HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-02-20 \ On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by CoA-.Miller Be It Resolved tb~t the request of Clarke, Roades and Davis for an ex~ention of sixty (60) days time on the Gordonsville Road between Cismo~t and the Louisa, County li~'s be granted without any way effecting, or changing their con.tract in any other respect. At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 20th of February 1924. Present: J.M.Fray, Cb~%irman, C.Purcell ~cCue, P,H.Gentry, J.E.Abeil and C.A.~iller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. This Board having advertised for bids for the macadamizing of three miles of the Emrlysville Road, between Earlysville and Advance Mills. No bids having been received. Be it resolved that equipment be rented and labor be employed to to this macadamizing. Bond Issue funds supplemented by other funds to be used. Upon application of Bowen & Ballard for an extension of time on their contract for surfacing the 0wensville Road White Hall District. On motDon of ~r. Eiller, second by ~r. Gentry, they are gra~ted a two month extension. On request of Ellis-Brooks Company, for an extension of time for the completion of the Wholen Rills Road in the Charlottesville District. On motion of Mr. Gentry second by CoA.~iller. it was agreed that they be granted a three month extension to complete the road. It being necessary to sell bonds to complete the road constructiom in Ivy District and Rivanna District, for which bonds were voted. Be it resolved that $9,000.00 Albemarle County Bonds be sold in behalf of Ivy District and ~25,000.00 of Albemarle County Bonds be Sold in behalf of Rivanna District. And that bids be invited for the purchase of these bonds, to be opened at 12 o'coock noon on Earch 19th ~t the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. On motion of O.Purcell EcCue and seconded by J.E.Abel!, it is ordered that the su~ of ~S00.00 be appropriated for Forest Fire Protection for Albemarle County: Polled vote unanimous. On motion of C.A.Eiller and seconded by P.HoGentry it is ordered that the Board of Oupervisors and R.E.Lee, Supt. of Roads, attented in a body the meeting to be held in Richmond, Va. for the allocation of State aid money. On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by J.E.Abell it is ordered that the permission heretofore granted to ~ess~m~cNutt and Perkins to lay water On motion du~y seconded it is ordered %hat the County of loemar!e borrow ~6000.00 to be repaid back by the Charlottesville District On motion of J.E.Abell and seconded by P.H.Gentry ~ it unanimously resolved that the £nd Amd 3rd instaz~lments of the gasoline tax be give to Rivan~a and White Hall Districts respectively. On motion of j.E.Aoe_l and seconded by C.A. Eiller it is ordered that the county appropriate a sum not exceading $200.00 for the relocation of the Sunney School Road upon condition that the citizens repair the abutements and stringers of the Bridge. By an election held on the 28th day of April 1921, the Charlottesville, Ivy, ~ivanna, Scottsville and White Hall Districts were authorize~ to issue bonds for road improvements in said districts by a majority of the qualif~ voters of the aforesaid districts, and Whereas the said Charlottesville, Ivy, Rivanna, Scottsville, and White Hall Districts have issued ~530,000~00 of said bonds a portion authorize~ to be issued by Saidelection of Aprii 26th 1921 and required GoStuart Treasurer, to give an additional bond of $1.00,000.00 for the proper expenditure of the said fund of $530,000.00 and also required the National Bank of Charlottesvill~ Charlottesville, Va., to give a bond of ~300,000.00 in order to obtain the deposit of the'said ~530,000;00 fund, and ~hereas the said sum of $530,000.00 has been properly expended as sho~wn by vouchers, in the construction of the roads in the various districts for which it was issued. Eq~EF~FORE on motion duly seconded it is unanimously ordered that G.Stuart Harmm, Treasurer of Albemarle County, Virginia, and the National Bank of Charlottesville, Charlottesville, Va. be relieved of their ~100,000.00 and ~300,000.00 bonds respectively. G.Stuart Harem, Treasurer, presented to the Board atstatement together with all waz'rants paid by him during the month of January 1924. The Board examining the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. R..Lee, uper~n~enment of Roads, report was presented to the for exa~nination, after carefully examining the sa.me it was ordersd to be filed. The following s~ttlement of the Finance Committee with W ~v Jo'.Hopkins Superintendent of the C , oun~ Home was adopted and ordered to be spread. Settlement of ~znance Committee with J.V~.Hop~mns Supt of County Home from July 1st 1922 to July 1st 1923. Amt. received from County Amt. Irs. Bradshaw bond Amt. ~rs. Halls bond Amt. Jack Reynolds bond Amt. Richard ~ustin bond Amt'. ~iss Young bond Amt. ~iss Wilk~rson bond Amt. ~iss Landes bond Amt. calves and pigs sold $3240.00 240.00 60.00 140.00 40.00 85.00 86.00 90.90 124.1.0 ed loard Amt. of Disbursements. See page 173 ~ee page 174 See page 175 See page 176 See page 177 652.76 608°99 857.28 1270.27 1197.90 ~4!07.00 4587.18 Balance due J.W.Hopkins $ 480.18 ge the finance committee have examined books and vouchers showing receipts and ~isbu~rsements of Supt. of County ~ome from July l, 1922 to July l, 1923, and find a balance of $480.L8 due J.W,Hopkins. The above disbursements are all shown by proper vouchers which have been canceled. C.Purcell ~cCue P.H.Gentry Jan 10th 1924. Chas A.Miller The following s~ttlement of the Finance Committee with G. Stuart Hsmum, Treasurer was adopted and ordered to be ~pread. Regao~tula~p~ Ledger Balance October 1, 1922 to~0ctober 1st 1923. Dr. County Levy Charlottesville District Roads Ivy District Roads SamueD'~Mill~. District Roads Scottsville District Roads Rivanna DistriCt Roads Whi~H~ll Districts Roads Charlottesville Bond Int. Fund Ivy Bond Int. Fund Scottsville Bond int. Fund White P~ll Bond Int. Fund Samuel ~iller Bond Int. Fund iiivanna BOnd Int. Fund Charlottesville Dist.. Road Bond FUnd Ivy Dis~. Road Bond Fund Scottsville Road Bond Fund White Hall Dist. Road Bond Fund Sa~muel Eiller Dist~. Road Bond Fund Rivanna Dist~. Road Bond Fund Pension Fund Dog Tax 75~.86 16956.16 3568.32 15913.85 6999.95 8618.86 2467.~! To balance By balance Or. 1,412~ 63 622,80 5,684.09 12,702.07 58,249.41 3,347.3~ 28,129.09' 29,950.56 295,459,15 7~,888.64 2,433'.43 8. 855,280.00 548,Z65.58 _ ' ~492,885.5~ We the finance committee have this da~ e~mined the account of G. Stuart Ha=~nI tr.easurer of Albemarle County and find a balance of all funds .a~ounting to $492.885.53 The following claims were presented examined, and ordered to ~be ce_tlfleo~ to the treasurer of payment viz:-- Albemarle Home ~!~utual Fire Ins.. Co ~her st Co C orbett and Rinehart Colonial Hotel ~verevz Waddey Co J.~.Fr~y Daily Progress C .G.Greer Walter G.Giles Co. G, Stuart Hsnrnu G ]Z~ Hughes Dr. G~R,Ferguson R. B~Ga~ th Fred Wood B.Z~irving B. Z. Irving kbbott Smith Shelton Fife B,A.Bragg L.N.Triplett 0, C. Shacke lford T. w ,Edward s T.N,Trevilli~u J.E,Smith Dr~ R,J,Neff Dr~ W,J,Norflett J.E. Ssi th Dr. E,~,Baptist Dr. E.L.Rea J~H~Jones -~obert P~yn® Steward ~assie Wm~ ~nn Co P.H. Gentry C,Purcell ~cCue Surver Arundale Co Va-We stern Power Co V~ Pr int i rig' C o .I. N:~- VanV o orhis E .V~Walk e r Dr. W~:~D .t~a c o.n Dr. W~S.Kai~ter Assessement #8 $ 39.45 Reimbursement for comm. held on N. Coffey of Albe. 15~10 Office for Farm.$em 72.00 Jury in B. Shifletts 12.00 2 deed books etc. 86..19 Finance Com. etc. 45.00 Ads. 11.00 Colored Farm. Dem. 80.00 Rep~ires to typewriter i.00 Reimbursement for purchase of stove 31,00 Reg. 8.90 Cot. 3..50 Cor. inquest 5.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 "(2 cases) 6.00 Lunacy (2 cases) 4.00 Cot, 2,50 Cot Jury 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " 1;00 " !.00 " 1 ~ 06 Lunacy 5,00 " 5,00 " 1,.50 " 5 · " ~5.00 3.00 " 1.90 " i. 90 Bo okds etc. 132.12 servises on Legislature and Fanance Com. Finance Com. Legislature & finance c o.:~muitt e e Stationery etc. Lights etc. legal forms Stationery etc. Lunacy 110.15 8.30 109169 44.90 81.45 9.50 17.00 2 .~00 5.00 5.00 ??5 (CO~) Y.W.Wo!fe Lunacy Dr. F.Page ~elson ~r. H.~cCoy G.Nelson Jones " R.L.Snead Joint County~City & Un%v. Health Bd. Appr. 4.00 10.00 t0;00 1.00 ~.00 2000.00 At a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors o~ Albemarle County, held mt the Court House of said County on the 18th day of March 1924. Present: J.E.~ray, Chairman,'C~.Purcell EcCue, C,'A.Eiller, J.E,Abell and P.,H. Gan~ry; The Boar~ was convened to discuss the leVY to be laid on March 19th 1924, and such other matters that deemed pertenent. The question of the financial status of the County amd several districts was-thoroughly gone into and recormnendations made to be taken in view when the levy is actually made. The Board was in session partically the w~ole day and adjourned to meet again the next day~ Chairman. At a Regular Meeting of the Board nf Supervisbrs of A-lb~m~r!e H ~ County held at the Court ouse of said County on the 19th day of March 1924. Present: J.M,Fray, Chairman, J.L.Pitts, C.Purce!l ~cCue, ~.~!ler, J.E.Abe!i ~nd P.H,Gentry. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. -The following contract agreed to between the committee representing the County and the committee representing the City is hereby'a~opted and ordere~ to spread upon the minutes of the Board viz: ~THIS CONTR~CT, made this 3rd day of March, 1924, between {he City of ~harlottesville, hereinafter called the City, par~ of the first part, and the County of Albemarle, hereinafter called the County, party of the second part, %~REAS, at a meeting of a con~nittee of the Albemarle coUnty Board of Supervisors and a meeting of a corr~ittee of the Council of the City of' Charlottesville held at the City Hall on the 15th day of February 1924, to consfder the unsettled accounts between the City ahd County covering a period from 1908 to date, and WHEF~AS, at said meeting the provisions contained in this con- tract were agreed upon subject to the approval of %he City amd County, now, therefor~ this contract, W I T N E S S E T H : - - - That for and in consideration of the premises and the m~t~al agreements hereinafter contained, it appearing that the unsettled claims of the City