HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-06-16 A~ a. regulem meeting of the ]~oa~d of ~upervisors of Albemarle Oounty~ Virgi~i~ held at the Oou~t house of s~d Cowry on the l~th d~y of J~e 192~.~ P~esent: J.M.~, Ghai=~n, J~.~ell, P.H.G~t~y, G.Purcell L~ghorne and C.A.Mil~e~. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. ~AS the Chairman of the S~a~e Highway Commission has advised' the tha~t the~ $500,000.00 advanced by Albems~le Gounty in 192~. unde~ the Rehearses anticipmt-ing the const ruction of Route 28, will be ~etnrned less interes~ for the unmsed portion of the four year f~ee interest period, at ~, upon ~equest of the property authorities of Albemarle Oounty. THEREFORE be it Resolved that, application be and it is hereby made to the State Highway Commission for the return of said lo~n. The Finance ~ommit%ee's repo~t of the Settlement of Accounts of L.H~N~ylo=, Sup~. of the ~oumty Home was p~esented %o the board and on motion duly secom.ded it is adopted ar~ ordered to be spread upon the minutes. 1926 ~ril ls~. ~eeeived f~om County & other soumcem · o disbursements with proper vouchers ]~y balmnce $ 5060.18 5060.18 552'7.51 467.15 $ 55~7.51 $ 5527.:51 · o amount due L.H.Nmylor as of ~p~il 1st 1926. $467.15 ~e the finance committee have examined the books of L.H.Naylo~ Supt. of Coumty 'Home April 1st 1925 t.o April ist 1926 and find Gounty due said L.H.Naylor $~?.15 all disbumsements shown by proper wouchers, C.Pur cell Mc0me P. t~. Gentry Ghas A.Mi!ler On motion of ~.Pu~cell McCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that Seth~Bu~nley, Ooumty Engineer, make arrangement with some Doctor' for the County Home until Dr.~H.M.~illimms returns. Seth Bu~nley,s report for the~month of ~:':. 1926 was presented, examined and ordered to be filed. O,S~uart Hams, Treasumer, presented to the ~oard a statrment togethe~ with all warrants paid by him duming the month of ~ t92~. ~he Boar~l e~mined said warrants and o~de~ed said statement filed. The following claims'Were presented, examined and ordered to be presented ~o the t~easurer for payment: B. Z. Iriing Lunacy $2,00 J'.~. ~mith Lunacy 2.00 J.M. Sm i t h D~. Dud ley C,.Smtth NFs. J. VLWolfe D~. F.P.Nelsom ~. a.~,Goo~. B.Z.Irvi~ D~. ~.Waddelt ~. Dudley ~.~i~h · .~on Smith Thomas Surbe~ Pu~lishi~ D~. A.G.Robe~t s ~lbem~ le Home C~G~Greem G. Stua~ t G. Stuart H~ Lunacy Lunacy Meals-in Crimnal case Lunacy Lunacy . Lunacy Lunacy Lunacy Lunacy Lunacy Water Cooler ere Acct Rendered Jas H. Jones act Assesa't. ~14 Col Home Dem. 28 days Dist on Amt pd. Start. of. equpt. Taxes on J.H.JoneS place $:5 ~. O0 5.00 6. O0 2.00 5.00 5. O0 2. O0 5.00 5.00 5.00 ~-7.50 9.85 39.45 ac. co 91.67 4.5S 54.81 At a regular meeting of the ~oa~d of Supervisors of Albemarle County, held at the Cour{ house of said County on the 21st day of July 1926; Present: J.m.Fray, Chairman, J.E.Abeli, P.H. Gentry, W.H~Langhorne, a~d G.A.~iller. The mindtes of the last meeting were read and approved. 0n motion duly seconded it is ordered that Seth Burnley, L.F. Smith and W.L.~aupin be appointed a committee to draft p~oper trs~ffiz regulatioms for Albemarle · County. On motion of J~E.Ab.elt and seconded by P.H. Gen. try it ~s ozde~ed that the City of O~=lottesville be g~anted permissiom te 1~ a water pipe lime fro,~ ~he city limits along the concrete road to the Ch~z!ottesville Woolen Mills subject to Seth Bu~nly, County Engineers, approval. On motion of P.H.Gent~y and secomded by W.H. Lmnghorne it ~s ordered that the road f~om Over Hills ~tmtion passing University Inn through the ~iattry Nob Hill p~operty to the underpass of the Southern Road be ~dopted as a Ooua~y~ r cad. On: motion of ~,H.Larghorne and seconded by..~E,Abell it is ordered that the proposed deed from Nellie ~lexander & others to Albemarle County in regard to ~iving a right of way te %he ferry at V~arren, Va.. be ~ejected by the 0ounty. On motion duly seconded it is Ordered that ~har!ottesvitle & Scotts.ville Distric% retire Bond No. follows ' Chez lottesville District due May let 1941 for $1000.00 charg~eable as Scottsvilte Distric~ $4~, In regard to ~he extension of State High #28 Under the 2~% Clause and 2% c~ause, be it hereby ~esolved that the~]$oard requests ~he State Highwaff Commissio~ to ts~e over the road as ou~iined in the letter from %he StaSe~Highway Co~l~iss:ion~ dated Jume i6. 1926. and that the County turn ove~ ~ ~he St~t~ Hi2hwav