HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-04-21 ~.t a regular meeting of the Board o£ Supervisors of Albemarle
Gounty held mt the Gou~t House of said Oounty om the 2lst day of April 1926,
Prezent: $1~.F~ay, -chairman, P.H, Gentry, J.E.-Aball, G.P~cel}~ EcGUe, C.A.Mi!,ter smd
U. H. Lmnghor ne.,
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved~
On motiom duly seconded the following budget w~s duly adopted.
Oct, 1st 1926 ............ Se~t 30, 1927.
2oUnty Levy for 1926 at 70 cts estimated to yield
Gommomwealt h Arty
Tr ea sur er
Sher iff
Gom. of ~evenue
Eupervisor $
Gounty Engimeer
~1200 ~ O0
1200. O0
1400. O0
6000. OO
1500~, O0
2700. O0
$ 83,000.00
Bridge at
Road to Uar~en
Road %~ Hancock
B~ idge t'~mintenances
Gourt House, Jail, Clerks offices
Expense~ for ~ounty Roads, store room rent,
~office, help tele.
University Hospital
Public Health
Coroner ~s Inquest & Lunacy
Farm Demonstrati on
Home '
Fi~e Portection
Supt of Sehools
~henando~h Nat. Pa~k
40~. O0
4000. O0
7800, O0
4000. O0
750. O0
increase for
~ental Clinc,
interest on ~ioating debt
$~00,000, Hobertson Act 4~%
~otal Expenditur es
Balance available toward payimg off principal on
Floating debt
ad opt ed.
On motion duly seconded ~he following resolution was unanimously
WB]EHF~S, there ?~s been some misunderstanding in regard 1~0 %his
~umtys 1926 State ~%id Fund and the distribution of same, and as it is now this
board's desire ~o secure this money as reimbursement.
TBEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that ~he Chairman of the State Highway
Gom~ission be a~d he hereby is requested 2o canc~l[ all previous ~esolutioms makim
distribution: of %he 1926 State Aid smd that this fund be se~t the county as reimbu~
ment on Bond issue work previously done as follows:
Cismemt to Louise County lime $5 $5000.00
Scottmville to 0verton~7 6000.00
Batesville-l~i ller SCHool $4 6000.00
In She matter ef ~n ~dditionai ~ourt Room.
Seth Burnley, County Engineer, reported that in a¢oords~uce with a former
resolution of the board, bids were obtained for an additional court room to be made
in the Court House ~ld ~h~t H..~.G~ark w~s the lowest bidder at ~lr~ 75.00.~
Therefore on motion of G.Purcell EcGue and seconded by J.E.Abell the bid
of H.G.~lark is accepted and the County Angineer is ordered ~o h~ve the work
at once.
Mrs. Ada Bom. m., appeared by counsel in obediance to m summons of the board
in regard to gates on a public road through her property, ~nd after' a'.thorough
discussion of the matter the following resolutioms was unanimously z~solved.
Be it resolved that the gates on the public road through the property of
Ers:. Ada Bomz be removed and that the road. be ~elocated and fenced, the cost of such
relocation~ and fencing to be borne~':by the county and Samuel Miller District e~ualty~
~ appea~isg to the~board that it will be necessary to borrow some money
with which to pay ~ounty expenses between now and ~.he collection of the 1926 taxes.
It is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of Albemarle County, be a~d he is hereby
authorized in the name and on behalf ef the said ~ounty of Albemarle to m~ke
agrangement or a~rangements w~ith some bank or banks to advance the necessary amount
not to exceed $50,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the name,
and on behalf of s~id ~'ounty as may be necessary to secure such advancement or ad-
vancements, and aisc by such obligation or obligatiom~s pledge 1928 taxes for the same.
In the matter of building m bridge over the Hardware River a.t $ingfields.
On motion of ~.E.Abell and seconded by ~.~.Lmnghorne it is ordered that ~
b~idge over the Hardware iAive~ at ~ingfield's be built on condition that the citizens
do all the ~auling and put ~lt materials in place and give 2~ days of labo~ and $1~.¢ash.
~qEREA~ ~ at m previous meeting of the Board ~.A~.i~iller,~uperviso~ of ~hite
~lall District was permitted to do some ~ounty work to the extend $~ $725,00 in his
district o~t of the district road fund and the County was to reimburse his district
road fund at the expiration of two years,
WHEREA~' Ehe said G.A.Milier, is now desirous of having his District road
fund reimbursed before the two years have expired.
~he~efore on motion of ~.Purce!l McOue and seconded by J.E.Abell it is
unanimously ordered that the ~.hite Hall District road fund be reimbumsed $~75'.00 by
the county fund in full of ail claims by the s~id road fund ~gainst the county fund.
It ~ppearing to %he Board that it will be of great importance to the ~-ounty
to have the Virginia Park Circuit Association meet in Charlottesville, V~..
Therefore on motion of J.E.Abe!l and seconded by P.H,Gentry the following
resolution was unanimously adopted.
Be It ~esolved that C.E.Starkwes~ther,. Chairman/of the Albemarle Cou$~y
Committee, be and he is hereby ~uthorized tSSnvite the committees from the several
countiez '~ '
cemmp~m~mg the Virginia Park Circui~t Association to Charlottesville and
give them proper entertainment.
In the matEer of the Distribution of this years State ~id and Gas Tax
Ivy sad White bl Districts being small and would receive a very
small part of the State ~id and ~Gas Tax if distributed according to the method in
which ml.l funds a~ distributed, and the other/~:members of the ~eard feeling that
the 'two districts must be cared for.
On motion cf C.Purcell Mc~e mhd seconded by ~.E. Gentry it~ i~s ordere,
that this year Sta~e Aid ~ud Gas Ts~x be distributed as follows.'.
I~y'District to receive $2,000.00 ~hite P~ll to receive~$I300.00 and
the baTance to be distributed amongst ~harlottes~i!le, Ivy, Rivmnnm, .~amuel ~iiller
Scotts~ille and Shire Hall Districts according to t:he S-tate ~ethod of distributing
'gas tax to ~he several counties as set out in a report ~o the Gounty Engine~:.
'On motion of G.P.u~cell McGue smd secomded By P.H.Gentry it is· ordered
that S~th Burnley, Oounty Engi~:eer, have the necessary alterations made in the
O. orporation ~'ler~k's 0~fice at m cost of $159.00 under the county and O[ty contract,
In the Matter of closing so much of ~he old Stony Poimt l~'oad that
lies within the properties of ~rm. J..0.Thurman, Mrs. Lucy Layer, Mrs.
E~ltie~ ~'atson ~gruder and Elizabeth L-~grude~ formerly the property owned by
F.~ .Eag~ ud er.
The petitioners prsented satisfactorily evidence to the Beard~ that
notice~ of-closing s~id road had been posted on the 1st day of F~by~ 1926,' that being
the first day of F~by~. term of the Circuit Cou~t of Albemarle Oou~ty, Virginia,
a .CCl~,y~ of said notice having been posted at two public palces in the neighborhood
of the'road p~oposed te be closed and at the fro~t door of the Court House OfAlbema~
~ounty that after said notice had been posted E0r at least 20 days this hoard did,
in its~meeting held on the lTth d~y of March 1926 appoint five viewers tc view said
road and report in writing whether im~ their opinion, any, mhd if any what inco~ience
would result f~om discontinuing the same; that three of sadd viewers; namely;
John B, Minor, P.O~l~inor, ~d ~.D.Holliday ~ave made their report i~ writing under
date ef April 18th 1926, that in accordance with the foregoimg order of~ said ~oard
they have viewed said road, and that in their opinion no incon~ience will result
Se anyone if said ~oad is discontinued and closed through the property of ~s. J.0.
~hurman, Era. Lucy Lucy ~aylor, ~rs. A.K.~c~urdo, Sallie ~?atson i~agruder and EliZabet!
Magruder. A cop~ of said report signed by the viewers named above was presented to
this meetiEg and the Gle=k cf ~he Board was ordered to ~iie the same.
And it further appeared to ~h~ Board that there are no land proprieto~
along the road proposed to be ~$~tinued other than the petitioners.
In consideration, whereof it is ordered by this Board that the old
~totsy Point Road be, and is hereby, disconl~inued.and closed through so much of its
length as is new embrace~ within the boundariem of the land now owned by the said
Mrs. ~.0.~hu~man, Mrs. Lucy i'aylor, Mrs. A,~K.McMurdo, S~llie Watson Magruder ~nd
Elizabeth magrud er.
Seth Burnley's repoz't for the month of March 1926 was presented,
examined and ordered to be filed.
G. Stuar% Hams, Treasurer, presented tc the Bom~vd a sts~6ement tegethe~
with m.ll warrants ~paid by him du~iSg the month of Earch i926.
said wa~'rants and ordered said statement filed.
· he J~omrd examined
~he'fello~ing claims were presented, examined and ordered to be
presented t°, the-treasurer ~or payment~ via:---
~j,C;Brechin & zoz~
Melton Jeme~
Dr. $.H. Neff
D~. L.R.~oem
J~.E~s~on ~mith
D~. John. Horns~y
Dr. ~.V. TeE.send
G. A. Hug he s
J. O.Fisher
E .M.
~ G~atten
Everett Waddey Ge
B.P. Irving
D~. H.T~Nelson
~.P~cell Mc~ue
B~ZL. Irving
Dr. Geo. Pa~rett
J.Nas o n Emi ~h
Russell H~
~. J~ B&~d
Ashby Edwar ds~
C .H,Belew
A~.F, Her~on
E.E~ Irving
Va. Printi~ Ge
P.G, Mino~
~.D. Ho 1 tadmy
C .~, Star ~e at her
A.O..Brechin & So~
Albemarle Telephone GO
Gitizens RemZ Estate & Ins.
~. Abbott ~ith
G. S~t H~
Treas. office: $ 23.33
Salary 3~.33
Lunacy 2.00
J' 5.00
~ 5.00
~ 2',00
~ o 50
~ .50
~o~ ~ 4~ 50
~ 1 ~ 5~
C o ~. J~y 1, 50
· ~ 1.50
e 1,50
~ 1.50
~ 1 .: 50
Uiil Book otc 53,45
Cot etc. 5.00
~ 5,00
· o 1. Farm D~on. ~. 00
~xpence om P~k Ci=cuit Com.-
Coz 2 cases 6.0~
Cot inquest 10.00
~ 5.00
' 5.00
~ 5~ O0
~ 5~ O0
~ 5.00
Lm~cy 2.00
~ 2.00
'~ 5.~00
" 5.00
H. Jones etc. 3.00
S~ati e~ery etc. 4.75
viewe~ 2.00
' 2. O0
~ 2.0.0
E~ence Park Oo~. 5~.65
Clerk's $~uppliem 5. O0
~mrm D~on. etc. 14.~5
Clerk's Office & Tremm. 29.80
'Pr~. on Nmylors Bored 10;00
S~ons . . ~0
Bringing Garland otc to ~mil 8.00
Te 1 ogres .67
#~:he Board proceeding to ls~y the Cotmty levies for the Yea~ 1926, doth order
that the commissioners of the revenue shall assess and th~ treasurer of the ~ounty
of ll~emarle s~.ll collect on all real astate ~d tm~ible personal pro~rty, exclud--
i~ incomes but inc!~i~ the capital of me, chants, on ~nd the first day of Feb-
r~ry, 1926, whethe~ belching to individuals., corporations or companies, ihcluding
public service ~corpormtions, (except the rolling stock of railroads operated By ste~)
based ~on the assessment ~ixed by the State Corporation Oor~ismion ~d certified
by it to the ~bard of Supervisors both as ~o location ~d valuation.
~or general · s
D~PO es seventy cents ($.~0) on every one h~dred dollars worth
of said property.
For County School purposes seventy-five cents (75ct) on every one hundred dollars
worth of said property, ~d for pension~ f~d~ ~der Acts approved m~Ch lath ~90S,
five cents~ (SotS)on every one h~dred dollars worth of said property.
And ~he treasure~ s~ll fu~t~r collect on all of said property for district
school purposes as follows, to-wit~~ In the I~ District 'forty cents ~'40cts) on every_
one h~dred dollars worth of said property.
In the ~ite Hall DiStrict forty cents (A0cts) on every one h~dred dollars
worth of s~d ~ronerty.
in the Scottsville District thirty-five ~c~nts (35ets) onevery one hundred
dollars worth of said property.
in the ~ivanma District fifteen cents ~lSCtmS) on every one hundred dollars
wot,th of said pr ODer ry..
And for district ~ead p~poses he s~ll collect om all of ~d~ p~ope~ty exce~
Shmt im incorporated to~s t~t m~ntmim t~ir o~ streets ~d ~oadm, ~ follows
to-wit ~
In the ~rlottesville District ten cents (10cts) on every one hundred dol-
lm~s worth of said property.
In the I~ District fifty cents (~0cts) on every one hundred dell~zs worth
-off s~d property.
In the ~ite Hmll District twenty five cents (2Sots) on every one hundred
d°llazs worth of staid property.
In the E~uel Niller ~istrict thirty five cents (~Octs) on evezy one h~dred
dollars worth qf said property.
in the Bcottsville District twenty five cents (2~cts) on every one h~dre~
do!l~rs worth ef s~id p~operty.
In the Riv~ District twenty five cents (~cts) on every one hu~ed
dolla~s worth of staid property.
~d fo~ interest ~d sinking f~ds fo~ district~ romd bonds he a~ll collect
o~ alt of s~id property as follo~: Se-wit~
An the O~lottesvi~le district one dollar ~nd sixty five cents ($1.~$) en
every one h~d=ed doll~s woBth ef staid p~operty.
In the Ivy district~o~ doZiar ~d ten cents ($1.10) on every one h~ed
dollars worth of staid proper~y.
~n the ~hite Hmzl district ome dollar ~ fifty five cents ($1.~) on every
one hundred doll, s worth ef staid p~eperty.
Im the S~uel ~ller District one dollar ~d ten cents ($1.10) on every
h~d~ed dollars worth of staid property.
~In t~ 8cottsville district one doll~ ~d sixty cents ($1.~0) on every
~d e~ dollars worth of smid property.
~An th~ Riv~ District eighty five cents (8Octs) en every one hundred
dollmr~ of s~id p~epe~ty.
A~ the trems~e~ s~lI collect on all sh~es of stock im banks, ba~ing~
associations ~d ethos institutions on,berated im Sect. 1~ Bchedule D. of Act~
mpproved ~il tSth i~0~, and Acts ~endatory thereof, ether t~n upon th~
ef ~s, lectured in incorporated to~s, for Geumty ~mhools eighty five cents
(~Scts) on every ~one humd~ed dollars worth of staid property.
And the tre~sure~ s~ll f~he~ collect o~ the stock ef bmnks lectured i~
inco=p~rmted te~s for general ~y purposes twenty cents (BOots) on every
hundred dollars wo~'th of a~ch s~eck, which latte~ however s~ll be e~ended i~ the
distr~ct in which it ~is levi~
~d the t~easu~er s~ll alee collect f~r district read p~poses e~ll
goods, ~w~a~es, merchandise ~ capital of merc~nts on ~nd ~he 1st day of FeBr~y
1928, Whethe~ b~lo~ing to individumls, corporations or ~oempanies, t~rty cents~($0~
on every one hundred doilars worth ,f much p=eDerty.