HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-01-19 At a regumlar meeting of the ~'he!d at the"a0urt"HoUse~ of said County on ~anUary ~19tht727.~ 'Present:' ~.~[.]~ray, 'Chairman, lm.E. Gentry, ~.E, Abelt, ~reetl ~c~e' G, A ~iller and'~;E~ngherne · The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. In SHe matter of the election of th~ ,f~fi~ers of the and' year 1927. Th~ardwas called ~c order/eh mo%ie~dly Ec~Ue was unani~ly elected temporary chairma~.~ T~e temporary chairman ca~le~!~e~'.~omi~atie~"o~'¢an~l~a-tes £~r~her:offi~e of chairman of the Board and on mStion of ~.E.I~ngho~e amd seconded by Gentry, ~,~.~ray was unanimously elected chairman fOr the year 1527. · The temporary chairman called for nominatio~'.of candiAa~$.:~erm.~the.office ef .vice-chairman of 'the ~oard and on motion ~f W.E. :~anghomn.e' and.se.~mded~ :by ~,~.l~ray, P.~,Gentry was unanimo~mlly elected vice-chairman for-the year'l~27. ~Fhereupe~ ~,~,Fray to~k his seat as chairman and appointe'dthe~inan~e Committee for the year 1727 composed of the foltcwi~gmembers,.G..l~ArcelI'm~C Cue, Chairman, P.N,~entry and G,A.~ller. Om/~motion duly seconded the following resolution was:.unanim~u:sty~adopted. Te the holders of'all of the ~onds of the County behalf of the ~hite Bail ~gisterial District, under and-by virtue held in s~id District on the 26th day of ~pril, 1921, and bY virtue".eff~a:.~.resolution of the Board of supervisors of said County, bearimg date ,f ~uty 2Oth'-tg.21,:~nd said bonds~ were Validated by an Act of the General Assembly':~e'f ~trgin!a, Gh~ter 129, Acts'of 1922, page 211. Said Bonds bear date of September 1st, 1721, and are tr~yabl~'~2y~five years after date., being callable~at any int'erest-'~eri~od'~iaf~er the expiration of five years from date. Take notice that on the 1st day of ~arch, 1927, .all c.f the~.a~oresaid ~bonds numbered from one to forty,~inclusive, will be paid off at~the~Na~iomal BAnk of O?m21Ottesville, ~irginia, in the Gi~y of ~arlottesvilte and in the ."State ~f ~irginia. Ail of said bonds have been selected by the Beard of Supervisors Albemarle ~omnty at its meeting held 2anua~y Xgth, 1~27, to'be paid'~f,.i~ put. suance to the provisions in said bonds contained, five year~ from the ~date, smid bonds having elapsed. Ali interest upon said bonds will cease at and ~n the 1st day'of. Narch 1927, and the holders of said bo~ds are hereby notified te present th~ same ~for payment at the ~ank aforesaid, in the ~i~y of ~arlottesville, Virginia. · BE IT RESOLVED ~y the Board of Supervisor. s section 1555 of the ~ode of ~Vigginia of 1919 and acts amendato:ry..'~the=eof. tSe enacted, and adopted ~s ~m?~,~.~.rd~ance of the ~ounty cf ~be~rle~ - · sec. of ~y artist ~.~gro~ fowl, w~ich~..~s~d~, ~owing of such death, shaiX?~E~2hwith cre~.or ca~ to be cre~ted,- or~.:b.~y ~.:om. cause to be buried, the~body.[~e[~'~ ~ch ani~! or gro~ ~wl, and iZ~.he fails'~to..~do":..:s:e any justice, after' notice ~' ~he o~er, if he can b~ ~ertaine~, s~..ca~m,sa-:...a~y much reoo.ve~.of~ t'he owner of every such animal so cremated or huri~ed, al. fee ~.'~Ve dol- lars, ~.,and of~ thme owner of every such fowl sc cremated or buried a~f~e ~.ef..eno' ~do~llax be'recovered in t.he same manmer as officers'~ ~fees are recovere~,i free f~em~a!l ~exempti.ons in favor of such owner. ~my person violating the of this~ ect.iom shall be subject to a fime net exceeding twenty dollars for each ~offe~.ce.~ On motion of G.-Purcell NcGue and seconded ordered~that Seth~L~r~nley, Gounty .~.$ngineer,~purchaSe a eoat.~and ~es~ ~pnes. Om motion of G.~rcelt'~c~e and seconded by ~.A*~i,~iter it is~ Ordered ~hat'Hugh ~Simms, ~Ounty Surveyor, ~heck the mileage ef the.several rail- roads ..im~he ~ounty. On motion of ~.Purce!l Nc~ue and seconded by ~.A.N~iller it is ,~rd~d that the sum of $~0~00 be appropriated for ~Orest ~ire Protection. PelIe~ vote unanimous. A~ a meeting ef the ~eard o.f S~lp~rvis~lOrS of Albemarle Go~ty, Va, on the 29th day of April ~92t, t~ ~a~n ~ght Go~ w~ granted pe~ssiem erect and maintain electric power amd light lines ml~g~ ~ertainLhighwa~s .el said ~eumty as~ se~ omi in said reselu~tiom, and ~en .the 19th day .ef ~r~ 1922 the Boar granted~ a~like~permissie~ .t~ the Greenwood Electric ~n~ny, ~d. ~ereas the said Sta~ton ~ight ~e, anti.the trio ~em~y~ new~ exercised the pe=miSsion granted them, but~ in~ .their ~pt~ace an~ stead the Greenwoe~ ~tnes Association ~ve erected and~ ~inta~ined electric power and light ~lines ale~ the highways mentiomed in the resolutions adepted~by the ~ard ~ef Super~visers of ~lbe~rle ~eunty, Va. arc.the meetings ~held ~pril 2-9th t921~a~ ~ril 19, 1922 respectively. And ~ereas the said Greenwood ~nes Association ~ving the permissiom granted in its e~ name and also request ~issi~cn ~c ~erect and ~inlain additional lines. Therefore en motion a~d by a ~nanime~ vo~e the following resolu~ Resolved: ~t the Greenwood ~ines ~ssCci~tie~ hereby authorized to erect and ~intain electric power and light lines, _~onsisting ef poles and wires along the following highways, .(~15 from ~rador along the dirt road to ~nce alomg ~e ~c. adam road te Greenwood station and f.rom ~oedson's .~ep ai'~g the ~cadam ~road to; ~ ~JeWsends ~, (2) along the Go~ty read from Seedsem's ~op t~e ~he'n.er~h~ast c.o~nar~ .el. the ~sche~l lot, ~3~ from the Go,try Store along the county road to the property of ~. ~m. $~.~reen, for the p~pose of transmitting, distributing and s~pplying' eleet=icity for light, heat er power, provided, however, that such poles and w~re~s s~ll be so erected and ~intalned ~at they will not obstruct the use ef or ~ssa~ on said =~ads ~o.r proper drainage of s~e when completed, and provided ~urthe= this mm~horization shall be subject to all the p=.ov!sie~ms ~estri'ctie~s and limitat: of sections ~0.~7 and $0~8 of the ~8~ ~* w~,~ ~* ~,~ --~ ohs ~oard'~'"or the proper~' ~ad A~thoritiea of this ~eunty ~,r.~.Sta~te':~:,%ha~,~he:,~said poles, wires etc. shail~i.B~sHifted or removed to.~such places_..as-this-,Boa~,.,or Road Authorities aforesaid'Shall direct, ir'shall be done at the~.e~i, re'¢~ost~-~f the said ~reenwood ~im~SAssociation. Seth ~rnley,s report ferthe month ef December l~26, was~'l~e,mented examined and ordered to be file~. ~.~tuart Ham~, Treasurer, presented te the Board a stat~ment~'~to~gether will all warrants paid by him during the month of Decemberl~26. ~The..,~a~,~examined said warrants ~nd ordere~ sa~d sta~emen%~'f'~ted. ......... · he Board adjourned to meet ~e~ruary 9th 1,92~7, //~__ Ghairman