HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-07-22 At a regular~meeting of the Bcerd ef Supervisors cf Albemarle County held at the CoUrt house of said Go~mty on the 20th cf ~uly t927. Present: J.~.~ray, Ohairman, ~..E~Abell~P.H~Gentry, W,H~ Zanghorne, ~~~e and G.A~Eilter. The minutes of the last meeing were read and approved. Il~ RE: SHORTNING OF THE SEASON FOR HUNtinG OF SQUIRRELS A petition having been presented ~ the Board containing more than 100 land owners of Albemart. e County, requesting the Board to shc~2n the season for hunti~g s~uirrels from September 1st to November l%th, i~ pursuance to law., The Board after mature consideration and the hearing of arguement im support of said petition, doth order that in pursuance to law in suc~h cases made and provided, that the period for hunting s~uirrels be and the same is hereby restricted and the date changed from September 1st to November l~Sth. IN RE: C0~I~ISEI02~RS REPORT. It appearing to the Bc-ard that the Oommissioners appointed to assess the damages to Ers. Bertha D,Allen have fixed and-determined upon the Sum of $150.00 and it further appears that R-.D.Allen owns a portion of the land over which the road passes. And it further appearing to the Board that ~rs. Bertha D. Allen, a widow, and R.D, Allen and his wife are ready and willing to convey ~he land shown in said report to the ~cu~ty, therefore the Board doth order that as soon as said parties execute a deed ~onveyimg said land to the County, that the sum of $1~0.00 shall be paid over to them. II~ RE: ~IEWERS REPORT OF ~¥ t6th 1927, BE~0C~TION THE ROAD FR0~I EARLYSVI~ TO NORTONSVILLE. It appa~ring to the ~oard that due notice has been given to Jackson Howard's heirs, devisees, distributees, proprietors and tenants in. ac¢or~ dance with the Statute in such cases made and provided, by an order of publication published in the Scot~svilie News, a newspaper published in Albemarle Oounty, once a week for four consecutive weeks, ordering Jackson Howard's heirs, devisees, distributees, proprietors and tenants, ali of whom are parties unknown to appear before the Beard on July 20th 1927, and show cause, if any they can, why the la~d mentioned in the Viewers Report should not be condemned. ~d it further appearing to the Board that all of said parties have failed to appear amd shown cause, therefore the ~oard doth approve said report and doth Direct that the road be re-located ever and across said Jackson Howard,s land in accordance with said ~iewers Report, all of which is shown by the minutes of this Boar~. And the Clerk is ~irected te deposit i~ accordance with law, the sum of ~10,00 to be held until the proper parties have proved to the satisfaction of the Oourt their ownership of said sum, or any part thereof. I.t appearing to the Baard that it will be'necessary t;o borrow some money with which to pay Gounty expenses between now and the collection of 1927 taxes. ~t i.s therefore ordered that the Treasurer of Albemarle Gounty, be and he is hereby authorized in the name and on behalf of the said Gounty, cf Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bank or banks to advance the necessary amount not to exceed $30,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations .in the name, and on behalf cf said Gou~ty as may be necessary to secure such ~dvancement or advancements, and also by such obligation or obligations pledge 1927 taxes for ~he same. IN RE: ViE~,~;RS REPORT OF ~ay 16th 1927, RELOCATING THE RoAD FR.O~,~ BURNLEY'S STAIOE TO STONY POI~$T ROAD, through the lands of David ~?atson's Estate. It Is Ordered continued until the next regular meeting of the Board. Seth Burnley, Gou~ty E~gineer's report for the month of Jun'e,. 1927, was presented examined and ordered to be filed. G.Stuart Harem, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement togehter with alt warrants paid by him during the month of of Ju~e 1927, The ~oard examined said warrants and ordered the said statement to be filed. ~~/~~ Gha irman ~/ -- /