HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-05-20.The following claims were presented, examined and ordered to~ be certified to the treasurer for payment. Via:-- J.E.Fray O.A.Mi!ler J.E.Abell P,H.Gentry J.A,H~ncock R.E.TUrner Albemarle Telephone Co Baltimore office & Supply Co J.p,BelI Co Citizens Real Est & Inc. Co Everett Waddey Co C.G.Greer Eelton Jones W.L,M~upin William M~nn Co Trip to Richmond Land Assessor 30 days Tres & Clerk's office 6 pencils Binding books Bond for Naylor 12 stools Salary Reimbursements Memo. Book $21.80 7.00 9.80 2.40 _180. O0 180.00 36.85 1.55 20.00 10.00 42.00 30.00 33.33 2.42 30.10 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at tt~e Court House of said CoUnty on: the 20th day of May 1925. ~ Present: .J.E.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, C.A,I~giller~, P.H. Gentry, J.E.Abe!l and W.H.Langhorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of W.H.Langhorne and seconded by C.Purcell McCue it is ordered that Seth Burnley and J.m.~bell go to Richmond mn:May 26th 1925 to attend a meeting of the Highway Commission in regard to securing aid on the Garth Road. On motion of W.H.Langhorne and seconded by P,H. Gentry it is order that the Motor Vehicle Officer make a report to the Board every meeting giving a statement of all arrest etc. for the month. Dn motion duly second it is ordered that Seth Burnley and J. Mason Smith 'be appointed a committee to~ formulate regulations for the Traffi~ Officer and report to the Board. On Eotion of C.A.~i!!er mnd seconded by J.E.Abe!t it is ordered that the Oounty build a bridge across Tompkins' creek upon condition that the Scottsvill. e District pay interest on the money borrowed to build said bridge for a period of not exceeding three .years. On motion of J.E. Abell and seconded by P.H. Ge~try it is ordered t~t the County will repay back to ~hite Hall District the sum of $300..00 for the building of a bridge across Buck ~ountain Creek by the White Hall District. On motion duly seconded it is-ordered that ~,H.Langhorne, Supervil of Scottsville District, be permitted to sign a note for a tractor for said District. sot - The following bid was received for the ~11,450. Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, issued on behalf of i~ivanna "~agisterial District, said County: l~ay 20th 2925. Board of.'S~pervisors, A, lbemar!e 0ounty, Va, ~e.nt lemen~ For ~11,450. Bonds of Albemarle County, Va:. dated June 1, 19P~5, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, in denomination of $10001~nd ~1,450, becoming due and payable without option of prior pay~eflt as follows~ ~une l, 1950, both principal and interest payable at Bamk of A~e~ida New York, we will pay you upon delivery of said bonds to us at any bank in Chicago, the sum of ~11,450. and' accrued interest to date of delivery, and will furnish bond forms ~nd legal approval without cost to the county. Prior to the delivery of the bonds to us ~ou are to furnish us a complete certified transcript of the proceedings had incident, to in connection with and cuLmina, ting in the issuance and delivery of said bonds fully amd s~lisfactorily evidencing ~o our attorneys their le. gatity in all respects and your right to levy taxes in sufficient amount to meet principal .and interest as the same become due s~ud payable. As evidence of our good faith in making this propssal we attach hereto our certified check No. in the amount, of $ which is to be hell by you uncashed pending determination of legality and the deliv, e~y of said bonds to us. If we are not successful .bidders .and if said bonds can~nQt be legally issued and delivered, said check is to be prompZly returned to us and only applied as full liquidated damages in the event we fail to comply with the terms smd conditions of this contract. Respectfully submitted, C.W.~QNe_ar & Company ~y George B. Craven. On motion duly seconded the following resolution was unanimously adopted, the .following members of the Board voting in the affirmative: J.~.Fray, C.Purce!l McCue C.A..~i!ler, P.H. Gentry, J.E.Abe!l amd w.H.Lamghorne. l]agative: none. "It appearing to the Board of Supervisors that the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, at its June Term, !921, certi£i~ed to the Board that s~t an e~ection held on the 25th day~ of April t921, a majority of the vot~r~ in the Rivanna t~agisterial District voted in favor of a bond issued for permanent road improvement therein as followsr-- Stony Point Road, Between Charlottesville Dist. Line & Orange County Line. Lenght 12.18 miles; width of ~oadw~y 20 feet; width of sur- facing 18 ft. Estimated cost between Hydraulic and ~reene Co. line, lenght 10.9 miles; width of roadway 20 ft. width of sur- facing 18 ft. Estimated cost F. Eariysville Road, G. Gordonsville Road, between Cismont and Louisa County line, lenght-7.38 miles; width of roadway 20 ft. width of surfacing 18 ft. EStimated cost $117,750.00 88, AO0. O0 48 300r00 $2o ,450.00 Total Cost 99 at par. The said. bonds to be framed and issued in accordance with Section 2124 of the Code of Virginia of 1919, and the Act styled Chapter 28 of the Acts of 1919. Said bonds shall have coupons attached and shall be printed in ink with the following sentence: "These bonds are issued for road improvement in Rivanna -:~gisterial Distric~ but the full faith and credit of the entire County of A~tbemarle in '~ereby pledged for their payment and a tax is to be levied upon the property in said Rivanna Diagisterial District to pay the interest on them and to create a sinking fund sufficient in amount to pay them upon maturity.." All bonds shall be signed by the Chairman and countersinged by the Clerk of the Board under the seal of the Board. Ten of the'bonds shall be in denominations of One Thousand each and one bond shall be in denomination of Fourteen Hundred and Fifty dollars; they shall bear interest at the rate of five percentum (5~) per annum payable semi-annually at the Bank of America, New York , N.Y. st~.ll bear date on the 1st day of June 1925 and shall be payable twenty-five (25) years after date. "When thu~s framed the bonds shall be delivered to the Treasurer of _this County and by him delivered to the purchaser, or its order, upon pay~ent of the purchase price therefOrj and shall be accounted for by him in accordance with the laws. And it is hereby ordered that these bonds shall each ~ontain a provision exempting them from all local taxation through the period for which said bonds are made payable, and the Board of Supervisors does hereby certify ~nd order that the bonds s_hall contain a certificate that the total amount of bonds issued for nivanna ~r~agister~ml District shall not exceed fifteen percentun~ (15%) of the taxible value of all the property in said District for the year 119~1.~ The following bond forms to be used for ten bonds: UNIT~ STATES OF N~F~RICA C05~01~[EALTH OF VIRGI!~IA COUNTY 0F ~I~E~ RIVANNA ~&&GISTERI.~L DISTRICT ROAD BONDS. $1000.00 Twenty-five years after date the County of ~lbemarle, Virginia, promises and obliges itself to pay to the bearer hereof. One -Thousand Dollars with interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per aunum from date until paid, principal and interest payable at the Bank of *merzca, New York, N.y. interest being represented by coupons hereto attached, payable on the 1st day of December and June in each year, until paid. T~his bond is a portion of the bonds authorized to be issued in Rivanna ~agisterial District under the election held on the 25th day of APril 1921, and duly approved by the Court amd by the Board of Supervisors which at their meeting held on the 20th day of D1ay 1925, by a resolution, directed, the present ~ssued of bonds to be made; this bond being one of ll bonds; l0 being for One Thousand each and i for Fourteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars issued under the election and resolution aforesaid. These bonds are issued for said improvement in Rivanna ~agisterial Distri but the full faith and credit of the entire County o~ Albemarle is hereby pledged for their payment and a tax is to be levied upon the oroperty in said District, to pay the interest on them and to create a sinking fund in sufficient amount to pay them on maturity. It is hereby certified recited and declared that a~ll acts conditio~ and things required to exist, ,happen or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, have b~appened and have been performed in due time from and bonds issued on behalf of the Rivanna Diagisterial District does not exceed fifteen (15~) percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of smid district according to the assessment last completed prior to the issuance of this bond, nor does it exceed any other &imitation prescribed by the constitution or statutes of the State of Va. By order of the ~oard of Supervisors this bond is exempted from all ~oaal taxation during the period for which it is issued. In testimony whereof the County of Albemarle has caused this bond to be signed by the ChAirman of the Board .of ~pe~visors ~nd countersigned by the Clerk 2hereof, and under the Leal of the Board this 1st day of June 1925. C ha i rman ( count er singed ) Clerk FO~ OF COUPON FOR l0 bonds $25.00 No. On the ist day of December 192~ the County of Albemarle obliges itself to pay to bearer the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) at the Bank of .~nerica, NeW York, i~.¥. semi-annual interest on Bond No. __ of the County of Albemarle. Chairman The following bond form to be used for one bond. UI~ITED STATES OF A2~iRIC~ C0~I0~ALTH OF VIRGINIA COU~TY OF ALBE~LE RIVAI~NA ~AiGISTERIAL D~STRI ~T ROAD BONDS. $1450.00 No. A Twenty-five years after .dat'e the County of ~lbemarle, Virginia, promises and obliges its'elf to pay to. the bearer hereof. Fourteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars with interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum from date until paid, principal ~nd inter~st payable ~t the Bank of America, New York, N.Y. interest being represented by coupons hereto attached, payable on the 1st day of December and June in each year, until paid. This bond is a portion of the bonds muthorized to'be issued in Riva~nna ~Iagisterial District under the election held on the 26th day of A~pril 1921, and duly B ~ approved by the Court and by the oara of Supervisors which at their meeting held o= the 20th day of ~ay 19~25, by a resolution, directed, the present issue of bonds ~o be made; this bond being one of ll bonds- i being for Fourteen Hundred and fi£ty dollars ahd l0 being for One 'Thousand each issued under the election and resolution aforesaid. These bonds are issued for road improvements in Rivanna I~agiste~'~al District, but the full faith and credit of the entire ~ounty of ALbemarle i= hereby pledged for their paym~ent, and a tax is to be levied upon the proPerty in said Rivanna, District, to pay the interest on them a~d to create a sinking fund in sufficient amount to pay them on maturity. it is hereby certified recited and de,lured that all acts conditions and things required to exist, happen or be performed precedent %o a~d in the i=suance of this bond have existed, have happened and have been perfo.rmed in gue time ~ form and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, tOgether with all other bonds issued on behs~lf of the Riv~nna ~agisterial District does not exceed fifteen (t5%) percent~m of the assessed value of the taxable pr~operty of sa~d district State of Virginia. By order of the ~oard of Supervisors this bond is exer~oted from a~l local taxation during the period fo~ which it is issued. in testimony wher~eof the County of A~lbemarle has caused t~s bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and coumtersign~ed by the Clerk thereof, and under the se~,l of the Board this 1st day of June 1925. Chairman ( counter signed ) Clerk Form of Coupon for 1 bond $5§. 25 No. On the 1st day of December 1925, th~ County of Albemarle obliges itself to pay to bearer the s~n of Thirty-six dollars amd twenty-£ive cents ('$36.25) at the Bank of America, New York, N.Y. semi-amnual interest on Bond ~o :,~ of the County of A. lbemarle. C hairman At a regular meeting of the Ooard of Supervisors Of Albemarle County hel~ at the Court House of Said County on the l?th day of June 19~0. Present: J.~.Fray, Chairman, J.E.Abell, P~H. Gentry, ~.Purceil EcC~e C.~.Eiller mnd W.H. Langhorne. ~ae the minutes of t'he last meeting were read and approved. IN THE ~ATTER OF T~ APPLICATION OF Jehu Toms, jr. ~ud others ~o establish a public road from the Heards Road to Apple Valley as per County Engineer's propssed route. The ~oard doth appoint J.C.Ballard, 'James Morris, F.P.Kirt!y, Charles Garth and Harry Clarke resident freeholders of this county, any three of whom may act, viewers to view the r6ute cf the said proposed road, and report to the ~oard as soon as p~acticable the coven~ence and inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the phblic~: if the said road shall be established as proposed, and especially if any yard, garden or orchard, or any part thereof will,~in such case, have to be taken, ~nd whether the said road will be o'f Such mere private convenience as %o make it proper that ~he same shall be established and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. They may examine routes other than the one proposed and report upon the on~'they prefer with their reasons for the preference; t~ will state %he names of the.land owners on the s~id Route ~$d what will be a just Compensation to those requiring the same for the land to be taken, ~ud the damag~ to the residue of the tracts beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived ~n respects to such residue from the road so proposed. Amd they will state ~r4y Other fact or eire~zm~tance useful in enablin~ the Board to determine the exoedien~v of ~rantin~