HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-10-31The £ollowin~ claims 'w~se presented, examined and ordered
to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, Viz~--
Albemarle Telephone Co County Clerk's Office
Albemarle Home ~iutual Assessment 39.34
ConwaY Printing Co Legal forms for clerk 33.00
Crozet Phanmacy J.H.Jones acct 6.60
Everett ~'addy Co Judgment Dccket&
Bond Book 51.95
C.G;Greer Sept salary 30.00
The Scottsvi!le News Publishing Finance Statement 89.60
Dr. Geo. W. Parrott Lunacy 5.00
Dr. J.F.Witliams " 5.00
J.W.Wolfe Cot. inq. 6.00
Dr. H.~cCoy " 5.00
W. ~aupi n " 1.50
G.W. Brown Withe ss .50
~.S. Critzer " .-50
iQ, ~.Dollins " .50
C.T.Page " 1.00
J. H. St out " 1.00
E .E. ~!ay ~ i. 00
Bledsoe Wade " 1.00
T~W.Wolfe ~ 1.00
Russell Thurston " 1.00
Dr. ~'.Page Nelson " 5.00
T.J.Cook " 1.00
H.~.Cook " 1.00
G .F .Burton ~ 1.00
W. T, Bur ton ~ 1.00
J.W.Fo st er " 1.00
R. W. Fost er " 1.00
A. W. DIoyer " 3.50
~i. T.[cC!ain ~itness .50
Renzie Wood ~ .50
J.m. Wade "- .50
R. S .Wade " .50
I~..D. Layman ~ .50
~rs. W.E.Kirby " .50
~Ir s. km[elton " .50
J.~. Young Lunacy 7.32
Jas L.Perry " 1.00
Dr. ~,S.Griffith " 5.00
Dr. J.~. Hubbard " 5.00
~.F.Foster " 2.00
ii T .Page
Dr. .~ 5.00
Dr. F.Page Nelson ~ 5.00
~.W.~£~wyer sum witnesses etc. 3.00
B.Z. I~rxing Cot Jury 3.00
Dr. T.H.Daniels " 5.00
W.Abbott Smith Sum witnesses etc 2.50
E.N. Vest ~or Jury 1..50
B.I.Wood " 1.50
B.E. Jeff eries Jr. " 1.50
A .D.Austim " i. 50
W.~ .Payne " 1.50
Geo. Robinson " t.50
ii.L. Christian " 1.50
P, C. ~,~inor Withe ss t.
S. T.Whit e ~ 1.50
C. W. C ri ckenburg er ~ 1.
J. F. Kirby " 1.50
Jas Faulconer ~ 1.50
At a Called meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County
held at the Court House of said County on the 31st day of October 192~.
Present: ~.E.Fray, Cb_airman, C.A.Eiller, J.E.Abell,C. Purcell EcCue
and P.H.Gentry.
The m~mutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
For the construction of the Free Union Road in Ivy District a fund
of $20,700.00 was voted, of this amount approximately ~16,000.00 has been spent.
mat'erial not being available.. The freshet of last Spring deposited a quanity of
sand near by.
Therefore it resolved that subject to the approval of the State Highway
Commissioner, kddit[Onal Bond Issue Funds to an amount not exceeding $1,000.00 be
e~ended, sand'ing the incompleted sections or this road. The district fforces to be used
for this work.'
At a 'Circuit Court held on Thulrsday', October 16th 1924.
It appearing to the Court that the condition of the Court House o£
Albemarle County is such, by reason of its inadeaiuate heating provision, that-
the health and safety of the public using the same is greatly endangered, and~ that
a reasonable r~egard for the comfort of litigants, jurymen, witnesses and cour~t
officers alike' demands that proper heating facilities be forthwith installe~d; rand it
further appea~ing that the safety of the public records in the Clerk's Offices
adjacent to said Court House, as well as the health and ~omfort of the public' mkking
constant use thereof, requires safe and adequate heating of said officers, tEus
in ~ measure r[e~aoving the menace of fire; the Court, pursuant to tt~e statute ~in~ such
cases mad.e and~ provides, hereby authorizes and expressly directs and reRuires~ the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County forthwith to proceed to install suit~ab~le
and adequate heating applicances in the court room of said Court House and in' ~the
Clerk's' °ffic~es adjacent thereto.
And~ it is further ordered that said Board of Supervisors shall~, kt 'the
ensuing December Term of this couz~t, make report ~h~t steps have been tal~e~ by
said Board to execute this ord'er and what progress has been made thereunder.
A copy Teste:
C.E.~oran, D.Clerk.