HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-04-20 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,~irginia, held at the Court House of Said county on the 2otb. day of April 1927; PI~SENT, ~.Si.Fr~y, chairman, C.~.Mi!ler, ?.H.Gentry, J.E.Abell, C.?u~cell ~cCue and ~.H.-Langhorne. The minutes of the last ~eeting were read and approved. ~ The: Board proceeding to lay the County levies for the yea~ 1927, doth order that %he Commissioners of the Revenue shall assess and the treasurer of the County of Albemarle shall collect on all real estate and tangible personal prop- erty, including machinery and toools heretofore assessed as caoitm!, whether belonging to individuals, corporations or companies, including pub~lic service corporations ( except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam ), based upon the assessment fixed by the ~tate Co~poration Commission and certified by it to the Board of Supervisors both as to location smd valuation. For general county purposes e~ohty-z~ve cents ($.85) on eve~'y one hundred dollars worth of said property. For county~ school purposes seventy Cents (~.~70) on, every one hundred d~ol!ars worth of said property. Fo~ !~ension~ funds under Acts approved ~iarch 14th. 1908, five cents ($05) on every one hundred dollars worth of said prpperty. And the treasurer shall further collect on all of said property for district school purposes, as follows to-wit: In the Ivy Diatrict forty cents (~.40) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the RivannaDistrict fifteen cents ($.15) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the Samuel Miller District forty-five cents ($.z~5) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the Scottsville District thirty-five cents (~.35) on every one hundred dollars worth od said prpperty. In the ~Yhite Hall District forty cents ($,40) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. And for district Duz~ purposes he shall collect on all of said property ex- cept that in incorporated towns thm~t maontain their own streets and roads, as follows, to-wit: In the Charlottesville District ten cents ($..i0) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. I~ the Iwy District forty cents (~.40) on every one hundred dollars worth of said .property. In the Rivanna District twenty-five cents ($.25) on every one hundred dol- lars worth of said property. In the Samuel 1;{iller District thirty-five cents (~.35) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the Scottsvil!e District twenty-five cents ($;~25) on every one hundred worth of said property. In the White Hall District twenty-five cents ($.25) on every one hundred do,tars worth of said p~operty.~ ~nd for interest and sinking funds for district road bonds-, he shall collect Im the Cha~lotte, svilte District one dolIs~ a~ sixty-five cents (~! 85) On every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the Ivy District one do!ls~ and ten cents ($1.10) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. Ia the Rivanna District eighty-five cents ($.85) on every one hundr'ed dol- lars worth of said properly. In the Sam~uel Eiller District one dollar and ten cents (~l.10) on every one hundred dollars worth of s~id property. In the Ecottsvil~e District one dollar' and sixty cents ($~.80) on'every one hundred dollars wo~t~ of ~id prope~tyo In the ¥¢hite H~ll District one doll~ and fifty-five cents ($1o~0) on every one hundred dollars worth of said p~operty. And the treasurer shall also collect for district ro~d purposes on ~l.1 goods w~res~ merchandise and capit~l of merchants on hand the lsto day of J~nu~ry, whether belonging to individuals, corporations or companies, thirty cents on every one hundred dollars worth of s~id property. Im the matter of the application of Seth Burnley, County Engineer, and o2her~ to relocate a public road Ea~lysviile to Nortonsvi!!e. The Board doth appoint John BJ~Iinor, P.C.l~inor, W.D.Ho!laday, J.O.Thurman and S.T.~Vhite r~esident freeholders of this county, any three of whom may act, viewers to view the route of the said proposed road, and report to the board as soon as practicable the convenience and inconvenience that will result as welt to "individuals as-to the public, if the said road shall be established as proposed, and especially if any yard, garden or o~chard, o2 any part thereof will, in such case, have to be taken, and whether the said road will be- of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that the ss~e shall be established and kept in order by the person or persona for whose convenience it is desired. They may examine routtes other than the one proposed and report upon the one they prefer with their reasons for the pr-eference; they will state the names of the land owners on the said route and what will be a just corapensation to those ~equiring the same for the land to be taken, and the damage to the residue of the tracts beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road so proposed. And they will,state any other fact or circumstance useful in enabling the boa~.d to determine the expediency of granting the said application and they will rett~n with their report a diagram o~ map showing the route there- of, and sm estimate of the probable-cost of establishing said road. And the-viewers shal~ meet on the 16th. day of ~[ay 1927 at l0 A.i~., and~ shall file their ~eport with the clerk of this Boamd on or before the 18tho day of i{ay 1927. In the matter of the application of Seth Bu~nley, County Engineer, and others to establish a public road from Burnley's Station to Stony Point Road. The Board doth appoint john B.k~inor, P.C.5{inor, W.D.Ho!taday, J.0.Thurman and .S.T.l¥hite ~esident freeholders of this county, any three of whom may act, viewers to view the. route of the said proposed road, and report to the Board as soon as practicable the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well in such Ct. se, have to be taken, and whether the said road ~mi!l be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that the saree shall 'be established and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. They m~y~examine~routes other th~n the one p~opose~ and report upon the one they p~efer with their reasons for the, preference; they wilt state the names of the land owners on the said route and what will be a just~compensation %o those gui.ring the same for the land to be taken, and the damage to the residue of the tracts beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect ~o such residue from the road so proposed, And they will state any other fact or circumstance useful in enabling the Board to determine the expe~diency of granting the ~aid applica- tion, and they will ~eturn with their report a diagram or map showing the route thereof, and e~timmte of the probable cost ~,eesta~lishin~ said ~.oad. And the viewers shall meet on the 16th. day of 3~ay 1927, at 10 A.M. and shall .file their report with ~lerk of this board on or before the 18th. day of ~i~y 1927. On. motion of U.H.'Langhorne and seconded by C.Purcell 5~icCue the following resolution was unanimoBsly adopted, ¥~EAS, it is the opinion of the Board of Supervisors of Aibema~le County, that all of .its roads, both County and District,. should be constructed and main- tained under an u_ui~t of authority; and ~~S, the Board is of opinion that this authority should be vested in its officer now holding the title of "County Engineer '~, THEREFORE, ~ iT RESOLV~ID, that Seth Burnley, the Cuunty Engineer, be, and he hereby.is, designated and elected" Superintendent of'Roads" to hold office in pursuance of Chapter 85 of the Code' of Virginia; and BE iT FURTM~_ RESOLVED, that the said Superintendent of Roads is hereby vest- ed with full authority to manage, under the control of the Board, the construct- ion and maintenance of alt County and District Roads, as welt as all bridges, buildings and wharves. ~nd the said Road Commissioner shall, ander the supe~- vision and direction of the Board, exercise all of the functions, duties and powers in the management of the construction and ~epair of said roads,, bridges, buildings-and wharves, both in the employment and in the pay for all w~ork, sup- plies and materials used in connection therewith. Said Superintendent of roads shall be vested with all the powers and authority and bound to all the duties p~ovided in Ch~pte~ 85 of the code of Virginia. His salary shall remain the smme which he is now receivinig as County Engineer. Said Superintendent of Roads shall quali~'y~atnd give bond in the sum of $1000.00 as provided by taw. On motion of P.H,Gentry ~ud seconded by C.Purce!l ~IcCue it is ordered that J.Mason Smith, Sheriff of ~lbema~le County, purchase towels and ~ed covers for the Coun~ Jail On motion of C,Purcel! ~e and seconded by J.E.Abelt it is ordered that the County go fifty-fifty in the construction of the b~idge at Bingham's Church C~ossing upon condition that the work does not exceed the sum of $900.00. held on the 16th. day of February 1927, he, and it is hereby adopted aa the offic- ial budget of Albemarle County, Virginia, for the fiscial year ending July lst.192~ At the reguls~ meeting of the Board held on the 16th. day of l~a~ch, 1927, the offices of White And Colored Farm Demonstrators were abolished ,and whereas the board is of opinion that it acted too hastily, therefore on motion of V~.H. Langhorne and seconded by C.A.Zi!!er, two of the members who voted to abolish th'e said offices, it is unanimously ordered that the question be reopened for further discussion, and after a thorough discussion of the m. atten_ an motion of C.Purcell D~cCue and .seconded by P.H.Gentry the following resolution was unan- imously adopted, RESOLVED, that the resolution passed a~t the Earch 1927 meet- ing of the Board abolishing the offices of White and Colored Farm Demonstrs. tors be, and it is hereby rescinded. In the matter of e[osing so much of the old Rodes Road that runs through the property of C.C.Fernsetl. The petitioner presented satisfactory evidence to the board that notice of closing said road had been p:osted on the 7th. day of February 1927, that being the firs~ ~day of the February Te~m of the Circuit Cou~t of Albemarle County, Va., a2 the court House of said County and at two public places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; that after said notice had been posted for at least twenty days this board did at its meeting held on the 16th. day of Ea~c:h 1.927, appoint five viewers to view said road and report in writing whether in their opinion, any, and if any wha~ inconvenience would result from discon- tinuing the same; that fou~ of said viewers namely S.A.Calhoun, j.B.Kegley, W.mB.Colthu~st and Wm.R.Duke have made thei~ report in writing under date of Zarch 30th. t927, that in accordance with the foregoing order of said Board they have viewed said road, and that in their opinion no inconvenience will result to anyone if said ros~t is discontiued and closed. A copy of said report signed by the viewers named above was presented to this meeting and the Clerk Of the Board w~s ordered to File said ~eport. In consideration whereof it is ordered by this Bo~d that so much of the old Rodes Road about twenty-three hundred feet in .length, beginning at the White Hall- 0wensville Road, nea~ the High Point School House, and running through the lands of C.C.Fernsell in a northeasterly direction to the ~illington Road, near the entrance gate of the said C.C.Fernsel[, be, and it is hereby discon- tinued and closed. Seth Burn!~y's report for the month of I~arch 1927 was presented, examined and ordered to be filed. G.Stua~t Hamm, treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him during the month of N,Zo=dll 1927. The Board examined said warrants and ordered the said statement to be filed.