HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-08-20 At a regular meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court House of said County on.the 20th day of August 192~. Fresent: J,E. Fray, Chairman, C.~.Eiller, P.H.Gentry, .J.,.Abell, C.Purcell EcOue and W.H. Lamghorne,. The ~im~tes of the last meeting were read and approved. In the Eatter of closing Stephens Crossing. The report of the viewers appointed at a former meeting-of the b' Board was read and the parties interested o'jected to the findings of said viewers and protested against closing said crossing, after a thorough discuss- ion of the case on motion of ~.H.Langhorne and secanded by J.E.Abell it is unanimously ordered that said' crossing be not closed. On motion of C,Purcell EcCue.and seconded, by W.H.Langh~rne it is ordered that the 0hairman appoint a con~mli~e te confer with Ers. Robertson from AUgusta County in regard to the Boarding of the white inmates of the County Home, The Chairman appointed Eessrs .P.H. Gentry and J.~..Abell as the committee for such conference. 0n motion of P.H. Gentry and seconde~ by C.A.Eiller it is unanimously ordered that the Jefferson Park ~oad be adopted as a County Road. On motion duly seconded it is unanimously ordered that committee consisting of'Messrs C.E.Gen~ry, P.H.Gentry and E.E.Lee be appointed to draft necessary road laws under.the provision of the 1924 acts of the .General ~ssembly of Va. In the matter of borrowing money it is unanimously ordered ~h~t a committee consisting of Messrs W.H.Langhorne and C.A.Eiller be appointed to conffwe with the~various banks in Virginia in regard to getting money at a ch~a~er rate of interest. The ~iller ~mnual Labor School advance~ to the County of ~lbsmar!e the smu of $4,155.53 and $26.00 for labor with which to replace the two bridges 'between Crozet and the School, therefore on motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by C.Purcell EcCue it is unanimously ordered that the County pay back to the said School the sum of $4,181.33 On December 1st 1925 without interest. W.A.[cClay having forfeited his contract for the construction of the Batesville Road between Et. Ed Church and the Eiller School. BE IT RESOLVED that Fox Brothers be employed bb complete this work, and that they ~e paid the same unit price for each class of work as were paid to A.W.~cClay. BE IT RESOLVED, in accordance with section 1 of the State Aid Eoney Law, approved Earch 2?th 1918, that the State Highway Commi%sioner be requested to add the fo~lo~.~ng roads to the Albemarle County System of Hmgh~ys. miles in length. This road to connect with Nelson County Highway #1t, which was approved by the State Highway Commissioner J~ly 16, 1921. County Highway ~t4 running to the ~e~son County line near 'Sc~r to Powell's Store on County Highway #4, a distance of approximately l0 miles. County Highway #15 running from County Highway #4 jus east of Norvell'z Store to County Highway #l south of Glendowe~, a distance of approximately 4 miles, County Highway #16 running from Cross Roads on County Highway #3 via Davis' Shop to Nortonsvi!le, a~istance of approximately 3 miles. County Highway #17 running from Earlysville on County Highway #l to Nortonsville, a distance of approximately 8 mi~es. As to County Highway #17 Aye~ Fray, EcCue, Gentry mnd Langhorne No.. Miller. The report of R.E.Lee, Superintendent of Roads report for the month of July was presented, examined and fordered to be filed. G.Stuart Hannn, Treasurer, presented to the Board a;?statement together 'with all'warrs;nts paid by him during the month of July 1924. The Board examined the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. The following claims were presented, mxamined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment viz:-- Albemarle Telephone Co. Colonial Restmurant C.G.Greer Irving-W~y-Hill Co Melton Jones Mrs, Bessie D,Eiller W.L.[~upin The Mich~e Company Surber-A'~undale CO W.Abbott Smith ~.C.Thomas Virginia Prin~ing Co I. N[V~nVoorhis Yno. re.Minor P. C.~inor J.OoThurman W.D.Holladay Dr. L.G.Roberts Dr. H.~cCoy H.S.C.Peyton G.Netson Jones Lee ~ton L~.ury °andridge J,W. Wolfe Dr. H,EcCoy Dr. F.Page Nelson R.L. Sneed Henry Rubin J.Mason Smith B.Z,Irving Dr. R.S.Goedman Dr. J.~.R.Smith J,Mason Smith Henry T~ler Ben Williams Tres.. Office $13.80 2 suppers for Sheriff 1.50 Salary ~r July 30.00 casket case 1,50 .June & July salary 66,66 Salary for June 56.67 copying voting' list etc. 158.40 .Printing capitation list 217.00 Acct of June June & July 22.60 serving notices 4.00 I Rubber mat 1.35 Ta~ books etc. 137;75 12 ribbons fo~ Glerk. ~8.00 Viewer 2,00 " 2.00 " 2.00 " 2.00 Lunacy 5.50 " 6 · 00 '~ 2.70 " 2. O0 " .50 .50 " 2.00 " 5.00 " 5. O0 ~' 4.95 Ocr. inquest 3.00 " 1.50 Lunacy 2.00 " 5.00 " 5.00 " 2.00 ~ .50 " .50