HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-03-17 on the l?th day of ~'/f/~ 1926. Virginia, held at the Court House of s~id County Present: J.~.Frs~v, Chairman, J.E.Abell, G.Purcell McOue, P.It~.Gentry, G.~A.~ilter amd $.H. Lmnghorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ~t appea~ing to the board that it will be necessary to borrow some money with which to pay County exp_ensem between now a~d %he collection of the 1926 taxea, It is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of Albemarle Gounty, Be and he is hereby authorized in the name ~nd on behalf of the said County of Albemarle te make arrangement or arrangements with some bank or banks to advance the necessary ~ount not to exceed ~50,000.00 and to execute such obligation or obligations in the name, and on behalf of said County as may be necessary ~o secure such advancement or ad- vancements, and also by such obligation or obligatiomm pledge 1926 taxes for the sam '£he following resolution ~was unanimously a-dopted. ~e it resolved, that this Board go on record am mpproving of an organ- ization to be called ~Virginia t~rk circuit Highwy Asmocimtiom~. Smid organizatiom ~o h~ve as its objective, cooperation with the 'Virginia State and County Highway De- partmenst with a view to the development amd improvement of a circuit of highways to be designated as the ~Virginia Park Oircuit Highway", said highway starting at Winchester and ~xtendimg approximately ninety-two (92) miles via the Valley Pike %o Staunton, thence approximately forty-one (41) miles via State Highway Route ~9 to Gharlottesville and thence approximately one hundred (100~ miles over State Highv~y ~ouates #28, $16 and #~? via ~tadison and Eperry~ilte to ~inoheste-r. A committee con- sisting of ¢.Purcell ~cCue, Seth ~k~rnley and G.~.St.arkweather is herewith appointed to meet with the ~o~rd of Supervisors mnd the citizens Of the following Oountiem, Frederick, ~arren, Shenandoah, Page, Rappahannock, ~ockingham, Green, Eadison, Augusta and A-lbemarle, and with the assistance of committees formed in the above counties call an organization meeting with a view to perfecting the Association. ~JPiEREAE, Zhis Oeard of Su.pervisors in unable to comply with Sec. Chapter 426 Acts of the General Assembly, approved ~a=ch 27th 1918 relative to sub- mittimg to the Gha~irman of the State Highway Gommismiom for his approval, mainten- approximate est-imates, for such section of the Highway ~yste~ ance specifications and of this Goumty, as it is the desire of this Board to maintain during this year and, l WBEREA$, the Ghairman of the State Highway ~cmmissio~ thzough" his rep-l- .resentative, has prepared approximate estimate of the cost of maintenance of the following roads: ROAD NAME BETWEEN AhUD AMT. OF EMTI~IATE. 1. Scottmvilte-Greene Go lime $1300.00 · ~. Charlottesville, Orange O.L. 721o00 ~, Woodson's Store Prize Hill ~B0.00 &. How~rds~ille Et. ~.ir 2002.00 ~. Cismont, Louisa G,L. 574.00 8. Ghar!ottesvi lie-Union Ridge 2890.00 ?. Scottsville-Charlottesville to 0verton 618.00 8. Greenwood Percy ~illimms ~Via; Mirador ~8.00 9. St.- Et. ~39 Red Hill X Rds. 853?.08 10. Charlottesville ~ry Sprimgs 93.00 11~ Crozet to Country Store 82.00 12. Owensville ~hite H~ll A00.00 13. Covesnville Nelson Go~nty line 3§0.00 ISEERfEFORE ~BE IT RESOLVED, that this Beard accepts and approves the above described setimate, and request the Cha~irman of the Sta~e ~. ~co~ismien to aece~t ~h~ in lieu of the s~e as required to be f~nished by the county under the section ~d Act h~reinbefe~e refe~ed to ~d ~o authorized this B0a~d to precee~ with ~he work accordin~ to law. It is understood ~t the use of the St~te Eoney Aid .in p~ying royalty on local materials will be limited ~e 50~ of the unite prices sho~ on the approximate estimate estimates herein ~efe~red ~ To tbs Holders or.all of the Bonds of the ~o~ty of Albemarle, issued en be~lf of ~he Chs~rlottesville and Ivy magisterial Districts of said Getty, ~der and by virtue of a~ act of the General Ass~bly ef Virginia, approved ~arch 18th 1918, w~eh bond~ bea~ date o~he~ ~l~t~a~ o.~ ~o~e~.e~,-..~192~,~nd~ ~ar~ p~ble ~twenty yea~s ~fter date, being callable at any interest period after five years from dater Take notice t~t on the 1st day of ~, 1926, all of the aforesaid bonds, ~.~n~bered from one to fifty inclusive, will be paid off at the Peoples ~%tional ~ank of Charlottesville, Virginia, in the (3ity of Charlottesville ~d in t~ State of Virginia. A~ll of said bonds ~ve been selected by the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County, at its meeting ~ld ~rch 17~h 192~, to be paid off in pursuance to the 'provisions ~n said bo~ds conjoined and five y~rs from 2he date said bond have elapsed. All interest upon said bonds will cease at and on the 1st-day of'Ray, i926, and the holders of said bonds are hereby notified to present ~he s~e for payment at the Bank afor~aid, in the City~ of Charlottesville, Virginia. ~t the request of Ers. J. 0. Thurman, Mrs. Lucy ~aylor, Ers. A.K.McMurdo, Sallie Watson M~ruder and ~Iizmbeth ~ruder, and it appearing t~t noticies were on the 1st ~day of February 1926, t~t being the firs2 flay of the Febr~ry 1926 term of the-Circuit 0oU~t of Alb~arle Oo~ty, Virginia, posted at the front door ~f Court House of said County and 2S~ t~o p~ubliC places in the nei.ghborhood of r6ad proposed to be closed, the following ~iewers: John B.Minor, P~.G.Minor, ~.D. Holladay, S.T.~ite and ~.R.~e ~are appointed to view so much of the old Stony Poin{ Road t~t lies ~&tk~the lands of Ers. J..0.Thurman, Mrs. Lucy Taylor, Mrs. EcEurdo, Sm~iie Watson ~gruder ~d Elizabeth ~gruder, formerly the property Mrs. S.~.~gruder. The s~d viewers shall meet at 10z00 A.E. on the 185h dmy ef Aprit~ 1928 ~d file with the Olerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the 2lst day of A~il,~ their ~eport in ~i~i~ whethe~ in thei~ opinion ~y, and if any, w~t in- convience will result fr~ discontinuing the s~e. Mrs. ~.Nelson Beck appeared before the ]~oard and ~requested an appropDi- ation of $400.00 for the County's pa~t of t~he maintanance of the City's Library on motiom duly secomded it is ordered that the matter be laid over for further con- sideration. On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.]~.Gentry it is o2dered that the sum of i$6,000._00.be appropriated by the County for purchaEe of the S-hanandoah Park. Polled vote Aye: Abell, ~entry, Langho~ne, ~c¢u9 ~iller & Fray No. none. On motiom duly' secomded it is ordered that Seth Burnley ~ounty Engin~eer, ~h~uge the enterance~at the County Home. On motion of G.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is orde ~ha-t Seth ~urnley, 'County Engineer~, pu~'ch~se a single Oven Stove for the Oounty Home at a price not to exeeed $1V5.'00. Hen. John W.~ishburne. Judge of the Circuit Oourt of Albemarle - County, Vi~gSnim, requested the board to take the necessary stePs to improve the condition of the mens toilet in ~he Gourt House and also to provide an additiomal ~.o~mt Ro~m therefore on motion of G.Pu~ce-~-i I~cCue and seconded by 2..,E~Abell it is u~animously ordered that Seth ~urnley, Gounty Enginse~r~.proceed at once to h~ve the necessary changes made in the mens' toilet, and also~ ~o fix up an additiona~ Court Ro~ On motion of ~.Purcell i~c~ue anad seconded by ~,E.Lm~ghorne it is unanimously ordered that the Samuel Mill. er District Ro~d Fund be closed and that the balance be transferred to the Samuel MilZer-District Interest and Si~mking FUmi. ~he attent-io~ of the ~eard h~ing been called to the condition of the a:annons on each side of the Oonfede~ate ~onument on the Court Squ~re, therefore on motion ef ~. Purcell ~Cue ~nd seconded l~y P.H. Gentry it. is ordered that the s~id cannons be repaired at once.. ~-.L.~ennett, School Supt. and the School Trustees of Albemarle Oounty apl~ea~ed before the board and requested a Oounty Echool Levy of $1.05 on eve~2 one hundred dollars worth of re~l and tangible personal property, therefore on mo.tiom of J.~.Abell and seconded by O.Puzcell ~icCue the following resolution ~s ~dopted. Bt it resolved that Oounty ~chooi Le~y of $I.00 be laid on every hundred dollars worth of ~eal mhd t~gible personal property. ~e, Abell, ~'anghorne, EcGue ~ Eiller No, Fray a~nd Gentry. After m discussion of the m~tte~ on motion of C.A.Eiller and sec- onded by ~.E-:.Lmnghorne it is o~dered that the Bchoot mattes be rescinded mhd that the Boa~ds' action in laying a County School Levy of $1.00 on every one hundred doll~ worth of 'real and t~ngible personal property be and it is hereby rescinded. Aye. L~ughorne, Miller, E~.-~ue, Fray & Gentry No. AbeI~. Seth Burnley's repo~t for the month of February 1928 was presente~ e~n~ined and ordered to be fil~d~; G,Stuart Hmmu, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him during the month of February 19~8. The Board examined aaid warrants ~and o~dered said stmtement filed. ~he following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be $5.00 2,. 50 15.00 1;5.0 ~ed ne ~elson Bar ksdale Watson Draper ]~.E. I rvi~g Dr. F.Co EcCUe Dr. George Parrott J ~msen Smith B.E~, ~rving D~. J,F~Jo~son ~. F.O.NcCue J.~. Smith Go~ayFr inting Co Cevi~gt on ~' Peytom M~.C.T~omas ~r Co Bmtesvilte P'rinti~g Go Oh'ville Hdwe Go G. SSuart H~. C'or. Jury $ l. 50 ~ 1.50 Lunacy etc~ 2, O0 ~ 5.00 " 5. O0 ~ 3. O0 m 2.00 ~ 5.00 ~ 5;00 ~ 2:. O0 2 claims. Clerks 20.00 Paper towls 8.10 window Shades for Clerk's office 2.00 Statio~ery~for Tres.5.?5 · re~s Office' 1.!0 Reimbursement for rent of Bmnk Boxes ~he ~oard adjourned te meet agai~ en ~pril 20th 1926. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle, Virginim. held at the G~eUrt House .of said Gounty on the 20th day of April 1926. Present~ J.E.Fray, ~h~irman, O.Purcell Mc0ue, P.H.Gentry, J.E. Abell, G.A". El!let and V~,H.Lm~nghorne. The mi'nutes of the last meeting were read and approved. T~he Board prepared the 1926 and. 1927 Budget after'thoroughly taking each item and after hearing various deligations concerning the said Budge~.