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Index to order
$28t. 10
1. O0
14. O0
At a regular meeting of ~he ~oard of ~pervisors of Albemarle ~ounty,
held at the Oourt House of said County on the 15th of September 1928.
liresent:~ J.E.l~rmy, Chairman, C.Purcell l~oOue,~,H. Gentry, J.E.~bell, C.A.~ilier
and ~V. H. Langhorne.
T~he minutes of the last meeting were read and~ ~pproved.
At the request of Seth Burnley, 8ounty Engi~neer, and it appearing that~ notices
we~e on the End day of August 1928, that being the 2s~ day of August Term of the
Circuit Court of Albemarle Uounty, Virginia, ~ww posted at the fro~t doo~ of the
~ourt House of said ~oun~y mhd at two p~blic places in the neighborhood of the road
proposed to be closed, the following viewers; John B,~!in0~, P,O.~inor, J.0.Thurm~n~
~.D.Holladay and S.T.V~hite are appointed to view so much of the 01d Stoney pOint
Road from the ente~ance to Key West ~arm to Brady's Gate. The s~id viewers shall
meet mt 10:00 O,Clock on ~the Ist day of 0c~obe~' 1928 s~ud file with the Clerk of
the Board of EuPe~visors on o~ before the 20th d~y of. October 19E6 their report in
writing whether in thei~ opinion, any, mhd if~ any, what inconvience will result
from discontinuing the same.
At the re~luest of S~th Burnley, Oounty Engineer, ~ud it'-appearing that
notices were on the 2nd day of August 1926, that being the ist day of August Term
of the ~ircuit Oourt of ~ibem~ie ~ounty, Virgini~, posted at the mfromt door of
the ~ourt House of said 8ounty and ~t two public places in the n~ighborhood of the
road proposed to 1me closed, the following viewers; John B.~{inor, P.O.lfino~, J.P.
~:nurman, W.D.Holladay and $.~JlVhite are a-ppointed to view ..so much of the old Road
between ~imion and Ca~ters Bridge from '~assey's Branch to one hundred yards no~th
of Ove~ton School, The said viewers shall meet at 10:00 o~clock on the 1st day of
October 1928 and file with the Glerk of the Board of S~perviso~s on or before the
20th day of Octobe~ 192~ ~heir report i~ writing whether in their opinion, any, and if
any, and if ~ny, wh~t inconvience will result from discontinuing the same.
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the following resolution be
and is hereby adopted by this Board.
That the provisions of A. cts of General Assembly 1918 P. 512 and Acts 1920 p
~79, be' and the same are hersby adopted by this Board.
~hat G'.Purcetl ~IcCue be and he is hereby elected as the official represen-
tative of this county to act as a member of the board as mentioned-in reconmUenda-
tion two of the report this day filed by lhe said committee.
T.hat there be and the s~me is hereby appropriated out of the general f,unds of
site and the erection of m suitable building and proper equipment; such test tot b~
determined by t.he board mentioned in recommendation two,
That after said site has been selected cud t~he 'buildings .,erected
smd equipped, t~hat all of the i~nates of the almshouse of this County be tz'ansfer~
to the joint almshouse, provided that such t~ansfe~ sh~ll be upon rules and reg~l~ti~nm,
prescribed by t~he board mentioned in recommendation two.
~t there be and the same is hereby ~ppropriated out of. the g~nerml
That this resolution shall not be in full force and effect until all
the above named five counties adopt similar resolutions.
funds of this GOunty, this county's p~oportion of the cost of the prope: maintanance
of the said joi-~t almshouse, as outlined in recommendation five of s~id report. I
~he l~ational 'Bm~nk of Gha~lottesville gave a satisfactory bond of
$~00,000. fo~ the deposit' of the money received by the ~ounty of ~lbema~le from the
State Highway Department as appears in ~ previous resolution of the Board.
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the sum of $150. be appropr
for Albemarle ~ounty ~xhibit a~ the ~,t.ate F~ai~r in Richmond, Va.~
Polled vote unanimous.
On mo~ion duly seconded it is ordered that a committee consisting of
~a'.~.Eiller and V/.H.Lmnghorne be appointed to confer with LoF. Emith and
in the matter of a tr'~ ~ustice.
On motion of P.H. Gentzy and seconded by aoPurcell Eceue it is ordered
that ~ re~ard of $100~ be offered for info~mation leading tc the capture and con-
viction of the person or persons attempting to make a criminal assault on a young
i~nd at the University of
On motion of J.]~.~bell mhd seconded by ~.H'.Lmughorne it is ordered thai
the ~ounty purchase a heavy G~ading ~achine to be paid fo~ ~T~Uu~y
On motion of ?.H. Gentzy and seconded by O.A~.]~il~er it is ordered that
the ~esolutio~ p~ed at the July 1928 meeting of the Bomzd in regard to persons
being bitten by ra~id dogs, be amended mnd ~e-enacted ~s follows;
Be it Resolved that all cases of persons bitten by a ~abid dog be
t~eated &t the office, of the County Health Office ~ provided ~.~r by Chapte~ 487
page ?07 Acts of the General A~sse~hly of Va. of
8'eth ]~urniey's report for the month of August lg28,, was presented,
ez~mined ~nd ordered to be filed.
G.Btu~t ~m, ~'~easu~er, presented to the Bo~d a statement togethe~
with ~ll warrants paid by him du~ing the month of Auguz~ lgBS. The Board examined
said warrants and ordered said statement filed.
~he following claims were presented, examined and ordered to be
p~esented to the t~e~u~e~ for payment; viz~---
W ~ L-~a~pi n
C. S · H o ffman
R · F · ~lack
R.S. Jennings
B~Z. I~gint
D~. ~.T~Nelso~
W.B~y~ Gent~y
C. S. Huff man
G~ey Lock
Y~e Lox
Ice Service
Hecording Birdkhead Dedd
Posting vo~ing list
Carbon Paper
Car ~o t~ke Fortune
RibBons fo~ Co~p
5. O0
1 .'50
At a regula~ meeting of the Board of Supervisors of A,lbem~le County held
at the ~oun~ House of s~id ~o~y on the ~th day of 0ctobe~ 1926.
~esent:~ J.M.~a~, G~i~, P.H.Gent~y, J.E.Abe~, ~P~ce.ll Mc0ue,
G,A~.Mille~ ~d W,H.L~gho~ne.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and &pp~oved.
In ~he matte~ of closing so much of the 01d Stony Point Road from the
entrance of Key West Farm ~o B~ady's Gate,
The peri.richest presented satisfactory evidence .~o l~.he Boa~d that notice
of closing said road hsd been posted on the 2nd d~y of August, i926, that being
the first day of the ~ugust Term of the Circuit ~-ou~t ef A~lbema~!e ~oun~y, Va.
m Col~y of sa~d notice haying been posted mt two public ~places 'in the-neighborhood
of the ~oad proposed ~o be closed and at the F~o~t doo~ of the ~ourt House of
Albemarle County; that after ~s~id notice had been posted for at least twenty days
this Board did, in its meeting held on the 15th day of Septembe~ 1926, appoint
five viewers to view said road ~nd report in w~iting whethe2 in their opinion,any,
and if ~ny wh~t inconwience~woufd ~esult fram discontinuing the s~ne; that fou~
of said viewers namely: John B.Mino~, P.G.Minor, W.D.Hollids~v and J.0.Thurman
have made their report in writing under date of October 1st 1926. that in accordance
with t~he foregoing order of s~id ]~oa~d they h~ve viewed said road, and that in
%hei~ opinion no inconvience will result to anyone if s~id ~oad is discontinued s~ud
closed. ~ cop~y of said report ~signed by ~he viewers n~med above was presented
to this meeting~ and the ~lerk of the Board was ordered to file ~he s~e.
In consideration whereof it is order'ed by this ~ard that so much of the
01d Sto~V Point Ros~ that lies between ~he entrance to Key West ~a~m to Brady's
Ga1~e be, and is hereby discontinued smd closed.
In the matter-of closing so much of the 01d Road from Simeo~ to carters Bridge
~hat lies from Massey's branch to on~ hundred yards north of Overton School.
The petitione~ presented~,.~satisfactory evidence to the Board that notic~e
of closing said road had been posted on the 2nd .d~ ef August, 1926, ~hat being
~he first day of the ~ugust ~erm of the ~i~eui$ ~ourt of A~lbemm~le ~ounty, Va,