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a called meeting o£ the Boar. d of Supervisors o£ Albemari~ County held. at the ~Co~urt House of said County on the !st day of February 1924. Present:. J.E.Fray, Chairman, C.A.~iller, J. .Abell and P.H.Gentry. The minutes of the last meeting were read and appro em. On motion of C.A.~i!ler and seconded by P.H.Gentry the following resolution was unanimously adopted. This Board is unalterably opposted to the application of the Torrens System of land registration in this County, and requests their Senator and Delegates to oppose any effort to apply said law to this County. We the Supsrvisors of the County of A!bema~rie-in meeting assembled, do hereby petition the honorable Highway Commission 2o add to the Highway System the .following connecting link between Routes I7 and 16. Beginning at Ruckersvilte on Route 17, thence to Shelby in ~,Nadison county, thence to Shifletts corner, thence up the Blue Ridge Turnpike to the intersection with Route 18. The adding of said link will connect the county seats of Albemarle, Greene and ~adison by the shortest and most direct route. On motion of J,E.Abell and seconded by'C.A,]~Iiiler the · following resolution was unanimously adopted. W~AS by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved ~arch 24, 1920, the Bos~d of Supervisirs of Albemarle County were authorized to issue $500,000, of 5~ Road Bonds which were dated August 1st, 1920, to fall due August 1st 1925; and, ~ ~F~EP~AS it may be necessary to refund the said bonds in who.~ e or in par t; Tk~Fw~0RE, HE IT ENACTAnD that the Board ~f Supervisors~ be, and they are hereby authorixed to borrow money not exceeding ~500,000. with which to refund the bonds issued under an Act approved March 24, 1.920; SECOI~.~. The said loan shall be effected by issuing the bond~ of the County signed by the Chairman of said Board and countersigned by the Clerk, payable not more than twenty years after the date of issue, the said bonds to be in denominations of $1000 and $500. each, or of either, as said Board may think best, with coupons attached for the semi-annual ~nterest, and the principal shall be made to fall due in the s~a of $2000 each year so that all of the bonds sh~ll become due and be paid off in sums of $2000 Sa.ch consecutive year after payment of them is begun, which sh~ll be August 1st 1926, or sooner if the said Board thinks proper~ THIRD. The said Board of Supervisors may fix the rate of interest which the said bonds shall bear, but said rate sh~ll not exceed the rate -of 5~ per ann%u'~; and said bonds must not be sold at less t¥~n parJ:and accrued interest; FOURTH: The said Board of Supervisors shall have full power to negotiate said bonds through an agent or agents or in any way they think best and. may deposit the proceeds in one or more of the banks of Charlott- esville, Virginia, subject to their order, pendins and application of such ~'~'~.~ +.n ~.h~ ~'-nn~.~ ~'n~ whiah they ~.re raised, but such deoosit or deoosits "k ~ On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by C.,A-.Milter Be It Resolved ths. t the request of Clarke, Roades and Davis for an extention of sixty (80) days time on the Gordonsville Road between Cismo~t and the Louis~ County li~:e be granted witheut any way effecting, or changing their co~tract in any other respect. At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 20th of February 1924. Present: J.E~Fray, C~airman, C.Purcell McCue, PoH.Gentry, J.E.Abell and C~AoEiller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. This Board having advertised for bids for the macadamizing of three miles of the E~rlysville Road, between Earlysville and Advance Rills. ~o bids having been received, Be it resolved that equipment be rented and labor be employed to ~o this macadamizing. Bond Issue funds mupplemented by other funds to be used. Upon application of Bowen & Ballard for an extension of time on their contract for surfacing the 0wensville Road ~hite Hall District. On motDon of ~r. Eiller, second by~r. Gentry, they are gran2ed a two month extension. On request of Ellis-Brooks Company, for an extension o£ time for the completion of the Wholen Eills Road in the Charlottesville District. On motion of Mr. Gentry second by CoA.i~iller. It was agreed that they be granted a th_tee month extension to complete the road. It being necessary to sell bonds to complete the road constructiom in Ivy District and Rivanna District, for which bonds were voted. Be it resolved that $9,000°©0 Albemarle County Bonds be sold in behalf of Ivy District and ~O,000.00 of Albemarle County Bonds be sold in behalf of Rivanna District. And that bids be invited for the purchase of these bonds, to be opened at l~ o'coock noon on Earch 19th ~t the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by J.E.Abel!~ it is ordered that the sum of ~S00.00 be appropriated for Forest Fire Protection for Albemarle County: Polled vote unanimous. On motion of C.A,~iller and seconded ~by P.H. Gentry it is ordered that the Board of Oupervisors and R.E.Lee, Supt. of Roads, attented in a body the meeting to be held in Richmond, Va. for the allocation of State aid money. On motii~n of C.Purce!l i~cCue and seconded by J.E.Abell it is ordered that the oermission heretofore ~-ranted to ~ess~m~Ecl~utt and Perkins to lay wate~