HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-02-17 At a regul~ meeting of the Board of S~perviSors of Albemarle County, Virginin- held at the Court House of said County on the tTth. day of~ebruary t9M6, P=esem~ J.E~.F=~~, Chairman, f.E.~.bell, P.H. Gentry, ~C.Pu~celiEcCue mn'd C.A.Eille=. The~ mim~t~es of ~e lms~ see%lng were read and approved. 0m mo%tern ¢tuly seeonde~ the following resolution was umanimously mlpl~ted: B~ IT RESOL~: T~ %he t~omrd of Mupervis~ms of Albemarle country, vi~gimia, hear%- adopt ily smd u~imously/~he- project k~owm a~ The ~i~ginia Piedmonl~ High~ry ~ re~:o~me~d thru% the rouse be ~tesigna%ed ~m bcgimning mt ~he Nort~h C~otima Lime south of vilte, Vimginim, and ex%endi~to tVashing%on, D.C., ~'ia D~nville, ~Lymchbttrg, Coves- ville, C~hs~lottezville, Rucke=~ville, ~a~.ison, Culpeper, Rixeyville and V~rremton. In ~he matter of tko applicatiom of J. Smowden V~ood, Ivir Depot, Virginia, to lay ~ ~ter pipe umder ~he Co~ty Ro~ m~ar Ivy Depot. 0n motion duly seconded ~ by ~ unanimous vote the following resolution wma mdopted: ~SOL~: T~t f.Smo~em of I~ Depot, V~., be and he is hereby m~tkorimed ~o 1~ ~ wrote= p~ipe line under the Coumty Road near I~ Depot for ~he p~pome of obtain- lng water, provided however ~f the said water pipe line $~lI he laid t~ t~ satis- faction of ~he C~o~ty Engineer of Al~rle County, Virginia, ~d p~ovided f~ther t~t ~t~s ~utheriza%iom s~lI ~e suh~ec~ to ali the provisions, restrictions ~nd lim- itations provided for im such matters ~d with fhe dimtinct undermt~ndi~~ ~t ~hen' ever in the judgement of this Bo~d or the proper Ro~ Euthorities o~ ~s Co~ ~n~ S~mte i~~ sai~ w~er pi~ lime s~ll ~e $~fte~ or r~.oved ~o such place ~ this of the smi~. J. Sn~o~em ~eo~ , ~$ ~irs m~d assigns. Im tko mmtte~ of the applicatio~ of C.Purcell EcOue of Greem~ood, Vi~gimia, to la~ m wmte~ pipe lime under ghe Greemwood Road. 0n mottos ~uly seconde~ amd by ~ unanimous vote the fpllowing resolution w~ a~ o.pt ed.':~ ~ iy RESOL~: Thai O.Purcell l~cCue of greenwood, Va., ~e and he is hereby authorized to lay a water pipe line under ~he Greenwood Ro~d for the purpose of obtaini~_g water provided however that the said water pipe line sh~ll be l~id to the smlisfaction of the County Engineer~ of ~zll~em~le County, Virginia, mud provided further that this authorization sh~ll ~e sub, ject to all the provisioms, res~rictioms and limitations provide~ fo~ in such mat~ers amd with the ~istinct understanding %h~t whenever im the judgemen$ of this Board or the proper Roml Authorities of this County or State the said water pipe line shall l~e shifted or remove~ to such place as this Board or Ro~d Aulhorities ~oresaid sh~lt direct it shs~ll be done at the entire cost of the said C.Purcell l~cOue, his heirs ~nd assigns. The finmuce committee reported_ to the Board that it h~d m~de m %borough examina- tion of the g~u~ty Engineers Bookm, se~ting up correct balances for each of the var- ious funds etc., whereupon the ~o~ed un~imously adopted the Fimamce Committtee's ~udit ms set up in the E ~r~gi~eers Books. In the matte~ of the State A_ccountmn%'s Report of %he audit of~ the Treasurer,s Office the Fi~m~c~e Gem~i.t%ee made the- Following =eport; Februar~ 16th., 1926 "~e the Fi~ce Committee have this day examined the accoun2s of S~e Aceotuutan% and find same correct. C.Pu~cell Mc~ue P.H.Gentry. C.A.l~i!ler." ~ereupon o~ motio~ duly seconded the Board ~dopted the Fi~ce Committee's Report and o~dered the account spread. ~C~IT~TION OF BALANCES. October l, 1925. 1925 ~uly SCHOOL FU~OS County School Fu~d Charlo~tesv-ille Dis.~,Sckool Fund I~ry District School Fund ~te H~ll i~ist~ic~ School ~d Samuel Ei~le~ Di~%. ~' ~ Seo~sville District " " Rivannm District '" " Less Credits Ne~ School 0re,draft Balances $ 8,938.95 20,672. ?1 29,611.66 20,656.~? 849.43 2,407.8~ ~,077.50 946.48 27,938,05' 27,,9~8.03 0C~. GOUTY, ROAD AND DOG FIYEDS. ~ounty Fund Pension Fu~d Charlottesville Dism. t. Road F~und Ivy ~ ~ ~ ~te Hall ~ "' " S~eI ~iller ~ ~ " Sco~sville " ~ ~ I~ District Road Bond Fund Dog Tax Fund C~-rlot~esville Road Bond Int. F~d S o'Ot~ svi 1 le " " ~ " Less debits Ne% County, Road and Dog Fund Balances 1,579.97 729.77 9,259,98 6,539.98 2,697.75 3,258.21 45,497.05 1,516,62 1,519~78 141,47 1,616.79 7,551.20 2,329.41 i44.92 t,173.62 1,739.66 318.00 158.47 1 ,s 25. 64,852.58 24,045.66 40,786.90 Ne2 County,' Road and Dog Balances Net School Bml~ces Overdraft Net Balances as per audit 40,786,90 1,67~.63 .... 39,113.27 B~nk B__alances S_e~2: _30- _1925, " ~ ~ Siflkimg ~ " " Bond Fund Fs~'mers & EerchantS Nat'l Bk, General. Na~'l Bk. Of Charlottesville Bs~k of Crozet Scottsville Na%i.on~l B~k Bond Issue Savings General B;ond Issue S~vings Sk.Fd. 9,435.87 3!1.11 55.0~ 197,96 I01.00 768.69 837.54 144~14 175.57 ~0.08 183.39 t~,460.36 ~T BALANCES DUE FUI~DS L~S~ BANK' B~LANCES ~9,10 5, 27 i~,460. $6~ Note- T~emsurer certifies he had a% ~etin~ period between $25,000.0( amd $30.000.00 in uncollected tickets. Note:- This ~e%ilement does not include the $1350.00 p~emiumobtmin- ed on the sate of t'he $300000.00 of bonds %o ~efund the $300,000.00 previously sold for State Highway ~28 under the terms of the Robert- son Act. 0n mo~io~ duly seconded G~,~%uart Haan~, Treasurer, is authorized to borrow the necessmrY-amount of money to pay County Coupons d~e~k 1st. 1926, On motion duly seconded t'.~e following resolution was gd&pte~; HE IT P~SOLVED: Tha% ~ Honormble John W. Fiskburne, Judge of the Circuit Oo~rt of AlBemarle County, Virginia, be requested ~o appoint all of the Read Foremmm in~ the S~ever-at Magisteriml District~ of this gounty speci~I 0fficers to er~f. oreo t~affi¢ ordinances of ~'the said County.~ ./ Seth Burnley'$ report for the month of Janu~ny [926 was presented, exam- ined and ordered to be filed. G.E%'uart Harem, T~e~surer, presented to ~he ~Board m-statemen~ toge~Her with ~1i war, an.ts paid ~y hi~ ~ing the month of ~~y 1928. ~e Bo~ e~ined said warrants ~d ordered sai~ s~te~ent file~. it mppe~ring to the board t~t it will be necessary to borrow some money with which to pmyGounty .e~nses between now and t~he collection of the 1928 taxes. it is therefore ordered th~the Treasurer of Albemarle County, Be rand he is hereby ~uthorized in the n~me ~nd on behalf of ~he s~id county of Albemarle to m~ke arrangement or m~rangements with some bank or banks to advance the necessary ~ount not to exceed $i0,000.00 ~nd to execute such obligation er obligations in the name, ~nd on be~lf of said County ms m~y be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obliga%~nn or obligation~pledge 1928 taxes for the The following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be pre~ented to the t~easUrer of payment; viz~ Albe~ar le Telephon:e ~lbemarle Home Piutuat ~ire Co ~atesville Printing Go, Croz~t Print Shop Everett Waddy Go. C.G.Greer G.StUrart namm J.A. Hancock ~. ~ .Ho 1 laday ~ armans Gift Wi!liam M~n Co ~ew P~edmo~t G~r~ge ~.B~ $cribner The Scottsville News ~ .L~l~upin C .A.Milter P. H. ~entry J.g. Fray J.~.Abell C.P~cell ~cOue B.Z.Irving J.~son Smith R .~, Wa r ~i ck R ,R.Ki~~ Hugh~ N. G~rth T.W,Eorti ~.N. ~olomon J. B. ~und ie D~.R, A. Gregory J.B. Fmison R. D. Nimbr o~h Eiss J.g. ~ ou~ J.~son Smith Dr. ~.C.~io~ue Dr. J.E.~rly Dr. Co. Farm & Treas Office Assessment Treas. office Forms for Clerk Supplies Salary for J~nu~ry Re imbur s eme n t ~ Ju~y O onm~r. Ledger for Treas Law o~der ~ Book C~r for Lunatic to Stmunton iiegistra~ at Earlysville ~otice of Bd. of Equalization Trip to Richmond, tax~matter & finance Corem Trip to Richmond ~ & finance Comm. Cot & Lunacy ~or. C,~r. Cot. Cot. ocr. co~. ocr. A~t cpo sy ¥~itnesa Lunacy 29.90 39.~5 23.'25 6.50 18.52 30. O0 5.50 10.00 10.00 6.00 50.93 12.00 10.30 .90 9.86 34.96 26.25 13.63 13.65 36.13 8.00 2~50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 15.00 5. O0 5.00 .50 .50 6.00 9.98 1.00 ' 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00