HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-06-22 At a regmlar meeting oi' ~e ~ard oI' ~upervisors ct' ~bemarle 0ounty
held at ~e ~Ourt house o~- Saim ~o~y on ~ne d~ o~ J~e !~27.
' J~.gray, ~hai~n, P.~.Gen~ry, J,E..Abell, G. puro~I ~o~ue
and w.~H.~anghorne,
The minutes oz' ~ne las~ meeting were reaa and approved·
· ~ appearing to $~e board t~at i~ will be necessary $o borrow~some
money with which to pay ~ounty ex~enses betwee~ now an~ ~e oollec~iom o~ 19d7 taxes.
mt is therefore ordered ~hat the Treasurer o~ Albemarle GoU~ty, be ana~he is ~re-
by authorized in the name .and on behalf of the said GOu~ty, ~$ Albemarle to-ma~e~
arrangement or arrangements with some ~ank or banks to advance the necessar¥~'amoun~
no~ to exceed $~0,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligatioms~in~:tha.'name,
and om behalf of said Go~mtyasmay be necessary to secure such adVanoemtn or
advancements, and also by sath obligation or obligations pledge 1927 taxes for the
same ·
On mo~ion of J.E~Abetl and ~.Puroelt m¢Gue it ~s: ordered that the
Stockton Greek Bridge near J~.~'arm~n's be rebuil~.
0~ motion of g.~.Gentry and seconded by ~.~.i~nghorne it is ordered
that.Gharlottes~ille-~¢ottsville Bond No. 5~ for $1000.00 dated ~y ls~1.921
payable 20 years after dare-be retired. Shartotte~ville district pay ~3~ and
Saottsville ¢7~-
On motiom duly seconded it is ordered that county pay not more
than ~t..00 a piece for any chickens killed by dogs·
~0UNTY OF'][~NA~ T0~UIT:
I, U-.L.Na~in, a clerk in and for said Go~ty im :said
that John- B.Minor, P.~inor, ~/..D.Holtiday and ~..0.Thurman appoimte~:~.F .~he.~ ~a=~d of
Supervisors .of Albemarle G~oumty at the meeting held on the 20th day *f A~rit 1927,
upon the question and expediency of relocating a county road lea~ing from~Earlysvi!!e
to Nertonsvilte, personal~y appeared before me in my said county and~'duly'sworn made
oath that they would faithfully and impartially discharged their duties as such
Given under my hand this 16th day of Nay 1927.
V/.L,Naupin, Glerk-
The undersigned viewers appointed by your order made one,he 2~h
day ef April t~27, respectfully report that we met upon the lands proposed to be
taken for a public road from Eariysvilte ~o Nertonsville ~n the 16th day ef Nmyl~27,
and~r'eport thereupom as follows~
1st. The ¢omvenience or in¢omvenienoe that wilt result as well to
2nd. The said ~cad will not be one of such rmere privat~e-¢on~
venienee as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order By the
person or persons for whose convenience it is desired.
3rd. No yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken.
except in the case ef ~mie Fry,
4th ~e names of the land owners on such route are as
~ie Fry, ~s. Bertha D.~en, Ho~,rd Es~t., Otis Bro~.
5~- The following n~ed of said land o~ers require oompensat~
~mie Fray, ~s. ~rtha Allen and Howard
6~h. A jUst oompensatiom ~e the land o~ers requiring oompen-
satiom for ~e said laud ~ taken a~ for the da~ge $o ~e residue of ~the trac~
beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respee~ to such residue from the
road or l~dimg to Be estiblished are as followst
~ie ~ry $!75.00
~s. Bart~ D~Allen $10.,00
Howard ESt. ~10.00
7th. ~e following are the other facts and e~ire~s~ances which
in, the opiniom of your viewers are useful in emablimg yomr Board to der,ermine ~he
expediency of establishi~ or altering 'the said roa~:
'We re~e~end the-route as..staked.~out as ~he ,~ly-
~vimg viewed ~he Frays ~. route we do ne~ think it practical.
They herewith return amp .of the proposed route.
~1 of which is .respectfully
~o~ ~,.Einer
~.0. Th~ n
The 'B~oard of Supervisors aonisdered the above 'rep~o~t~al.t~,-~,e~gth
and ce~firm~d~,said.report, and ordered that said road be re-located im accordance
with th'e,re~ort ef said viewers.
And it appeari~ ~e the ~eara that ~ie ~ray is '~wi~ te
execute~.,a~-d~eed~ to the right ef way, as provided in said report, amd d~th accep~-~
the same is~ ac~erdimgly approved and said ame~t ordered ~e be Paid
Nrs. Bart~ D.Allen appeare~ in person and ~y ee~sel and
ebject~a.t-e tbs viewers report and requested that ce~ss~i~mers be appein~ed.-
~e B~d'.'p~c:e'eded to appoimt W.R~ Duke, W.~.~:~lthurs~, J,B,~Kegley, T.L.:Rosser and
Sm A.~lh~*~to proceed to examine said property en the 6 th day ef J~y, 1527, and
it app~ring te the Board ~a~ ~e heirs of Jacksom Howard are ~oE, ~he same
a re preGo'ed against ~y order of publication, and said report se far as ~.e s~e
affec~~'said property is eon~inmed until said notice sh~l become ~tured and ready
for bedrid.
O~is Bre~ appeared before the ~ar~ and agred te ~he ~iewers
report~ fe~ ~e releoati~m as sho~ in said report, without ~ompensa~ie~, and said
report is confirmed.
I, W.L~Na~uPin, a Gterk in and for the said Getty in said.-.SSate
de certify tha~ P.G.M~er, W,~.Helliday and ~'.O~h~ aDpein~d ~y
the ~Bear~~ of Supervisors ef ~B~rle Go~ty at ~he meetiag h~td ea the 20th
APril, 1~27, ~ ~he question a~d expediency ef relocating a ee~ty read temding
from Burnt~y~s ssa~i~ ~e Stony Peim~ Read, pe~se~y appeared before me in my
said cemnty a~d being duly sworn ~de oath t~t ~ey weul~ faithfully and impartial~y
discharge their dmties as such ~iewers.
GiVen under my ~h~nd this I6~ day ef ~y t$~.
The ~dersigned viewers appeinte~ by yo~ order ~de
day ef April t92~, respectfully report t~t we met upon the lands proposed ~o he ~taken
for a public read from Burntey~s Sta~ie~ to stony Point Road on the 16th day ef ~y
1927, and report~ ~therempen as fellows:
1st. The eomvenience er inconvenience t~t will res~t as ~well
individ~ls as~ te the.~ public is as fellows:
2n~. The said road will ne~ be o~e ef such mere ~.priva~e eemvemie~ce
as to make it p roper~ t~ it should ~e opened and kept in order ~y the ~persen or
persons for whose ~eonenience it is' desired.
Sr~. No yard, garden er orchar~ will have Se be ~takem.
Except im the ease of the DaVid Wa~som Est.
~th. The ~mes ef the land eEers em such route are
~tgie ~ite, David Watson Es~. Glimten Douglas, ~s, ~no ~alters
and 'HUnter Br.o~k.
and Hmater BroCk.
%th. tJze following named of said land owners require'-~pem~sa~tiom.
~ggie White, David Watsoa Est. 01imtonDouglas, ~Lrs, ~hn'~ai. ters
6th. A Just ¢ompensatiom to the land owners req~r~goompensmtion
for the sai~ land so taken and for the. damabe te the residue of the tractbeyond the
peculiar benefits to be derived im respect to such residue from the road ~kmx or
landing to be estabIished are as fOliows:
Nfs. J~'~'Walters
Humter Brock
7th. The fotlowiag are the other facts and circumstances:which in
the ~p~ioa of yomrViewers are useful ia enabling your Beard tc determine theexpedieney
of establishing or altering the said road;
Your ~iewers did not approve ef the route
We approve the route outlined by ~aur Oou~ty Engiaeer.
They herewith returned a map of the proposed route.
All cf which is resPeo'tf~'iy~sUBmitted,
~he Board, after considerAng the question cf the ret. c~.ation o.f
the road as set forth in said report, is of the opiniom that ~the re-locat±on.shoutd
be confi~m~d to changes tn the lands of the following~ ~_~ggie ~i~ and ~vid
~atson~ s emtate,
~at the road sho~ not be re-located ever and across ~the~lands
of EX~nton D~lass, ~s. ~o~ ~alters and H~ter BrOck .as- she~ en :.the report~ of
said ~iewers, so much of said report as provides for such retccati~ in disapproved.
It further appearing .on a hearing of said report that.~ggie ~hite
is willing and ready to execute a deed, conveying the right of ~y for ~e road
upon the payment of $I0~00. Said ametmt to be ordered paid upon delivery of a deed.
David ~atson's heirs being ~kno~, the s~e are proceeded against
~ .
by order of publication in pursuance to the tatu~e in such cases ~de and pr~ided,
and .said report is eemtinued as to said parties ~til the notice b~img published
s~lt ~ve ~tured.
Seth Burnley, Oou~tyEmgimeer"s report forthe month of Nay
1927, was p~esented examined and ordered t~o Be filed.
G.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented te the..~e:ard a stat~ent
t~o~gether with allwarrants paid By him during the month'ofNay 1527, The BOard
examined said warrants and Ordered the Said statement to Be ~iled.