HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924-11-19 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of_A!bem~rle County held at the County Home of s~id County on the 19th day of November Present:~ JoM.Fray, Ch~irm~n, J.E.Abell, P.H. Gentry and C.A.Mi&ler. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A~ ~he reqdest of the Virginia Western Power Company, the following viewers are appointed to view the road known as the Secretary Road, and make £. written report, whether in their opinion any, and if any, what, inconvenience would result from discohtinuing said road where it passes through the property of the V~oxn~a Western Power Co on south bank of Rivanna River just east of Charlottesville. John B.Einor, Wood Stockton, S,.&.Calhoun, S,S.Teel. All the cost incurred by the County in connection with this matter are to be borne by the Virginia Western Power Co~ For a-cormnittee of the Board appointed to report on equipment~ ~eded to improve condi%ions in the Treasurer's Office. Er. ~iller reported ~e~omending that no action be taken, until the Heating Plant is installed, as it w~l~ affect the arrangement.~ The committee was continued to report further at a l~te~ meeting, }~r. E.J. Bowen who has a contract for handling crushed rock for the road South from Ivy, entered a claim for expenses incurred due to the ~ai'lro~d Co. placing cares of rock at a siding more distant from his road than he contemplated when entering into the contract. On a basis of one cent per cubic yard' per hundred foot, tbiis additional haul was estimated to cost l0 cts. per cu~i~ yard and that amount is allowed for the rock hauled from the Siding West of ~ke Station. ~r. ~zller introduced a resolution to employ a Traffic 0fficer,~equipped with a ford c~r. As t~o~meb~s..,~ '. .~ of the Board were absence, motion w~s ia~d on the table until it cbuld receive consideration by full Board. Er. F.E.t~errifield presented his check for $70.00, being the ~nsxpended part of the mone~ appropriated by the Board to defray the expenses of a f~uit exhibit at the State Fair in Richmomd. A request was received from the State Highway Department for a resolutio] stating whether or not Albemarle County wished the State Department to ~u~e~vise the expense of gasoline Tax. Since A~lbem~rle County employees a competCnt Enginee] force, the Supt, of Roads is instructed to advise the State Department {hkt supervision by tSem is not required. The statement of expenditures of R.E,Lee Supt. of roads was presented, after careful examination was approved, and ordered filed. The following bids were ~eceived for a complete Heating Pla~t in the Court House and Clerk's 0fice. ~M.R,Smith -Lacy & Barnett ~G.C~Harris $5,539.99 5,143.00 4,850.00 ing The bid of G.~Harris of Staunton, Virginia being the lowest, is hereby accepted and complies with the requirements of the City of Charlottesville, ~nd obtains the mesessary license to~do such.work in Charlottesville. The work to begin at once, and be pushed to completion. No payment is to be made unt'il the work im finally completed and accepted; e×cept that this Board may if it choses make partial payments during the progress of the work. G. Stuart Hmmm, Treasurer, presented to the Board ~ st~tement~2ether with ~ll warrants paid by him during the month of October 19E~. The Board examined the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. The following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, viz: j.W. Hensley S .E. Harris W.E,Goodwin H,Ashby Harris E. H~ Hughe~ C. E~ Eahane s J.S.Boston ~. N. Gard net J.N. Vaugh~n Hugh Estes L.E.Herrington H,A. S.H~milton Jno Ge ntry S. T.~hane s Walter Payne H. E. Hat i owe T .L. Gianniny W. H. N~ar t i Henr~ Hart E.R.Pugh Edw Co les C.F.Ballard j. S, Bat eman V~. H. Rogers T.H. Jarm~n H. J.Phillips Russell Barga~n O.E,Davi s ~V.E.Vim. H.L.~orris J.W.~avis ~. B. Parr ott ~il~s Shelbourn W.J.~skin C. S. Ho ffman H.E.~rtin Roy Howard W.T.Gibson J,E.Gibson W.R.Pierce F .E.Alexander S.L.Burks R.A. PI~mner W. A. Clarke Sidney B~rnett R.N.Pugh Edgar Wa~vl~nd John 2,~inor J. C. Leake L. L. P e g.£.Caskie' Ambler Caskie Ers. E.D.Oos Jno B.l~inor J. 0, Thurman S, T,~_ite P.C .}~inor C.Wilbert Smith Mann ~gunday S. J.~ichie J.W.Page .A.H? oster C.C.Cook D.H.Page H. C. Mi ll er E.P.~orris Davis Dunn. $5.00 5.20 4.00 5 ..2,0 11. O0 9.2,0 5. O0 3.00 3.00 5 1.00 ~.00 5,00 7~. 40 ~. O0 :5.00 8.00 5. O0 6. O0 5.00 5.00 6. O0 ' 5. O0 3.00 8.80 3.00 5.00 !i00 10.40 S. O0 5.00 3.00 5. O0 5.00 ,5.00 17.00 3.00 '_ 5~00 5.00 ~00 5.00 5.00 16.40 8.80 3. O0 3.00 5.00 3,00 8.00 3.00 3. O0 5,00 3.00, 1.00 8.00 8.20 1.00 3. O0 3; O0 5,00 10.20 8.00 5.00 3.00 3,00 ~.00 5,00 ' ;5 ..00 1.00 ~,H.Davis Election H. J. Pr off it Julian Catt erto~. H. T. VanNo strand. Jr, Wood Riley F. Gi 1 lumi ",/ H. G.Waddell C .M. Garret t " S .Ad. Ca:l houn J.D, Smith %Vm. Bit ckhead V~.B. Scribner W. G. F ar i sh Earl Head Lewis I{U~.~ Woods Jarman " J.E, River comb e J. B. Ja rma n Tom Wyatt Jas Winstead J.W. Patterson ~" King Solomns Lodge E,N.Brockenborough Frank Robertson J. B. Rams ey J. A. Hancock ~ A.L..Blair ~iver Side Libr~ary C.B.Harris Sr. G. T. Goodwin. J.F. Gault .Jno ~-ayo A. J. Bell J.F.Dorrier Towm of Scottsville ~.H. Starge 11 E.W. Scott Douglas Forsythe J. S.Harris J. C. Chi !dress Thos J.Rosser Jr. " W.M.Pitts J. O. Bowc o ck C.VJ. McGee V~.B. Colthurst G,W. Smith E. B. Bowct en W.A. CarDenter F.E.~inor M. Y, Sut her land Ira A. Beaver G. H. Cz~a~ B. C. Bake r F.R.Austin E. J.Ballard B.Gates Garth Charlottesville Hdwe " J ,L. Humber t ~P.Porter~ J, F. Payne " J N.Vtitkerson H; J, Crenshaw Warren Davis ~.E. Garriso~ S. H. Hughes Art Metal Cons. Co Contract #59411 in F~ick Bros Lamp J.Mason Smith Speeiat Guard ~. L.Ear shall Hound Internation Chemical Co Brooms C. G. Greet Salary Ch'ville Hdwe Acct Conway Printing Co tickets J.~son Smith - Posting nitices Richmond Office Sup. Co Ribbon ~a. Printing Co legal forms Alb. Tel. Co Tres. office ftc. .m .Black Posting notices E.WoEarshall viewer Richard /%lien W.B.Scribner ~V. I .~o oney " B.Z. Irving Lunacy etc. Dr. M.L.Rea Cor/oner J.~,~ason Smith A.G.Cox Sum witnesses J.Z .Collins Witness L .N. T~ ~p!e tt N. Trivi llian J,Warr en Davis " C .W.McGee " W. ~. Kennedy " J.A~. Smith ~or Jury Herber Collins T. W. Edward s $8,80 3.00 3.00 3. O0 3.00 3. O0 6,70 7.80 5.00 3. O0 1.00 3.00 7.20 5.00 5 ..00 8.00 3.00 9.20 3 ..00 3.00 3.00 1, 00 3,00 3~00 7.50 7.50 3.50 - - 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.50 3.00 3.50 1.00 8.40 3.00 ~:.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.~0 3.00 3.00 4.00 3. O0 12.60 3.00 5.00 3.00 5; 00 3.00 3.00 5.00 2.20 5.00 5.00 3.00 6.20 3.00 3.00 8.20 10.70 8.00 full 2,956.65 .55 33.00 10.00 15.00 30.00 1.75 43.50 10.00 1.00 17.00 27.10 4.00' 2.00 2; 00 2. O0 2.00 8.00 5.00 2.50 3.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 3,00 1.50 1.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 C .]E.Harris W.D. Ho I laday C. p. Garth T. W.Hughes Sylvestia ~orr i s Burrus Scribner Dr. ~no. S,l~chola~ G,J.~oberst ~ G.H.Hughes Ele ct i on $20.. 00 " 22.20 coroner 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " 1. O0 Actt rendered 12.54 Coroner 1,00 '~ 1. O0 Ocr Jury 4.50 S At a ~egular meeting of the Board of upervlsors of Albemarle County held at the Coturt ~house of said ~on the !7th day of December 192~. Present~ J.~.Fray, C.Purcell EcCue, C.~.~{i!ler, PtH'.Gentry ~nd W. H. Langhorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ~SOLV~aJ), that this Board hereby raakes application to the Ch~ir~nan of the state Highway Con~uission in accordance with the law providing State Aid ~oney for its apportiornuent of said fund for the year beginning ~arch ~, 192~. The whole amount available being hereby a~p!ied~Or, for the construction of the Fr. ee Union Road, County High,ray #5 in White Hall Distriat. This fund having been anticipated by the County by the construction already completed. A delegation of citizens appeared before the Board with a petition requiring that all officers that have been creadted in the last ten years be abolished, the Board after hearing the several appeals appointed a fommittee, consisting of Eesars Abell and Langhorne, to confer with a sembiler committee from the citizens .~ud make report at a future meeting of the Board.. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that R.E.Lee, Supervisor of roads make an estimate of the probable cost of submerged orzdoed and fond ~t Burke Ei!l over the Hardware River and make report at the next meeting of the Board. On motion of C.Purcetl McCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that an extension of limit of one month ~e granted to G.P.Clay on the ~orth Garden to Batesville Road On mot,ion of C.Purcell DicCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered the stni~mng fund money to retire iqoad, bonds be handled by the several ~banks. On motAon of P.H.Gentry and seconded by C.Purce!l EcCue it is ordered t~t the money derived from the Gas be for the year 19~ be allocated as f~llows: 1st payment to Charlottesville District ~nd second to Ss~muet ~iller Distriat.