HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-02-18 ~t a regular meeting of the 'Board of Supervisors of Albemarle' County held
at the Court house of said County on the 18th day of February 1925.
Present: J.~.Fary, Chairman, C.Purcell ~cCue, C.~.~iller, P.H. Gentry and Z.E.Abell
The minutes of the las~ meeting were read and approved.
It appearing to the Board that it will be necessary to borrow some money with
which to pay County expenses between now and lhe collection of t925 taxes.
It is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of the County be, anal he is hereby
authorized in the name, and on behalf of the County of Alben~rle to m~ce arange-
ments with some bank or banks for them to advance the necessary amount~ not to
exceed Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars and to execute such obligation or
obligations in the name, and on behs~%lf of said County as may be necessary to
aecure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obligation or obligat-
ions and pledge 1925 taxes for s~me.
Vfk~-e?l~AS the building of State Highway #~8 is being prevented by the failure
of the Southern P~ilway to cooperate with the State Highway Commission in.
eliminating a dangerous grade crossing near Charlottesville, in Albemarle Co.
known as Teel's Crossing, and
~oIKEREAS the other Railway Companies operating in Virginia have cooperated
with the Oormmission im doing away with such crossing, some of them to the extent
of many thousand dolIars.
R~SOLVED that ~e urgently request the Southern Railway Co to unite with the
State Highway Commission to pay its reasonable proportion of an underpass or
over head bridge, which will be necessary at or near the s~id Tool's Crossing
un.less .the Southern P~ilway does its part in elimination said crossing.
V~qEAS R.E.Lee was elected Supt. of koads for Albemarle County and required
to give a bond of one thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his office
or trust, and
X~AS the said R. .Lee tendered his resignation as Supt. of Roads which
was accepted by the Bmard of Supervisors of Albemarle County.
THEREFOPJ~ on motion of C.Purcell DlcCue and seconded by P.H,Gentry it is
unan,imously ordered that R.E'.Lee shall be releasSd from his bond of One Thousand
and his surety or sureties be duly notified.
V~AS Seth Burnley was duly elected County Engineer by the Board to take
over all the duties heretofore performed by R.E.Lee, Supt. of Roads, and
~TIEREAS it has been the policy of the Board to require a bond, therefore
on motion of C,Purcell EcCue and seconded by P.H. Gentry it is ordered that Seth
Burnley give a bond of One Thousand for the faithful discharge of his office
or trust.
A Petitio~ of citizens for repairing the road from ~echums River to Brov~svilLe
was presented to the Board and referred to Seth Burnley to make report.
P~SOLVED ~he payment of the claim of Lundon and Scruggs presented to the Board for
$11,080.81 b'e refused, the Board not r~ecognizing any liability in any way whatsoever
an~ the claimant hotifying hi~s ~ntention of taking an appea~ to th~ ~ir6uit Court
of Albemarle County, Va., it is ordered that the pape'~s be returned and delivered
to the Clerk of the CircUit Court of said County.
Application having been made to the Board asking the true wid-th of the Hannnock's
Gap Rbad. The Attorney for the Commonwealth is requested to look into the said
.road and rei~ort to Supt. of Roads with the instructions whether or not the fences
are found to have encroached upon said road the land owne.~.~s shall be requested to
set said fences back, or in default of their failure to do so upon l0 days notice
the Supt. is directed to have the seine removed without cost to the County.
RESOLqfED That the Clerk of th~s Board advertize for sale the tract of ten
ac'res part of the County Home at public auction after advertisement according to
The ~oards attention to the fact that the Chairman and Temporary Chairman
of the Board must be elected each year therefore on motion duly seconded J.~. Fray
and P.H. Gentry were respectively unanimously elected Chair~nd Temporary Chairman
of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Va. for the year 1925.
On motion of C.Purcell DIcCue and seconded by J.E.Abell, Seth Burnley, J,l~.Smith
Judge R.T.W.Duke Jr. and W.L.5~upin were appointed a cok~nittee to investigate the
present trd~ffic ~aws to see if there are any changes to be made in staid laws.
in the matter of Steel equipment for the Treasurers' Office.
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that ~Y.L.Diaupin, Clerk secure bids for
the steel equipment for the Treasurer's Office to be presented to the ~oard at its
meeting ~rch 18th 1925 according to the blue print made by the Art Eetal Co. with
power reserved to reject any and all bids.
G.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, .presented to the Board a ~statement together with
all warrants paid by him duriug the month of ~ebruary 1925. The Board examined the
warrants ordered the statement to be ~iled.
Seth Burnley, County Engineer's report for the month of February was oresented
examined and ordered to be filed. '
The following claims were ~resented, examined and ordered to be certified to the
Treasurer of payment, viz:
Albemarle Home ~utual fire Ins.
Colonial Hotel
I.N.Vam Vo orhis
Batesville Printing Co
Va. Printing Co
Surber Arundale
J.Eason Smith
B.E. Whee let
N. B.~aupi~
Assessment $59.t8
Jury's dinner 22.50
Salary 30.00
1 lb. rubber banes 1.33
envelopes etc. 22.50
supplies 1.50
19 days assessment 114.00
19 days assessnent Li~.00
on account 10.65
Lunacy etc. 5.00
Lunacy etc. 6.00
Cot Jury 1,50
Cot Jury 1.50
Cot Jury 1.50
Cot Jury 1.50
Ada. ~¢.Glenn Witness Lunacy
E.L.Geddy Cor Jury
A~.H. Saunder s
E. L. Goad5 Cot
R. 0.Hall Cot Jury
E.A~. Simms Jr.
R .L. Jack so~ "
~.E. Humphr ies
L. C. Wa.,t t s Lun~_c~
Dr. J. 0 %~undy
WYlie C,~ason
~.Eason Smith
Crozet Pharmact J.H.Jones Acgt
J.W.Wo ire Lunacy
· Dr J F.~age Nelson
Dr. H.~cCoy
R.L. Snead
C. W. Blue
Dr. W.~. Kyger
Dr. L.G.Roberts
L .~. Bu,~ ru~ss
Ers. P.W. Bandridge ~ witness.
~rs. ,~'-ollie Carpenter
Emme tt Batten
Reginal Via
Mamie ~Iunday
John H. G. Hughes ~. Cor inquest
Lloyd Bergen
T. -Pi. Bragg "
S. G. Bragg
Paul mc arlane "
~. P. Hug he s
$ '
1. ~0
1. O0
1. O0
3. O0
2. O0
· 50
!. 50
i. 50
1. ~50
Ag' ~n adjourned meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at
the Court House of said County on the l?th day of March 1925.
Present.' J.E.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, P.H.Gentry, C.A~.Miller and Vf.H.
Langhorne, and J.E.Abell.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Board occupied the whole time in discussing the 1925 and 1926 levy and
after careful thought adopted-the following budget:
Oct. 1st 1925 to Sept 50, 1926.
Fixed charges
Commonwealth A2t~.
Com. of Rev
County Engineer
' Poo~
Court House, Jail & Clerk's Office
Treasurer Office Fixtures
Expense for County Rds. Store Room
Rent, Office help Te.
University Hospital
P~olic Health
Corner's Inquest & Lunacy
Farm Demonstration
Home Demonstration
Fire Protection
Supt of Schools
1500.. 00