HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-06-18J.B.Minor Viewer .Holladay E.V.Walker Judge Juv. Court Hallen case Dr, R.S.Goedman Dr. J.C.Coulter J.Mason Smith B.~.irvi_ng .. Lunacy j.~aSon Smith " L.N. Tripiett Coro Jury Russell T.Hamm Shermon Morris Herbert Collins C.M,Gillum , W.R.Burnley . W.T.Walp , G.A[Weber W.F.Long $2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 5.00 5.00 1.50 5.00 4.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 ~.50 0.50 Examiner of Official 25.00 Bond Dr. L.G.Roberts Ocr. Jury 5,00 · :5.00 P.M.Elliott ~ t .00 M;B,Eiliott " :: 1,00 B. B. Burruss - 1.00 L.E. Davis '~. A~. NaY ! or - 1.00 " 1 · O0 C ,lq. Hall - 5.00 ~[ackson Beal . 1. O0 W.A.. Daws o n T.H,Chitdress .... " ........... 1.00 S ,E. Pm~yne " 1.00 - 1; 00 H.D. Tha cker , l. 00 C .H.Price R. L. G ignniny , 1.00 Joint Ci~ty & County Health Board. Appr. 1~0.00 Dr,~ J.S.Davis - Lunam~ (Weber) 5.00 Dr. T.H.Daniel , 5.00 In the Matter of the Application of R.E. Lee and others to discontinue a public road from North side ~f Stephen's Crossing westWardly to/~ts oU~let of-State Hmghway. P..l~mno., W.D.Ho~laday, J.0. ThUrman and John B. The Board doth aPPoint C " ~ Minor resident freehold-ers of this-county,, any three of whom may act, viewers to View the route of the~ said Proposed d-isContinued road, and report to the B~ard as soon as practicable the inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public, if the said road shall be discontinUed as proposed. ]~nd the viewers shall meet on the 14th day of JulYs-t924, at Stephens Crossing, and shall file ~their report with the clerk of this Board on or before the I6th day of ~uly,-1924. Chairman, At a Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of A~lbemarle County. held at the Court House of Said County of the l~th day of Ju~g~1924. Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.A,Mi!ler, P.H, Gentry, J.E.Abell, C.Purceil McCue and W.H,Langhorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. It is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of the County be, and he is hereby autho~rized in the name, and on behalf of the County cf Albemarle to make arangements .with some bank or banks for them to advance the necessary amount, not to exceed $25,000.00 and to execute such obligation or obligations in the name, and on behalf of sa~d County as may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obligations or obligations ~nd pledge 1924 taxes for same. On Ju~e ~?th bids were received for buildlr~E foundations for two ~ bridges on the Miller School Road. Fox Brothers of Greenwood, Virg£ni~ were the lmwI bidder, and are hereby awarded a contract. ~ On motion of J,E.~&betl and seconded by~P~H.Gentry, be it resolved, In the matter of surfacing the road between Ivy Statio~ and Wagner's Store, M.J~ Bowen proposes to do this work for $1o00 per cubic yard for delivering and spreading the gravel and $55°00 per thousand ft. for machining the roa~. This propos~i being very much lower than any bids received for this work, is hereby accepted. The State Highway Dep~rtment having already approved of this contract. Whereas, on the 7th day of May 1923, this Board entered into a contract with Mr.~A.~.McClay foraged, the construction of a section of the Heard Rcado,~ According to the terms of this contract, this construction should have_been cemp- leated on the 15th day ef September 19~3. This work is now little more th~n 50% completed, and the progress of the work is very uns~tisfactoryo TEE~F0~RE BE IT R~SOLVED that the State Highway Conm~issioner be~ requested to serve formal notice and declare the contract forefeited in accor- dance with the terms of the contract. In the ~tter of the Application of R.E.Lee aud others to establish a public road from Woodsons Store to Boonesville through the lands of ~ J~Ro aupin~ The Board doth appoint W.B~Scribner, Richard Alien, Eugene ~rshall ~.I.Mooney ~nd A.D. Fray resident freeholders -of this count~, any three of whom m~y act, viewers to view the route of the said proposed road, s~ud report to the Board as soon as practi~mble the convenience ~nd inconvenience that will result~as well to individuais as to ~he public~, if the said road'~shall be established as proposed, and especially if any yard,~ garden or orchard~, or any p~rt thereof will, in such case, have to be taken, and whether the said road will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that the same shmll be established and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience i$ is desired. They may examine ~dt~s other thmn the one proposed and report upon the one they prefer with theiL~ ~easons for the preference; they will state the ~mes of the land owners on the said route and what will be a just compensation to those requiring the same for the land to be taken, and the d~nage to the red,due frcm the road so proposed. And they will state any other fact or circumstance nseful in enabling the Board to determine the expediency of gr~nting the said mpplication, and they will return with their report a diagram or-map showing the route thereof, and an estimate of the probable cost of establishing said romd. And the viewers shall meet on the 2?th dmy of June 1927, at -J.R.Maupins, ~nd shall file their report with the Clerk of this Board on or before the 16th day of July 19.24o On motion of W.H. anglo, ne and seconded by C.Purcell McCue it is ordered that bids for the steel to be Used in replacing Milton Bridge and mlso bids for the necessary concrete work be asked for. In the matter of the Health Department. On motion of ~C.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.H.Genrty it is ordered that a committee consisting Messrs Fray and ~ei.~,- ~' ~nd Judge Duke be appointed to draft sutiable road ~a~.~ for Albemarle County. The report of R.E.Lee S ' ' _ , uper~ntenGent of Roads' report for the month of wam~presented,~ e~mined and ordered to be filed.. G.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him during the month of ~y 1924~ The Board examined the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. THe following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, viz:-- Batesvitl~ Printing Ce Everett ~addey Co 0~G, Greer G,Stuart Hmmm Melton Jones John B~Minor Surber~Arundale Co Envelopes ~$~3.25 Deed Books ' 111.00 Salary .- 30~00 Reimbursementfor typewriter ~epai~s 13.60 Jm~uary to may inc. 166.6~ copying Stony Pt-~ poll books 16.47 office supplies ~t a regular meeting of the Board of SuperVisors of Albemarle'County held at the Court House of s~id County~oh the 16th day of'July 1924. Present: J~M,Fray,'Chairm~n, C.Purcell McCue, C.A~.Miller, J.'.Ab~ll,E . P.H.Gentry' and W.A.Lmnghorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board being of the opinion 'that~ Counsel is necessary and needed to assist the Attorney for the Con~monwealth in any and all matters in any suit against the County and in ~ny matter affecting County property doth hereby emPloy"~m. Eskridge Duke and C..Gentry, Attorneys at Law, as such Counsel, with the dist~R0!~ understanding that the County is to be in no way, shape or ~orm, responsible for any fees to-said Counsel. The Board of SuDervisors v. Proffit, 129 Va. 9. The Board doth order and direct the Attorn6y for the Commonwealth o?~ his assistant counsel t° move the Judge of the Umrcumt Court of ~loem~rle ounty to dismiss all proceedings now pending in regard to a public ro~d through the lands of J.i{.Naupin, leading from Free Union to Boonesville. The Board~ of Supervisors of Albe~rle County, beliving it to be requisite, necessary~and suitable for the proper location, reconstruction and maintenance of that portion of the Public Roa~ from Free Union to Boonesville to acquire the~ property shown in a map and p'~ofile this day filed before the Board by R,E.Lee, County Superintendent of Roads', through the lands of J,R.Maupin,~ Be it Resolved: That the Attorney for the Commonwealth of this County, or the Counsel this day employed to assist him, do proceed forthwith to take such steps as m~y be requisite or necessary to condemn said property, the said Eaupin and the Said Board after a bona fide effort having been made to agree with said Maupin, the owner of the property souEht to be condemned, to purchase said