HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-07-16 On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by P.HoGenrty it is ordered tb~t a committee consisting Messrs Fray and Lej~~, and Judge Duke be appointed to draft sutiable road ~l~s_.~ for ~lbem~.le County,. The report of R.E.Lee, Superintendent of Roads' report for the month of ~i'~]~waE~presented,~emmmined and ordered to be filed. G.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him during the month of E~y 19£4. The Board examined the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. The following claims were presented, e~amined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for pa~nent, viz:-- Batesviil~ Printing Co Everett Waddey Co 0~G, Greer G.Stuart Hamm Melton Jones Job~ B~MinOr Surber'Arundale Co Envelopes .$~3.25~ Deed Books ' llI.00 Salary - 50100 Reimbursementfor ts~ewriter ~epai~s ~5.,~0 J~n~ry to ma~ inc. 168.6~ copying Sto~v-Pt~ poll books 16.~? office supplies ~2~.5~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court Hodse of said County~o~ the 16th day of July 1924. Present: 'J~M,Fray,~Chairman, C.Purce!l ~cCue, C.%,Niller, J.E.Ab~ll, P.H. Gentry' and ~.A.Langhorne. The.minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board being of the opinion that~Counsel is necessmry and needed to assist the Attorney for the Commonwealth in any end all matters in any suit against the County and in any matter af£ecting County property doth hereby employ'~m. Eskridge Duke and C.E.G~n~ry, Attorneys at Law,-as such Counsel, with the dist~O~ understanding that the County is to be in no way, shape or ~orm, responsible for any fees to sa~d Counsel. The Board of Supervisors v. Proffit, 129 Va. 9. The BOard doth order and direct the Attorney for the Commonwealth or his assistant counsel t° move {he Judge of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County to dismiss all proceedings now pending in regard to a public ro~d through the lands of ~.R.Maupin, leading from Free Union to Boonesville. The Board~of Supervisors of Albemarle County, bellying it to be requisite, ne.cessary~and suitable for the proper location, '~econstruction and maintenance of that portion of the Public Roa[ from Free Union to B0onesville to acquire the~ property shown in a map and profile this day filed before the Board by R,E.Lee, County Superintendent of Roads, through the lands of J,R.Maupin.- Be it Resolved: That the Attorney for the Commonwealth of this County, or the Counsel this day employed to assist him, do proceed forthwith to take such steps as may be requisite or necessary to oonde~u said property, the s~id Maupin and the said Board after a bona fide effort having been made to agree with said Maupin, the owner of the property sought to be condemned, to purchase said TO TM HON~ JOHN W.FiSHBURi~E, ~DGE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ~LB~!A_RLE CO~TY: Your petitioner the Board of SuPervisors of -,~loemarle Cgunty, a Corporation under the laws of V' ' lrgmnl.~, respectfully represents ~o you Honor that on the__ day of ...... 192.. your petitioner in regular meetina adopted a resolution, a certified copy of which is herewith filed as "Exhibit"A" and prayed to be read as a part of this peti.tion, declaring it requisite, necessary and suitable for the proper location, reconstruction and maintenance of that portion of the County road from Free Union t.o Boonesville to acquire the property hereinafter mentioned; that previous to the passage of said resolution your petitioner has made. a bona fide effort to agree with the o~rner of said property, one $,R.Maupin, to purchase said property, but has been unable to do so by reason of the refusal of the owner of said property, the said J.R..l,la:upin, to agree upon the price or terms for the purchase thereof. That by reason of the facts above set out it thereupon became and was the duty of your petitioner to institute proceedings for the condemnation of said property, the said pvoperSy being needed by the COunty of Albemarle for the purposes set out;' that herewith is filed as a part of this petition, a plat of the survey of said property, with a profile Showing the cuts and fills-there are no trestles or bridges-together with a description of the land and other property which is sought to be condemne~ the said plat, survey and description being filed 'as "Exhibit B" and prayed to be read as a part of this petition. Your petitioner further shows that the fee simple titl~ to the said property is in one J.R.Naupin. Your petitioner further represents unto the Cour% that the interest or estate intended to be taken in said land is such easement as is provided by law for County roads. The material facts upon which the application for Co~mnomsioner is made, as hereinafter set out, are~a-s follows: It becomes necessary to alter the .road from Free Union to Boonesville under the general system of road improvement inaaguarated by the County of ~lbemarle, and it is proposed, to conde.mn this_ p. roperty for the new public road from the points designated in "Exhibit ~ herewith filed; and as previously stated the nece.~sity 'for filing this petition is caused by the bona fide but ineffectual eff. ort to acquire said property from the owner thereof by purchase... Your petition, therefore prays for the appointm.ent of Commissioners as provided hy law, to ascertain.what will be a just compensation for the land and prope.-~,$y proposed to be condemned for the use of the county of Albemarle, and to award the damages, if any resultir~g to the adjacent or other property of the owners or to the property of any other person, beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue to the said property from the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of the road as aforesaid. tlemorandum showing the name and residence of the owner of the property mentioned .in the foregoing petition: ~;tt.~taupin: Post Office address, Free Union, residence near Free ~ ~ Union in Albemarle County, Va, It appearing to the Board that it will be necessary .to borrow some money with which to pay County expenses between now, ~ud the collection of 1924 taxe s~. It is, therefore ordered that the Treas~urer of the .~ County be, and he is hereby authoriZed in the name; and on be,half-of tb_e County of Atbe-'.~- marlo: to make arangements with some bank or banks for them to advance the necessary amount, not to exceed $35~,000.O0 and to execute such obligations or obligations in the name, and on behalf of said County as may be necessary to s~cure such advancement or advancements, and -also by such obli,gation or obligations and pledge 1924 taxes for same. WHEREAS, bonds to~.the amount of $36,300.00 were voted for the~ improvement of a section of road in~ ScottsvitleDistrict, between Norvell's Store and Albe~ne, and, WHEREAS, due to the increase cost of road construction, all but approxi- mately $1,000~00 o,f this amount was spent between Norvell's-Store and Keene. BE IT RESOLVED that this Board request the State Highway Commission for authority to employ a forece and~spend th~? balance on the road between Keene and Alberene. - The work done to consiSt,of installing pipe culverts for drainage, a small amount of grading and surfacing with crushed rock, or-Stave.1 the worse pgrtion of the road. This Bond Issue Fund-to be supplemented from the Distr~ct Fund and from contributions of Citizens, The Albemarle County Board of Health. meet at the call of State Board of Health in the office of the Joint Health Dept. July lst'!924. Present: Drs, Davis, Hedges, Harris and W.L,~iaupin. Absent: W.L.Fray. The following resolution of the County Board of Health was read and on motion duly seconded adopted. Resolved that the Board feels that the present arrangements with the Boards of the University and City of Charlottesville be continued. That effort be made 2n~ secure from State Board of Health Sufficient funds to supplement the ~nount appropriated by tb~ County for Health work, in order that the public Health Work in the County may be efficiently continued-. Resolved further, that the State Board of Health, through its rural Health Work, be asked to secure, if possible, a competent ~ealth officer to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Dr. Keister. Carried unanimously (signed) H,S.Hedges, Secretary. The claims of ~R,wingfield for land damages for the construction of the Hydraulic Road through his land filed at a former meeting.of the Board was on motion duly seconded rejected and-the ~clerk is ordered to notify said claiment or his attorney of the action of the Board. On motion 'of C.A.Miller and sec~ed by P.,H,Gentry it is unanimously ordered that bids be asked for the construction of the road from the White Hall Road to the Crozet School. In the matter of discontinuing the p~blic road f~rom the nor.th side of StsPhens crossing westwardly to its outlet with State Highway number nine. The notice h~ving been posted according to law and the viewers appointed at a former meeting of the board having filed their report this day it is ordered that the clerk of the Board notify the land owners along said road to appear before the Board on-the 20t-h day of August 1924 mt ll 0,'clock A.M. to show cause, if any, why said report should not be adopted. The ~report of R.~'.Lee, Superintendent of Roads~ report for the month of June was presxented, ex~mined and ordered to be filed-.~ G.Stu~rt Ham~m, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement ~egether ~ith all warrants paid by_him during the month of'-'~,uBe~924o The Board examined the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. The following claims were prezented, axamined and ordered.to be certified to the Treasurer for payment viz:-- A!bem~rle Telephone Colonial Hotel c.G.Gree~ Dr. L.G.Roberts Sur~er'~rundaIe Co J,~ason ~m~th W.B.Scribner Eugene ~arsh~_l W .I.Mooney Richard Allen P,C.Einor J.B.Minor J.0.Thurman R.B.Worthington Dr~ H.McCoy L.D.Gibson w.L.B&iley R;A.Gentry ~.L.~¥illis H.E.Co!eman Irvin Wood J.R.Adams C.~.B~iley B~E.Irving Dr. T.H.Daniel Dr. W;~.Waddell Jr; Jobna Jones Jas Walker J.P.Jones Clerk's Office etc. $ 29.35 Dinners for Jury 4.50 Salary 30.00 Acct. of ~rs, J,H.Jones 20.00 Clerk' 'fice etc. Sum. ,~rs Viewer # Aut op sy Witness Jury ~itness Lunacy " Witness 18.50 7.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 2;00 2~00. 2,00 2.00_ 3.00 5.00 !.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .~0 ~.50 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 .50 .50