HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-08-18 A~ a regular meeting cf the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the OOurt ~iomse of said County on the 18th of August Present: ~.Fra~v, P.H, Gent~y,r f.E~Abell-and G.A.E'itler. The minutes of the last meeting were, read and approved. "T~he Board proceeding to lay a supplemental County Levy in pursuance of Chap. 576 cf the Acts of the General Assembly of Virg:inia of 1926, for-the year 1926, doth order that the Commissioners of the revenue shall msmess and.the treasurer of the C~oumty of A[b~[e shall collect on all machinery ~ tools hand this first day of February ~926, whethe~ belching to individuals, corporations or complies, including public service corporations, (except the rolli~ stock of railroads operated by ste~) b~ased upon the assessment fixed By the State ation co~issiom ~d certified by it te the Boa~d of Supervisors both as to location and valuation. For general p~poses seventy cents ($.V0) on every one h~dred dollars worth of said p~operty. . ~o~ COunty School p~poses seventy five cenSs ($.?~) on every one h~d~e~ dollars worth of said propez~y, and for pension funds umde~ Acts approved ~rch 1908, five cents ($.,0~) 0n every one h~dred dollars worth of s~id p~op~ty. ~d the treasumer s~ll further collect om all of said ~s for dist~ic~ school p~poses as follows, ~o-wit: In the Ivy District fou~t~ cents ($.g0) eve~ one hundred doll,s worth of said property. In the ~hite ~11 District forty cents ($.A0) on every one h~dred dollars worth of said proper~y. in the S~muel Nille~ District forSy five ($.~&$) on every one hundred dolors worth of said property. . in the Scottsville District thirty five (~.~) on every one hundred dollars worth of s~id p~oper~y. In the Riv~nm District fifteen cenSs ($~l~) on every ese h~d~ed of said p~ope~ty~ Amd for district ~oad p~poses he s~ll collect ~ all ef said except t~t in i~co~pormted te~s t~t m~ntain ~thei~ o~ stzeets ~d road, foll~s to-~t: In the O~lottesville District ~hirgy-five cents ($~8) on eve=y one h~d~e~ dollars worth of said p=oper~y, In ~ ~ District seveng~ five cents ($.70) on every one hundred dollars worth of said p~ope~ty. In ~he ~ite ~11 district fifty (~.80) cents on every one hund~e~ dollars worth of said p~$pe~ty. In ~he ~muel Miller district sixty ($.80) omnis on every one h~d~ed dollars worth of smid property. In the S0ottsville District fifty ($~0) on every one h~dred ~li~S worth of s~id proper~yl in the Rivan~ District fifty (-$.~0) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property~ And for interest ~d sinki~ f~ds fo~ dist=ict road bonds he s~l collec~ on all of said p~operty ~s follows te-wit~ An the ~IVy ~istrict cm, e dollsz a~nd ten cents ($1.10) on every~ once huns dred dollars worth of said property, t In the White Hall District one dollar and fifty-2ive cents ($1,85) on every one hu~red doll~s worth ef s~id p~ope~ty. Im the S~mel EilZ~e~ District one dollar ~d ten cents ($1.10) on every one h~d~ed dollars worth ef said p~ope~ty. In the Scottsvil~e District one doll~ ~nd sixty (1.'60) om every one h~d~ed dell~s worth of said property. In the ~iv~ District eighty five cents ~$.80) on every one h~dred dollars worth of s~d property."- ~uly ~th tgP~. ~%r. J.M.]~my, Ghairman Board of Supervisors of blbemarle Advance Mi lls, Dear.Mr-. Fr ay'~ On the 22nd inst. N~. Seth ~nley b~o~ht to us checks of the State Highly Co~issiom~ aggregating $281,609.94, fo~ w~ch we issued to the Board of SupervisOrs of ~lbem~le Gounty o~ certificate of ~eposit. This letter is merely $o confirm our agreement ~o She effect ~his fund is ~o grown,into the s~ of $300,000.00; $75,000.00 pa~ble A~ the 4th 192 and $225,000.00 payable Feb. the ll~h 1928. I tho~ht you would like ~o ~ve t~s i w2iting fe~ you~ official files. Yours very truly, N.T.Sh~ate, P=esident. On m~tion of P,H. Gent~y and seconded by J,E.A-bell it is ordered that a sumnot exceeding $400. be appropriated for the ~lbemarle Oounty Polled vote unanimous. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that a committee consisting of Messrs C.Purcell Mcgue, John ~.Faris and Seth Burnley he appointed to atten~ the meeting to be held at S~munton, Va. A, ugust 24, 1926 in the matter of consolidatiom of the several Alms Houses of the adjacent counties, ~t the request of ~.H. Lang. horne, supervisor ~of Scottsville District, the following resolution was unanimously adopted. Be it resolved that John S.Graves, Arty, be 'retained %~ assist the Atty. for the Commonwealth in the Scottsville Tax Case now before the Supreme °ourt of Seth Burnley's report for the month of July 1926, was presented, examined and ordered to be filed. G.Stuart Hams, T~easurer, presented to the ~oard a st.atement togethe~ The B~oard examined wi~h all warrant~ paid by him du~ing the month of July 1926. warrants and ordered said statement filed. ~he following claims were presented, examined and zDdered to be said presented to the treasurer foN payment; vim:---- H.B.Worthimgton C.~.Bai!ey Dr. H.L.Baotist Lunacy $~.00 ~ 3.00 G. Stuar t~ Harem. 0r o~et Pharmany Virginia Printing Co Albemarle Telephone Go ,Gilmore Furniture Co C~lyLe Trice ~u:ber Publishing Ge ttonticello Hotel Ii .ak. ing out Voting list Jene~ Account Legan F e ~ns Farm Demon. ~aste Basket Lunacy Ink etc ~heriff etc Crim. cases Index to order $28t.10 l. O0 LL.25 L4 · O0 1.25 ?. 50 1',40 8.00 55.86 At a regular meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County, held at the C.ou~t House of said Gounty on the 15th of September 1926. ~esent:~ j,li.Frmy, Chairman, C.Purcell llcOue,.~,H, Gent~y, J.E.Abell, C.A.tliLie~ a~d W~. HoLanghorne. The minutes of the last meeting were ~ead ~nd approved. A~t the request of Seth t~u~nley, ~ounty Engi, neer, and it appearing tt~at- notices wer~e on the End .day of ~ugust L926, that being the 2mti day of A,ugus.t Term of the Circuit Gou~t of Albemarle ~ounty, Virginia, ~ posted at the f~o~t door of the Oou~t House of said .~ounty and at two p~blic placem in the neighborhood of the ~oad proposed to be closed,, the following viewe~s~ Zohn ..l!~nor P.C.Iiino~, ~.O.Thu~man~ t~.D,Holladay and S.T.White are appointed to view so much of the 0id Stoney Point Road from the enterance to Key Wes~ ~arm to Brady's Gate. The s~id viewers shall meet at 10:00 O'clock on ~he 1st day of 0ctobe~' 19~6 and file with the CLerk of the Board of Supe~visor~ on or before the 20th day of. October 1926 t, heir report in writing whether in thei~ opinion, any, and if. any, what inconvience will result fr om dimcontinuing the same At the re~luest of S~th Bu~nLey, County Engineer, a~'nd it ap2ea~ing .that notices were on-. the End day of August 1926, that being the tst d~y of August Term of the (~ircuit GOurt of ALbemarle County, Virginia, posted at the fro~t door of the ~ou~t House of s~id ~ounty and a,t two public places in the n~dghborhood of the road proposed tmO he closed, the following viewers; John B.}~inor, P.O.tiino~, J.P. 'f;nu~man, W.D,Hollad~y and E.T.~hite a~e appointed to view.so much of the old Road between Simion and Carters Bridge from ?,~assey,s Branch to one hundred yards north of Overton School~ The said viewers shall meet at 10.-.00 o~CLock on the 1st day of 0ctobe~ 1926 and file with the OLerk of the Board of uperv~sors on or before the ~0th day of October 1926 thei~ report i~-' v~iting whether in their opinion, any, and if any, and if any, what inconvience will result from discontinuing the same. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the following resolution be and is hereby adopted by this Board. That the provisions of Acts of General Assembly 1918 P. ~12 and Acts 1920 p 279, be' and the same are hereby adopted by this Board. ·hat G.Purcell 2~icCue be and he is hereby elected as the official represen- tative of this county to act as a member of the board as mentio~e'd in recommenda- tion two of the ~eport this day filed by ~he said ¢ommit2ee. ~+ +~-~ ~o ~ ~ ~.~. is hereby aooroo~iated out of the general funds of