HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-01-20 At ~ ~egula~ meeting of the Bo~d of Supervisors o'f A!hemarle County, Virginia, held at %he Go~-t House- of said County on the 20%h. day of January, 192~. The ~i~tes of the las-t meeting were rea~. smd approved. I.~ the matter of 2he election'of the ~oa~ d officers fo~ the yea~ 1928. The Bo~d C.P~ce:lI N~ue was un~imously elected 2empor~'y ch~irm~, :~ ~e t~por~y chai~m~ called fo~ the ~ominmiio~ of c~didmt:es fo~ ¢he office of was ~nimously elected c~rm~ for ¢he ye~ I926, T~ temporary c~i~m~ called fo= the ~mi~tion of cmndi~tes for the office of vice-chai~ of the bo~d~ ~d on mottos off ~.E.~.bel[ ~d meeonde~ by C,~.Mille=, P.H.. GenSry ~s ~nimously electe~ vice-c~i~ fo~ the ye~ 1926, Whe~eupo~ J.E,.~ look him mea~ am ch~rm~ ~d appointed ~he fim~ce co~tee fo~ the yea= 1928 composed of ihe fetlo~ng ~be=s, C.P~cei[ McCue, Chmirm~., P.H. Gen~y . 0~ mo~ion of C,Pu~celI EcC~e ~n~[ seconded By P..H,Gentry it is o~de~ed that J~mea H.~o~es, who h~ Been ~eceivin~ $~6.00 per mo~th i~ provisions un~[~r a previous mgre~ sent of the' bo~d, ~:e allowed $1~o00 pea month payable as follows; $~0.00 per month 2he said J~m. es H. Jones ~nd $5.00 i~e~ mo~tk ~o an ~%~e~lm~ employed by Polled vote, ~ye. ~.E.Fray, ~[EoAbetI, P.H. Gen%~y, C.Purcell EcCue amd C.A.Miller. troche mm%te~ of the ~idge at Uiz~gfield's P~ecinc%. Seth Bu~ley, ~ou~ty]Engineer, reported to lke board that.the cost~of said bridge would Be $500,00, therefore on motion, duly seconded ii- ia unanimously ordered 2h~t said work be stated ~s so~' as %he- citizens placed in ~he ~a of %he Gounty Engin~e.r the sum of $250.00., o~e-h~lf of t~amount ~o he expended. On motion duly seconde~[ it is or~ened %~% the sum of $20G. 0G he app~opri~t~e~ for Forest Fire P~otec~ion for the year. Polled vote, ~[ye,J.~.Fr~, Chairmam, J~E. ABel[, P.H. Geniry, ¢.Pu=ceiI EcC'ue amd G,A. ~o%t.~No~e. On motion of C.Purcelt MeGue -a~d seco~ed by P.H. Gentry the- following resolution was unanimously ~opted, viz; It ~pp:e~i~ to the bo~d ~ it will ~ necessary ~o ~borrow $o~e money which 2e p~ County expenses ~ei~ mow ~d ~ eollectio~ off 2he [9~6 2~es. It is ~herefo~e o~dered that ~. Chai~ of t~ Board of SupeNiso~a-of ~m~le and he i~ hereby ~ho~ized i~ the ~e ~d on ~lf ~f[~ s~i~ Cou~ of ~l~t~ to ~ke ~gemen~ or ~mng~entz wi~h mo~ b~k or ~n~s~ ~o ~V~ce ~ecem~y ~u~2 no~ 2o exceed $50,000.00 ~d to execute such obligation or i~ the n~e, ~d on ~If of said ~o~ty as ~y be neces~y fo seG~e such advice- sent or adv~ceme~s, ~d ~lso b~ such obligation o~ obligations pie~ge 192~ 2~es for ~he Im the~ m~t~er of the applies%iota of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, %;0 erect mnd~ maintain a telephome lime, comsis%ing of pole~ ~nd wi~ez mto~ ~he $~ Hollow Road f~om ~te H~It ~o ~he cily,s ~ew reservoir in Sugar Holto~. 0m ~iiom ~ by a u~Oua vote of~' t~ Bo~d the following resolution was adopted: R~0L~: That the 0iiy of Oh~lottemvilie,. Va,, h~e ~d i2 ia ~2~mi-zed ~o erect amd ~intain a telephone lime, consisting of pokes ~d wires, from ~e ~lt 2o its new reservoir ~!.o~g t~ $~ ~1~o~ Ro~ i~ i~ ~e H~lt E~imteri~l Dis%ric~ of ~ ~o~ty of Allele, Virgi~, fo~ the p~pose of co--mica%ion bet~ ~he said Oily ~d the staid ~w reservoir, p~ove~ however, $~t ~eh ~eles ~d wires $~ll be so erect proper ~in~e of ~He s~e where complete, ~d. provided fu~i~ ~t t~s mu~hori~tie~ s~ll he subject ~o ~l~ t~ provisions, =estric~io~ ~d limitm~iomm of ~c~iomm ~0J~ ~nd ~057 of ~ code of Virgimi~ ~itiom of I919, ~ wi~k i~ ~im~inct ~ders~mm~i~ ~hmt ~never i~ ~ judge~nt of ~$ Bo~d o~ i~ proper Eom~ AU~ritiez of ~m Oo~ty o= St~e the said poles, wires etc., shmll ~e a~fied o= removed to such place o~ Dlmcez mm t~s Board or Roa~ Eu~ities ~ores~ s~lI dire~ it s~lt ~ done ~ ~ empire cost ef t~ s~id City of ~tottemvitle, Vi~ini~ Om mo%iota of O,PurcelI E¢Cue ~ud seconded hy J.E.g~;elt he it resolved that At~orm. ey rom the ~ommo~wealth be instructed to prepare process for the clerk to liver %o the Sheriff ~o serve on ~=s.~ C',Moaz to mppe~ before the Board ~ .its Fe~m=y Meeti~ in regs~rd to gates on the Hogshemd Road. Seek ~mley's ~epor% for the month of Decemhe~ 1925 w~m presente~ examined a~d. o~de~ed to ~e fi le~. G.Stua~% Hams, treasurer, presented to the Bo~d ~ statement together with all w~rrmnts p~id by him ~uri~ the mo~%hof Decemhe~ 1925. Th~ ~o~m~ e~imed sai~ ws~v- r~n~$ ~md ordered sai~ m~tmtement filed. Th~ fcllowi~ cI~ima were proses%ed, examime~ ~nd ordered t-o be certifie~ %o the tremmurer foe p~ymemt viz: c Imping, ~Z~ COroner. ~o cases Parrot%, Df.Geo. Uomo~e=' s InQ. Gentry, ~B. ~ ~. N or crc s~, H~, R~Sell ~ J~Y Foster, L~.b, C.H. Gregory, ~.R~A. Autopsy Smith~ H.E. Coroner' s Inq, ~ Gee.~. ~ Jury Tr evi Ili~ Yan~e y, L .F. Allen, Irvi~, B.~E. Lunacy Macon, Rem., ~.M.L, " Smith, Mitchell, L.G. ~ Jury So 1 om~, Triplet t, L.N. $ 6~00 5.00 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.50 i. 50 1.50 1.50 1.50 15.00 2, 5~ 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 i. 50 1.50 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5~00 ~. ~0 1.50 1.50 ~. 50 l~ayl o r, Goodm~l, D_t%k e, Colonial Hotel. L.H. D~.-H,M. Dm,R. S. Judge R.T.U,, Jr_. Smith, J,Ma~on Albem~!e Telephone Co. Gre er, ~oulte~, C~oze~,P~in~ Shop Virginia PrinlinE Co. Fri~k Bros. Trems~er of Virginia $~i.th, J.N~$on New. Pie~ant Lunacy Exp. ~o Richmond for County "' criminal c~ses juries etc. $ 2; O0 5.75 6.50 };6,30 24.00 C~. in Buck's Coroner C~se 'cycle Refund for amt. pd. for ~o%or/ ?.?0 Telephone for Clerk's Office Refun~l for pencils bought Te 1 egr mms Int. pmid on loans Colored Fmrm Dem. Mileage in Coroner's C~ae J.P. fo~ms Supplies for ~-.Office Lights for Clerk's Office Audi2ing Clerk's Office ~ T~eas. ~ G~e W~den S~-l~y ~ c. Gu~ds, ~l~y etc. Ric~ond Ca~.s fo= carrying prisoners to/ 18.45 12.00 i. 59 385.1.25 30.00 t.30 13.00 8.25 6,40 23.84 73. O0 3~. 34 77.20 25.25