HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-03-17~Ada li. Glemn Witness Lunacy E.L.Geddy Cot Jury A.H. Saunder s E.L. Geddy Cor R.0.Hall Cot Jury E.~. Simms Jr. R.L. Jackso~ W.E. Humap hr ies L.L.Chiles L. C. Wat ts Lun~_c~ Dr, J.0.~Iundy WYlie C .~iason ~.Eason Smith Crozet Pharmact J.H.Jones Ac~t J.W.Wolfe Lunacy .Dr~ F.~age Nelson Dr. H.EcCoy R .L. Snead C .W'.Blue " P.I, LElliott Dr. W.A. Kyger Dr. L.G.Roberts ~.~.Burru_~ss Ers. P.W. Bandridge ~ witnesa N/rs. D~ollie Carpenter ~.F.~4~r t in Emmett Batten Reginal Via ~amie ~unday John H. G. Hughes ~. Cot inquest ~loyd Bergen ·. H. Bragg S. G. Bragg Paul ~cFar lane " i~.p .Hughes " $ ' .'50 3.00 .50 1. 1.00 i.00 1.00 1.00 1. O0 2.90 5.20 5. ~0 2.50 15.30 2.00 5.00 5.00 3. O0 .50 2, O0 5.00 5.70 4.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 · 50 .50 t. 50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 .'50 A~ ~n adjourned meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the Cour't House of said County on the 17th day of ~arch 1925. Present: J.5[.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcelt McCue, P.H.Gentry, C.A.~iiller and Langhorne, and J.E.Abell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board occupied the whole time in discussing the 1925 and 1928 levy and after careful thought adopted~the following budget: BUDGET FOR ALBEMARLE COUNTY Oct. 1st 1925 to Sept 50, 1926. Fixed charges Salaries Commonwealth AttY. ~reasurer Sheriff Clerk Com. of Rev Supervisors Judge County Engineer 'Poor Court House, J~il & Clerk's Office Treasurer Office Fixtures Elections Expense for County Rds. Store Room Rent, Office help Te. University Hospital Public Health Juries Corner's Inquest & Lunacy Farm Demonstration Home Demonstration Fire Protection Supt of Schools ~isc. 1200.00 2600.00 1200.00 1400.00 6000.00 1500.00 900.00 2700.00 7800.00 2000.00 1100.00 1500.00 1500.00 1000.00 50OO.OO 1100.00 400.00 1250.00 1250.00 300.00 1115.00 2000.0O 17,500.00 27,315.00 INTEREST ON BONDS Interest on Notes $3oo;ooo.oo 34;000.00 6% Sinking fund om 34,000.00 4000.00 15000.00 2040.00 850.00 C o~u~nty_ B_ridg_e s_ Loan2 by Miller School & Individuals, .Cost'of finishing up and painting balance of B~idges washed away by flood ~ ?0 cts estimated to yield $80,000.00 County Levy for 1925 ~ Credit Levy for 1925 by dog fund ___~l 60Q.~0q._ __ Ss l; 600. oo 2~,890.00 15,00010-0 81,705.00 At a regular meet£ng ef the Beard of-Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court house of safd County of the 18th day of March 1925. Present: J.E.Fray/ Chairman, C.P~rcell McCue, J.E.Abell, P.H.Gentry, C.~.Mille~ smd U.H,Lmnghorne. The last meeting's minutes were read and approved. ~he Board proceeding to lay the County levy for the years 1925 and 1926, doth order that the Treasurer of the County of Albemarle shall collect o~n all real and tangi~e property, exclusive of incomes, but including all goods, wares, merchandiee, mhd capital of manufactures, etc. on hand the 1st day of February 1925, whether belonging to individuals, corporations or companies, including railroads, (except rolling stock.of railroadm operated by steam) and telegraph and telephone co~mpanies,' tangible personal property, but exclusive of s.kares of stock in banks, banking associations and other institutions enumberated in Section %7 Schedulm D, of ACts approved -~pril the 16th 1903, and Acts amendatory thereof. For General County purposes seventy cents ($,.70) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. For County School purposes seventy-five cents ($.75) on every one hundred dollars worth of s~id property, and for pension funds under ~-cts approved ~arch 14th 1908 five cents ($,.05) on every one hundred dollars worth of smid property. And he shall further collect on all of s~id property for district school purposes as follows; to-wit~ In the Ivy District forty cents ($.&0) on every ohe hundred dollars worth of said property. In the W~hite PI~ll District forty cents ($.40) on every one hundred dollars worth of smid property. In the Seznuel Miller Dms~r_co forty-five cents ($.45) on every one hundred dollars worth of s~id property. In the Scottsviile District thirty-five ce.nts ($.35) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In, the Rivanna District f~ifteen cents ($.15) on every o~e hundred dollars worth of sa~id p~operty. And for district road put.poses he shall collect on all of said property except that in incorporated towns that maintain their own streets and roads, as frill nws tn-wit:-- In the Charlottesville District five cents ($.05) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the Ivy District~F%fty cents ($.50) ~n every one hundred dollars worth off said property. In the ~hite Hall District twenty five cents ($.25) on every one. Hundred dollars worth of s~id property, In the Smmuel Miller District thirty five cents ($.35) on every one hundred dollars worth of sadd property. In the Scottsville District twenty five cents ($.25) ~on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the Riv~n~ District twenty five cents ($.25) on every one hundred dollars wort~ of said property. And for interest ~nd sinking funds for district ro~d.bonds he sh~ll collect on mll of s ~mid property as follows: to-w~t:-- In the Charlottesville district one dollar ~nd seventy cents (.$1.~0) o.n every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the Ivy District one dollar a~d ten cents ($1.10) on every one hundred dollar worth of said property. In the White H~ll district one dollar ~nd fifty-five cents ($1.55) on eye.fy one hundred dollars worth~ of said property. In the S~uel ~!ille'~ District cne dollar and ten cents ($1.10) on every one hundred dollar's worth of s~id property. In the Scottsville District one dolls~r and sixty cents ($1.60) on every one hundred dollars worth-of s~id property. In the. ~tiVann~ District eighty-five cents ($.85) on every one hundre~ dollar of s~id property. And he sh~ll further colect under the Acts ~,pproved ~t the~ s!~ecial session Of 1915 and acts aJnendatory thereof, for district ~oad purposes under the Acts of the General ASsembly mpproved Feby 20th 1@92, and ~acts ~mendatory thereof, on all intangible personal property exclusive of incomes, but including all solvent bonds, demands, and claims not otherwise taxed ~for County or · district purposes, by whomsoever held on Eeby 1st 19~5, whether ~betonging to individuals or coroorations, including ~ilroad, telegraph ~nd telephone con~pan~ mhd b~nks in the Rivanna, Ivy, $cottsville, Samuel ~iller, White H~ll and Charlottesville Districts, twenty cents ($.20) on every one hundred dollars wo~th of ~such lmst named property, in each of said distructs ~espectively. And he shall further collect on ~ll sh~res of stock in b~n~s, banking associations aud other institu$ions en~merated in sec. l? Schedule D. of Acts approved Apr 8th 1902, and Acts amendatory thereof, other than upon the Stocks of banks, located in incorpo.~ated towsm, for County ,Schools eighty-five cents ($.85) on every one hundred dollars worth of s~id property. And he sh~ll further collect on the stock of banks, located in incorporated towns for general ~unty purposes thirty cents ($,30) on every one hundred dollars worth of such stock, which l~tter, however shall be expende~ in the~district in which it is levied. A~nd he ~lso sh~ll collect for District road purposes on all shares of Stock ef Corporations o~ Joint Stock companies by whosoever held on Feby 1st 192~and on ~ll Goods, Wares, Eerch~ndies & Capit~l of Dierchants on h~nd the ~S IN THE 5tiTTER of the 'application of the Albemarle Te!ephon~e Comply of Charlott- esville, Virginia, to erect, and maintain telephone limes, consisting of poles and wires alomE certain public ~oadways and turnpikes of Albemarle county, for the purposes of supplying telephonesto its customers. On motion a~d by a unanimous vote of the Board the following resolution was adopted: Resolved~ T~hat the A~lbemarle Telephone Como~r~y of Charlottesville, ~irginia, be ~md it is authorized to erect a~d maintain telephone lines, consisting of poles and sires,from intersection of the Esmont-Scottsville Ros~d to Langhorne's corner on the Howardsville Road in the Scotts~ilie District of Albemarle County for the purpose of supplying ~elephones to its customers, provided, however, that such poles and wires shall be so erected and maintained t~at they will not obstruct the .use of or passage on said roads or proper drainage of same when complete, smd provided further that this authorization shall be subject to all the provisions restrict- i~ns and limitations of se. btions 4035 and 4037 of the Code of Virginia edition of 1919, and with the distinct understanding that whenever in the judgement of this Board or the pro.per Road Authorities of ~his County or State the s~d poles, wires etc, shall be shifted or removed to such places as this Board or Road ~uthorities aforesaid shall direct and at the entire cost of said Telephone cpmpany. IN THE !~ATT~R of the appliciation of the Farmers ~utual Telephone Compsmy of Albemarle C.ounty, Virginia, to erect amd maintain telephone lines, consistir~- of poles smd wires alqng certain public roadways and turnpikes of Albemarle County, for the purpdse of supplying telephones to its customers. On motion-and by a nnanimous vote of the Board the following resolution was a~opted. Resolved: that the Farmers Eutual Telephone Company of Albemarle County, ~irginia, be and it is authorized to erect and maintain telephone lines, consisting ~. - of poles and wires, on Rou~e #28 from Rivanna~Colored Church on nine mile ~rcu~t and from Tyer's store to the end of the Albemarle Telephone .Cable line at P.H, Gentry's enterance for the p~pose of supplying telephones to its customers, provided however, that such poles and wires shall be so erected and maintained that they will not obstruct the use. omf or passage on said roads or proper drainage of same when complete, and provided further that this authorization shall be subject to all the provisions restrictions :~u~ d limitation2 of sections 4035 & 4037 of the Code of ~irginia edition of 1919, and with the distinct understanding that whenever in the judgement of this Board or the proper Road A~uthorities of this County or State %he said poles, wires, otc, shall be shifted or removed to such places as this Board or Road Authorities aforesaid shall direct a~nd at the entire cost of ss~id Telephone ¢omps~ny. IN ~ NATTER of the app, lication of the Virginia-Western Power Co. to erect mhd maintain, electric power ~nd light lines, consisting of poles mud wires along certain public roadw~ys ~nd turnpikes of A~lbemarle County, for the purpose of supplying mhd distributing electricity for light, heat or power: ~On motion mmd by a unanimous vote of the Board the fotlowing~ resolution was adopted~ ~P~SOLlrED: that the Virginia-Western Power Co. be and it is authorize~ to erect and ,saint ,s~i~ electric power and light lines, consisting ef poles and wires along as will enable it t.o rem~ch customers for the purpome of transmitting, distribu- ting and supplying electricity for light, heat or power, provided, however, ~t~t such poles ~nd wires sh~ll be so erected and maintained th~.t they will not, obstruct the .use of or passage on said road or proper drainage of same ~hen. completed, ~nd provided further that this ~uthorization shall be subject to all the provisions restrictions ~nd limitations of sections ~0~B ~ud ~0~? of ~the ~g~n~, edition of 1919 and with the distinct understanding t~t ~ whenever in the judgement o£ this Board or the proper Road Authorities of thins County or Struts the staid poles, wires etc, shall be shifted or removed to such places as this Board or noad Authorities aforesaid shall direct and s~t the entire cost of said Vi rginia-V~estern power Compmny. On motion of W.~.Lmnghorne ~nd seconded by C.Purcell ~IcCue it is unanimously ordered that a committee be appointed to meet a committed of citizens to go to Richmond to confer with members of the Highway Commission in regard to the Garth Road which was greatly damaged when used bY the State as ~ pa~t of Highway #9. Therefore f.lI.Fray appointed the following committee: J.E.Abell, P.H.Gentry, Seth Burnley, Judge E.T.W.Duke and J.~.Fray s.s the committ~ from~ the County. - On motion duly seconded it is unanimously ordered tb~.t i~ the future the Commissioners of the Revenue he p~id according to the rate set out in the 19~ acts of the General Assembly of Virginia. On motion of C.Purcell ~c. Cue mhd seconded by ~V.H.Langhorne it is ordered that the Old Coal Bin attached to the Clerk's Office be given to the Ja~uitor. On motion duly seconded it is unamimously ordered that the County ~{otorcycle Officer be~miformed mnd that the County purchase said uniform. G.Stuart H~nnn, Treasurer, presented to the Bozrd a Statement ~ogethe] with all warrants paid by him during the month of ~arch 1925. The ~oard examin.~d the warrants ordered the statement ~o be filed. Seth Burnley, County Engineer's report for the month of ~Lmbc~?,wms presented, ez~mined and ordered to be filed. e The following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment, viz: ~atesville Printing Co Cor~vay Printing Co Covington &Peyton Frick Bros C.G.Greer Melton Jones Walter Giers The Michie Co Va~. Pringing Co Surker-Arundal~ Co B.Z, Irving J,M.Smi~h M.R. Batl J.S.Currier Leonard Mills Luke Snead H.L.Drumhetler Robert Thacker Dr. ~.D.Macon Dr. J.~.R.Smith R.L.Snead ~.C.Hicks Melton Jones Irving-Wmy Hill Co En~ett Maupin~ New Piedmont Garage Dr. J.0.~iunday Dr. W.C.DIason R.G..Birckhead State Forester P.H. Gentry C.~.Miller ~.HoLanghorne J.E.Abell RE,elopes for Tres. 3.25 Ballots 33,25 Towls 6.50 2 lamps .54 salary 30.00 ~ 33.33 Clear type 1.00 Lunacy forms 50.00 ~forms for Tres~ 5.25 Stationery 25.65 Lanacy etc 5.00 Cor. inquest 4.00 Cot Jury 1, 50 ~ 1.50 " 1.50 ~ 1.50 " 1.50 " 1.50 Lunacy 5.00 ~ 5.00 ~ 5.90 "' 1~70 salary Feby 33.33 ~rs. Jones Funeral ex. 100.00 Jones Deed etc. 5.00 Auto to Schuyler ~3.75 Lunacy 5.00 " 5.00 ~lection_ 3.00 Appr. 90.54 Finance Comm~. 25.60 ~ 31.20 ~omm. 8.00 " 6.90 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supsryisors of Albemarle County held the our~ House of said County on the 15th day of April 1925o Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C,Purcell-McCue, J.E.Abell, P.H.Gentry, C, ~Mi!!er and W.H.L~nghorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. It appearing ~o the Board tBat it will be necessary to borrow some money with which to pay County ~xpenses between now mhd the collection of._1925 ataxes. It is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of the' County be, and he is hereby authorized in the hams and on behalf of the County of Albemarle to make arrange- merits with some bank or banks for them to advance the necessary amount, not to exceed Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars ~ud to execute such obligation or obligations in the.~me, and on behalf Of said County as may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obligation or obligations and pledge 1925 taxes for same. G.iStuart Hs~mm, Tresaurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him ddrin:g the month of March 1925. The ~oard examined the warrants ordered the sSatement to be filed. Seth Burnley, County Engineer's report for the month of ~rch was Presented