HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-08-19 This offer is made upon the usual condition that all legal features in connection with the bond issue shall be_ approved by mn attorney of our selectio~ at our expense and 1:hat you will furnish certified copies of such pa~ers relative to the bond issue as may be necessary to enable him to pass upQn the legality Of the issue. Yours tru!y~, (Signed) Fred'k E.N lting & Co. N0~ THEREFORE ON NOTION of O,Purcell McOue and seconded by J,E~Abell be it resolved that said high bid of Frederick E.Nolting & Co. of Richmond, Virginia be and is hereby accepted. Ayes:~ J'.M.Fray, C.Purcell ~cCue, J.E.Abell ~mnd P.H. Gentry. Noes :: None At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,_ held at ~he Court House Of said County, held ~t the Court House of sa~id County om t 19th day of ~ugUst 19~5. Present: J.M.Fray, Ghairman, ¢.Purcell EcCue, P~'H. Gentry, J.E.Abell,. C,~.Miller mnd ~.H.~saughorne. 'It appearing necessary that the ~hite Hall District will bawe to borrow some money in which to pay District Road Purposes between now~nd %he collection of 1925 taxes. T~FORE ON MOTION of the Supervisor of the ~hite I~1i District ~s~nd seconded by C.Purcell McCue it is o~dered that C.A..Milter, be and it is hereby authorized~ in the n~me smd om behalf of the said ~hite Hail District to borrow $1200.00 fbr. a period of six months from Er. George Cox to execute such oblig~tio~ or obligation~$ in ~he name, and on behalf of said District as may be necessary to secure such advancement, and also by such obligation o~ obligations pledge 1925 taxes for the s~me. The r:eport of viewers on the proposed road from the Heards Road to Appl Valley thr6ugh the lands of imgn!an~ Live Stock and 0rch~rd Co. w~$ continued and on motion of J.E.Abelt ~ud seconded by C.Purcetl EcCue it is ordered that the Board meet om Fryday August 28th 1925 and go over the proposed road. 0~ mo~ion duly seconded the following resolutio~ was adopted. ' ~ ResolVed that at the next meeting of the Board Of Supervisors of Albemarle County, on September 18th 1925, an ordinance will be adopted fixing toll gates on the following public highways. Upon the Free Unio~ Road at Moormans' River B~idge and on the ~?;hi%e Hall Road at its junction with the Hattie's Mill Road. Aye: Fray, Abell, McCue, Gentry and Langhorne Nd. Ei lle,r. on motion of J.~,Abe!l and seconded by P.H,Gentry it is ordered that~the sum of $559 be appropriated to the County Fair.Polled vote unanimous. In %he matter of having the Scottsville-Charlottesvitle Concret~ Road made ~ Sta~e ro~d. on motio~ duly seconded it is ordered that a committee Consisting ef Messr~ Fray, Gent~y and Langhorne attent the next meeting of the State Highv~y CimmiSsion and do wha~ they can to have said road made a state road. Oh motioh duly seconded it is ordered that Seth Burnley ~.ounty Engineer purchase a ~car load of Coal for t.he County Home. G.mSttk~rt Ha~E~, Treasurer° presented to the Board a mtatement, together with all w~rrants paid by him during the month of July !92§. The Board examined the warrants ordered t~he statement to be filed. Seth Burnley, County Engineer's report for the month of Juiy was presented ermined and ordered $o be filed. The following claims were presented, ex~mined and ordered to be certified to the Tr.easurer for pa~nnent viz~--- W.H. Roger E · . lection $3.00 T.H.Jarman ~' 3,00 C.F. Ballard " 8.80 ~azet Cooperage 0o " 1.00 .~.~artin "~ 8.80 T.L.Gianniny "' E.R.Pugh ~ 3.00 H.C.Eiller " 8.80 John Bing " 4.00 H~rdy Proffit ~ 3.00 J.B. Jarman "' 1~.20 Thomas.Wyant " 3.00 John Rivereomb ' 3,00 King Solemn Lodge ~ 1.-00 E.J.Bowen "~ 9'~20 W.W.Driscolt " 4.00 AiK'Wyant ~ 3.00 R.G.Birckhead # 8.00 Dr. Ambler Caskie " 5',00 f.C.Leake "~ 3'.00 ~rs. E.D.Cox '~ ~ t.00 L.C.Huff ~ 12.60 ~.E;~oed ~ 3.00 H.T.Huff " 3,00 ~.H.~irckhead ~ 1.00 C. S. Hu~an "' 9.00 R.Roy Ho~w~rd " 3.00 ~. J. G~y " 3.00 John ~ayo - lO. oo ~ev. ~.E.Daniel "' 3.00 Z.H. Jonem " 3..00 Town~f Soott.sville ~ 1.00 Chis E.N~h~nes " 9.20 A-N-Gardner " ~.00 Bud Dowell " 3.00 '~esle~ Vaugh~n ~ 3.00 Hugh Estes ~ 3.00 H.W. Perkin~s " 1.00 · .A. Hancock " 9'.00 J.N.Brockenborough ~ 3.00 A.L.Blair " 3.00 J.~.Ra~nsey " 3,00 Riverside L~brary " 1.00 ~,A'.Hammer " 9,20 H.R.Norvell ~idney Barnett" 3.003.00 ~.M · P ayne " 7 .'40 S. T .Eah~nes " 3, 00 L.H. Webb " ~00 H.W. Jacksom " 1.00 Burrell Garth "~ A.L.S~evens "' 4.00 W'~. ~arpenter "' 12.20 F.E.Minor " 3.00 M,Y.Sutherland ~: 3..00 G.W;Smith ~ 1.00 J.0.Thurman " 2.70 Wilbur Smith " 5.70 Austin: ~. lznt " 3.00 E.O.Munday " 3.00 S'.T.l~hite " 1;00 S'.L/Burks "' 8.60 F.E.Alexander " 3.00 A · l~ce V.Burks " 3.00 S.J.Michie ~ 9;20 J.H. Stout a 3.00 R.E.Turner " 3,00 J.A. Tomlim ~ 1.00 H.G.Waddell # 11.10 C.M. Garnett " 3'.00 H.L.Garth ~ ~,00 S.A. Calhoun ~ 1.00 0.M.Davis " 10.40 E.B.Parrott " ~.00 ~.M.Via ~ 3.00 J.W.Davis '~ 3.00  .Ashby H~rris '~' 7.40 .M.H~rris " 3.00 S.H.Hu~hes ~ 3.00 C H.P.Porter J.N. ~i lker son J. F. Pa~Yne Hunter Cr enshaw Ch'ville Hdew C .M.Garnett W .D. Ho 1 laday R .E. Turner J. O.Hancock L. C. W~t t~s J.Eason Smith Dr~ M,L,Re~ $. T.White ~. O.Eund ~ A. J~. Steohens G.A. H~hes~ Dr. G.F. C. B. Lewis C,~.Lewis R.B. G~rth Cecil Wash W.J.Eztes G. P. Inge J.Masom Smith · R.Melton Jones C,G.Greer Calho~Watt s Coney Printing Co N~ G~r l~d A.W.Norvell Dr. R.S. Goodwin $. H. Hughes Coney Printing' Go W. F .Lout Albemarle Telep. hone Co Election $ 3.00 " 5.00 " 6.20 ". 5,00 " 3.00 " 3.00 " 5.00 ~-and Assessor 42.00 '~ 4~2.00 '~ 156.00 "~ 156 · O0 Cot. lng. 3,00 '~ 2.50 " 5.00 ~ 1.50 " 1.50 " 1.50 " 1;50 " 1,50 '~ 1.50 ~' 4.50 " 5.00 "~ , 1.50 " 1.50 " 1.50 " 1.50 " 1.50 " 1.50 I~osting Notices. 33.00 ame Warden 66.8~ alary 30,. O0 ~iot~r cycle r epai r s 22.37 Printing Ballots 18.80 Lunacy 2.80 " 5.00 " 5.15 " 5.80 Registrar 4. O0 Printing cards 2.25 Making out voting listlg?.01 Noting Tres. Bond 25.00 Farm & Home Dem. 14.00 At m called meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court House of sa~id County on the ?th dm.y of September 1925. Present: J,M.Fray, Chairman, C..Purcell McOue, J,E.Abeil and P,H~Gentry. On motion of C'.Purcell McCue amd seconded by J,E.Abell it is unanimously orded tb~t the sum of $250l~00 be appropriated a~s m rew~rd for the capture and conviction of the parties who made a criminal assault on two young teachers at the University of Va. Polled vote Aye:. Fray, Gentry, Abell and I~cCue No: none.