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J.W.Wo!fe Lunacy
Dr. F.Page Nelson "
Dr. H.EcCoy "
G.~e~son Jones "
R.L,Snead "
Joint County.City & Un%v. Health Bd. Appr.
4. O0
10. O0
i. O0
3, O0
_~C ~a i rmam.
At a Specim! Meeting of the Board of Supervisors o~ Albemarle
County, held at the Court House of said County on the 18th day of March 192~.
Present: J.E.Eray, Chairman, C~Purcell ~cCue, C,'A.Miller, J.E~,ibell and P..H.G~n~ry;
The Board was convened to discuss the leVY to be laid on
March 19th 19~4, and such other matters that deemed pertenent.
The question of the financial status of the County and {h~
several districts was thoroughly gone into and recommendations made to be taken in
view when the levy is actually made. The Board was in session partically the wkole
day and adjourned to meet again the ne~t day~
At a Regular Meeting of the Board uf Supervisors of A-lbsmar!e
County held at the Court House of said County on the 19th day of March 192~.
Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, J.L.Pitts, C,Purcell EcCue, G.~-,Miller, J,E.Abeli and
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
.... The following contract agreed to between the c~mmittee
representing the'County and the committee representing the City is hereby~a~opted
and ordere~ to spread upon the minutes of the Board viz:
-THIS CONTRACT, made this 5rd day of March, 1924, between the
City of ~harlottesville, hereinafter called the City, party of the first part, and
the County of Albemarle, hereinafter called the County, party of the second part,
WPEtREAS, at a meeting of a conmuittee of the Alberaarle coUnty
Board of Supervisors and a meeting of a committee of the Council of the City ~f'
Charlottesville held at the' City P~ll on the 15th day of February 1924, to consfder
the unsettled accounts between the City ahd County covering a period from 1908 to
date, and
VfPfEREAS, at said meeting the provisions contained in this con-
tract were agreed upon subject to the approval of 2he City and County, now, therefor~
this contract,
W I T N E S S E T H : - - -
That for and in consideration of the premises and the m~t~al
agreements hereinafter contained, it appearing that the unsettled claims of the City
accounts shall be considered to balance on September 1st 1923, and new records kept
from that date.
It is further agreed that the City shall pay three
fifths (3/~5) of all costs of operation and maintainance of the Courthouse, jail,
and Clerk's Office~ and that the County shall pay two fifths (2/5) of these costs.
In case of any extensive alterations or permanent improvements to the property, the
costs of such alterations or inprovements shall be borne equally by the City and
County. The City is to pay its share of the insurance on these buildings in the
same proportion as o~her operating expenses.. The County is to pay its share of
water takes in the same proportion as the other operating costs. Said water taxx
is to be at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per anno~u from the term
of this contract. This agreement shall., be effective and retractive as of September
1st 192~., and shall continue to pperate for a period of five years and thereafter
until.~.pancelled as herein provided. ~_~ter the five year period either the Board
of S~pervisors of the County or the Council of the City upon sixty days notice
may terminate this .agreement. ~
, _. ~o ard of
In testimony whereof J,M-.Fray, Chairman of the TM
Supervisors of A~lbemarle County, has executed this contraCt on behalf of said
County, the seal of said County having been duly affixed hereto and attested by
~.L~.Eaupin its Clerk, and the City of Charlottesville has caused its name to be
signed hereby by E.A. Joachim, its ~y0r and the Corporate seal hereunto affixed
and attested by H.A~.Haden, Clefk bf the Council.
( )
~test~ .~" ~.L'.~iaupin, Clerk.
ittest ~
H.k.Haden, Clerk of Council.,
Board of Supervisors Of Albemarle County
By J.E.Fray, Chairman
Cit~' of Charlottesville
By ~.A. Joachim, ~.ayor
I, C.Purcell McCue, a Notary Public for the County
-aforesaid in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that J,E.Fray and
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Clerk of the County of Albemarle,
raspectively whose names are signed to the foregoing writing, bearing date on the
3-rd day of ~arch 1924, have acknowledged~ the same before me in my County and
State aforesaid.
Given under my hand-this 19th day of March 1924.
l~y Commission e~ires the 21st day of Jan 1928.
C.Purcell McCue, N.P.
I,Jno. S, Graves, a Notary Public for the County aforesaid
in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that E.A. Joachim, and H.A. Haden, l~ayor
of the City~ of Charlottesville and Clerk of the Council of the City of Charlottes-
ville respectively, whose names are signed to the foregoing writing bearing date
on the 3rd day of i~arch 1924, have acknowledged the same befsre me in my County
and State aforesaid.
Given under my b~and this 3rd day of ~arch 1924.
~In responce to the invitation for bids for the purchase of
$34,000.00 of Albemarle County Bonds, six bona-fided bids were received. 0nly t~o
of these' bids were fora five percent bond, the others bids were for a bond bearing
a' higher rate of interest. For a five percent bond Seasongood & ~ayer of Cincinnati,
bid' par ~and accrued interest, less $510.00. Frederick E,Nolting, of Richmond $id par
and accrued interest ~ud a pre~um 'of Fifty Three Dollars ($53.00). The following
bid of Frederick E,Nolting & Co. being %he highest received, is hereby accepted.
March 18, 1924.
To the Honorable BOard of Supervisors..,
Albemarle County,
For $34,000.00 par value of Albemarle County, Virginia, bonds ~9,000.00
being~o~ ~ ~ Ivy'District and $25,000.00 for Rivanna District, but the entire faith
and cre~dit of Albemarle ~ounty being pledged for the payment of the principal smd
interest of these bonds, sa~id bonds being coupon bonds bearing interest at the
rate of 5% per annum, payable semi-annually, s~ud the principal of said bonds maturing
in aoproximately ~went~-zzve years, without .option of prior payment, we offer to pay
you Thirty-four thous~d fifty-three ($~4,053.00) Dollars and accrued interest.-
This bid is made upon the usual condition that the legality of t~is
issue of bonds shall be fully approved by John C,Thomson, Attorney at L~w, of New
York City, or by some other recognized bond Attorney acceptable to us,
~,~e enclose herewith certified oheck for ~500.00, as an evidence of goo~-
fa:ith on our part in submitting bid, this check to be retained by the CoSmty in
case od bid is accepted until we have fully complied with the terms thereof, in case
the bonds are not awarded to us' this check to ~e immediately returned to us.
Yours very truly,
Fred. E.!~olting & Co.
It ~ppearing that White Hall District has over drawn its account~
for Bond Issue construction, it is necessary that $18,000.00 of Albemarle County
Bonds be sold on behalf Of ~Vhite Hall District. Frederick E.~olting & Company of
Richmond agreed to take this $16,000.00 in County Bonds at the s~me rate per
thousand as their bid in the matter of ~34,000.00 of bonds. This proposal of Frede-'
rick E.Nolting & Company is accepted and sale made to them at that price.
in the matter of the salary allowed the Commissioners of th~
Revenue for e~tending the County a~d Bistrict Levies.
After a thorough discussion of the matter on motion of J.E~-
Abeil and seconded by C.Purcell McCue it is ordered that the Commissioners of the
Revenue con~issions be fixed at 1~% or what is allowed by law for extending the
County and District levies. '
On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by J.E.Abell it is
ordered tl~at the Harris Mill Bridge be build on condition that the citizens raise
the principal which will be refunded by the County from the next revenues mnd that
one~h~!fnof the interest be paid by the citizens Ant~Xtsted and one half by the County.
A DelS_gation of Citizens ~opeared. before the Board ~nd
asked for the s~z~e appropriation for the Health Boa~d and after a discussion
of the matter J.L.Pitts offered a resolution appropriating $?500.00 which did not
meet with a second, therefore on motion of O.Purcell ~,~cOue and seconded by P.H. Genta
matter was de~erred until after recess..
~hen the Board reco~vened C.A.~iller offered a r.esolutio~
appropriating $2000.00 per yemr to the Joint Health Board ~s the County's part ~nd
$1000.00 per year to the University of Virginia Hospital which was seconded by
J.E.Abeil a~nd resulted in the following vote viz:
Aye, Eiller, ~belI, Pitts & Fray,.-
No, EcCue and Gentry.
A deligation of Citizens appeared before the Bo~rd and
requested that the road from Howardsville to Schuyler be relocated-and worked
and upon motion duly seconded it is ordered that the matter be referred to ~r. Lee
Supt.'of Roads to mke report.
'y the
The Board proceeding to lay the CoUnty Levy for the years
192~ and 1925, doth order that the Treasurer of the County of Albemarle shmll
collect on all real and tangible property, exclusibe of incomes, but including
all goods, v~res, merchandise, and capit~l of manufactures, etc. on ~nd the 1st
day of February 192~, whether belonging to individuals, corporations or con~oanies,
· nclud~ng railroads, (e2ccept rolling stock o~ railroads operated by stea~) and
telegraph and telephone com_oanies, tangible personal proper'tyl but 'exclusive 'of sh~ esl of
Stock in b~nks, banking ~ssociation~,s mnd other institutions en~,~erated in Section
17 Schedule D. of Acts approved April the 10th 190~, and Acts muendatory th~.reof.
For General County purposes seventy cents ($.70) on every one hundred
dollars worth of s~id property.
For County School purposes eighty cents ($:~,80')~on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property, and for pension funds under Acts approved
lm. th lg08 five cents ($.05) on every one hundred dollmrs worth of said property.
And he shall further collect on all of s~id property for district shhool
purposes as follows; to-wit:--
In the Ivy District forty cents ($.&0) on every .one hundred dollars worth
of Said property.
In the V~hite Hmll District forty cents ($.~0) on every one hundred dollar;
worth of said property.
in the S~muel Eiller District forty five cents ($.~5) on every one
hundred dollars worth of said property.
in the Scottsville District thirty five cents ($.~) on every one hundred
dollars worth of s~id property.
In the Rivanna .District fifteen cents ($.1~) on every one hundred
dollars worth of smid property.
And for district road purposes he sh~ll collect on mll of said property
except t~t in incorporated towns that maintain their own s.trsets and roads, as
follows; to-wit :--
In the Ivy DiStrict forty-five cents ($.&,5) on every one hundred, dollars
worth of said pz'o~perty.
in the Samuel Mi. lief District thirty cents ($.~30) on every one hundred dollars
Worth of said property.
in the Scottsville District twenty cents ($.20) on every-o~ue~ hundred dollars
wor~th~ of said property. '
In the Rivanna District then cents ($,10) on every one hundred worth of s~id
And for interest ~nd sinking funds for district road bonds he shall collect,
on all of sa~id property as follows: to-wit:
In the Charlottesville District one dollar and seventy cents ~$1.70) on ev~ery
one hundred dollars worth of said property.
In the Ivy district one dollar and ten cents ($1,10) on every one hundred
dollars worth of said property,
In the Vlhite Hall district one dollar and fifty-five cents ($1.55) .on every
one hundred dollars of said property.
In the Sa~muel Niiller District one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) on 'every one
hundred dollars wo.rth of said property.
In the Scottsville District one dollar and sixty cents ($1.60) on every one
hundred dollars worth of said property.
In the Rivanna District seventy 'sents ($'~'~70) on every one hundred dollars of
said pr ope~ ty.
A~nd he shall further collect under the. Acts approved at the special session
of 1915 and Acts' amendatory thereof, for district road purposes under the Acts of
the General Essembly approved 1892 and
Feby 20th , acts amendatory thereof, on all
intangible personal property exclusive of incomes, but including all solven.~ bOnds,
demands, and claims not otherwise taxed for oun~y or district purposes, by
whomsoever held on Feby 1st 1924, whether belonging to isdividuals or corporations,
including railroad, telegraph and telephone ce~mpanies and banks in the Rivanna, Ivy ..
~ ''
.Scottsville,. Samuel ~iller, hm~e Hall and Charlottesville Districts, twenty cents
.($.20) on every one hundred dollars worth of such last named property, in each of
said distric~s.:re~pe ctively.
And he shall further collect on all shares of stock in banks, banking associations
and othez~ institutions entun~erated in Sec 17 Schedule D. of acts approved Apr. 6th
1903, and Acts amendatory thereof, other than upon the stocks of banks, located
incorporated towns, for Distr_c~ Road purposes eighty-five cents ($~85) on every
one hundred dollars worth of said property.
And he stroll f~n-ther collect on the stock of banks, located in inc.orporated
towns for general County purposes thirty cents ($.30) on every one hundred dollars
worth of such stock, which latter, however shall be expended in the district in
which it is levied.
And he also shall collect for District Road purposes on all shares of stock
of Corporations or Joint Stock companies by whosoever held on Feby 1st 1924 and on
all Goods, ~ares, ~gerchandise & Capital of Eerchants on hand the ls2 day of Feby 19'24',
whether belonging to individuals, corporations or ~ompanies, thirty cents ($.30) on
every one hundred dollars worth of such property.
G.stuart Harem, Treasurer, presented to the Board a state~uent together
with all warrants paid by him during the month of February~ 1924. The Board
The m~nual report of Roads and Brid~~s of R.E.Lee,_ Superintendent of
Roads report was presented to the Board fo~ examination, after carefully examini~
the same i% ~ras ordered to be filed.
R.E.Lee, Superintendent of Roads, report was presented to the Board
for ex~%ination, after carefully examining th~ s~ue ~t was ordered to be filed,
The following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be
~certified to the Treasurer for payment v~z:--
Davis Wood Buick Co
I.N.Van Voorhis
Jasmine Ink Corp.
M.C.ThomAs Fur Co
Virginia Printing Co
Dr. B.L.Dillard
Dr. B.H.Early
S.R. Gianniny
C.Purcell EcCue
Car for Sheriff
Supplies for Clerk
Ink etc. for Clerk
Reimbursement for R,R.
fare for old Sildiers
Express paid on box
shades and stools
Legal forms
Attending Highway Con.
At a regular meeting of the Board of °upervisors of Albemarle County
held at the Court House of said County on the 16th day of April 192~.
~Present: J.E.Fray~ Chairman, C.Purcell EcCue, C,A.Miller, J.~.Abell and P.H.Gemtry.
The minutes of the last meeting were read ahd approved.
A delegation of ladies representing the League of Women Vo~ers
appeared before the Board, requesting that the Board reconsider its action of
March 19, 1924 in ct~tailing the approporation of Joint Health Board.
0fi a motion of ~r. Abell, seconded by C.k. Eiller, $225.00 was
appropriated for the purchase of a used Ford Car for the'County Walfare Board.
On motion of Mr. Abell, second by ~. ~cCue an amount the same as
required for the year passed was appropriated for the out-side paupers of the
Oo~nty. This amount to be turned over to the Walfare Board. The Welfar ~oard
to submit quarterly reports of expenditures of this fund to the Board of Supervisors