HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-06-17State of Virginia. ~ By order of the ~oard of Oupervlsors this bond i's exempted from a~l local taxation during the period for which it is issued. in testimony whereof the County of Albemarle .has caused t~s bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and co~mtersign~d by the Clerk thereof, and under the se~l of the Board this 1st day of June !925. (countersigned) __Chairman Clerk . Form of Coupon for 1 bond $36.25 On the 1st day of December 1925, th~ County of A~lbemarle obliges itself to pay to bearer the s~ of Thirty-six dollars amd twenty-£ive cents ($36.25) at the Bank of America, New York, N.Y. semi-annual interest on Bond ~o ~:.~ of the County of Albemarle. C ha i rman At a regular meeting of ~he Ooard of Supervisors Of Albemarle County hel~ at the Court House of Said County on the 17th day of June 1925.. Present: J,M.Fray, Chairman, J.E.Abe!l, P[H. Gentry, ~.Purcell McC~e' C.A.Eiller and ~.H. Langhorne. Nhe the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. IN T~ NATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF John Toms, Jr. ~md others to establish a public road from the Heards Road to ADDle Valley as per County Engineer's proposed route. The ~oard doth appoint J,C.Ballard, James Morris, F.P.Kirtly, Charles Garth a~%d Harry Clarke resident freeholders of this county, any three of whom may act, viewers to view the route of the said proposed road, and report to the board as soon as p~acticable the covenience and inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the phblic;: if the said road s[~ll be established as proposed, and especially if any yard, garden or orchard, or any.part thereof will,--in such case, have to be taken, mhd whether the said road will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that the same shall be established and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. They may examine routes other than the one proposed and report upon the on~ 'they prefer with their reasons for the preference; thm~ will state the names of the .land owners on the said Route asd what will be a just ~ompensation to those requiring the same for the land to be taken,'~ud the damag~ to the residue of the tracts beyond the peculiar benefits $o be derived in'respects to such residue.from the road so proposed. And they will state ~n~ Other fact or circumstance useful in enabling the Board to determine the ~8~ ~e ~o~.~ showing the route thereof, and an estimate of the probable cost of establishing said road. A~nd the viewers shall meet on the 26th de~y of J~ne i925. 0n motion of W.H. Lm-nghorne aud seconded by P.H~ ~entry it is ordered that Seth Burnley County Engineer notify Buck Raines to take his fences off the road leadi~ from Burgh~m Church to the intersection of the Nortonsvi'lle &Earlys- ville Road. On motion of G.Purcell McCue & seconded by P.H. Gentry it is ordered that the claim of W,H.Ho~ers against the property of j.H. Jones amd wife be p~id. In the matter of the E.J. Bowen claim against the County of Albemarle, on motion of ~.H,Lmnghorne and seconded by P.H. Gentry it is ordered that the matter be carried over to the next regular meeting of the Board, in order that JUdge Duke A~ty.~ for the County render his opinion. on. motion duly seconded it is ordered that Seth Burnley County Engineer pay the C,& 0o ~y Co demerage on stone at Ivy Depot. On motion of C,Purcell EcCue ~ud seconded by J.E.Abell it ~s ordered tb%t the question of applying the gas tax on the Garth Road be deferred to the next regular meeting of the Board. In the m~tter of building a bridge in the ~hite ~11 District, on motion of J,E.Abell ~nd seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that ~he s~id District build the bridge and that the County will repay to smid district a sum not in access of $690.00. G.Stuart H~m~m, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with mll warrmnts p~id by him during the month of ~ 1925. ~he Board examined She warrants ordered the statement to be filed. Seth Burn!ey, County Sngineer's report for the month of Mmy was presented, examined and ordered to be filed. The following claim~, were presented, examined and ordered to be certified to the T ~ reasu~ er for p~yment viz:-- Virginia Stationery Co Onderwood - Typewriter Ce J./~ason Smith C,G.Greer Albemarle Home Mutual New Piedmont Garage l[a. Printing Co Everett ~$addey Ce C .~.Ni lter C.~. G~rnett ~.D. Ho llad~y E ~E. Tut ncr J.A.~cock P.E,Elliett Dr. J. ~,R. Smith H. I. D~vi s Rubber Stamp Coupon Book Reimbursement for Tele. Col Farm Demon. Assessment Car for Lunatics Sup. for Treasurer Warrant Book COmmittee Reimbur some nt I~nd Assessor # copying land book~ coroner $ 2.54 9.00 1,~8 $0.00 59.45 6.00 6.50 15.60 2.08 158.00 138.00 156.00 156.00 200.00 3.00 4,00 5.00 1,50 1.50