923, Board after examini~ the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. statement The~ R.F,.Lee, Superintendent of Roads, report was presented to the Board for examination, after carefully examining the sa~ne it was ordered to be The following claims were presented, exmuined and ordered to be filed. certified to the Treasurer ~or payment, viz:--- Albemarle Telephone Co. Bates~i!le Printing Co. Irving-Way-Hill Co. Jarman Book Co. Dr. H. ~cCoy P.H,~f~loney W.L.~u~in New Piedmont Garage Surb~r-Arundate Co ~lerk's & Tres. office etc. Books for Trea. Car for Sheriff Supplies for Tres. Duplicate for Lunacy Registrar sp. and fall Reimbursement for drayage Car for sheriff Supplies for Clerk etc. also forms for Comr. ~ktt. before the Board 19~3 Lunacy C or oner $57.65 15.25 11.00 4.55 5.00 8.30 8.75 10.00 81.60 50.00 2.80 5.80 6.30 3.00 .50 .50 2.60 3o00 6.70 5.90 4.50 2.50 5.30 1.00 t.00 J.~ason Smith J.W.Wotfe Dr. F.Page Nelson Dr. L.G.Roberts R. L. Snead H. C. J~meson Flora Gibson N. Garland W,R. Houchesn Dr. H.~IcC oF Dr. R.L.Page John ~l.~Vhe eler P. L. Burt on Dr. A~.A.. Sizzer John Tyler C .C .We odrid~e At a called meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Atbem~ri~ County held at the [C~urt House of said County on the !st day of February 1924. Present:: Y.E.Fray, Chairman, C.A.~iller, J.E',Abell and P.H.Gentry. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of C.~.~iiler and seconded by P.H.Gentry the following resolution was unanimously adopted. This Board is unalterably opposted to the application of the Torrens System of land registration in this County, arid requests their Senator and Delegates to oppose any effort to apply said law to this County. We the Supervisors of the County of Albe~r~e~in meeting assembled, do hereby petition the honorable Highway Conmission to add to the Highway System the .following connecting link between Routes 17 and 16o Beginning at Ruckersville on Route 17, thence to Shelby in Ea.dison county, thence to Shifletts corner, thence tko the Blue Ridge Turnpike to the intersection with Route 18. The adding of said link will connect the county seats of Albemarle, Greene and ~adison by the shortest and most direct route. On motion of J,E.Abell and seconded by-C.A.~Iiller the following resolution was unanimously adopted~ WP~REAS by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved ~.~arch 24, 1920, the BoS~d of Supervisirs of Albemarle County were authorized to issue ~500,000. of 5~ Road Bonds which were dated August'lst, ~o fall due August 1st 1925; and, ~q~EP~AS it may be necessary to refund the sa~d bonds or in par t; 1920, i in whole TS~R~F0~RE, BE IT ENACT~D that the Board ~f Supervisors~ be, and they are hereby authorixed to borrow money not e~ceeding $500,000. with w~ich to refund the bonds issued under an Act approved March 24, 1920; SECONY~. The said loan sb~ll be effected by issuing the bond of the County signed by the Chairman of said Board and countersigned by the Clerk, payable not more than twenty years after the date of issue, the s~d bonds to be in denominations of ~1000 and ~500. each, or of either, as said Board may think best, with coupons attached for the semi-annual interest, and the principal shall be made to fall due in the sum of $2000 each year so that all of the bonds shall become due and be paid off in er=as of ~2000 ~ach consecutive year after payment of them is begun, which shall be August let 19~6, or sooner if the said Board thinks proper~ THII~Do The said Bo~d of Supervisors m~y fix the rate of interest which the said bonds shall bear, but said rate sb~ll not exceed the rate of 5% Der annm~; and said bonds must not be sold at less than par'i:,and accrued interes't; FOURTH: The said Board of Supervisors shall have fu. ll power to negotiate said bonds through an ag,ent or ~ents or in any way they n~y think best and may deposit the proceeds in one or more of the banks of Charlott- esville, Virginia, subject to their order, pendir4~ and application of such proceeds to the purposes for which they are raised, but ~ On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by C.A,~i!!er Be It Resolved that the request of Clarke, Roades and Davis for an extention of sixty (60) days time on the Gordonsville Road between Cismont and the Louisa~ County linde be granted without any way effecting, or changing their con.tract in any other respect. At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albe~_e County Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 20th of February 1924. Present: J.E,Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell ~cCue, P,HoGentry, J.E.Abell and C~A.~iller~ The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. This Board having advertised for bids for the macadamizing of three miles of the Earlysville Road~ between Earlysville and Advance Rills. No bids having been received. Be it resolved that equipment be rented and labor be employed to ~o this macadamizing. Bond Issue funds supplemented by other funds to be used. Upon application of Bowen & Ball~r~ for an extension of time on their contract for surfacing the 0wensville Road White Hall District. On motion of Er. Eiller, second by ~r.. Gentry, they are granted a two month extension. On request of Ellis-Brooks Company, for an extension of time for the completion of the Wholen ~ills Road in the Charlottesville District. On motion, of Mr. Gentry second by C.A.~iller. It was agreed that they be granted a three month extension to complete the road. It being necessary to sell bonds to complete the road constructiom in Ivy District and Rivanna District, for which bonds were voted. Be it resolved that $9,000.00 Albemarle County Bonds be sold in behalf of Ivy District and $25,000.00 of Albemarle County Bonds be Sold in behalf of Rivanna District. And that bids be invited for the purchase of these bonds, to be opened at 12 o'coock noon on 5~rch 19th ~t the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. , .Abell, it is ordered On motion of C.Purcell ~tcCue and seconded by J E tlzat the sram of $300.00 be appropriated for Forest Fire Protection for Albemarle County :' Polled vote unanimous. On motion of C.A.Eitler and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that the Board of Oupervisors and R.E.Lee, Supt. of Roads, attented in a body the meeting to be held in Richmond, Va. for the allocation of State aid money. On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by J.E.Abetl it is ordered +~o* ~ ~m~ ~on heretofore Mranted to ~ess~'~.~c~ut ~ and Perkins to lay wate~