HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-12-16e.~ason Smith Guard at Jmll $22.00 At a regular meeting of the Ooard of Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty, Virginia, held at the Court House of said county on the 18th day of Decemb~ 1925 resent~ J.~$.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell Mc0ue, ~entry mnd ~.iI.Langhorne. ~he minutes of the last meeting were remd amd ,approved. On motion of G~Purcell McOue and seconded by .H. ze~ghorne it is unanimously ordered, that ~..L.Maupin, Glerk, write State Accountant mt Richmomd, '¥m. and request that he send o~ of his assistants to audit the OoUt~ty Treasurers' Office about January 15th 1926. On motion of 0.A. Eiller and seconded by Y.E.A~belI it is unanimously ordered tb~t Seth Burnley, County Engineer make an estimate of %he cost of the Bridge at Yingfields' Precinct mnd report back to ~he Bomrd at its next meeti On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded hy J.l~,.Abell it is unanimo ordered that Judge t!.~.W.~uke Jr. Attorney for the Commonwealth be requested to give an opinion as to the validity of the Gounty amposi~g5 an automobile license tax. On motion of ~H.L~mnghorne and seconded by G.Purcell McCue it is unanimously ordered that our Delegates and ~enator do all in their power to create one Stmte Institution for the Poor. On motion of J.E.Abe!l and seconded by P.H. Gentry it is unanimc ordered-that our ~enmtor mud delegates do mi1 i~ their power to anact m:.-~law to make the fisc~gl yemr begin ~mn~ 1st and end Dec.. ~tst for all offices envolving funds of the County & State. On mottos duly seconded it is unanimously ordered that the sum of $ 00.00 of the quarterly allovmnce be advanced to L.E. Naylor ~upt. of the County Home. a~ opt ed :. On motion duly ,seconded the following resolution was unanimousl ~$, %he General Assembly of Virginia, by an act approved ~arch 24th 1920, (1920 Acts, Ohapt. &42) authorized the issuance By Albemarle Gounty of the $235,000. of bonds issued for the construction of a part of the comcrete highway leading from, Charlottesville ~o Scottsvilte, Situated in the.Scottsville magisterial District ~mnd provided for the payment of the interest and sinking fumed on said bonds by the levy of "a tax om all property now or hereafter liable %o count lewy in those parts of said county known as Scottsville i~gisterial District.~ mmdd tax being described in the title of smid act ms "A special district tax~ and V~IEREAS, at a general election held N6vember @th 1921 in pursusmce of ~hapter 28, Acts, 19lQ the qualified voters of thee said Soot$sville magisterial District, including the qumlified voters in the t~wn of Scottsville, lsly :sly certain public loads in. the said ~istrict. (A- large part of the proceeds, of ~his issue was used for the completion of s~id road from Charlottesville to Scottsville) Said act under which said electio~ w~s h~d provides for a tmx on ~mtl property liable to County o~ District ~ax'~, in s~id m~gisteri~l district, ~including ~he property located or the situs of which, for ~x~tion is within ~he limits of ~ny incorporate to~ situated within such district to p~y the interest on the bonds so issued ~ud to cremte a sinkinE f~d to redeem the principal thereof at m~turity~. ~nd ~~, the p~ople of the to~ of Scottsvilte were very ~ious to.h~ve said improvements-made ~d urged ~he.Board of 'Supervisors of Albe~rle and the local representatives in the General Assembly to.bring ~beut.the issuance of s~id bonds and the permanent improvement of the ro~ds in Scottsvilte District, The People-~ of the town of Scottsville f~ther took ~ very active pmr~ in said bond electien~and voted overwhelmingly in f~ver ef the issuance of the said ~t the election held i%venber 8th l~B1. There were considerable opposition Scottsvitle District to the issuance of s~id 'h-o~-ds ~nd it is believed ~t the vote of the people of the to~ of Scottsvilte c~rried the election in ~'~vor of the bonds, and ~~, s~id bonds were in ~e ,,c~u~e~"i's.S~d ~nd sold. ~d the proceeds therefrom used for the p~pose of building permmnented ro~ds in said Scottsville District, including ~bout t~ee hundred lineal y~ds withiE, the corporate limits of the town.cf 8cott~ville, ~d ~~S, the oomrd of Supervisors of ~lbem~rle County, sheen by their spendinE m p~rt of the proceeds of the said bonds withim the corpprmte limits of the to~ of Scottsvilte, ~nd the voter-s of the town of Scottsville ~s sho~ by thei~ interest i~ bringi~ about the iss. umnce of s~id bonds ~d their ~ctive participation im said bond election., understood that mll the property within the said Scottsville District, including t~t within the to~ of Scottsville would be t~xes to p~y the interest ~d sinki~ fund on.. s~d bonds, ~d ~~S, in pursuance of s~d ~cts the Bomrd of Supervisors of Albemarle County levied ~ t~x on the property of said Seo~t~sviIle District, incl~i~ t~ within t~ to~ ef Scottsvitle for the ~ymeht of the inter-est and sinking fund on s~id bonds, and ~~~, some of the t~x p~yers in the town of Scottsville ~ve filed proceedings in the Circuit Go~t of ~lbem~le County in which they clmi~ t~t they were not liable for the p~ent of s~id tax ~nd ~~S, the f~cts set forth ~bove, ~s well as the gre~t benefits which h~ve ~ccrued to the t~ of Scottsville By re~son of such improvements shew that it is only just and equitable that the tax p~ers of ~he to~ of socttsville should p~y their proportionate p~rt of the interest ~d sinking fund om said bonds, and ~AS, ~lthough smid ~cts seem clearly to ~uthorize maid t~, it is thought best that the Geners.1 Assembly should put ~y possible doubt ~t re~t by the ~ss~ge of ~n ~ct authorizing the s~id"t~x, NOW T~F0~ ~ IT ~0L~, ~y the °o~rd of Supervisors of A, lbem~=le County t~t the representatives of Albem~le C'oun~y in the eener~l Assembly of Virginim introduce ~nd t~t the General Assembly of Vi~g. ini~ enmct into the ~o!lowing Bill, AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A TAX ON PROPERTY IN THE S00TTSVILT,E ~AGtSTERIAL DISTRICT OF ALBE~iARI~ COUNTT INCLUDING THAT IF THE TOWN OF SCOTTSVILLE TO PAT INTEPJ~ST AND StNKi~G FUND 0N BOi~DS OF S~ID ~0D-NTY !SSU]ED FOR PEP~ANENT ROAD OR BRIDGE iNPROVE~IENTS IN SAID DiBTRICT. BE IT ENACt, by the ~eneral Assembly, of Virginia that ~nnu~ll~ a tax sh~li be levied om ~ll property liable to county or District tax in Scottsvill~e Magisterial District including such property located or the situs which for taxation is within the limits of the incorpo~'ated town of $cottsville to pal the interest on the Albemarle county bonds issued for permanent road or b~idge improveme~it in s~id Scottsvillc ~!agisterial District of s~id County pursuant to Chapter 28, Acts, of 1919 and Chapter 445, A~cts of 1920 and to create ~ si~$ing ~Luud to redeem the principal thereof ~t. maturity. ~y reason of the fact that the annual county and ~istrict levies are ~bout to be laid an emergency is hereby declared to eEis~ and this ~ct sh~l.1 be in force from its pass~ge. In ~.he m~tter of closisg so much of the 01d Free Bridge Road that lies within the property of ~rs. ~$.A'.r~ley. The petitioner presented satisfactory evidence to the that notice of closing said road had been posted on %he Bth day of October '1925, ~ha~ being the first d~y of the October term of the Circuit Oourt of Albemarle County, a copy of ~said notice having been posted at two public places in the neighborh~l~? of the ro~d proposed to be closed and at the front door of the Court House of ~lbemarle ~Oounty; that after said notice had been posted for at least 20 d~ys this Board did, in its meeting held on the 17th day of November 1925 appoint five viewers to view said road mhd report in writing whether in their opinion ~ny, and if any, what inconvience would resul~ from discontinuing the same; that three of s~id~viewers~ na~nely, John B.Minor, J.0.~hurman, and P.C.Minor h~ve made t~ei~ report in writing, under date of i~ecember 15th 1925, that in mccordmnce with the foregoing order of thisI Board ~hey h~ve viewed said road, and that in their opinion no inconvience will rBeuit to any one if said road is discontinued ~ud closed through the property embraced within the boundar ~s of the Ismd now owned by ~rs.. ~.A.H~ley. A copy of said report signed by the viewers named above was p~esented to this meet£ng, and the ~Clerk of the Board was Ordered to file the s~me. &nd it further ~opear~d to the Board that there are no land proprietors along the ro~d proposed to be discontinued other th~n Ers. W.~.Haley, the petitioner. In consideration whereof it is ordered ~y this Board that the old said Free Bridge Road be, and is hereby, discontinued ~nd closed throughout so much of its lenght as is now embraced within the boundaries of the land now ~w~ed~ by the s~id Ers. v~.A.H~ley. G.$tua~t Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with ~ll w~rrants paid by him during the month of November, 1926, the ~oard ex~mined the wmrrants ordered the stmtement to be filed. Seth Burnley, ~ounty Engineer's ~eport~ for the month of NO~ember was p~esented ex~mined ~nd ordered to be filed. ~he followinf claims were presented, ez~mined ~nd ordered to be certified to the t-~easurer for payment, viz: ~,fi.Ge~try ~urber-Aurndale Oscar J.~ood Va. Stationery Colonial Hotel J.W.Davis C. S .Huff man ~.A.Calhoun H.G. white G.A.H~es C. P. Gar th J.B, Norford ~. ~. Gar~h H.H.~iley John F.~bher ty C,H. ~sh ' Dr. J.G. Coult er Dr. L.G.Roberts ~'lynt He~r lng J.~son Smith John~ B.Einor ~ ,O.Minor J. 0 .- ~ burmah C. ~. ~reer Jar~ns Gift ~.A.~inb~unn Claude L. Gray Jo~ ~.Cost~ ~bin Lowe Co Calho~ & Watts ~.~cCornel! C, ~ . Huffm~n n.W. Jennings Dr. L.R. Stinson ~r. B,L. Dillard ~, G. Thomas Fur. °atesville Printing Ice Service Go W.~,~upin ~rry Hoddinott B.Z. Irving Dr. F.C~c~e Dr. T.E. Daniel J. H. Jones Electorial moard Stationery etc. Building Booth, election Rubber ~tamp s Jury in Joh~ Wood case Registaar x~~~ ~4egi st rat Registrar: Primary ~lection Cot. etc. Got Jury Guard at J~i 1 ~. viewers ~ lower Depositions in Wingfield Case 0ol. farm demon ~tationery fo~ Treas. ~ reward offered in U.Vm case meals in ~ood case CounSy Engineering Dept supplies moto~cyd~e L~acy e~c Lunacy Lunacy Tres. office Ice ~tamps Repairs for motorcycle Lunacy 6.30 6&.85 3.20 8.5? 6.00 8.00 8.00 8. O0 5.00 4.50 · 1 o 50 1.50 1.50 1.,~0 1.50 1, 50 5.00 5. O0 4.00 2.50 2~00 2.00 2.00 20. O0 30. O0 13.05 125. O0 125.00 9.00 35. O0 27.31 4.00 5.25 1.50 lO.O0 10. O0 12.50 17.50 48. O0 -43.50 87.14 2. O0 5.00 5..00 2.50 A delegation: appeared before the Board and requested that the sum of $600.00-per year be appropriated as a {alary-'of the Juvenile 'Judge, WHEREAS, W. iI,Langhorne introduced the following resolution seconded by C.Purcell ~cCue. ~ IT ~$0LVED that the sum o.f $600.00 per year be, and the sum is hereby appropriated as the salary of the Juvenile Judge, ~hich resolution resulted in the following vote. Aye: W.H. Langhorne, C.PurCell }~cCue and P.H. Gentry No. J.~.Fray, J,]E.Abell and C.A.Miller