HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-05-30 On motion of C,A.Miller and Eeconded 'by P.H.Gentry it is u~lan-
imously ordered that a committee consisting of Mr. Eiller, Burnley and Thacker
be appointed to decide in What o~der the several bridges may be buil~.
· 0n motion ef C.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it ~s
ordered that the sum of $25~00 be appropriated by the County to fix the ~ord on
the road ~from Owensvi!le to '~hite Hal!.
At a Called meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
held at the Court House of said County on the 30th day of Nay 1924.
Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman,, C.Purcetl McCue, C,A. Miller, J.E.Abell, P.H. Gentry
and W.H.Lmnghorne.
The minutes of'the last meeting were read and approved.
In the matter of surfacing with gravel a section of road from
Ivy to Wagner's Store, bids were received on the 29th day of Nay for this work,
three bids were recei~ed~~ F.F.~hite of Cohaffet, Va. was low bidder. The low bid
was ver~ much highe~ ~han the Engineer's estimate~
THEPJEPORE BE IT RESOLVED, that these bids be rejected, and that
application be made to'the State High~y Department for authority to do this
work with a County Force, hiring trucks and using District equipment.
It mppearing to the Board that it will be necessary to borrow
some money with which to pay County expenses between 'nSw and the collection of
19~4 taxes.
It is therefore ordered that the T~easu~e~ of the County~be,
and he is hereby ~uthorizsd in the name, and on behalf of the County of Albemarle
to make arangemen~s'with some bank~e~ b~nks fdr~them to gdvance the necessary
~mount, not to exceed $30,000.00 and to execute such obligation or obligations in
the name, and on behalf of said County as may be necessary to secure such
advancement or advancements, and also by such obligation or obligmtionE~a~d pledge
i924 taxes for s~ne.
In the matter of the steel for new bridges over ~iechumS River at
Harris's Mill and over Stocktons C-~^?~ at Woodson's Shop. Bids were invited from
the Champion Bridge Company, the Roanoke Iron & Bridge Works and the Atlantic
Bridge COmpany. The C¥~mpion Bridge Company bid $3,325.00 for ~the steel for tlarris's
Mill and $1,350.00 for the stee~ fo~ the gridge at Woodson's Shop. The Roanoke
Iron & Bridge Wreks bid ~3,300;00 for the Harris' Mill Bridge and $1,200.00 for the
bridge at Woodson's Shop. T~e'bid of the Roanoke Iron & Bridg~ ~roks being ~
the lowest, was accepted by the committee of th~ Board, and the order for this
material is hereby confirmed.
Charlottesville, Virginia,
May 1st 1924.~
I~ is agreed between ~he undecsigned Citizens of Albenmrle
County and the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County for the financing of the
construction oflsteel bridge over Mechums River mt Harris' Mill, That said
Citizens wilt pay to the County Treasurer when required, for this construction
the necessary funds to pay for same. The Board of Supervisors will order the
sbeel for tl~s bridge and proceed with the construction promptly. And will om the
first day of December 1925 return to these citizens the full amount of money
advanced, plus 3% interest for the time the County had the use of this money.
The estimated csst of the construction of this Bridge is $?,500.00~
J.~,Fray, Chairman Board of Supervisors
Ray W-,Warrick
W.M. Johnson
WtIEEEAS it hasJpleased the ~.lm~ghty to remo~e from our midst by death, our
esteemed friendland co-l~mbO~r, Cmptain John L.Pitts, who has for many years
occupied a prominent rank in our midst, maintaining under ail circumstances a
character untarnished, -~nd a reputation above reproach.
THEEEFORE BE IT EESOLVED. that i~ t~e death of Captain Bitts,-we have sustained th~
toss of a friend, whose fellowship it w~s an honor ~nd a pleasure to e joy, that
we bemr willing testimony to his may virtues, to his unquestioned probity and
s~inless life; that ~e~ offer to his ~ereaved fam. ily and mourning friends, over
whom sorrow, h~s hung her sable mantle, our hem~'tfelt condolence, and pray that
Infinite Goodness may bring speedy relief to their burdened hearts and inspire
them with the consolations that Hope in futurity ~nd Faith in God, give even in
the Shadow of the Tomb.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions properly ingrossed b~
published in the Charlottesville Progress, the Scottsville Enterprise and. a copy
be sent to the family of our dead friend~
The report of R.E.Lee, Superintendent of Roads' report
for the month of %pril was presented, examined and ordered to be filed~
, ._ t e Boar t
G.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer presented to h d a s at~ment ~oge~her
~ith mll warrants paid bY him ~urinE the month 'o~prit 1924. The Bokrd examined
the warrants ordered the statement to be filed.
The following claims were presented, examined and ordered
to be certified to the Tremsurer for payment, viz:--
Albemmrle Teiephone Co.
Crozet Print Shop
~rs. Bessie DvmnMiller
Virginia~Printing Co
Dr. B.L.~illars
Jackson Beal
Dr. L.RoStinson
Dr. F.~age Nelson
Dr. H.EcCoy
G.Nelson Jones
Crozet Pharmacy
Tres Office lights $t6,85
Formes for Justices 64.00
Salary for April 30.00
for 8 months, s~lary 533.34
Legm! forms 10.25
Lunacy 5.00
" 2.00
~ 5.00
Cot. inq. 2.00
" 5'00
" 5.00
~ 2.50
J.H. Jones acct. ?..55
2 dinners for ~urv 1.50
J. B. Mi nor Vi ewer
j~ 0 ~ Thurman "
W.D.Holla~ay "
E.V.V;alker Judge Juv. Court
Dr. R.S:Goodman Hallen case
Dr. J.C.Coulter "
J,Mason Smith
B. Z. Irving Lunacy
J.Eason F~i t h "
Cot. ~Ury
L.N. Triplett
Russell T. Hamm
Shermon ~orris
Herbert Collins "
W. R. Burn!ey
~.T.Walp "
G.A.Weber "
2, O0
Examiner of Official 25.00
Dr. L.G.Roberts Cor. ~ury 5.00
P.M.Elliott ~ $.00
N.B,Elliott " t.00
B.B.Burruss " ~ 1.00
.E. Davis " 1.00
.A-,NaYlor " 1.00
C.RoHall " 1.00
Jackson B~al " ~.00
W.A..Dawson " 1.00
T.H. Childress " ......... 1.00
S.E.PmYne " t.00
H.D.Thacker " 1.00
C.H.Price " 1.00'
R.L.Gianniny " 1.00
Joint City & County Health Board Appr. I?S0.00
Dr. J.S.Davis " Lunae~ (Weber) 5,00
Dr. T.H.Daniel " 5.00
In the Matter of the Application of R.E,Lee and others to discontinue a
public road from North side ~of. Stephen's Cro~s~:ing westwardly .to~I.~s ou~let
of State Hzghway.
The Board. doth appbint P.C.Minor, W.D.Ho~laday, J.O. ThUrman and John B.
Minor resident freeholders of this county,~ any three of whom may 'act, viewers
to view the route of the~ said proposed d~isContinued road, ~nd report to the
B~ard as soon as practicable the inconvenience that will result as well to
individuals as to the public, if the said road shall be discontinUed as proposed.
]~nd the viewers shall, meet on the 14th day ef July.19E4, at Stephens
Cress"~n~, and shall file .their report with the clerk of this Board on or
before the 18th day. of July,~ 19£4.
At a Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, held at
the Court House of Said County of the l~th day of Ju~,-1924.
Present: J. ,Fray, Chairman, C.A.~iller, P,H. Gentry, J.E.Abell C.Purceil McCue
and ~.H.Langhorne.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
It is therefore ordered .that the Treasurer of the County be, and he is
hereby authorized in the name. and on behalf of the County of Albemarle to make
arangements ,with some ba~uk or banks for them to advance the necessary amount,
not to exceed $25,000.00 and to execute such obligation or obligations in the
name, and on behalf of said County as may be necessary to secure such advancement
or advancements, and also by such obligations or obligations and pledge 1924.
taxes for same.