HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-01-21 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Aibsma~le County, held
ar the Court House of said County on the 21st 'day of January 1925.
Present[ J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, P.H. Gentry, J.E.~bell, C.A.~iller
and ~.H.Langhorne.
The minutes of the last ~eeting w~e read and approved.
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,-
We, the undersigned, three of the four viewers appointed at a meeting of
your Board held on the 19th day of November, 1924, to view the road known as the
~01d Secretary Road" and report in writing whether, in our opinion, any, and if
any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuting the same, beg leave to
make report as follows:--
That on the 2~th day of November, 1924, we met at the Clerk's Office of
the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, and after being first duly sworn by W.L,
Maupin,.Clerk of said Court, we proceeded to view said road. We carefully examined
not only that portion of the road proposed to be closed, to-wit: where said road
passes through the property now owned by Virginia-~estern Power~Company, but we
also went over said road from the Moore's Creek ford at the Charlottesville Woolen
~ills to a point several hundred years below the bridge of the C.&.0~ Railwa~ ever
the ~ivanna River below the ~oolen Eills.
~e beg to report, further that in our opinion no inconvenience will result
to anyone if said road is discontinued and closed throughout su much of its length
a.s is now embraced within the boundaries of the land now owned by Virginia-Western
Power Company.
~ohn B.Minor
November 25th 1924. S.S.Teel
.At a regula~ meeting of the Bo~rd of Supervisors for Albemarle County,
held on Wednesday, the 21st day of January t925, Virginia--Western Power Company,
by Perkins & Battle,[ its Attorneys~ a~peared before the Board, asking that an 6rder
be entered discontinuing the road kno%;m as the "Old Secretary Road~ where said road
passes through the~property now owned by Virginia Western Power Company, and situated
in Albemarle County~ just east of the City of Charlottesville.
And said pe2itione~ presented satisfactory evidence to the Board tha~ notice
of closing said road had been posted on the 6th day of October 192~, thst'being the
first day of the 0c~ober Term of the Circuit Court of Albemarle C ~
oun~y, A copy of
said notice having been posted at the front door of the Court House of Albemarle County,
and other copies ha~ing been posted at two public places in the neighborhood~of the
road propesed to be~closed; that after said notice had been posted for at least
twenty days this Board did, in its meeting held on the 19th day of November,-1924,
appointed four viewers to view said road and ~eport in writing whether ih their opinion
any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing the same; that
three of said viewers, namely~ S.A.Calhoun, John B.~inor and S,S.Teel have made report
in writing, under date of November 25th 1924, that in accordance with the foregoing
order of this Board they have viewed said road, and that in their ~pinion no in-
coSvenience will result to anyone ~f said road is discontinued and closed through
~ ~ m~nh n~ ~t~ ~..~ht as i~ now embraced within the boundaries of the land
Viewers named above .was presented to this meeting, s~ud the Clerk of ~he Board
was ordered to fi~le the same.
And it furthe~ appeared .to the Board that there are no land
proprietors along the road proposed to be discontinued~ other than Virginia-
Western Power Company, the Petitioner·
In consideration whereof it is ordered by this Board that said
Secretary Road" be, mnd is hereby, discontinued and closed throughout so much of
its length as is now embraced within the boundaries of the l~nd now ov~ed by the
Virginia-Western Power Company.
On motion duly Seconded it is ordered that the County TraffiE
Officer be in uniform.
On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by W,H,Langhorne it'
is ordered that a committee be appointed to see what can be done about ,completing
the ~harlottesville & Covesville road.
On motion duly seconded Layman H.Naylor was elected Supt.
of the County Home at a salary of $500.00 per year and the necessary findi~gs,
t~m'of office beginning March 1st 1925 upon condition that ~r. Hopkins ~nd family
have ~ntil April 1st, 1925 to move.
On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.H. Gentry[i~ iS
ordered that J.P,Clay be. given an extension of time to April 15th 1925 to
comp~$te the North Garden and B~tesville Road.
On motion of C,Purcel! EcCue and seconded by ~.H.I~nghorne it is Ordered that
Seth Burnly take over the work of R.E.Lee.
On motion of C,A~.~iller ~ud seconded by C.Purcetl EcCue it is
o~dered that $100.00 be appropriated to bury Ers. Jones.
On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by ~¥.H.Lmnghorne it
is ordered that the land assessors he paid $8.00 per day by the County in addition
to what they are paid by the State.
On motion of C.Purcell ~¢cCue and seconded by "~¢.H.La~nghorne it is
ordered that an~ of the old county funds 19B£ model be sold to R.E.Le~ at the
price of $t40.00.
On motion duly seconded it is unanimously ordered tl~t $~00.00
be appropriated for Fire Protection.
Polled vote: Fray, Miller, ~cCue, Gentry, ~&belZ & I~nghorne.
On motion of C.Purcetl ~cCue and seconded by W H ~
· .L~ngnorne be
it resolved that the $~00.00 returned by R.E.Lee from th~ emergency fund be turne~
over to ~
~eth Burnley, County Engineer, as an emergency fund..
G.Stuart Hamm, T- -
reasurez, presented to the Board a statement together
with all warrants paid by him during the month of Ne~ember 1924. The Board ez~mined
the warrants ordered the statement to be filed.
R.E. Lee, Supt of Roads report for the month of December was presented
examined and ordered to be filed.
The following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be
certifie.d to the reasu~er of payment, viz
Albemarle Telephone Co
Everett Waddey Co
Conway Printing CO
C .G.Greer
Emergency Supply Co
~g. L. ~aup in
g,~las on Smith
~. S. Huf fman
Irving Way Hill Co
Dr. L.G.~oberts
Sensibaugh-Ritchie Co
J.R. Tate
Hugh Estes
Melton Jonea
G. Ne lson Jones
B.Z. IrvinE
Dr. J.S.Dm~is
Dr. H.B.Mulholland
l~rs C.S.Woods
Adline Brown
J.N~son Smith
L.~. Burruss
Dr. L.G.Roberts
Dr. W.A.Kyger
Thomas Shifl2tt
~s. Thomas °hif!ett
G .E .~Iaupim
The Michie Co
Clerk, Tres. and Farm Demon $44.45
Deeds books etc. 123.00
legal forms 4.50
Salary 30.00
Supplies for Clerk 14.00
Reimbursements 2.~8
Salary ~or attending Board 30.00
Posting notices 6.00
Auto fo~ sheriff 8.50
Acct for J.H~Yones 30.00
i bulb .27
· repairs to stools 2.00
Reg. at Lindsey 8.10
Salary 33.33
delivering witnesses 4.50
Lunacy 2.00
" 5.00
" 5.00
'" witness .50
" ~ .50
" 3.00
" 2.00
~ 2.50
~ 5.00
" 5.00
" .50
~ .50
services to Ers. Jones 45.00
reimbursement for Long call 1.35
Va. Code 1924 30.00