HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-11-17~he following ciaims were presented, examined and o~dered to be Dresented to the treasurer fez payment; viz:-- CF ozet P~-int Gon~v~y Pr-i~i~g Company ~. TLmbe~ lake EVer ett ~addy ~e. John B.Nino~ ~$.D.Ho ~lid~ J.O.~h~m~ B~ough~ Addi~ ~ch 0o ~lbem~le Telephone Go Su~b~ Publishing ~o D~. Ge:o. Pm==ot% D~. F ~ G j.E, Smi ~h J.H. ~one s ~.E. C~ ens~w Legal forms $ B1.00 # 54. ~5 ~Toilet pape= B?.80 Bond Book 51.~ ¥iewe~ -4.00 ~ 4.00 ~' 4.00 ~~ 4.0,0 ~epa i r s 6., 80 ~reas. ~nd Bler, k's Office S8.B0 ~upplies 5.60 Lunacy '&..O0 ~ lO. O0 #~ 10.00 '~ 2.00 ~ Wit. ~. O0 '" '~' 1.00 On motion du~y seconded it is ordered that Scribners' Fecne mt Earlysvili'e be ~dopted as the County road line ~nd that in case the prope=ty bought from Birckhead and deeded to the Oounty is ever ~bandoned it will reve~t to W.B. Sc=ibner who paid the pus chase price. _ ._ Chairman At a regular meeting of the Board of Supe=visors of Albemarle held at the County Home on ~h~ 17th day of November 1926, P=esent~ ~.~{,Fray, Chairman, O.Pumce!l EcOue, and O.A.Mi!le~. ~..E.Abell, P.H.Gentyy The minutes of the Dast meeting were read and approved. On motion: duly seconded it is ordered that the glaim of J.R.~ingfield fo~ $~00.00 plus $29.00 cost against the Ivy E~iste=ial District be paid out of funds in the said Ivy District. On motion duly seconded the Oommon~vealth ~tto~ney is instructed to app'ea~ before the State Highway Comuission on Decembe'~ 2nd 1926, and ~ -~ ex~en~ to it the thanks of the Board for t. he allocation made to Highway #28 in Albemazle County. In the matte~ of_ A~lbemarle County's po~tion~ of. the cost of the Joint Alms House it is ordered that the smount cha~geable to Albemsmle ~ounty be turned over to F.T.Prufer the Treasu=e~ of the Fund; Seth Bu~ntey's report for the mont~ of October 1926, was p~esented examined and o~de~ed to be filed. G.Stua~t Hans, T~easu~er, p=esanted to the ~oa~d a statement t'ogethe~ with ~11 warrants paid by him during the month of October 1926. The Bosmd examined said warrants and o~de~ed said statement filled. The following claims was presented, e:~amined and to the treasurer for payment, viz:-- Election Claims. J. 0 S. J.Ei chie R'.E. Tu~ net T. L .Giann ini E.VL Hun~~ Dr. Austin Michlem G.U, Smith ~. Y.Eut he~ lan~ Level s H~f E.P.Dur r ett f, 0 ~ Th~ man A.~ Flint P.C.Minor R ~0 .Hall J. S, Gent~y H. I .Day i s J. T. Shif let~ ~m. Goodwin S. H, Hughes C.F.~llard W. H.Rog e~ s Russell B~ g~in E. C. Mil let H. JiP~ offi~ Davis ~unn J~es G~ instead Jol~ River comb King Solomon Lodge G. J.E.D~iel ToE of Scottsvitie H.L. G~th H. G .Wmdd e 11 S.A~,Calho~ E.E,P~yne Dougi~ss Fo~syth C .E .~ahane s p,L.May J.~. Va~hen H.~,EcCr eery H.H.Gz~th A.L. H.E E~s. ~a L. TD~cke~ S.L.~rks W.T. Gibs on W~R. Pie~ce Sidney B~ nets H.R. No~velI M.-J. Bowen V~,D~Eaupin Jr. A. ~. Wyant Lucian Br o~ D~. ~nbler C~skie Pe~y Leak J.N. Br ockenbor o~h J.K.E~ming Riverside Library V~. B. Co it hu~ st ~. E ~ cEu~ do J.L. H~nber t E. J. C~ ens~w Atbem~le Mt~. Go Jo hn B,M in o~ H~h Estes C .P ~.E~ Gar ~ ison E. S. Nap i e~ C .E. Ear · is 13.50 l'i ;60 5;00 5.00 5. O0 1-,O0 6.00 5.00 16.80 5.00 5. O0 10.40 · 5. O0 5.00 2.20 ~5. O0 5,00 5. O0 5.00 5. O0 16;00 lO ;8-0 5~ O0 'l .;00 5.00 5~00 1.00 5.00 5;00 1.00 5.00 5~00 1.00 5.00 I0.90 1i .00 5.00 5.00 11.20 5.00 5. O0 5.00 9.40 7.00 5.00 5.00 20.60 5.00 5.00 5JO0 5..00 ~;00 11.00 5.00 5. o0 5;00 1..00 5,00 5.00 1.00 5. O0 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10. O0 10,00 lO.O0 t'0. O0 6.00' 48.06 35.00 J. T.Layman R.A.H. Foster O.T,Cook Vf.H.Ma~tin E,R. Pugh Vf.A, Ca, pent e~ A.J.Woods ~ .E. He ad 0. J.~ood O.L.Smi~h R.A. Ja0kson H.L.WeDb 0. A. Aus~in ~.}~. Uis J.~.Hans le~ T.~ .~ilhoi% E.Ashhy ~is O.L.~land Jullian Catte~ton J.U, Pat t er s on ~. B. Jar man Thomas John J. ~. Gau C.B. Harris C. E. G~ net2 ~oods Ri ley W.H,Sta~gell E,W. Scott M. C.H~r is E. C ,Veat ch A~ N. Ga~ dne~ Ers ~ane Trainh~ $~ Bailey George St e~hans C. S .Huff~n D~. G.~.St~k ~rs. Farie Huffm~ A. V. Bur ks J.E.Gibs on R .A. H~ne ~ W.A. Clarke R. N. P~h E. L. $andr idge W.W, Driscol! R. G. Bi r c khe ad C,U. Wash J.C.Le~ J,A.~ncock ~.E,E~sey A.L. Blai~ W,J.Phillips W.H.Sjith Y. F. Payne H.P.Porte: J,~. ~i lke~ s on E. 0.EcOue J~. T. I · Co les P. H.Eal oney i.B. Thomps on T.Woods War ~ en Davis W. D ,Ho 1 lad P. H, Gentry B.EI Irving D~. RCL Rea Dr. H.T.Nelson C · $. Huffman Ge or ge Fnui th E=s. George Smith Dr. J.E.~r ~ Dr. F.G.McCue J.~..%~;o ife Dr. R.S.Goodm~n G.Nelson Jones Key Lox ~. Co Lunacy Ribbon 2 claims o~dered to be 5.00 5.00 6.00 11.00 5.00 17.50 5 ..00 5.00 5.00 5.00 i~00 5-.00 5.00 ? 5.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 7.20 5. O0 7.20 5.00 5.00 10.80 5.00 5.00 5. O0 17.80 5~00 18.20 5.00 5.00 9180 5.00 5.00 12.00 6.00 15.40 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 21.00 5.00 5. O0 5.00 5.00 11.20 5.00 5. O0 5.0.0 6.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 22. O0 5.00 5100 5.00, I5.00 -8.20 5.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 10. O0 !0.00 7.00 33.90 6.20 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 5, O0 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 10.00 cert if led!