HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-09-17 At a regular meeting of the Board o~ Eupervisors of Albema~.le County held ~ C at t~e~ curt House of said County on the l?th day of September 192~ Present:,~J.~E.F~ay, Chmirman, P.~H. Gentry, ~.E.Abeil, C.A.Eiller~ and W.H.Langhorne.' The~Einutes of t~e last meeting were read and ~pproved~ Several Citizens appeared before the Board mnd stated thmt they were petitioning the State Highway Co-~mission to continue to maintain the road between Keswick and P~lmyra, which is now ~being m~intained by the State asa detour. They requested the Board to endorse this project. On ~ motion duly second~d, the Board unanimously endorsed the proposal° A great number of Citizens appearing in the matter Of select~on of a County " ~ ~ ' Nortonsville. it w~s moved by Mr. Abell System Road between ~rzysvmlle and , and second by Er. Gentry thmt the Board reconsmce- ~h~i~ action at the August meeting whenthis road w~s adopted. After hearing the Citizens interested in both routes, ~nd ca~e~u ly considering the m~tter, i~ w~s moved by Er, Abell and second by .~r. La~Ehorne. that they abide by the former decision and include the road from Earlysviil$ to Nortonsville vi~ Wilhoit in the county system. Bids were received for the Purchsose of steel for a 100 foot truss for Eilton Bridge. The Champion Bridge Company's price, Sixteen Hundred, eighty- three dollars~($168J.00) F.0,B.Sb~dwell being the low bi~, they a~e hereby awarded the order. On motion of P~H.Gentry rand seconded by J.E.Abeil it is ordered that ~the V~hite H~ll District be allowed to borrow the following amounts for District Road Purposes: $800.00 $~800.00 $800. O0 from Geo. Cox. from John F.Gibson From Bank of Crozet Polled bore unanimous. On motion of C,A.Zfi!ler and seconded by J.E.Abetl it is ordered theft. a sum not exceeding $150.00 be approp~'iated for the policing of the County Polled vote unanimous. The reo6rt of R.E,~ee, Superintendent ~of Roads reoort for the month 6f August ~ras presented, examined and ordered to be filed.. G.Stuar~ M~mm, Tremu:~er, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him during the month of ~ug~ 1924. The Board examined the wa=rants ordered the statement to be filed. The following clmims were presented, examined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for p~yment via: J.E.Abell Serving on Committee $ 8.90 W.B.Bibb coffin for L.Bruoe 10.00 Everett ~V¢addey Co ~ land books for Assessors l~.gl C.G.Greer salary ~0.O0 G.Stu~t Hgmm l~gking out voting list P~H.Gentry serving on committee 1£.80 Dr. F.Page Nelson ~R.LoSneed B.E, Irving W,Abbott. Smith C.T,Cook · ,. H. i~hod e s L.N. Triplett Nelson Barksdale J.B.Einor Ss~n Edward s Dr. W.G.Rainey Harry Lowe J.R.~upin tierber t Collins J,~,Walker W. H. Snider R ~. Whe e !er Lawrence ~Burruss Warren Davis Cary Holly Lacy B~uce ~no. _M.~hee let Dr. A.~. Sipar J.H.Philtips Chas V~ineberger E.L, Sprouse H.C,Davis Y.R.,Tyler Luna c y Serving war :'ant Cot. inquest etc. Cot Jury # ~utopst Juror ~¥itne ss etc. Cot Jury etc. Cot Jury $ 5.00 3~, l0 6,00 5, 00. 1.50 1,50 1.50 1.50 1,50 1.50 15.00 t. 50 1.50 !, 50 1.00 3.:~-50 1,50 3.70 ~,80 .50 2.50 4.50 5.00 1.90 1,00 1.00 1. O0 1~00 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle 0 County held at the Court House of said County on the 15th d~y of ctober 1924. Present: J.M..Fray, Chairm ~am, J.E.Abell, P.H.Gentry, C.A.l[iller and C.Pur~ell ~Cue. The'minutes of the last meeting were read an~approved. In accordance with the law enacted by the State Legislature providing a tax of one (1) cent per gallon on gasoline for the const~r~ntion of roads and bridges in the approved County System. BE IT RESOLVED that application be and is hereby made to State Highway Commission. for approval of the expenditure of the second allotment of this fund, to supplement other funds to surface a section of' County~Highway ~l, between Earlysville and Advance Mills in Rivanna District~. ~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED t~hat the fund from July 1st to Dece'mber 3~lst 1924, be applied for $8800.00 to be used in White Hall District, and the balance to he used on ~the above mentioned road 'in Rivanna District; In accordance with an agreement entered into by this Board for the financing of the construction of a new steel bridge at Harris' ~ill. ~{r, Ray Warrick on September 5th paid to the County Treasurer Twenty-five Hundred dollars ($2500.00) and on October 15th paid Tnzrty-ez~htahundred ($3800.) Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Fox Brothers of Greenwood,. Virginia, who have been awarded a contract for the construction of the Bate~vilZe Road Between the Miller School and ~t. Ed Church, present their personal bond as security for the. faithful performance of their contract. As the County has a large sum in retained percentage, for work done by Fox Brothers, they are amply protecZed, and