HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-07-21 J.~.Smith Dr. Dudley C..Smith Mrs. '¢/.:E.~ood ~.W~V~olfe · Dr. F.P.Nelaom I~. ~.$,Goodman B.Z.IrVi~ D~. ~.Wmdde!t D=. Dudley C~-~mi~h J~.M~on Smith Thomas m mart ~urbe~ Publishi~ D~. L.G.Roberts ~ibem~ le Home O.G,G~ee~ G.Stum~t ~ G.Stuart H~ G. Stuart H~ Lunacy Lunacy Meals in Crimnal case Lunacy Lunacy . Lunacy Ltuuacy Lunacy Lunacy Lunacy ~ater Cooler otc Acct Rendered Jas H. Jones act Assesa' t. ~14 001 Home Dem. 28 days Dist on 2GM. Amt pd. Start. of. equpt. T ~s~xes on J.H. JoneS place $~,00 5.00 6.00 2, O0 5. O0 5.00 2. O0 5. O0 5.00 5.00 9.85 3.-00 ~9.45 SO, O0 91.67 4.5S 54.81 At a regular meeting of the ~oa~d of Supervisors of Albe~a=le County, held at the Court house of said County on the 21st day of July 1928, P~esent: J.~'.F~s~v, Chairman, J.E.Abelt, P.H. Gentry, W.H, Langhorne, ~ud G.A.Nille~. The mindtes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion duly seconded it is ordered tha% Seth Burnley, smith amd W.L. ~- upin be appointed a committee te draft PrOl~er trmffiz regulations for Albemarle ~Oounty. On motion of J.E,Abell and seconded by P.H.Gen~try it ~s o~desed that the City of Gha:lottesvilte be g~anted permission to l~y a water pipe lime from the Gi~ limits along the concrete road to the Cha~!ottesville Woolen Mills subject t.e Seth Bumnly, County Enginemrs, approval. On motion of P.H~Gent~y and seconded by ~.H. Langhorne it ~s ordeced that the road f=om Over Hills Station passing University Inn through the Saucy Nob Hill propenty to the underpass of the Southern Road be adopted as a County~ road. 0m motion of ~,H.Larghorne and seconded By.~E,Abell it is ordered that the proposed deed from Nellie Alexande= & others to Albemarle County in regard to ~iving a~right ef way to ~he ferry at V~arren, Va. be ~ejected hy the County. On motion duly seconded it is Ordered that ~harlottesville & Bcottsville District retire Bond No. fo 1 lows: Chsmlottesville District $5~$.00 due May 1st 1941 for $1000.00 cha~g~eabte az Scottsvi lie Dist~ic~ $4~. In regard to the extension of State High #28 Under the 2~ Clause and 2% clause, be it hereby resolved that %he ~Bosmd requests the State Highway Commission. to ta~:e over the ~oad as outlined in the letter f~om %he StaSe~Highway Oommisaion~ dated ~ume i8. 1926. and that the County turn over to %he 8t~$~ HiEhway he $300 000 00 adv~uced te the State Highway Commission under the Robert~o Act for the construction of Highway No. 28 for a period of 4 years, was returned t~y the State less-4~% interemt for the unused period of.~years amounting to $281,609.9 ~md whereas the Boa:d deeming it wise to have the full sum of $500, 000 . 00 in order to pay off ~he bonds when due. The:efore, on motion of P.H.Gentry ~_ud seconded by ~.E. AbeiZ. is is o:dere~ that the money be loaned to. the National Bank of Charlottesville, V~. te be ~epmid to the County at the expiration of the above mention~ed ~ year period in a lump sum of $~00,000.00. On motion of P.H. Gentry and seconded by W,H,L~ughorne the followin~ resotu- tio~ w~s unanimously adopted. Be It Resolved that all cases of pe:sons bitten by m ~abid dog be treated by the County Hel~h officer as provided for by Chapter 467 page 757 Acts of the General Assembly of Vi:ginia of 1926. On motion of P.H. Gent~y ~nd seconded by J.M.~ay it is ordered that the of ~lbemm~le take m~$100, life membe:ship in the Park Circuit HighwaY. Polled vote unanimous.. Seth Burnley's repo:t for the month of ~une 1926, was presented, examined and orde:ed.to be filed. G. Stua:t Hmmm, Treasu~er~ presented to ~he Board a statement togethez with warrant~ paid by him du~ing the month of ~une 1926. The Bosmd examined said and ordered s~id statement filed. The following claims were presented, examined and o~de~ed to be presented to the treasurer for payment; vis-- ~. Z. Ir ving W.A. F~mith Dr. George Parrott Geo. W. Smith C.T.Ed.war ds Y.B. Mundmy C.H.Enow W. J. Go ock A.M.Solomon C onway Pr i'n~ing Go. Cmldwell *Sites D~. R.A.G~egozy The Michie Co. Su:ber PubLishimg Co B.B~Irving J.~. Smith D~. F.O.~cOue Ice Service ~o~p~ny N. Ga~ l~nd R.L.Poweli D=*. R.L.P~e D2. Hugh Nelson B.Z.I D2. M.L,Rem Dr. T.H. Dmniel J.M.Smith Everett W~ey Go I. N. V~Vo or hi s Daily Progress R.Eelton Jones M.:s. W,E.Wo ed C,G.Gzee~ The Michie Comply F.M.Hoge, City Fin. W.L .~mup in Alb~smle Telephone Go Auto Stat i onery l~ans, oove~s ~ut op sy Eup. to Code 192~ ~pp li em Lunacy Ice. Lunacy Deed B~eks etc. Rubber bands ~ds & Notices Gm~e Wm~den Eemls in ~on & Limdsay P~ iht ing w~t ~ng li st Re imbu~ s ement Voting list etc. Clerk's Office $5.00 5.50 15. O0 1.50 1.50 1.§0 1.50 1. 50 1.50 55.00 6.31 15.00 6.00 17.75 2.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 12. O0 2.50 5.00 5.60 6..80 £~ O0 5.00 5.00 5.00 155.18 1.40 85.55 35.35 15.50 50. O0 220.00 1§.2§ t87.90 14.40