HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-04-16The mnnual report of Roads and Brid~Ss of R.E.Lee, Superintendent of 'Roads report was presented to the Board fo'r examination, after carefully examining the same i~t was order~ed to be filed. R.E.Lee, Superintendent of Roads, report was presented to the Board for examination, after carefully examining the sue ~it was ordered to be filed. The following claims were presented~, examined and ordered to be ,certified to the Treasurer for payment v~z:-- Davis Wood Buick Co I.N,Van Voorhis Jasmine Ink Corp. C.B.Linney W.L.~u~in M,C.Thomas Fur Co Virginia Printing Co Dr, B,L..Dillard Dr. B.H.Early S.R. Gianniny J.E.Abell J.M.Fray P.H.Gentry C.Purcell McCue C.A,Eitler Car for Sheriff Supplies for Clerk Ink etc. for Clerk Reimbursement for R.R, fare for old Sildiers Express paid on box shades and stools Legal forms Lunacy Attending Highway Con. 6.00 9.59 12.65 58.68 1.03 10. O0 2.75 6.00 5.80 3.00 8.64 !6.50 7.71 11.08 17.t5 At a regular meeting of the Board of °upervisors of AlbeF~rle County held at the Court House of said County on the 16th day of April 1924. 'Present: J.E.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell EcCue, C.A.~iller, J,E,Abell and P.H.Gemtry. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A delegation of ladies representing the League of Women Vo~ers appeared before the Board, requesting that the Board reconsider its action of Earch !9, 1924 in curtailing the approporation of Joint Health Board. 0fi a motion of ~r. Abell, seconded by C.A.Eiller, $225.00 was appropriated for the purchase of a used Ford Car for the County Walfare Board. On motion of Dir. Abell, second by Er. EcCue an amount the same as required for the year passed was appropriated for the out-side puupers of the County. This amount to be turned over to the Walfare BOard. The ~elfar moard to submit quarterly reports of expenditures of this fund to the Board of Supervisors Eoven and seconded that the Supt. of Roads be authorized to get prices of steel for the bridge at Harris' Rill. And that a committee of the Board be appointed to consider these binds with authority to act. Mr. Abell, Er. Gentry and Supt. of Roads were appointed as this committee. On a motion of ~r. EcCue, second by Er. Abell-$50.00 land damage was allowed Charlotte Wood, colored, for the right of way through her property on the 0wensville Road, near ~echums River. On a motion of ~r. EcCue, second by ~r. Gentry, Sheriff Smith-and R.E. Lee are authorized to have a toilet and such other charges as are necessary made at the Jail for more suitable.care of women prisoners. On the application of R.E.Lee and many ~the'r citizens for a change or relocatdon of the Free Unio~ Road between Woodson's store and BoonesviTle throuth the land of J.R.~upin, it is ordered that Jo~u B.Einor, P.C.Minor, ~.O.Thurman, w.D.Hol!oday and S.T.White be appointed ~iewers after b~ing first duty sworn, to view t~e ground, and report to the Board the conveniences ~ud inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public, if such road change s~ll be as purp~osed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard or an~ part thereof, will in such casedaave to be taken; and the said viewers shall also ascertain and report ~o Bo~rd whether the said road will be one of such mere priva~e~ convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by t~e. person or persons for whose convenience it is described. They sh~ll particularly report the facts and circumstances~ in their opinion useful in enabling the Board to determine the expediency of establishim~ or altering the road or lmnding. They may examine other routes then that proposed for any road,~ and report in favor of the one they prefer with the reasons for their ~ preference. They shall report the nsmues of the lands owners on such route, and state which of them yequire compensation, the probable amount in the opinion of the viewers, to which such party may be entitled and any other matter which they may deem pertinent. A map or diagram of such route sb~ll be returned with their report on the.~ I~ responce to an invitation to submit proposals for the constructio~ of the Red Hill Road X~ S~nUuel Eill~r District, six bids were received~ on ~arch ~th. The bid of Clarke & Rhodes of Charlottesville, being low, the contract is hereby awarded them. A .po~ion of the Water Bound Macadam on the Greenwood Road between Country Store ~nd Greenwood Station, requires extensive repairs, authority is hereby granted the Supt. of Roads to employee Fox Brothers of Greenwood to do thais work. The est-imated cost of Which is Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00). The cost to be charged to the Sarauel Eiller District Road Fund. The Augusta Construction Company having a contract for the macadamizing of a portion of the Stohy Point Road, having completed more than two-thirds of the , z t -work contracted request ~ha a portion of the collateral, which tBey have deposited BE IT R~SOLVED that such co~lateral in access of Five Thoumand Dollars ($5,000.00)'be returned by the Tr'easurer. ~// · he following resolution Was introduced by Er. Abell and seconded by WPiEREAS at special electiOns held on the 26th day of April, 1921, in the Rivanna ~agisterial District, in the ~ite Hall ~gisterial District and in Ivy ~Zagisterial District, propositions were ad~pted by a vote of the majority of the qualified voters of said respective districts, authorizing the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County to Lssue bonds of said county for the purpose of constructing roads in said districts, and ~HEHF~S the ~mount of bonds authorized to be issued at said election, held in Ivy District for the construction of roads therein was $98,200.00 and ~. ~REAS pursuant to said authority, this Board of Supervisors has issued bonds for the construction of saud roads 'in the following amounts, to-wit: Rivanna District, $198,000.00, White Hall district, $174,000.00 Ivy District, ~75,000.00. and ~.~ VfHE~S in order to complete the construction of the roads for ~nich bonds were authorized to be issued at the aforesaid election, it is necessary that tyer~ shall be issued for the construction of said roads in the respective magisterial districts, bonds in the following amounts= Rivanna District, $25,000. White ~all District, $16,000.00 ivy District $9,000.00. NOW THEREFOP~ BE IT ~RESOLVED that there shall be issued $25,000.00 bonds of A'lbem~rle County for road improvement in Rivanna Eagisterial District; $15,000~00 of bonds of A~lbemarle County for the construction of road improvement in White Ha~ll ~agisterial District, smd $9,000.00 of bonds of Albemarle County for the constructiom of roads in ivy D~agisterial District. Said bonds shall be issued under the authority of the proportions adopted at special elections held in the aforesaid districts on the 26th day of April, 1921 for the purpose of completing the construction of the roads for which bonds were authorized to be issued at said elections. Said bonds of such imsue shall be numbered from one upwards, shall be of the denomination of $1,000. each, shall be dated April l, 1924, and shall mature twenty-five years from date. All of said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per ann~n, shall be payable semi-annus, lly April l, and October l, and shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: UNITED STATES OF Alffl~RICA ~, C0~0NV~ALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBE~RY~ ROAD BOND No. $1,000.00 Twenty-five years after date, the County of Albemarle, Virginia, promises and obligates itself to pay to the bearer hereof One ThoUsand Dollar~ (~l,000,) with interest at the rate of five (5) per centmn per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons hereto attached, as they severall, become due and payable. Both principal and interest being payable in l~wful~ money of the United States of America at the Bank of America, 257 Broadway, New~ork City This bond is a portion of $234,450. of Bonds authorized to be issued for road improvement in Rivanna Magisterial District, under the authority of am electio~ held therein on the 26th day of April, 1921 and is issued under the authority of and in full congo mlty ~ith the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Virginia., and resolutions and proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County duly adopted and taken. These bonds are issued for road improvement in Eivanna Magisterial District but the full faith and credit of the entire County 'of Albemarle is hereby pledged for their payment. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECL.~ED that all acts, conditions mnd things required to exist, happen or be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the Rivmnna Magisterial District and of Albemarle County, does not exceed any limitation of indebtedness prescribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Virginia. This bond is subject to state taxation only in the State of Virginia. iN WIT~SSIE~EOF the County of Albemarle has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and countersigned by the Clerk thereof, and the corporate seal of said Board, and the interest coupons hereto attached, to bear the fac-simile signature of said Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and this bond to be dated the first d~y of April, 1924. C~irman _,Clerk FORM OF CO~0N No. $25.00 On the first days of April , 19_._, Albemarle County, Virginia, will pay October to bearer Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) in lawful money of the United States at the Bank of America, 257, Broa~h~ay, New York CitY, six months interest then due on its road bond issued for Rivanna Magisterial District, dated April 1, 1924, No. . Chairman Board of Supervisors UNITED STATES OF AI~ERICE C0~Oi~VEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ~L~ARLE R02D BOND Nb~.~.__ $1,000.00 Twenty-five years after dat$~ the County of Albemarle, Virginia, promises and obligates itself to pay to the bearer hereof One Thousand Eollars ($1,000.00) with int~eres.t at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in: each year, upon presentation and surrender of 'the annexed coupons hereto attached, as they severally become due and payable. Both principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the Bank of America, 257 Broadway, New York City. This bond is a portion of ~205,900. of bonds authorized to ~e issued for road improvement in White Hall [agisterial District, under the ~uthority of an election held therein on the 26th day of April, 1921 and is issued under the authority of and resolutions and proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, duly adoloted and taken. These bonds are issued for road improvements in White Hall ~a~isterial District but the full faith and credit of the entire County of Albemarle is hereby pledged for their payment. IT IS HEEEBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLAP~-q) that all acts, conditions ~nd things required to exist, happen or be performed, precedent to amd in the issuance of this bond, have existed, have happene~d, and have been performe~ in due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the smuount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the White Hall hagisterial District and of Albemarle COunty, does not exceed.any limitation of indebtedness prescribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Virginia. This bond is subject to state taxation only in the State of Virginia. IN WIT~YEBS WT~OF the County of Albemarle has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and countersigned by the Clerk thereof, and the corporate seal of this Board, and the interest coupons hereto attached, to bear the fam-simile signatUre of said Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and this bond to be dated the first day of April, 192~. Chairman C 1 e r k FORE~ OF COUPON No. ~25.00 On the first days of April , 19 ., Albemarle County, Virginia, October ' will pay to bearer Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) in lawful money of the United States at the Bank of America, 257 Broadway, New York City, being six months interest then due on its road bond issued for White Hall Magisterial District, dated April 1, 1924, No... . Chairman, Board of Sup. U~ITED STATES OF ~RiCA C0~01~WE~TH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEEART~ ROAD BONDS No. ~1,000.00 Twenty-five years after date, the County of~marle, Virginia, promises and obligates itself to pay to the bearer hereof One Thousand ~ollars ($1,000.00) with interest at the rate of five (5) per cent~ per ann~m, payable semi-annually on the first days of ~pril and October in each year, upon present- ation and surrendez of the anne~.ed coupons hereto attached, as they seVerally beco~.e du~ and payable. Both principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the Un~t~d States of ~nerica at the Bank of America, 257 Broadway, New York City, This bond is a portion of $98,200.00 of bonds authorized 'to be is- sued for road improvement in Ivy ~agisterial District, under the authority of an election held hherein on the 26th day of April, 1921 and is issued under the authority of and in full conformity with the Constitution and Statutes of the~ State of Virginia, and resolutions and proceedings of t~e-B~a~d of Supervisors of Albemarle County, duly adopted and taken. These bonds are issued for road IT IS ~REB¥ CERTIFIED, RECITED AA~D DE~R33 that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen or be performed, precedent to and in the issuance- of this bond, have existed, have happened, and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the ~nount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the Ivy Magisterial District and of Albemarle County, does not exceed any limitation of indebtedness prescribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Virginia. This bond is subject to state taxation only in the State of Virginia. IN WITleSS ~PtEOF the County of Albemarle has cmused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and countersigned by the Clerk thereof, and the corporate seal of said board, and the interest coupons hereto attached, to bear the fac-simile signature of said Chairman of the Board of Supervis- ors, and this bond to be dated the first day of April, 1924. .. . .... ?ha~rman Clerk. F0~ OF COUPON No. $25.00 0n the first days of ~pril , 19 , A~lbe~rle County, Virginia, will pay October . . T - ~' '~2 to bearer wenty ~z~ve dollars (,~ 5.00) in lawful money of the United States at the Bank of America, 257 Broadway, New York City, being six months interest then due on its road bond issued for Ivy Eagisteriat District, dated April t, 1924, No. ~, ......... Chairman, Board of Supervisors. The foregoing resolution upon roll call was adopted by the following vote. Yes,; Abel!, Gentry, Eiller, McCne and Fray Nays: None. R.E.Lee, Supt. of Roads, presented' his monthly statement of expenditures. After careful examination, same was approved and ordered filed. G.Stuart Han~n, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all Warrants paid by him during the month of Earc.h 1924. The Board examined ~he warrants ordered the statement to be filed. The following claims were ~amined, allowed and :fo/~dered to be certified to the treasurer of payment vi~:--- Albemarle Telephone Co Evertee Waddey Co C.G.Greer Jarman Book Dr. W.D.Eacon H,H.Page Dr. L.G.Roberts Surver-Anundale Co J.R.Truslow Virginia-Printing Co P.ETEttiot'~ LoG.Roberts L,~,B~rruss M,B.Elliott B.B,Burruss ~.W. Burruss L.E..Davis N.A, Naylor C.R.Hall Phil Wood E,D.shiflett Annie Bowles Clerk's Office etc. ~26J80 Books etc. 40.37 March salary 30.00 Supplies etc. ~.55 Rabies vaccine l&..00 Room rent for election 2.00 acct of ~r, Jones 14.00 five small items 15.85 ~eimbursement ~or vaccine 27.00 Legal forms 14.50 Cor. inquest 3.00 ~ut opsy 15.00 Cot inquest 3.50 " 1.00 ~ 1.00 " 1 · O0 Witness .50 " · 50 .50 J.l~as on Smith Dr, India Hunt Dr. Frank Iielvestine Rosevelt Atkins Tom Harris w.L.P~ines ~V. J. Beard j. B. ~und i e Geo iV. Smith O. C, Shact~el£ 0r~ A-.E. Solomon John Ross Dr. Geo. WoStarks Dr. Percy Harris E.~!cCornell Dr. F.Page Nelson Dr. H.~cC oy J.V~.ivolfe G.Nelson [[ones i~.Y. Suther land Clarence Ivilhoit · Conway Printing Co Sum., jury ~2.50 A-ut QpSy 15.00 ~itness .50 " .50 - .50 - .50 Juror 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " t.00 Lu/~acy 8. O0 " 5.35 " 2.35 " '5. '00 :- 5. O0 " 2.00 " 4.95 Jury Commissioners 20.00 " " 20.00 Printing ballots 33.25 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court House of said County on the 21st day of May 1924. · J..Abell and P.H.Gentry. Present:-- J.M,Fray Chairman, D.Purcell McCue, C A.. Miller, ~ The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On April 24th bids were opened for the construction of nine and three-tenths miles of the Batesville Road between Garland's Store and Batesvil!e. Three bids were received. The bid of G.P. Clay of Richmond being the lowest received was accepted, subject to the approval of the State HighwayDepartment. And a contract is hereby awarded said G.p. Clay. The report of ~ohn B.Minor, P.C.Einor, iV.D.Holladay and J. 0.Thurman dated April 16th 1924, in regard to the relocation, alteration and change of the public county Road leading from 0wensville (Woodson's Store) to Boonesville through the land of ~.R.Maupin was laid before the Board with the map accompanying same and the opinion of said Board being against establishing or altering or relocating the road as set out in said report, it was ordered tha~ the said report be rejected and disapproved. ~r rajection: Eiller, Fray and EcCue for acceptance : Abel! and Gentry. On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by ~,H.Gentry it is ordered that the steel for the Harris Eill Bridge be ordered. On motion of C.Purcell t~cCue and seconded by C.A. Eiller it is unanimousl~ ordered that the request of ~. J,W.Hopkins to remain at the County Home untill October 1st 1924 be granted. On motion of C.Purcell ~IcCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is o. de_ed~ v that the two bridges on the Miller School Road be rebuilt at once, the School advancming