HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-10-21 AJt a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of A~Foemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 21st day of October 1925. Present: J.E,Fr~y, Chairman, J.E.Abell, P.H. Gentry, W.H.Langhorne, C.Purcell Ec~ue and C, A.Diiller. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of G.Purceit ~cCue and seconded by C.~.Eiller it is unanimously ordered that ~rs. Bessie Dunn Eiller be appointed Home Demonstrator for another year with an appropriation in the same amount as for the ~st year was made for the ensu! ~ year. Polled vote unanimous. On motion of C.Purcetl EcCue s~ud seconded by ~.H.Langhorne it is ordered that Seth Burnley, County Engineer, put an article in the Daily Progress thanking the citizens who contributed money for the repair of the GarthRoad. On motion of P.H.Rentry ~nd seconde~ by C.Purcetl EcCue it is unanimously ordered that S.S.Teel be appointed County Agent for the next year, and that C.G. Gree~be appointed Colored Agent for the next year. An appropriation in the same amount as £or the past year was made for the ensuing year. ~ Polled vote unanimous. On motion of C.Purcetl EcCue and seconded by P.H'.Gentry it is ordered that 30 sheep and t Buck at $15.00 per head be bought for the County Home. On motion of G. Purcell ~cCue and seconded by p,H; Gentry it is ordered that G,Stu~rt Hsmm, Treas~er, be authorized to take all necessary steps to drop all land that does not exist from the land books~ On motion of W.H-.iemnghorne and seconded by J.E.Abeti it is ordered that John S,Graves, Stty. be employed to assist the ~ttorney for the Commonwealth in defending the tax suit brought by the Citizens of the tovau of Scottsvii!e to exempt them from paying the levy for interest on bonds and to create a sinking fund to pay off the bondedlimdebtness of Scottsville District. On motion duly seconded be it ~'esolved that after Jan~ let 1926, that the bounty on hawks, owls, crows, minks and weasels be discontinued. On motion of ~V.H.Langhorne and seconded by C.Purcetl ~cCue it is unanimously ordered that the season on Birds, Turkey, Pheasents, F~bbits ~nd Squirrels be closed Janus~ry tst 19~8o On motion duly seconded it is unanimously ordered that the sum of ~00.00 be approp~'iated to L.H. Nmylor, Supt of County Home. IT APPYDARING TO THE BOAP~ tt~at the Bond issued to take up $300,000. of ~ bonds dsted i~arch 1st, !9£$, payeble ~arsh 1st, igSS, redeemable upon any issued to redeem the same, this Board hereby certifies that the said $300,000. of bonds da~ed-~a~ch 1st, 1923, .were duly and properly cancelled and are no longer an obligation of this County. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby a. uthorized and directed to certify this fact under his hand and the seal of this Board. G.Stuart Harem, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him during the month of September 1925,the Board examined the war~ants ordered the statement to be filed. Seth Burnley, County Engineer's report for the month of Sep~embe: was presented examined and ordered to be filed. The following claims were presented,'eEamined and ordered to be certified to the treasurer for p~yment, viz:-- p. T .Dunn, C ..E. Hart is W.D. Ho lladay B,Z. ~rving Dr. J~ C.Flippen Dr. H. B.~ulhotland~ B .Z. I ,zving J,~.Smith E.B.Giannine Rt~s s e tl Ha~ Jno Wingfield A.~.So lomon J. B, ~unday C.T.'dwaras Wm. E,Duke Jno B..l~inor . J. Bo ~.z Dr. F.p.iletson J .W..Wo lfe' R. L. $n ~%~ ~t o~ Edwin ~u~s,on ~, T. HtEGp hr i e s W, G L. W/San~ ~, i dge L. J. Ga~r imon Ever ett Waddy Batesville Printing Co C .D,Pahne~ Jno ~yo Charlottesville Hdwe Co Virginia Printing Co Daily Progress Cro~et Print Shop cotts~lle ~ews C.G.Gree~ Albemarle Telephone Co, Eelton Jones H~gh ~-stes Electorial Board Lunacy Cot. " in~. # Board of ~quatization Clerk " 65.54 29.20 40.70 2.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 2.'50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1'5.00 !5.00 12.50 9.00 Z~einbu~sement fo~ repairs to Typewriter'9.10 Cot 5,00 DeedBo oks etc. Forms for Treasurer Blood Hound Reg i s t er Treas office Forms Tres. office Ads lqegistration notice Adm Sa lary Dem. office Tres and Clerk's Office October & Nov Election 3~00 2.50 21150 I~50 1.50 1;50 t~ 50 1.50 130'170 '6.5O 35.00 4. O0 3.~ 5 15.50 26,50 5.00 3.~0 30.00 14.00 27~. 4~0 56.67 ..oo