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C. S.Hoffmmn
R · F. ]~lack
E.E~.M¢Oon~e 1
D~. L.R.~timson
R.S. Jenning s
B.Z. I~gint
~.B~y~ ~ Gent~y
C. S. Huff man
G~ey Lock
IQe Lox
Ice Service
~ecording Birdkhead Dedd
Posting vo~ing list
Caj~bon Pa,peJ~
Car to take Fortune go Jail
Ribbons for Co~p Ct.
2-~ 00
5. O0
5. O0
10. O0
16. O0
bt a regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of A~lbems~vle ~-ou~ty held
mt the ~ou~t House of s~id ~ounty on the 20th day of 0ctobe~ 1928.
P~esent:: J.~Fray~. Ch~i. rman, P.H. Gentry, J,E.~belt, ¢~Purce-ll McCue,
O,$.Mil~ez mhd W~,HoL~nghorne.
The minutes of the last meeting were read ~nd approved.
In the matte~ of closing mo much of the 01d ~teny Point Road from the
entrance cf Key WeSt Farm to B~ady's Gate.
The peti,ticne~ presented satisfactory evidence .to t-he B~smd that notice
of closing said road h~d been posted on the 2nd d~y of August, lg28, that heing
the first day of the A~gust Term of the Circuit ~G-ouzt ef A&bemsm!e aounty, Va.
m copy of said notice hm~ing been posted at two public ~places 'in the~ neighborhood
of the road proposed to be closed smd mt the Fzomt doer of the ~ou~t House of
~tbemamle ~ounty; that after ~s~id notice had been posited for at least twenty days
this Bosmd did, in its meeting held on the l§th day of Septembe~ 19£8, appoint
five viewers to view said road and ~eport in writing whethe~ in their opinion,any,
and if any wh~t inconvience ~wouZd result from discontinuing the s~me; that four
of said viewers nm~ely~ John B.~inor, P.g.~inor, W~oD,Hol~id~y and J.O.Thurmam
h~ve made thei~ report in writing under date of October 1st 1928, that in accordance
with ~he foregoing ozde~ ef s~id Board they have viewed said road, a~d t'hat in
thei~ opinion no inconvience will result to anyone if said road is discontinued smd
closed. J~ cop~y of said report ~signed by the viewers named above was presented
to this meeting and the Gle~k of the Board was ordered to file t~he same.
In consideration whereof it is o~de~'ed by this ~oard that so much of the
01d Storey Point Read that lies between the entrance to Key West ~a~m to B~ady's
Gate be, mhd is hereby disconl~inued and closed.
In the matter .of closing so much of the Old Road f~om ~imeon to ~arters Bridge
~hmt lies from Eassey's branch to one hundred yards north of Overtom School.
The petitioner presented ~s~tisfact'o~y evidence to the Bosmd t~j~t notic%e
of closing said road had been posted on the ~nd d,~ df August, lg28, that being
the first day of the ~uEust ~erm of the C. ize,~it ~ou~t of ~lbemm~le ~ounty, Va.
of the road proposed %o be d~osed and at l~he Front door of the Gou~t House of
A&bema~le CoUnty$ that after said notice had been posted for at least twenty days
this Bcsmd' dido, in its meeting held on the l§th day of September 1928, appoint
five viewers t~o view said road and retmort in w~iting wehther in their ipinion, any,
and if any wh~t inconvience would result from discontinuing the same; that. fou~
of said viewers name y, John B.~inor P.G.N£inor W.D.Hollidmy saud
have made their report in writing unde~ date .of 0ctobar 1st 19~8, that in ac¢ordance
with the foregoing order of s~id Boemd they have viewed said road, and tha~t in
their opinion no inconvience will result to anyo~,e if said road is discontinued
c~osed. A copy of s~id report signed by the viewers named agove w~s presented
to-~his meeting and the ~lerk of the ~o~d was ordered %o file the s~me.
in coz~iderah~on whereof it is ordered by this Board that so much of
the old road from Simeon to Carters Bridge that lies from Eassey,s branch to one
hundred yards north of 0verton School be, ~ud is hereby discontinued and closed.
~ it resolved in accordance with sectio~ 1 of the State Aid Eoney Law
approved ~arch ~7th 1918 that the ~tate Highway Commissioner be requested to add ~e
following, road to ~he A&bema~le county system of Highways from Simeon to the
Fluvanna County lime along Rivmnna River approximately four miles to be designated
as County Highway ~9,
On motion of G.Pu~cell Mc~ue and seconded by P,H. Gentry it is ordered
that the office of Home Demon.strator and the offices of ~hite and Ootord Farm
~emonstrat~on respec~ ely be continued at the same appropo~ation as last yesm.
Polled vote unanimous.
On motion of J.~...&bell and seconded ~y 0,Purcell ~eaue it is ordered
that She ¢ounay. accept ~ deed from ~.R.Wingfield conveying a right of way at the
price of $~00.00 mad cost oha~geable to Ivy District.
Polled vote u~uanimous.
On motion of ¢.Purcell ~cOue and seconded l~y W.E.Lmngho:ne it is ordered
that the $25.00 per month her~etofore paid to Seth Burnley, oounty Engineer, by the
State 'Highway commissioner be ~iscontinued by operation ef law be paid out the County
fund s.
On motion of P.H. Gentry mnd seconded by V~.H.I~nghorne it is ordered
that the road from t'he Rio Road to the Southern Railway~s Right of Way at Rio Statio~
be adopted as a County Road.
Seth Bu~nley's ~eport for the month of September 1926, was presented~exam~in
and ordered to be filed.
G.Stuart ~, Treasurer, presented 1~o the Bosmd m st~teme~nt together wi
~1~ warrants paid ~y ~him during the month of September 1928. 2he BOa~d examined said
warrants and ordered s~id statement f~iled.
The 'following claims were presented, examined ~d ordered to be presented
to the treasurer for payment; viz:--
Crozet P~int ~hep
Con.,w~ Prin~1;i~g Company
N. ~zmber lake
EVerett V~addy Go,
John B.l~inor
~.D. Ho llid~
B~r ough~ Adding
~lbem~ le Telephone
~urb~ Publishing
~.~, I~ing
D~. Geo~
J.E. ~mith
J.H. Jones
~,~. Cr ensh~w
Legal forms $ 21,00
# 54.25
-Toilet paper 27.-80
Bond ]~ook
Viewer -4.00
'~ 4.00
"~ 4.00
i, ae. oair 4. co
~eas. and ~le~k's ~fice 28.~0
Luna cy ~., 00
~ 10.00
~ ~0.00
~ 2.00
~ ~.. 00
~ ~it. '~. 00
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that Scribners' Fecne at Earlysviite
be adopted as the County road line and that in case the property bought from W.H.
]~irckhead and deeded to the County is ever abandoned it will revert to W.B. Scribner
who paid the purchase price.
~~~C hair man
At a reguta~ meeting of the Bos~d of Supervisors of Ali~ma~le held
at the County Home on th~ 17th day of November 1925.
Present~ ~.[.Fray, Chairman, G.Pu~ce!l EcCue,
and G.A.~iller'.
J.E.Abell, P.H.Gent~y
T~he minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the Claim of J.R~Wingfield
for $500.00 plus $~9.00 cost against the Ivy l~agisteri~l District be paid out of
funds in the said Ivy District.
On motion duly seconded ~he Oommo~vealth ~ttorney is instructed to
~ppea~ before the State Highway Conm~ission on December 2nd 1926, and ex.tend to
it the thanks of the Board for the allocation made to Highway ~28 in. Albemarle
In the matte~ of~ Albemarle 0ounty's portion o£ the cost of the Joint
Alms House it is o~dered that the ~oun~ chargeable to Albemarle County be turned
over to F.T.Prufer the Treasure~ of the Fund.
Seth Burnley's report for the mont~ of October 1926, was presented exazuined
and o:de~ed to be filed.
G.Stuart Ha=m, T~easu~er, presented to the ~oa~d a statement together
with all warrants paid hy him du~ing the month of October 1926. The Board examined
said warrants and o~de~ed said statement £iled.