HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-10-15 Dr. F.Page Nelson
~ R.L.Sneed
B.Z .Irving
W,Abbott smith
C. T.Cook
L. H. t~hod e s
L.N. Tripiett
Nelson Barksdale
Ss~n Edward s
Dr. ~.Gm. Rain~y
Harry Lowe
J. R. ~up i n
i~er. bert Collins
J. W. %?alke r
~#. H. Snider
Lawrence 'Burruss
Warr-en Davis
Cary H011y
Lacy Bruce
~no. M.~heeler
Dr. A.~. Sipar
Chas Wineberger
}~.L. Sprouse
J.R. Tyler
Serving war ~'ant
Cot. inquest etc.
Cor Jury
Witness etc.,
Cot Jury etc.
Cor Jury
3~. 10
1 · 50
1. ~0
1. O0
At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County held at the Court House of said County on the 15th day of October 1924.
Prs.sent: J.M,Fray, Chairm~, J.E.Abell, P.H.Gentry, C..~ller and C.Purcell
The minutes of the last meeting were read a~approved.
In accordance with the law enacted by the State Legislature
~roviding a tax of one (t) cent per gallon on gasoline for the cons~rcutmon
of roads and bridges in the approved County System.
BE IT ~qESOLVED that application be and is hereby made to State
Highway Conm~ission for approval of the expenditure of the second allotment of
this fund, to supplement other funds to surface a section of County Highway
.~ , between Earlysville and Advance Rills in Rivanna District~.
BE IT FURTt~R RESOLVED ~.hat the fund from July 1st to December
3~lst 1924, be applied for $8800.00 to be used in White HAll District, and the
balance to he used on the above mentioned road in Rivanna District~;
In accordance with an agreement entered into by this Board
for the financing of tt~e construction of a new steel bridge at Harris' lf~ill.
Er. Ray Warrick on September 5th paid to the County Treasurer Twenty-five
Hundred dollars ($2500.00) and on October 15th paid Thirty-eightahundred ($3800.)
Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.
Fox Brothers of Greenwood,~ Virginia, who have been awarded a
contract for the construction of the Bate~ville Road Between the. Eiller School
and ~[t. Ed Church, oresent their personal bond as security for the-faithful
performance of their contract. As the Cotuaty has. a large sum in retained
percentage, for work done by.Fox Brothers, they are amply protected, and
It being the opinion of the Board of Supervisors for this .County to
cl'ear the ~sides of the public road, leading from Ct~arlottesvitle to Gordonsville
in said County, of trees and underbrush along that portion of t'he smi~ road which
runs through ~he lands of ~trs. Jas k. Lounsbury, and,
THEREFORE ~.K.Page, G.B.Rives, F.L.Robinson, W~B,Bogart, and ~£~rray
Boocock ar~e hereby appointed viewers, smy three of whom may act, whom shall view
such portLon of road and determine and report to s~id Board of Supervisors what
trees and ~underbrush shall be cut along said road and on s~id land to a distance
on each side ~f such road not exoeeding twenty (20) feet, ~nd the damage to be
suffered by such owner, the said ~irs. Jas A.Lounsbury, by reason of such cutting.
On motion duly seconded the following budged was unanimously adopted:-
Interest on Bonds
Sinking fumd for
$300 000.00 at 6% ~'
, ~18,000.00.
300,000.00 at 5~ t5,000.00
34,000.00 at 6~ 2,040.00
34,000. O0 850.~00
County Bridges
Construction ordered in 1923
New Work
5,600. O0
2, ~0. O0
000. O0
120. O0
County Roades
Construction ordered in 1923
~ew construction
Superintendence & Engineers
Commonwealth Atty~
County Clerk
Commissioner of Revenue
5,800...q0 _ 11,100.00
Court House, Jail and Clerk's Office
~niversity Hospital
Public Health
Corner's Inquest & Corner of Insanity
Farm & Home Demonstration
Fire Protection
Game Warden
Superintendent of Schools
County Levy for year 1924 @ 70 c estimated to yield $79,375.00
noad Fund for Charlottesville District $6,500.00
Ivy " 4,200.00
Rivanna ~ 5,700.00
Scottsville ~ 7,000.00
Samuel Eiller " Il,000.00
White Hall " ...3~200.00
The following resolution having been published in the Daily Progress
of Charlottesville, Vm. and a copy posted at the front door of the our~ House of
Albemarle County, Va. on mr before September 30th 192a_, On motion duly seconded
the following Rotor Traffic Regulations were unanimously adopted.
Enactment of special ~d local legislation~ by the Board of Supervisors
of ~lbemarle County regulating speed of Automobiles or other motor vehicles over the
and regualtio~s to protect public roads, ways and bridges~
c o~uonwealth,
from enoreac~ent, obstructions, or from ~y improper unusual or znjurious use, and
declare the s~e ~o be misdemeanors.
By virtue of~ authority given by the General Assembly of Virginia of
C~pter'~8, Act ~pproved E~rch 21st 1924.
Any violation of the local legislation s~ll be deemed an offense
against the County, ~nd shall, unless punishment be hereinafter provided for,
De punished by a fine of not less ~han $S.50 or more t~n ~100.00, payable to
the ~ ~- ' ~' ~
~oun~y, or ~mp_~sonmen~ in jail not more than thirty days, or by both such'fine
~nd impriso~ent.
Alt resolutions formally adopted by this Board regulati~ traffic
upon the public roads of this County are hereby ~ended, ~d, re-enancted.
Every m~chine or vehicle on any p~blic high%~y or street of this
County shall be driven with ordinary c~re at all times, n_vxng regard to the
width, traffic and use of the high~ys, and the protection of life and property.
If tbs rate of speed of any machine being operated on any public
high~y of this County exceed thirty (50) miles ~ hour for a distance of one-eight
1/8) of a mile, such rate of speed s~ll be conclusive evidence t~t the person
operating said machine is operating the same at a r~te of speed greater than is
_easonaole and proper and in violation of the provisions of this chaoter. If the
rate of speed of a machine being operated on any public highway of this State,
where the operator's view of the highly and traffix is obstructed, or when
approacn~no an interesting public highway or when traversi~ a bridge or s~ro
curve in ~ither the alignment of grade of the highway, s~tl exceed fifteen (15)
miles ~n hour, such rate of speed sl~lt be conclusive evidence t~t the person
operati~ such r~achine is operating the s~ne at a rate of speed greater than in
reasonable ~nd proper ~nd in violation of the provisions of this Chapter.
Provided that no ~chine which has a seating capacity of more than
seven passengers shall be operated on any public highv~y of this State ~t a rate
of speed in e~cess of twenty (20) miles per hour and provised that no machine shall
be operated at a speed of more than twenty miles per hour when a street or highway
asses the built up portion of unincorporated to~s or ~illages; ~nd provided that nc
~chine s~ll be operated at a speed of more than ten miles an hour at points on an
public highv~y outside of incorporated towns and cities where ~here is a gathering
of horses or persons.
Pprovided that when the pperator of a machine overtakes any vehicle o]
machine, and indicates his desire to pass said vehicle or machine, it s~ll be the
duty of the driver of said machine or vehicle to bear to the right as f~r a~ practi
and reduce the speed of said behicle or m~chine to less than twenty (~0) miles per
hour so as to enable the machine to pass on the left hand side at a aate of speed
The fact that the driver of a~motor truck is unable to hear vehicles
approaching from the rear, because of the noise of his own engine, shall in no
way execuse the driver from failing to gi~e~ to the faster moving vehicle sufficient
room to pass. if ~he operator of a motor truck can not hear the signal of the
faster mo~ing vehicle from the rear, he shall equip his truck with a mirror, so
located_that he may see the reflection of SUch venl~le~ "~ ~pproaching from the rear.
The operator, conductor or driver of any such machineshall keep ~ careful
look ahead for the approach of horseback riders or vehicles drawn .by horses or
other animals and upon mpproach of such rider or ~ehicles, shall slow up, keep
his machine under therewith and careful con~rol, gl,ye ample roadway to such rider
or vehicle, or other ~ise requested thereto, shall immediately b~ing his machine
and its engine to a full stop and allow ample room ~nd time for such rider or
vehicle to pass. -If requested so to do by s~id rider or occupant of said ~ehicle,
such operator, conductor or dirve, if a male, shall lead the horse or horses p~st
his machine~ Should any horse ridden or driven in ~n opposite direction to that
which the machine is traveling give evidence of frlont then the duty of the dr~ver
shall be the ss~me as if he had been signalled by the rider of the horse or the
occupant of the vehicle.
When the operator, conductor or dirver of such machine overtakes a horse
or vehicle or motor vehicle traveling in the same direction with himself, he shall
slow do~m his speed, signal for the road by bell or go~$g, or horn, and if the horse
or other vehicle stop, shall pass at a rate of speed not greater than ten miles per
hour. Should such vehicle or ridden he,se not stop, and the said operator, driver
or conductor of said machine desire to pass, he sh~ll do mo at a rate of speed not
greater than may be necessary, ~nd shall in all cases use due diligence and care
not to frighten the horse, or horses.
~o person.shall drive or fun an automobile, car, truck or engine over the
public roads, while under the influence of into~icats. ~nay violation of this provision
shall be punished by a fine of' not less than ~0.00 nor more than $100.60 or by con-
finement in ~ail, not more than thirty d~ys, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
The operator of any motor vehicle or other vehicle, which shall h~ve run into,
over or collided with, or in any v~y injured, amy person or persons or Rroperty upon
the public highways, streets or alleys of this ~ounty, shall stop such vehicle and
return to the place of the accident and render such ~id amid assistance to the person,
persons or property so injured as may be necessary or possible under the circumstances,
given his name and address to the person or perso~s so injured-
Every machine shall be provided with a good and sufficient brake, or brakes,
s~ll be provided with a suitable bell, horn or other signal device. Every machine
operated in this County sha~ have displayed from one hour after sunsent to one hour
ce_ore sunrise at least one white light throwing a bright light ~at least one hundred
feet in the direction in which the machine is going, ~nd also sh~ll 'exhibit in the
rear of the ~achine one red light, which shall effectually illo~.ine the numberts~ on
the rear.
V~'hen the operator, conductor o_~~ driver of amy machine approaches a curve, bend
or s~ny .place where the roadway is not plainly visible for a distance of three hundred
feet ahead, he shall at all times keep his machine on the right b~and side of the road-
way, sufficient to allow ample romm on the opposite side for the pamsage of other
machines or vehicles, irrespective of-~vnether another machine or isehicle is approaching
approach _each other at ~ angle at any oublic ~road or pbutic street crbssing, the
one to the right shall have the right .of way.-
lVhen the operator, conductor or drivar of any machine intends to stop
or turn to the right or left if there is approaching behind .him a~uy vehicle withi~
fifty feet he s[~il give a signal, which will plainly indicate to~ szay' person or
p.ersons within fifty feet behind him his intention to so stop or turn to the
~zght or left.
No chain~ or other device sh~!l be used on any motor truck wheels over
the roads of Albemarle County. No chain locks shall be used on any wagon wheels
in said County. The maximum load to be hauled on any truck over the public roads
in said County shall be three tons.
No person or corporation sha. ll, after a rain, haul with motor trucks
or ~gons, or other vehicles on any public road or bridge in Al-~emarie County.,
until the road has sufficiently dried, so as not to be injured by said hauling.
The road shall be considered too wet for use at any time, when the wheels of
vehicles render the road unsafe, inconvenient or exceptionally injur~e~s to ordina
use of Citizens using the s~me in the lavrful manner.
Vehicles engaged in the necessary hauling of perishable crops, feed or
food stuff are e~empted from these regulations in so far as they relate to the use
of cY~ins or to b~uling after rains.
No person, partnershio or corporation or any servant, agent or employee
thereof, shall cause any encroac~nment, obstruction or impediment of any kind to
be made in, or to be placed in any public ro~d~ or any part thereof, or shall
obstrict any ditch or drain upon or from any such road in Albemarle County, which
shall cause injury to same or shall render the road unsafe, inconvenient or in-
jurious to ordinary use of citizens.
iNo person shall drive or operate or cause to be operated any Tractor
or traction engine or other vehicles on the macadamized or concrete roads in this
County,-if the wheels of such tractors of engines are provided with steel ciea. ts
or other sharp or rough surface, which shall injure the surface of the paving,
No person shall place or allow' to be placed within the right of way of
any public road in Albemarle County, any advertising or advertising signs,
without first obtaining permissibn from the Board of Supervisors.
No person shall re-move or cause to be - ~ '
removem or deface or injure in
any way signs, placed on the public right of way by the Board of Supervisors,
or other road aut-horities, to direct or warn the traveling public.
It shall be the duty of each of the road officikls of said County
to report and make conplaint of uny violation of this enactment coming to his
notice or observation to any jsutice in the County, u_pon which report and complain
the said justice, shall issue his warrant as now required by law.
It shall be lawful for any citizens of said County to make like report
and complain to any justice of any district of ss~id County as above authorized
and provided.
~11 fines imposed for the infringement of these regulations shall
be p~id to the County Treasurer and kep by him in a separate fund, subject ~to the
order of the Board of Supervisors, which fund shall be used solely to cover the
expense Of enforcing these regulations and to pay for the repairs to the roads
caused by infringement of these regulations.
The Clerk of this Board is directed to have the above published in a
newspaper, published in Albemarle .County, Virginia, and a copy posted at the
Front Door of the Court House. Said publication to be on or before the 30th day
of Suptember, 1924, and these regulations to become effective on the 1st day of
November 1924.
A commi~ttee from the League of Women Voters appeared before the Board and
asked that the following matters be attended to, namely.
(1-) That the unsightly coal bin on the west side of the Clerk's Office be
(2) That the waste water from High .St. be taken care of so that it would not
make the jail entrance so unsightly.
(3) That inmprovements be made in the Treasurers Office.
Om motion duly seconded it is ordered that a co~nittee consisting of iq.E.
Lee and W.L.D4%upin be appointed to see what arrangements can be made about the ~
removal of the coal bin, in the matter of the waste water at the Jail it is
refered to Judge R'.T.W.Duke, Jr. Atty for the Commonwealth to see what arrangements
can be made with the city and a co~nittee consisting of J.E.Abell and C.A.Diiller
is appointed to investigate and report what fixtures is necessary in the Treasurers'
A delegation of citizens appeared and requested the board to re~d its
former action in not making an approprgation for the farm Demonstrations~ Therefore
on motion of C.Purcell I~cCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that the
office~ of White ~amd Colored Farm Demonstrations be continued and that the same
amount be appropriated as last year.
Aye: EcCu~ Gentry and J.~iiler
No. Albell
Not voting~' Fray
Dr. ~oung the Chairman of the Joint City and County Health Department
appeared before the Board and stated that ~is _ ' .~
oremeces~or had left a surplus in
the Joint Health Fund and requested the Board to instruet him what dispositio2~
should be made of the Countys part, on motion of U.Purcell ~,~cCue and seconded by
C.A.2iller it is ordered that the surplus be turned over to Dr. Young to be
used in Health work.
Eessrs Antrin, Farrar and EcEu~o requested the Board to close so much of
the old road through their lands that lay between T.L.Farrars enterance gate at
~Franklin and the intersections of the old road with the new one, therefore on
motion duly seconded it is ordered that the necessary steps be taken to close
said road'.
The report of R.E,Lee, Superintendent of Roads rep,ort for the non.th of
September was presented, ex~amined and order.ed to be filed.
G.~tuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement
warrants ~aid by him durin~,i the month of September 1924.
The following claims were presented,
to be certified to the Treasurer for pskT~ent, Viz:--
Albemarle Teleohone Co County Clerk's Office
Albemarle Home- :~iutua! Assessment
ConWay Printing Co Legal forms for clerk
Crozet Phar~macy J.H. Jones acct
Everett Waddy Co Judgment Docket &
Bond Book
C.G;Greer Sept salary
The Scottsviile l:ews Publishing Finance
Dr. Geo. W. Parrott Lunacy
Dr. J.F.Wiiliams
J.W.Wo!fe Cot. inq.
Dr. H.~cCoy "
W. ~aupi n
G.W. Brown Witness
~.S. Crit zer "
R, ~i.Dollins
C. T. Page
J. H. St out
E .E. ~]'ay
Bledsoe Wade
Russell Thur ston
Dr. ~'.page Nelson "
T. J.Cook
H .~. C o ok
G .F .Burton
J.W.Foster "
~. T.~cC!ain ~itness
Renzie Wood
R.S.Wade "
~rs. W.~.K~r oy
~Irs. ~elton
J.~. Young Lunacy
Jas L..Perry
Dr. ~,S,Griffith "
Dr. J.~.Hubbard "
~.F.Fo~ter "
Dr. :~.L.Page
~e 1 son
Dr. F.Page w
]~W.~awyer sum witnesses etc.
B.Z.I'rving Cor Jury
Dr. T.H.Danie!s
W.Abbott Smith Sum witnesses otc
E.N.Vest ~or Jury
B.E.Jefferies Jr. "
A .D.Austin
W.E .Payne
Geo. Robinson
H.L. Christian
P. C .~ii nor Witness
S. T .Whi: e
C. W. C ri ckenburg er
J. F. Kirby
Jas Faulconer
examined and ordered
S t at eme nt
~IA. 70
1. O0
i. 50
t. 50
At a Called meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
held at the Court House of said County on the 31st day of October 1924.
Present: ~.~.Fray, Chairman, C.A.~Iiller, J.E,AbeI!,C. Purcell ~cCue
and P.H.Gentry.
The m~nutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
For the construction of the Free Union Road in Ivy District a fund
of $~0,700.00 was voted, of this amount approximately ~16,000.00 has been spent.