HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-07-1599£ At a regular meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors ~of Albemarle County held at the Court House of Said county July 15th 1925,- J.~i,Fray,.~ Chairman, J.E.Abell, C.Purceli I4cCue ~smd P.H/Gentry. The minutes_of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of C.PurcelI EcCue and seconded by J,E,$el~l it is ordered that ~he report of viewers this day filed in regard to a public road from the Heard~s Road to Apple Valley through t:he lands of the Highland Live Stock and Orchar Co. be continued the next regular meeting of the Board. In regard to a st.ore room at the County Jail on motion of C..Purcell J...Abell it is ordered that the store room be built under EcCue mnd seconded by E the supervision of the County Angineer. ~esolved the payment of the claim of M.J,Bowen pemsented to the board .for $3760.00 be refused the Board not recognizing amy liability in any v~y whatsoever and the claimant notifying his intention of taking an appea~ to the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Va, it is ordered that the papers be~rett~ned and delivered to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County. ~n motion of C.purcell McCue and seconded by P..H. Gentry it is ordered 0 ' that the County Engineer secure bids for a window in the T~easurers ff~ce and for lights in the Clerk's Office. ~n accordance ~ith a previous resolution Sheriff J.Eason Smith ma~e his report of the activity of. the Motorcycle Office for the months of June and July. On motion of C.Purcell EcCUe amd seconded by P.H. Gentry it is ordered that the County Engineer secure liability, insurmnce on truck operated by the Count~ ~t ~ppearing to the Ooard that it will be necessary to borrow some money with w~ch to pay county expenses between now and the collection of 1925 taxes. It is therefore ordered that the Chairman of t'he Board of Supervsor-s, be and he is hereby'authorized in the name and on behalf of the County .of Albemarle to make arragnements with some bank or banks for them te advance the necessary amount, not to exceed twenty Thousand ($20,000.D0) Dollars an~-'to execute such obligation or obligations in the name, mnd on behalf of said county as may be necessary to secure such advancements or advancements, and also by such obligation or obligations and pledge~ 1925 taxes for same. To the holders of all the bonds of the County of Albemarle issued under act--of the General Assembly of Virginia approved March 23rd 1920, which bonds bear date. on the I day of~arch 192S, mnd are payable twn years after date, being callabl~ at amy period after two years from dst,e; · TAKE NOTICE that on the 1st day of September 1925, all of the aforesmid bonds numbered from o~e to three hundred will be paid off at the office of Bank of America, 257 Broadway, in the City of New York, State of New York. ALL of said years from the date of said bonds having elapsed'. Ail interest upon said bonds will cease at and on September 1st, 1925, and the holders of.said bonds are hereby notified~-o present the sa~e~for payment at the office aforesaid in the City of New York. ........ ~The Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia. Tester Supervisor C.Purcell ~IcCue introduced the following resolution which was seconded by Supervisor J.E.Abell s~nd thereupon unanimously adopted. WttE~S, there are now outstanding $3.00,000. Road Bonds of Albema~e.'~GUnnty Virginia, issued under the provisions of chapter 429 of the &aws of Vzrginia, 1920 bearing interest at the rate of five per centum Per anE~um, dated ~rch l, 1923, payable ~rch 1, I933, redeemable upon any interest payment date occurring after the expiration of two years after the date of smid bonds at the option of Albemarle County, upon publication of notice of redemption in some newspaper published in the City o'f Charlottesville, or in the County of Albera~.rle, once a week for four conse~ctive we eks, s~nd WEEP.F~AS it h~s been determined that s~id ~bonds cau be refunded at a kower rate of interest, ~nd a contract has been made with Frederick E, Molting & Company. of iiichmond, Virginia, £ar the sale of ~efunding Bonds in the amount ef $300,000. bearing interest at the rate of four and three-qu~arters per centum per annum, to provide for the retirement cf said outstanding Roa~ Bonds of' ~1arch l, 1923, ~nd it is accordingly in the inter, est and to the advantage of A~lbem~rle County, to exercise its option to redeem ~said outstanding Road Bonds of 1923. NOW TiiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED tha-t said $300,000. 'Road Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, dated March l, 1923, payable l~arch 1, 1933, issued under the provisions of Chapter 429, of the L~ws of Virginia, 1920 .be and the same are hereby called for redemption on'. SeT?tember 1, 1925, and the Clerk of the °card of Supervisors is hereby authorized mnd directed to publish a notice of th~ call of s~,id bonds for redemption in the "Daily Progress" a newspaper published in the City 'of Charlottesville, Virginia, once ~ week for four consecutive weeks, the first publication to be not less than twenty-eight days prior to September 1, 1925, which notice shall~ be in substantially the following NOTICE OF REDW~IPTIOI~. ALHE~R~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA $300,000 Road Bondso~ NOTICE is hereby given to the holders of $300,000. Five per cent Road bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, numbered from 1 to 300 inclusive, dated March 1, 192~ payable March l, 1933, redeemable upon any interest payament, date on and after March l, 1925, that ss~d bonds h~ve been called for redemption and will be redeemed at par and accrued interest ~t Bank of America 257 Broadway, New York C±ty,. on the first day of September, i925. In the event said bonds or any of them are not presented for payment on said date they sh~ll cease to bear interest from and after said date. By order of the ~oard of Supervisors ofxt'.2.1bemarle County, adopted July 15th 1925. Clerk ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County, ~irginia. (form of° Bond) UNITED STATES OF AI~ERICA STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBE~fJ~RLE $1000 Road Bond County of Albemarle, in the State of Virginia, for value received acknowledges its indebtedness smd promises to pay to bearer 0tIE THOUSAKD DOLLARS ($1000.00) on the First davy of September, 1930, together with interest thereon at the rate of four and three quarters Per Centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days September and Larch in each year, upon presentation a~d surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due and payable, both principal and interes~ being payable in gold coin of the '°nited States of America of the present standard w~ight and fineness at the office of the Bank of America, 257 Broadway, New YoL'k City. This bond may be registered in the name of the holder in a bond to be kept bY the Treasurer, as to principal only, which registration Shall be noter herein, and thereafter the principal hereof shall be payable to the registered owner but this bond may be discharged from registry by being registered as payable to bearer. After registration this bond may be transferred on smid book by the registered owne~ in person or by attorney, and every transfer hereof when registered shall be valid only when made upon s~id book. The registration hereof as to principa s~all not restrain the negotiability of the coupons hereto.~,attached by delivery merely. T~is bond is one of a series of Three ~t~ndred Thousand Dollars issued pay an equal amodnt of bonds authorized by the Act of the General Assembly of Virginia and approved ~arch B$rd 19~0 to be found on Page 6~8 of the Acts of Assembly of 19~0 pursuant to ~ resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County adopted on the £lst day .of February 1925. This present issue being authorized by a resolutio~ of th~ ~o~rd of Supervisors of Albemsrle CoUnty adopted July 15th 19~5. It is hereby Certified, recited and declared that all acts, condition.m~ and things requi~ed to exist, happen and tp be performed, precedent to and in the issusonce of this~bonds, have existed, h~ve happened mnd have been performed in due time, from and manner as required by law, and ~h~t the amount of this bond,., together with all other ifidebtedness 'of Albemarle County, does not exceed any limit prescribed the constitution or statutes of t~he State of Virginia, and that the full faith, credit and revendes of Albemarle GSunty a~e hereby irrevocably pledged to %he ~Duncal payment of the principal and interest of this bond. TSis bond is exempt for taxation b.y A-lbemarle County Virginia~ IN WIT~ESS WH~REOF, the County of Albemarle Virgin has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, countersigned by the Clerk of said Board, and the corporate seal of said County to be hereunto ~ffixed and the interes coupons hereto annexed to be signed with the facsimile signature of said Chairman, and this bon~ to be dated the first day of September 1925. _ Chairman Board of Supervisors A, lbem~rle County, Virginis~. Clerk Of B. oard of SUpervisors ---------------Albemarle County, Virginia, (Form of Coupom) $2~3¥75 On the first d~ of March 1926. The County of Albemarle, in the §tare of Virginia, will pay to bearer. of 0 by _/ 257 Broadwsav, New York, New York, being six months interest then due on its Road bond dated September 1, 1925. ' Number Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Albemarle COunty.,VA Coupo~ No. (10) Ten. coupons of the above form, but made payable 1st day of September amd 1st day of March commencing with 1st ~Iarch 1926 and ending 1st September ,I~30 should be attached to each of s~id bonds. G. Stuart H~, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him during the month of June 1925. The Board examined the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. Seth ~urnley, Gounty Engineer's report for the month of June was presented, examined and ~rdered to be filed. The following claims, were presented, e:~mined and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment~ viz:--- Harry Hoddenotte M. H,Foste~ ~. ~.l~wy~r Dr. R.L?age Dr. ]~.P,Nelson Dr. H.McOoy ~. C. Bmllmrd FeP,Kirtley C.P.~mrth arry Clarke .Start H~ W.L.E~upin R.E.Tur~er J.~, Hancock ~.Mason Smith C.Purcell McC~e P.H.Gentry C ,A-.Mi lle~ G. St%u~rd Hams Conwmy Printimg Go Albemarle Telephone Melton Jomes J.W. Wolfe Dr. ~.G.Roberts Dr. ~eton F.~mrshmlt Calhaun ~atts Motor Co C .G.Greer The Michie 0~ B.Z. Irving Dr. H.T.Nel~on Dr. F~,G.McOue J. H. J0ne s Mrs. H.P.Porter Jasper Jone~ Repair to ~otorcycle $35~79 Lunacy 6.00 # 2.00 ~ '10.00 " ~.80 ~ 5.80 Road Viewer 2.00 ~ 2.00 ~ 2.00 ~ 2.00 Heimbursement 9.15 certifying voting list and making returns etc 186,S0 Lan~d Assessor 156.00 #' 156.00 Summonin~ v~ewers 2,50 Finance ~ommi$~ee 8.00 12.80 8.00 Int on $500,000 bonds 1J47.69 Printing ~attqts 18.00 Clerk's Offic~ 16.00 Apr amd Mmy 66.66 LUnacN 2.00 ' 5.50 "~ 5.00 ~ 1.00 supplies motorcycle 8.88 Farm Dem. 50.00 Printing voting list 217,00 Lunac~ 2.00 ' 5.00 ~ 5.00 ~ 3.00 " witness .60 ~ . .50 WPIEP~AS, bids were invited for the purchase of $300,000. Refunding Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia, amd ......... WHEREAS, the hightest bid~ rec~ei~ed~v~ ti~ta~o-f- Frederick ~.Nolting & Co. of Richmond, Virginia, which is as follows[-- July '14, 1925. Hon. Board of uperv~sors of ,lbemarze County, Va. Ch%rlottesville, Virginia. Gent lemon .' With reference to $300,000. Albemarre COunty, Virginia Bonds that you propose to issue robe dated September 1 1925, and due September l, 1930, without option of prior Paymenf, for bonds bearing interest at the rat of 4$%per annum payable~semi'~ annus~llv, orincioal s~nd interest payable at some bank in the City of New York. the This offer is made upon the usual condition that roll legal f~mtures in connection with the bond issue shall be~ approV~d~by mn attorney of ou~ selection at our expense and tlumt you will furnish certified copies of such pa~ers relative to the bond issue as may be necessary to enable him to pass upgn the legality of the issue. Yours truly, (Signed) Fred'k E.N lting & Co. N0~? TItE~FORE ON ~0TION of C'.Purcell t~cCue and seconded by J.E.Abell be it resolved that said high bid of Frederick E.Notting & Co. of Richmond, Virginia be and is hereby accepted. Ayes.'m~ J.~.Fray, C.Purcell ~IcCue, J.E.Abeil and P.H. Gentry. Nee s: None At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of A~lbemarle County, held ~t t'he Court House Of s~id County, held at the Court House of sm~id County 19th day 'o£ ~ugust Present: J.M.Frmy, Chairman, O,Purcetl ~cCue, P,H. Gentry, J.E.Abell,~ C..%.Miller and ~.H. Lmnghorne. 'It appearing necessary that the Yhite Hall DiStrict will hame to borrow some money in which to p~v District Road Purposes between now mud %he collection of 19£5 taxeS. W · T!{EBEFORE ON EOTION of the Supervisor of the h~te Hall District a~nd seconded by ¢.Purcetl McCue it is o-sdered that C.A.Miller, be and it is hereby. authorized' in the name sand on behalf of 2he s ~mid White Hall D~st.~ct to borrow $1200.00 fbr. a period of six months from Mr. George Cox to execute such obligation or obligation~s in %.he name, and on behalf of said District as may be necessary to secure such advancement, and also by such obligation o~ obligations pledge 1925 taxes for the same. The report of viewers on the proposed road from the Heards Road to Apple Valley thr6ugh the lands of Highlmnd Live Stock and 0rc~rd Co. v~s continued and on motion of J,E.Abell and seconded by C.Purceil McCue it is ordered that the Board meet om FrydayAugust ~Sth t925 mnd go over the proposed Foad. O~ motion duly seconded the following resolution was adopted.. Resolved that mt the next meeting of the Board Of Supervisors of Albemarle County, on'September 18th 19E~, an ordinance will be adopted fixing toll gates on the following public highways. Upon the Free Uniom Road at Eoormans' River Bridge and on the~hi~e Hm. ll Road at its junction With the Hattie's Ei!l Road. Aye: Fray, Abell, EcCue, Gentry mnd Langhorne Nd. ~il~er. on motion of J.E.Abell ~nd seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that the sum of $559 be appropriated to the County Fair.Polled vote unanimous. In ~he matter of having the Scottsville-Ch~r!ottesville Concrete ..Road made ~ Sta~e road. Oh motio~ duly seconded it is ordered that ~ committee Consisting of ~lfessrs. Fray, Gent~y and Langhorne attent the next meeting of the State Highv~y Cimmi~sio~ and do whmt they can to have said road made a state road. Oh motioh duly seconded it is ordered thmt Seth Burnley Oodnty Engineer purchase ~ car load of Coal for the County Home.