HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-11-18 At ~ regular meeting of the Board uf Supervisors of ~tbemarle County Virginia held at the County Home of said County on the tBth d~y of November 1925. Pre,sent: J.~'[.Fr~y, Chai~u-nan, C.purcell ~IcCue, C.A-.l~liller, P.H. Gentry and J.E.Abetl. minutes of the last meeti~ w~re read and approved. After inspecting the grounds and buildings on motion of U.Purcell ~cOue and seconded by P.H. Gentry the Dupt.an~ County Engineer were authorized to have some neccess~ry plastering, painting ~n~d repairing done to ~he buildings. Pursuant ~o ~'aw formal applic~tion to %l~e State High%racy Department' is hereby made for the County's Portion of 1928 State 5~oney A,id. ~he at!ottment to be made at a later date except that portion whic~ has already been made to resurface the ~arth Road. On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by P,H. Gentry the ~elfare Board is authorized to trade in its old Ford for a new one, the cost to the County not to exceed $~00.00. On motion of J.E.Abell seconded by C./~.Diill~er the County Traffim Officer-'s services are hereby dispenced with for the winter. The commonwealth Atty. and County Engineer authorized to dra,.w up certain amendments to Traffi= Laws. On motion of O.Purcell Ec~ue seconded by ~r.E'.Abell the following~ permit was granted the Central Virginia-Power On the application of Central Virginia Power Compary a Corporation, and .by the unanimous vote of the ~oard of Supervisors of A~lbemarle County, Virginia, it was resolved that the consent of this ~oard be, and the same is hereby given-the said Ce_~ntral .Virginia Power Oospmny; a Corporation, or its assigns or successors, to cross , ~se and occupy the roads, turnpikes, streets, avenues, a-lleys, public'parks. and works in~ the County 'of Albemarle, ~ud along, over, through or under the same to construct, erect, operate and maintain poles, wires, guys, conduits ~nd other necessary~or useful appliances for the transmission of electrical energy, or for the use, sale and distribution of same; with all the rights, privileges, powers amd immunitues granted by law; but subject, however, to alt the restrictions, rules, regulations and penalties prescribed by law; and provided that said works be so placed, operated and maintained ~s not to obstruct the traffic over and along said roads, nor to interfere with the convenient working or drainage of s~e. And it is ordered that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. On ~ccount of the meeting being held at the County home the C~hairman, of the ~oard w~s authorized to O.K. the i~iits. The Supt. of the Home was complimented on the cleanness of the Home ~nd grounds and given a vote of thanks for entertaining the Board. At the request of ~rs. ~.A,Haley, and it appearing that n~tice~ vrare on the 5th day of October 19~5, that being the first day of the October 19~5, %era of proposed to be closed, the following viewers, John B'.FJinor, P.C.~iinor, W.D.Holladay, J;0.~hurman and ~.R.Duk~ are appointed to v~-ew so much of the old Free Brid~e~i~oad (now known as ~id!ing Trail) that lies between ~rs. W.A.Ha!ey's entrance eastward to its intersection with i-he new road known as Eidlimg Trail, in other woBd~ alt of the old road that ties within the property of Mrs. W.A~P,laley. The' s~id viewers shall meet at 10: A~.E. on the 15th da~ of December 1925 and file ~vith the Clerk of the /~oard on or before the 16th day of December 1925,~ report in writing whether in their opinion a~y, and if anY,~what inconvience will resuld~ from discontintming the same. G. Stuart iimnm~, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement 0 ~ together with ~tl warrants paid by him during the month of ctober 1925, th~ Board examined the warrants ordered the statement to be filed. seth Burnley, County Engineer's report' for the month of'. ~e~t81ser was presented examined maud ordered to be filed. The following claims were presented, be certified to the treasurer for payment, viz: J. O, Bowc o ck Silas She lburn C. S. Huf fmam R.R.Howard H.E.~artin R.L.Watson E.W.~artin L. ~. Huff J. W. ~age W.Emr! Head R.L.Birckhead ~soar ~.~ood G. ~. Smith ~J.J~. iianc o ck ~' .~. Carpenter E. B. Bowd en I~. Y. Sut her land F .E.~iinor C.E. Garnett A. C. ~al lard ~'~ cod s Riley F.E. Gillum Ii. L. Gar ty S. A. Cai ho un R.1. ~ackson H.A.S:Hami!ton J.$~Gentr.,~ _ y ~f. M. Payne S. T.~ahanes C .E.~ahanes H.C t~ii lief G.Gates Garth A .E. Gardner O. T. ~ardener IIugh Estes ~esley Vaughan II.EL Perkins J. 0. Thurman ,~Aust in Flint Oscar ~ith ~ilber Bmith ~,~rs. Florence !garshali S. T. ~fhi te C .F.Ballard W,~.Garrison ~. $. mat ~man T .ii.. Ja rman W. II. Roger s Cr ozet Cooperage 0.~.Davis 0. L. ~obe r 2s ~.E.Via ~.B.Parrott ~.W.Davis W..n,Eart in H. W. ~unt T.L. Giannini m.R.Pugh S. L. Bur k s examined- and order2d-to Election $ 9.20 ~ 3.00 " 3.00 "' 9.00 ~ ~.00 " 3.00 " 3.00 " 3.00 " 13.10 Reg. 8.00 Election 3.00 ~ 3.00 " 1.00 ~ & R.R. &. O0 ~ 3.00 " 12.60 '~ 3. O0 " 3.00 " 3. O0 ~ 7.80 ~ 3.00 '~ 3. O0 " 3.00 "' 5. O0 ~ 1.00 '~ 7.80 " 3.00 '~ 3. O0 3.00 3.00 " 9.20 " 3.00 Extending Co Levy 2703.48 ~lection ~.00 " 3. O0 ~' 3.00 " 3.00 " 1.00 "" 8.40 " 3.00 " 5,00 " 3. O0 "' 3.00 " 1.00 " 8.80 5.00 " 3.00 '~ 3.00 "' 3, 0'0 'J 1. O0 ~ 10 · 50 ~ 3.00 ~ 5.00 " 3.00 " 3.00 " 10.80 ~ 3.00 '+ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~' 16.40 F.E.A, texander J,~ .Rmmsey J, N. Br ockenbor ough J,K. irving Jr. A.L.B!air J. B. Ram sey ~iver side Library R. G. Birckhead L~cian Brown C .H.Walsh J, C; Leake Dr. Ambler Caskie Mrs, E.D.Cox R. ~, tiamn er Sidney Barnett ~. A,.,C larke R. N~Pugh H. R. lifo rve ll W, H,Davis ~.B,Burruss Julian Catterton H, J,Proffit Dmvis Dunn J.~.Eichie G. D, Lmym~n H.P.Porter J. T. Layman C. C. Cook R. E, Tut net J.A. Tomlin J.F, Gault C.B.Harris Geo. T. 0mohundro J. E. Dani el A. J. Bel 1 John ~yo Town of Scottsvilte B. C. Baker A,. L. St evens Ceo H. Cary Geo. ~tephens S.C. G~rth Jr. W,D ,~mnpin Jr. D. L, S~nd r i dge ~. J, I~owe n A.K. Wyant ~.W~.Driscoll H,Ashby Harri~ S .H, Hughes J:~,~, hen sley T.E. Wilho~t S .II. Harris W. B. Jarmam J.'~.Patterson J,HiGrinstead J.E.Rive rcomb T.R,Wyant King Kolomon i~odge J. F. Payne Hunter Crenshaw C .C.Anderson j. L. Humbert W.H.Smith T.L.Rosser W. J. Phillips W .B, C o lthur st M;C,Harrim J.~.~arris W.H, Stargell ~.W.Scott Jr.. S,E.Payne ~. G,Waddell C.P.~arth P.H[~atoney W .W. Head John B.l~inor ~ .B. Thompson H,E. ~lar low T .¥~o od s Jmrman ~.E. Garr imon Hugh Estes Dt. C.Harris E. S.l~apier C .E.Harris Conway grinting ~o W. L ,~up i n J,P.Bell 0o Meyer hoeffer Bros Calhoun Watts Mfr. Co C,G,Greer Frick Broz Virginia Printing Go J. ~, Wolfe Dr ~ C . H.Ec oy Dr, F,Page Nelson -Election_ $ 3.00 ~ 3. O0 " 3.00 " 3.00 "' 3.00 " 10.00 "~ l. O0 '~ 8. O0 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 " 3. O0 " 9.20 ~ 5. O0 " 3.00 · ~ 3.00 ff 3.00 " 8.80 "' 3. O0 ~ 3.00 " 5.00 ~ 1 .'00 " 9.60 "~ 3.00 ~ 6.20 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 " 3.00 " 1.00 ~ 3.00 ": 3.00 Extending ~ounty Levy ~804.35 ~lect!on 3. OO ~lectiom 3.00 " 10. O0 " 1.00 ~ 3.00 '+ 4~00 ~ ~.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 7.40 ~ 8.80 " 3.00 " 3.00 " 3. O0 '~ 4.00 ~ 7.40 ' 8.00 ~ 3.00 " 3. O0 ~ 3. 00 ~ 13.80 " 3.00 " 3.00 ~ 3.00 " 3.00 " !.00 "' 3.00 ~ 5.00 . 3. O0 5.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 " :i.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 " 3.00 '~ 10. O0 " 3. ~0 " 5.00 ~ 3.90 8.00 ~ 8.50 '~ 8.60 ~ 8.00 " 8.60 ~ 8.80 "~ 8,90 "~ 9.90 '"' 8.40 "~' 8. l0 ~' 5,60 "' 6.80 Printing Ballots 20.00 Primary & -~enearl Elec. 16.13 Binding land I~ooks 30.00 31 ewes & 1 buck Go,home&65,00 ~upplies for Motr. officer 21.77 ~alary ;50. O0 t~iring Clerk's Office 64.05 Legal forms etc. V8.75 Lunacy 2.00 ~ 5:.00 - 5.00 - 5. O0 J.~ason Smith ~uard at Jall $22.00 Chairman. At a regular meeting of the °card of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said county on the 16th day of Decemb%~ 1925, Fresent~ J.%~.Fray, Chairman, U,Purcell eentry and ~'.H.Langhorne. ~he minutes of the last meeting were read smd approved. 0n motion of G. Purcell McOue and seconded by W.H. Ls~ghorne it is unanimously ordered, that ~.LoMaupin, Clerk, write State Accountant at Richmor~d, ~a. and request that he send one of his assistants to audit the CoUnty Treasurers' Office about ~nuary 15th 1926. On motion of C,A.Ei!ier and seconded by J.E.A~bell it is unanimously ordered tb~t Seth Burnley, Ocunty Engineer make an estimate of 2he cost of lhe Bridge at ~ingfields' Precinct and report back to the Board at its next meeti On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded hy J,E.,Abeli it is unanimo ordered that Judge R.~.~.~uke Jr. Attorney for the Commonwealth be requested to give an opinion as to the validity of the County ~mposi~g_; an automobile license tax. On motion', of ~,H. Laughorne and seconded by G.Purcell MoCue it is unanimously ordered that o~r Delegates and Senator do all in their power to c~eate one Sta~te Institution for the Poor. On motion of J.E. Abell mhd seconded by P.H.Gentry it is~unanimo' ordered-that our Senator smd delegates do all i~ their power to anact a~.'~law to make the fisc~l year begin ~au~ 1st and end Dec.. 3tst for all offices env. oiving funds of the County & State. On motion: duly seconded it is unanimously ordered that the sum of $~00.00 of the quarterly allowance be advanced to L.E.N~ylor Supt. of the County Hom~. a~op~ ed: On motion duly ,seconded the following resolution, was unanimousl WPIEP~A$, the General Assembly of Virginia, by an act approved 1920, (~920 Acts, Chapt. 442) authorized ~he issuance by Albemarle County! march 24th of the $235,000, of bonds issued for the construction of a part of 'the concrete highly leading from C~rlottesville 2o Scottsville, Situated in the.Scottsvil[e magisterial District ~d provided for the pa~ent of the interest ~d sinking fund on said bonds by the levy of "a tax o~ all property now or ~reafter liable to co~ le~y in those parts cf sm. id county kno~ as Scottsville ~gisterial District." tax being described in the title of said act ms "A ~pecial district tax~ and ~S, at a genera~l election held N0vembe~ ~th 1921 i~ pursu~ce of Ohaptar 28, Acts, 1919~ the qualified voters of th~ said EcotSsville ~aEisterial District, including the qualified voters in the t~ of Scottsviiie. ,sly ~s ly