HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-12-15 At ~ regular meeting of the Board of ~upervi'aors of Elbem~le Co~uty, Virginia, held at the Court House of maid County on t~he ~Sth. d~~ of December 19~6, Present: J.M~Fray, Ch~.irman, C.Pu~cell ~IcCue, W.H.Langhorne, J.E.Ahell and Poll. Gentry. The minutes of the lsat meeting were re~d and approved. on mo~ion of C.Pu~cell McCue and seconded by_ J.E.Abell i~ is ordered %ba~ the Clerk w~ite ~d ree~uest ~he State AccOuntant to audit the~Tream~uz, ers Books. Om mo~ion of C.Purcel! McCue and SeConded by j.E.A~ell i~ is o~dered ~hat ~he $400.00 ~pp~opiated for the coma.truotion of ~he W~en Bridge in the 1926 budget be paid ~s tSe h~i~ge hms been completed to ~he sa%imf~ction of the county engineer. Om motio~ of W.E.L~ghorme and seconde~ ~ C.Puzce, ll McCue it is eEde~ed %~t ~he $6000.00 s~plum in the County So~ool Fund be appo~i0ned to the several dis- t~ictz i~ second, ce with ~he' ~ounta'p~ in by ~he said~distr.icts.:~ ~ Om motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by J.E.AbelL it is o~dered ~hat the county make Some ~a~%gemen~ with the ~C0unty Surveya~ ~o survey and check the mil- eage 6f the ~eve~ml r~i!Eo~s through't~e county mS p~ovided for by law. 0~. mo~ion of V~.H.Langhor~e and se6o~ded by C.Purcell McCue it is o~dered the% new typewrite2 ~e punches, ed for the'Clerk's' Office. I~n the ma%te~ of the pay of the claim fo~ blood houn~ ~t the University in 1926. After hearim~ the evidence of J.2~s6n Smith, Sheriff, the~bo~rd ia of opinion that the county ia in no way liable for t!~ ~laim for blood ho0mda. On motioh of J.E..~bell an~ .secondsd'by 0'.Purcell ~oCu~ it is ordered th~t m sight of way be grant, ed through the C6u~ty Home Property ~o the EpisCopal Church' ~ission. repo rt $-e,th Bu~h. leys/for ~he month of November Z9~6, was presented, examined and ed to be filed. G. Stu~ % v~r r ant s s~ud Hams, treasurer; presenl~d' to the l~o~d ~ statement ~ogether with paid by him du~ing the month of November 1926. The Bo~d examin, ed said ordered said statement to be filed, On ~o~ion duly seconded the following resolution adopted by ~he She.nandoeh N~ionml Pa~ Circuit Highway, Inc., w~s ~dopted by the Bo~d of Supervisors of' Albemarle Codnty, Va., "That ~his organization go on record as advocating, Fi2st: ~The construction of concrete shoulders on each side of the western section of t~e "P~k Circuit Highway" extending from ~finCheate~ to S~aunton, in orde~ to p~otect the shoulders of the present m~cadam, s~ud , by increasing the ~id~h of ~said highway, relieve the traffic congestion ~hich now exists. Second:~ The prompt hard surfacing of t~h~ae sections of %he ~ P~k Circuit T~ird: The incorporation into the Virginia. High~ay System i~ 1927, of th~se sec- ~ions of the ~ Pa~k Circuit Highway ~ sou~h of Eadison and South of Ruckersviile, ~not at present in the $~ate system. Th~% l~he president of this organization, he and he is hereby mu%hori~ed to furthez the objectives of the above resolution in such m~nner as he may deem mdvisable, through conferences s~nd correspondence with the vi~ginia~ state Highway Commision and ether pa~ties interested.