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At a regular meeting of the B'oard of Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty, Virginia, held at the Court. house of said County on the t6~h day of ~rch 1927. Prssent: Y,E. Fray, Chairman, ~.E. Abell~ G.A.Eiller, P.H.Gentry and W.E. ~anghor~e, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A delegation of ladies appeared before the Board and reGuested aw appropriation of $~0©. to the City ef ~harlottesvilte ~ibrary in order that the CoUnty citizens may use the library free, thereupo~ on motion of PoH~..Gentry and seconded~by J.E~Abelt the resolution to appropriate $$0O..was lost by the following vote. Aye, Abelt & Gentry E~., Fray, l~anghorne & Miller A RepreSentative of the Ghildrens Home Society appeared before the Board and requested am appropriaticn to heldp carry on the work of the said society, and after a through discussion of the matter and with the realization that the said society has cared for many of the indigent children of Albemarle County without cost, therefore on motion duly seconded i~ is ordered that the sum of $100.00 be appropriated to the Ghildren,s Home Society. Aye, Fray, Abell, ~anghorne, Gentry & Miller. A deiegegation of citizens from Belmont, Charlottesville District, appeared before the board and requested thst Scnoma Street on Belmont be adopted as a Oou~ty Road, therefore on motion of P.E. Gentry and seconded by J.E.Abell it is unanimously ordered that the following be and is hereby adopted as a County road, Schema Street from ~onticello Road to the ~ilkerson. Property line on ~ig Hilt. DemonstratiO~s. In the matter of the offices of ~hite amd Colored Far~ On motion cf $.E. Abell and seconded by $.H.~nghorne it is ordered that the offices of White and Colored ~arm Demonstrstors be and they are hereby abolished. Aye, Fray, Langhonre, Abell & Hiller No, Gentry At the request of G. ~ Fernsell and it appearing that notices were on the 7th day of February 1927,'~$h~being the first day of the February term cf the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, posted at the front door of the Court House of said county and at twe places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; J.B, Kegley, ~.R.~e, S.A.Oalhoun, ~.B. Oolthurst and T.Z.Rosser, Jr. are appointed viewers to view so much of the 01d Redes Road that runs through the property of the said G.O. Fernsell, and make written report whether in their opinion any~ and if any, what incenvience would result from~ discontinuing said rc~ where i~ passess~.~through the property of the said O~.G, Seth ~urntey~s report For the month ef Fet~uary 1927, was presented examined and ordered to be filed. G. Stusrt Hamm, Treasurer, presented to-the ~eard a statement together with alt warrants paid by him during the month of February 1927~. The Board examined said warrants~and ordered said statement filed.