HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-08-17 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors cf Albemarle County held at the Court House of Said County on the 17th day ef August 1927. Present: J.E.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell EcGue, J~E.Abell and Gentry, The minutes of the last meeting w~re read and approved. RESOLVED by a motion ~uiymade by Er... P~H.Gentry and seconded by J~E.Abell and carried by unanimous vote of the Board, that We the Board of Supervisors cf Albemarle County do hereby request the State Forester to organize Albemarle GouSty for forest fire control according to the provisions of Section ~$1, Chapter 28, Code of 1919 (as amended in ~hapter $16 Acts 1920, and Chapter ~0~ Acts 1926). The new plan to become effective September l, 1927. On motion of P.H. Gentry and seconded by J,F, Abell it is ordered that a sum n~t exceeding ~00.©0 be appropriated to the Albemarle C-~unty Fair. On motion of O'.Purcell McCue and seconded by JoE.Abell it is ordered that C.G,~Greer, Colored Farm Demonstrator, be allowed to give part of his t~me to Fluvanna County. On motion duly seconded the following traffic Regulations were ~unanimously adopted. Enactment of special and local legislation by the Board of Superviso~ of Albemaroe County regulating speed of Automobiles or other motor vehicles over the road of the commonwealth, and regulations to protect public reads, ways and bridges from encroachment, obstructions, or from any improper, unusual or injurious use, and to declare the same to be misdemeanors. By virtue of authority given by the General ~ssembly of Virginia, chapter $75, Act approved l~arch 2~, 1926 and acts 1925 Chapter $26. Any violation of the local legislation shall be deemed an offence against the County. All resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board regulating traffic upon the public roads of this COunty in so far as the same may be in conflict herewith are hereby amended, and re-enacted. DEFINITIONS:- The following words and phrases when used in this ordinance shall for the purpose of this ordinance have the meanings respectively mscribed to them in this section except in those instances where the Context clearl indicates a different mean~ing. (a) "Vehicle,~ Every de~ice in, upon or by which any person or prope~ is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, excepting devices moved by human ~power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks; provided, that for the purposes of this act, a bicycle shall be deemed a vehicle. (b~ "motor vehicle.~-~Every vehi~le,~as herein defined, which is S ty (d~ "Tractor truck."-- Every motor vehicle resigned and used primarily for drawing ether vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load ether than a part of the weight of the vehicle and lead so drawn. (e~ '~Farm tractor."--Every motor vehicle designed and used primarily las a farm implement for drawing plows, moving machines and ether implements of husbandry. (f~ "Read tractor."~--Every motor vehicle designed and used for drawing other vehicles and not so construced as to carry and load thereon either independently or any part cf the w~ight of a vehicle or lead so drawn. (g) "Trailer.w- Every vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers whlly on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle. (h~ ~Semi-trailer."- Every vehicle of the Srailer type so designed and used in conjunction with a motor vehicle that some part of its own weight and that of its own lead rests upon or in carried ~oy another vehicle. (ih "Pne~unatic tires.~- Alt tires inflated with compressed air. (j~ "Solid rubber tire.~- Every tire made of rubber other than a pneumatic tire. (k~ ~etal tires. ~-- All tires the surface cf which in contact with the highway is wholly or partly of metal or other hard, non-resilient material. (1) ~Persono'~- Every n~tural person, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation, whether acting by themselves or by a servant, agent or employee. (m) ~0wner,~,- A person who holds the legal title of a vehicle or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale or lease. thereof with the right ef purchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement and with an i~ediate right of possession vested i~ the conditional vendee or lessee, or in the event a mortgager of a vehicle is entitled ~o possession then such conditional vendee or lessee or mortgager shall be deemed the owner, for the purpose of this ordinance. (n) ~Highway." Every way or place of whatever nature open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel. (o) ~Pedstrain."~- ShalZ include and mean any person waling afoot, and not at the moment, a passenger within a vehicle or street car. (p) '~Private road or driveway.~-- Every road or driveway not opeS., to the use of the public f. or the purpose of vehicular travel. (q) '~Instruction.~- The area embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb lines, or if none, then the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways, which join one another at an angle, whether or net one such highway crosses the other. (r~ "Safety zone.~. An area or space officially set aside within a high- way for the exclusive use of pedestrains, and which is so plainly marked or indicated by proper signs as to be plainly visible at all times while set ~part as a safety zone. (s~ "Crossing~ and or "crossealks" shal~ include and ~an that part of a street connecting sidewalks at er near street intersections, and the most direct rouet from curb to curb at street intersections, and at such other places as may be indicated by lines dr~wn or marked upon the highway. (t) ~usiness district.~- The territory contiguous to a highway when (u~ "Residence district.~- The territory contiguous to a highway, not comprising a business district, when seventy-five per centum or more of the frontage thereon, for a distance of three hundred feet or more is mainly occupied by dwelting~ or by dwellings and buildings in use ~or business purposes. (v) "Reckless driving.'r- Shall mean the operation of a vehicle in a m~nner po~entialiy offering harm, or injury or damage to any person, property, er thing, as a result of the act itself, or in combinatio~ with circumstances, ¢onditioEs and acts of others. (w~ "R~ight of way,"- Shall mean the right of a pedestrain, or vehicle to proceed uninterruptedly in a lawful manner, in perference or priority to another pedestrian or behicle approaching in another direction. Ix) ~Traffix.~- Shall mean the orderly use of streets by pedestrains and vehicles, both singly and together, (yI Whenever herein, any regulation is imposed upon a ~'vehicle" it shall be construed to refer to the driver or operator thereof,when such reference would be applicable. (z~ ~Passenger motor bus.~-- Shall mean every vehicle running upon a fixed schedule, engaged in carrying passengers, and having a seating capacity of six ~6~ or more persons. (aa~ ~Taxicab.~-- Shall mean a public passenger vehicle, designm~ and advertised by its ~nufacturer as a taxicab, and so constructed ~s to separate its driver from its passengers by a glass partition, and which said behicle shall be equipped with a mechanical instru~nent, or de~ice, commonly known as a taximeter. (bb) "l~r~ hire car.'~-- shall mean a public passenger vehicle, offered for hire, and not conforming to the definition of a taxicab or passenger motor bus as herein defined. T!T~ I. OPERATION OF VEHICLES: RU~ES OF THE ROAD. Sec. ~. Persons under the influence of intoxicating liquor, or narcoti~ drugs.--It shall be unlawful, a~d punishable as provided in section twenty-five ~2~ of chapter four htmdred and seven ($07) of~ the acts of assembly, nineteen hundred and twenty~four, as amended for any person, whether licensed or not, who is an habit~ user of narcotic drugs, or any person who is intoxicated, or under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs, to drive any vehicle upon any highway in the Go un ty ~ Sec. 2 Reckless driving.--Any person who drives a vehicle upon a high- way recklessly, or at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger, or be ~li~ely to endanger, life, limb or property of any person shall be guiliy or reckless driving an punished as provided in section sixty-one of this ordinance. Sec. ~ Restrictions as to speed. (a) Any person driving a vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed not greater not less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface and w~dth of the highway and of any other conditions then existing. And any person who shall drive any vehicle upon a highway at such speed as to endanger the life, limb or property of any person, or so as to unnecce~sarily block, binder or retard the order~ and safe use of the highway by those following, shall be prima facie guilty of reck- less driving. (b~ Subject to the provisions of sub-diviSion (a~ of thi~ ~~ ~ motor bus, to drive the same at a speed not exceeding the following. I. i~ifteen miles an hour when passing a school dnring races or while children are going to or leaving school during its opening and closing hours. 2. Fifteen miles an hour in a business district, as defined herein~ 3.~ Twenty~five miles an hour in a residence dimtrict as defined herein 4. Thirty~five miles an hour under all other-conditions, 5- Sub-division one and tw~ inclusive, of this sub-division shall apply alike to passenger motor busses, except in sub-division (b~~ hereof. But the provisions of sub-divisions three a~d four hereof are reduced by five miles per hour in their reference to passenger motor busses. (c) Reckless driving within the meaning of this section shall be deemed to include the following offences, which are expressly prohibited; 1. Driving a vehicle when not under comDlete control, of with inadequate or improperly adjusted brakes. 2. Driving %o the left of the center of the street, except upon one way streets. 9. Passing or attempting to pass two other behicles abrest, moving in the same direction. 4. Violating the provisions of the right of way laws, as set out in section ninetoen ~hereof. 5. Failure to give adequate and timely signals of intention to turn or partly turn, slow down or stoD~. 6. Exceeding a reasonable speed under the circ~nstances and traffix conditions- obtaining at She time. 7. Passing ether vehicles going in the same direction while crossi~g an intersection, or while pedestrains are passing er about te pass in fron. t of either of said vehicles. ~ 8. Driving a vehicle out of an alley, lane or building er across a sidewalk into a street, without first bringing~ such vehicle to ~ speed of five miles per . hour. 9'. Making a left turn without passing the right of the center point of the intersection, whether marked or not, and without first signaling his intention so te turn. 10. ~king a right turn without keeping close to the curb and without first signaling his intention so to turn. Sect. ~ Railroad warning s~ignals must be obeyed.--It shall be unlawful and constitute a mimdemeanor for any ~person driving a vehicle to fail to obey a clearly visible or audible crossing signal at a highway, and interurban or steam railway grade crossing .which signal gives warning of the immediate approach of a railway train. Sec. ~ Vehicles must slow down at certain steam railway grade corssings. (a) Except in incorporated towns it shall be the duty of every person driving any vehicle on a ~ublic highway, on approaching a place where a railway crosses such public highway at grade, at which crossing no railway gates are maintained or no flagman is stationed and no duty at the time, to bring his behicle to a speed not exceeding five miles per hour before passing over such crossing, at a distance of not less than fifty fee, from the nearest rail of such railway tracks. ~ Tb~ ~¥isio~s of,~ this section shall not change or alter in any the part of the driver ef ~he vehicle shall not be considered contributory negligence in an action against the railway company for damage to persons or property, whether the same be injury to the person or property of ~he driver or any other perso~o and it shall not be necessary to establish the fact that the driver complied with the previsions of this section in order to recover in any action for damages to persons or property against a railway company. (c) Except in incorporated towns it shall be the duty ef ~t~am railway companies tc erect and m~_intain, at every point where a p~blic highway cross,Ds such railway mt grade, and on which line trains other than purely local trains are operated, a sign, visible for one hundred feet on each side of its tracks with the woods, ~Slow down, five miles--Va, law," in letters at least six inches in ehight, painted in black upon a white backgro~mdo such signs shall be rectangular in shape, and of sufficient height to carry in two lines the-words above required, and shall b of proportionate length. Sect.6 Speed limit for motor trucks, regulated according te manu- facturer?s rated capacity and tire equipment.--The speed limit for motor ~rucks shal be based upon the manufacturer's rated capacity and tire equipment, and shall be as follows: (a) Eotor trucks of rated capacity up te but net exceeding one and one~alf ~ons, and equipped with pneumatic tires, may operate at the speed limit im- posed l~y section three of this act. (b~~ Notor trucks of rated capacity not exceeding one a~d one-half tens, but not equipped with penumatic tires, and motor trucks of rated capacity exceeding one and one-half tens, ~my operate at a speed not greater than two-thirds of the limits imposed in section three of this ordinance. (c~ Eotor trucks of rated cpaacity exceeding three and one-half to~ may be operated at a speed no~t greater than one-half the limits imposed by section three of this ordinance. Sect. 7. Special s~peed limitation on bridges. It shall be unlawf~ul to drive any behicle upon any public bridge, ~ causeway or viaduct at a speed which is greater than the maxim~ speed w?~ich c~n wit safety to such structure be maintained thereon, when such structure is sign~pested am provided in this section~ The County Engineer upon request, er upon his own initative may, conduct an investigation of any public bridte, causeway or viaduct, and the Board of Supervisors shall determine and declare the maximum speed of vehicles which such structure can withstand, and shall cause or permit suitable signs stating such max- imum speed to be erected and maintained at a distance of one hundred feet beyond eacl end of ~uch structure. The findings and determination of the Engineer shall be conciusive evidence of the maximum speed which can with safety te any such structure be maintained thereon. Sect. 8. ~When speed limit not applicable.-- The speed limitations set forth in this ordinance shall not apply to vehicles when operated with due regar~ for safety under the direction of the police in the chase or apprehension of violati ~rs of the law or of persons charged with or suspected of any such violation, ncr to fir department vehicle when traveling in response to a fire alarm nor to cou~uty ~r municipal ambulances when traveling in emergencies. This exemotion shall n~t b~w~v~ Sec. 9. Drive on right side of highways.--Upon all highways of suffi- cient width the driver of a vehicle shall drife the same upo~ the right half of the highway and as closely as possible to the right hand edge or curb of such highway unless it is impracticable to ~ravel on such side ef the highway and except when overtaking and passing another vehicle subject tc the limitations applicable in overtaking and sassing set forth in sections twelve and thirteen of this ordinance. Sec. F~0 Keep to the right in crossing intersections cr railroads.-- In crossing an intersection cf highways or the intersections of a highway by a railroad of way, the driver of a vehicle shall at all times cause such vehicle to travel on the right half of the highway unless suchright side is obstructed or impa s sable. Sec. lt. Eeeting of vehicles.--Drivers of ~zehictes proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each ether to the right, each giving te~ the other, as nearly as possible, one-half of the main traveled portion of the roadway, Sec. 12. Overtaking a vehicle.--(a~ The driver of any vehicle overtaking another Eehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at least two feet to the left thereof, and shall not ~g~in drive tc the right side of the highway until sefely clear of such overtaken vehicle. (b) The driver of an overtaking motor vehicle outside efa business o~' residence district as herein defined shall given audible warning w~th his horn or other warning device before passing or attempting to pass a vehicle proceeding in the same direction. Sec. 13. Limitations on private of overtaking and passing.--(a~ The driver of a vehicle shall not drive to the left of the center line of a highway in overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless such left side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passing to be makde in safety, and such overtaking vehicle shall give way to an oncoming vehicle. (b) The driver of a vehicle shall not overtaken and pass another vehicle pmeceeding in the same direction upon the crest of a g~mde or upon a curve in the highway where the driver's view along the highway is obstructed. (c~ The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake and pass any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction at any steam or electric rail~my grade crossing, nor at any intersection of highways unless permitted so to do by a traffic or p~ice officer. Sec. 15. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle.-- The driver of a vehicle about to be overtaken and passed by another vehicle approaching from the rear at a lawful rate of speed shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on Suitable and audible signal being given by the driver of the overtaking vehicle until completely passed by the wvertaking behicle. Sec. 15. Following too clos~y--(a) the driver efa motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and purdent, having due regard to the speed of both vehicles and the traffim upon and conditions of, the highway at the time. (b~ the driver cf any motor truck drawing a Drailer shall not follow another truck drawing a ~railer within two hundred feet when Upon any public highway outside of a business or residence disrict. opposite direction except at an intersection of public highways. Sec. I7. Turning at intersection.--Ca~ Drivers of vehicles in turn- ing to the right shall keep as closely as practicable to the right-half curb or ed~ and when turning to the left shall pass beyond the center of the intersection as closely as practicable to the right thereof before turning such vehicle to the left. For the purpose of this section the Center of the intersection sha~i mean the meeting point of the medial lines of the h'ighways intersecting one another~ Cb~ ~ccal authorities in their respective jurisdiction may modify the foregoing method of turning a intersections by clearly indicating by buttons, markers or other direction signs~within an intersection the course to be followed by vehicles turning threat, and it shall be unlawful for any driver to fail to turn in a manner as so directed. Sec. t8. Signals on starting, stopping or turning.--(a~ the driver of any vehicle upon a highway before starting, stepping or turning from a direct li~e shall first see that such movement can be made in safety and whenever the operation of any ether vehicle may be affected by such movement shall give a signal as required in this section plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle ef his intention to make such movement. And all signals given or made as herein required shall be given only by the driver. (b) The signal herein required shall be given by means of the hand and arm in the manner herein specified except when a vehicle is so construed or loaded as to prevent the hand and arm signal from being visible both to the fron rear in which event the signal shall be given by a device of a type which has been approved. Whenever the signal is given by means of the hand and arm, the driver shall indicate his intention to start, stop or thrn or partly turn by extending the hand and arm from and beyond the left side of the vehicle in the manner following: (c) for left furn or to pull to the left, the arm shall be exten- ded in a horizontal position straight fron and level with the ~houlder. ~d) for right turn, or to pull to the right, the arm shal~ be extended upward. ~e~ For slowing down or to stop the arm shall be extended downward (f~ Such signals shallbe given at least fifty, (~0) feet before slowing down, stopping, turning, partly turn%ng or materially alterning the course of the vehicle and the presence and use of a"stop light,~ or other electrial indication, not plainly simulating the hand and ca~e~ arm signals provided herein shall not relieve the driver of the necess~y for the ~se cf and the givin~ ef the signals herein, contained. (g~ Drivers having once given a hand signal must continue the course thus indicated unless they alter the original signal and take care that drivers of vehicles and pedestrains have seen and are aware cf the change. (h~ Drivers receiving a signal f~m another driver shall keep their vehicles under cemplete control, and shallbe able to avoid a~ accident resulting from a misunderstanding of such signal. (i~ Drivers ef vehicles, standing er stopped at the curb or edge be- fore moving such vehicle shall give signals ef their intention te move~intc traff~ and left shall yield the right of way tc t~he vehicle on the right except as otherwise provided in section twenty. The driver cf any vehicle traveling at an unlawful speed shall forfeit any right of way which ~_ might otherwise have hereunder. (~.~ ~he driver of a behicle approaching but not having entered an intersection shall yield the right of way tca vehicle within such intersection and turning therein to the left across the lire of travel ef such ~irs~ mentioned ~ehicle provided the driver of the vehicle turning left has given a plainly visible signal or intention tc turn left as required in section eighteen. (~) The driver of any vehicle upon a highway within a business or residence district shalIyield the right of way to a pedestrain crossing such highway within any clearly marked crosswalk or any regular pedestrain crossing included in the prolongation of~ the lsteral boundary lines of the adjacent sidewalk at the end of a block, .except at intersections where the movement of traffix is being regulated by ,traf£im officers o2 traffix is Being regulated by traf~ix officers or traffim direction devises. Every pedestrain crossing a highway within a business or residence dis~rict at any p~int other than a ~pedes~rain corssing, cross walk or intersection shall yield the right of way to vehicles upon the highway. Sect. 20., Exception $o the right ef way rules --(~ The driver of a vehicle entering a publ~ic highway from a private read or drive way shall slew down to five miles an hour and shall yield the rigt of way to all vehicles approaching on such public highway. (b~ T~he driver of every vehicle upon a highway shaltyield the right of way to police rand fire department vehicles when the latter are operated upon official business and the drivers thereof sound audible signal by siren er exhaust whistle. This p~ovision shall not operat~ to relieve the driver of a police or fire department vehicle for the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway nor shall it protect the driver ef any such vehicle from the consequence of am arbitrary exercise ef such right of way. Sec. 21. Vehicles must slow down at certain through higheays.-- The County ~ngineer is hereby authorized te designste main traveled or through highways by erecting at the entrances thereto from intersecting highways signs notifying drivers of vehicles to Slow down to five miles per hour or a designated rate of spped before entering or czessing .such designated highway, and whevenver any such signs have been so erected it shall be unlawful for the driver ef any vehicle to fail to slow down or obem~e the designated rate ef speed, in obedience thereto. Sect. 22.. What t~ do on approach of police or fire department vehicle. (a} Upon the approach of any police or fire department vehicle ~iving-audible .signal by siren or exhaust whistle, the driver of every' other vehicle shall immediately drive the same to m position at or near as possible and parallel to the right hand edge or curb,, clear of any intersection of highways,an~ shall stop and remain in such polsition unless otherwise directed by a police or traffim officer until the police or fire department, vehicle shall have passed. (1~ It, shall be unlawful for the driver o~f any vehicle other than one on official business to follow any fire apparatus traveling in response to a .fire alarm closer than one block er to driver into er park such vehicle within the block where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a firm alarm. Sec. 2~ Passing street cars.-- (a} The driver of a vehicle overtaking such passenger has boarded such car or reached adjacent sidew&lk exoep't that wher~ a safety zone has been established a vehicle may be driven past any such railway i intarban or street car with due regard and caution for the safety of pedestrains. Sect. 25.~ Driving through safety zone prohibitied.-- The driver of a vehicle ~hall net at any time drive through er over a s~fety zone as defined in this ordinance. Sec. 2% Stopping on highway.--(a~ Nor vehicle shall be stopped in such manner as to impede or interfere with or render dangerous the use of the highwa~ bY others; and except upon one way streets, as provided in this article, no vehicle shall be stopped except close to the right hand curb. (4) No person shall leave standing any vehicle attended or unatten~ upon the paved, improved er main traveled portion of any highway, outside of a business or residence district, when it is practicable tc leave such vehicle stan¢ off of the paved, improved or nmin~tr~veled portion of such highway. ~ic~ No vehicle shall be stopped with its left side to the curb, except upom ore way streets. (~ No vehicle shall be backed up to a curb, except during the time actually anga~ed in loading er. unloading merchandise therefrom. (e~ Unless in an emergency or to allow another vehicle or pedestra~ to cross in fromt, no vehicle shall he-stopped in any street except close to and parallel with the curb, and in no instance shall such vehicles be parked less thsx four feet apart, nor with the rear wheels further than six inches f~mm the curb. (f) Vech~les shall not be stopped in such manner as" to block or obstruct the orderly amd lawful passage of other traffic, nor upon any crossing nor between a safety zone and curb, nor within fifteen feet of the end of any obstruction opposite the vehicle. Vehicles stopped two or more abreast, parallel with the curb, shall be deemed ~o obstruct traffic, and in violation hereof. (g) Stopping a vehicle at any time, upon any hi~ghway, for the purp ef advertising any article of any kind, or displaying thereupon advertisements of any article, or advertisement for sale of the vehicle itself, is prohibited, ~h~ Ho~ever, if any officer charged with the enforcemen, t of this act shall fin~ a vehicle standing upon a highway in violation of the provisions of this section, he is hereby authorized to move or cause such vehicle to be move( ('i~ The driver of any vehicle which is temporarily disable while on the paved surface of a highway shall remove same as~expeditiodsly as condition: and cirsumstances may permit. Sect. 26. Parking in fron~t of fire hydrant, fire s~l~tion or privat~ driveway. No person shall park a vehicle or permit ~t to stand, whether attended or unattended, upon a highway in fromt of a private driveway or within fifteen feet in either direction of a fire hydrant or the entraace to a fire station nor within twenty feet from the intersection of curb lines or if none, then within fifteen feet of the intersection of property lines at an intersection of highways. Sec. 27 Motor vehicles left unattended'. Brakes ~o be set and engined stopped.-- No person having control o~ cha~ge of a motor vehicle shall al~ such vehicle to stand on any highway unattended without first effectively setting the brakes thereon and stopping the motor of said vehicle and when standing upon grade without turning ~he front wheels of such wehicle to the curb or side of ed lng ns se ny Sec. 28. Driving on steep grade.--The driver of a motor vehicle traversing defiles, canyons or mountains highways shall hold such motor vehicle under control and as near the right hand side of the highway as reasonable possible. Sec. 29. Coasting prohibited.-- The driver of a.motor vehicle when traveling upon a~down grade upon any highway shall not cost with the gears of such behiole in neutral. Sec. 30. Duty to stop in e~ent of accident. --(a) The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injuries or death to any person or damage to property shall immediately ~top such vehicle at the scene of such accident and any person violating this provision shall upon convenient be punished as hereinafter provided. ~b~ The driver of any vehicle involved in any such accident shall also givehis name, address, chauffemr's license number and t~he registration number of his ~ehicle to the person struck or the driver or occupants of any vehicle, collided with and shall render to any person injured in such accident reasonable assistaace including the carryimg of such person to a physican, surgeon or hospital for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that such treatment if necessary or is requested by the inju. red person and it shall be unlawful for any person to violate this provision. Sec. 31 Duty to report accident.-- The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting im in~ries or death to any person or property damage shall within twenty.four hours forward a report of such accident to the Clerk cf the Circuit Court of the Oounty whereim the accident occured; e~cept that when such accident occurs withim am incorporated tow~ such report shall be made within twenty- 'four hours to the police headquarters in such town. Sec 32. Garage keeper to report damaged vehicles.-- The perso~ in charge of any gargge or repair shop to which is brought any motor vehicle which shown evidence of having been involved in a serious accident of struck by a bullet shall report to the nearest police statio~ or sheriff's office or resident representative of the meter vehicle commissioner within twenty-four hours after such motor vehicle i,s received giving the engine number, registeration number and the same and address of the owner or o,perator of such vehicle if known. Sec. ~3- Drivers of State, Goumty and City vehicle upon the highways-shall apply to the drivers of all vehicles owned or operated by the State of any political subdivision there of or of any city, town or district subject to such specific exceptions as are set forth in this act. TITLE II T~ SIZE, i~EIGHT, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPi~ENT OF ~EHIOLES. See. 35. Scope and effect of regulations in this title-- It shall be unlawful and constitute a misdemeanor for any perso~ to drive ~r move or for the owner to cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved on any highwayany vehicle or vehicles of a aize or gross weight exceeding the limitations stated in this title or any vehicle or vehicles which are not so constructed or equipped as required in this title er the rules .and regulations of the department adopted pursuant thereto. Sec. 35 Size of vehicles and loads.--~a~ Eo vehicle shall exceed a total outside width, including any load thereon, in excess of ninety-six inches, excepting · .~hat farm tractors shsl~ not exceed one hundred and eight inches, and excepting, further that the limitations as to sime of vehicles stated im this section shall not apply tc six inches. ~c')i No vehicle shall exceed a length of thirty feet, and no combinati, of vehicles coupled together shall exceed a total length of eighty-five f.eet. ~'d:~~ No traim of vehicles or vehicle operated alo~e shall carry any lo: ex~ending more ~han three feet beyond the front thereof. (e~~ Ne passenger vehicle shall carry any ~oad extending beyond the lin of the fenders on the left side of such vehicle nor extending more than six inches beyond the line of the fender on the right side thereof, Sec, 36. Flag or light at and of load.-- Whenever the load on any behi shall extend more than four feet l~cynnd the rear of the bed ~r body thereof, ~here be displayed a't the end of such load in such position as tc be clearly visible at all ~imes.from td~e rear of such load, a red flag nor less than twelve inches beth in length and width, excep~t that between one-half hour after sunset a~d one-half ho~ before sunrice, there shall be displayed at the end of any such load a red or amber plainly visible under normal atmospheric conditions at least two hundred feet from the rear of such vehicle. sect. 37. weight of vehicles and loads.-- No load hauled in any vehicl however drawn or propelled in, over or upon any of the p~blfc' highways within this county, shall exceed five tons or ten thousand pounds in weight, nor shall the weight ef the vehicle itself exceed the same limits, Except from January 1st to April 1st the maximum load in limited to three tons on all county roads-, Sect ~8. Officers may weigh~ vehicle and require removal of excess. load.--Any officer authorized to enforce She law under this ordinance, having reason to believe that the weight of a vehicle and load is unlawful is authorized to weigh the same either by means of loadmeters or scales and may require that such-vehicle be driver to the nearest scales in the event such scales are within two miles. The officer may then require the driver to immediately unload such pert.ion of the load as may be necessary to decree the gross weight of such Vehicle to t.he maximum therefor specified in this ordinance. Sec. 39~ Permits for eEcessive sime and weight.-- The CoUnty engineer in his discretion, upon application in writing and good cause being shown therefor issue'a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehi¢!e upon the highways of a sixe or weight exceeding the maximum specified 'i~ this ordiancne, EaVry such parmit shall be issued for a single trip and may de~ignat the route to be traversed and contain, any other restrictions or conditions deemed necessary by the body grantir~g such permit. Every such permit shall be carried in vehicle to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any such officer, and it shall be misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the terms or conditions of such. special permit. Sec. ~0. Restrictions as ~o tire equipment. (a)Every solid rubber tlr on a vehicle moved on any highway shall have rubber om its entire traction surface at least o~e inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery, (b~ No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on its peripher; any block, stud, flange, cleat or spike or any other proturberance of any material other than rubber, which prcSects beyond the tread of t~he traction surface of the tire, except that it shall be permissible to use farm machinery having protuberance ~b~ No vehicle unladen or with load shall exceed a height of tw. elve f~et :le .~alt Light to cause a vehicle to slide Or. skid. Sec ~t. Trailers and towed vehicles.--(al) No motor eehicle shall be driven upon any highway drawing or having attached thereto mere than one other vehicle, except that a motor vehicle with semitrailer may draw in additiomat thereto cna ether vehicle. ~b) the draw bar or ether connection between any two behicles, one of which is towards or drawing the other on a highway, sh~ll not exceed fifteen feet in length from one vehicle te the ether. ~nenever such connection consists of a chain, rope, or cable, there shall be displayed upon such connection a red'flag, or cloth not less than twelve inches both in length and width. ~c) Ne person or corporation shall, after a rain, haul with motor trucks or wagons, or othe~ vehicles on any public road or bridge in Albemarte Gc~ty, u~tit the road has sufficiently dired, so as ~t to be injured by said hauling. The road shall be considered twoo wet for use at any time, when the sheels of vehicles render the road unsafe, incohvenient or exceptionally injurious to ordinary use of citizens using the same in the lawful manner, ~ Vehicles engaged in the necessary hauling cf perishable crops, feed or food stuff are exempted from theee regulations in so far as the relate to the use of chains or to hauling after rains. Ne person, partnership cr corporation er any servant, .agent or employee thereof, shall cause any encroachment obstruction or impediment of any kind to be made in, or te be placed in any public road, or any part thereof, or shall obstruct any ditch or drain upon or from any such road in Albemarle Ooum~ty, which shall cause injury~to same or shall render the road unsefe, inConvenient or injurious to ordi- nary use of citlzens~ No person shall drive er operate or cause to be operated any Trac~cr or traction engine er other vehicles on the macadamized or concrete roads in the County, it the wheels ef such tractor er engines are provided with steel cleats or other sharp or rough surface, which shall injure the surface o~ the paving. Sec ~2. Brakes.--Every motor vehicle~when operated upon a highway shall be equipp~d~with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop such vehicle or vehicles, and such brakes shall be maintained in geed working order and shall conform to regulations to be promulgated by the commissioner. Sec. $~. Horns and warning devises.-- ~a~ ~very motor vehicle when~operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a horn in geed working order capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions over a distance of not less thantwo hundred fee; and it shall be unlawful for any vehicle %o be equipped with er far any person to use upon a vehicle any siren, exhaust, compression er spark plug whistie.~or for any person at any time to use a horn otherwise than as a reasonable warning or to make any unnecessary or unreasonable loud or harsh sound by means of a horn or other warning device. (~) ~Very police and fire department vehicle and every ambulace used for emergency calls shall be equipped with a siren or exhaust whistle of a type not prohibited by the department. Sec. 4~.--Alt motor vehicles so constructed er loaded as to prevent the driver from obtaining a view of the highway to the rear shall be equipped with a mirror so located as to reflect to the driver a view of the highway for a~distance person to drive any vehicle upon a highway with any sign, poster or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, side wings or rear windows of such motor vehicet other th~n a certificate or other paper required to be so displayed by law~ Sect. $6. Prev~nt~n of noise, smoke, etoetera, muffler Gutouts regulated. ~s'~ no person s~ll drive a motor vehiole on a highway ~!ess suoh motor vehicle is equipped with s muffler i~ good working order and in oo~stant operation prevent excessive or ~usual noise, annoyi~ smoke and ~e escape o2 exoessive gas, steam or o~1. Alt e~aust p~es oar~y~ e~aus~ ~ases from ~he motor sh~l be dire~ ted parallel with ~he gro~d or slightly upward. ~b~ It s~lI be unta~ul ~o use a ~f!er out-out~ on any motor vehiole upom ~ highway. ~c) No vehicle s~lt be driven er moved on any highway ~less such vehicle is so co~structed as to prevent its contents from dropping, leaki~ or other. wise escaping therefrom. Sect .~7 required lightimg e~uipment ef vehic!es.--~a~ ~en vehicles must be equipped. Every vehicle upon a highly within this Go~ty-during the period from a half hour after s~set to a half hour before s~rise and at any other ~ime when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discrenibel any person on the highway at a distance of two h~dred feet ahead, shall be equipped with lighted fron~ and rea~ lamps as im this section respectively required for differnet classes of veh~ ~les and s~bject to exemptiem with reference te lights om parked vehicles as declared section fifty-eight. ~b~ Head lamps on motor vehicles.-- Every motor vehicles ~other than~ a motorcycle, road-re,tar, road ~chimery, er farm t~actor shall be equipped with two head lamps, ne more and no less, of approxi~tely eq~t ~andle power at the from of mmd en opposite sides of the motor vehicle which head lamps s~ll ~omply with the requirements and limitations set forth in section forty-nime or section fifty an~ except as to acetylene head lamps shall be of a type which has been pproved Dy the co~ s$iomsr. (e~ Head lamps on motorcycles.-- ~very ~torcycle shall be equiDped with at least one and net more t~n two head lamps which s~lI be of a tope approved by the co~issioner and shall project sufficient light te the front of such to reveal a perso~ at a distance of two h~dred feet, but shall net preject a glarin~ e~ dazzlimg light to perse~s appromchimg such motorcycle. ~ Rear lamp.--Every meter vehicle and every trailer or s~itraile~ which is being dra~ at the end of a train of vehicles s~li carry at the sa~r a tamp e~ibitimg a red or yellow light plainly visible ~d~ nor~l atmospheric condi~ tions from a dis~za of five h~dred feet to the rear of such vehicle an~ so construe ed and plmced that the n~ber plat carried om the rear of such vehicle shall ~der like conditions be so ilI~t~d by a white light as ~o be read from a distance of fifty feet to the rear ef such vehicle. (e~ Lamps on bicycles.--Every bicycle shall be equipped with m light ~d lamp e~ the front thereof visible under ner~l atmospheric co~ditiom, s from a distance of~ at least three h~dred feet in front of such bicycle and shall als~ be equipped with a reflex mirror or l~mp on the rear e~ibiti~ a red or yellow light v under like conditions from a distance of At least two h~dred feet to the rear such bicycle. ~sible rCf~ Lights on other Vehicles.--All lzehicles not heretofore in this section required to be equipped with specified lighted lamps shall carry one or more lighted lamps or lanterns projecting a white light, visible under normal atmospheric condi- tions from a distance of not less than five hundred feet to the fron~ and rear of such vehicle. Sect 4~ Additional permissible lights on vehicles.--(a') Spot lights. Any ~motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed two spot lights, except that a motorcycle shall not be equipped with more than one spot light and e~ery spot light shall be so aimed and used, upc~ approaching another vehicle, that no part of. the beam will be directed to the left of the center of the highway, nor more than one hundred feet ahead of the behicle. CbS ~rcnt side lamps.--Any motor vehicle may be equipped with two side lamps upon the front of such vehicle and projecting a light tc the front ef side and conforming to regulations adopted by the commissioner. No- electric lamps or bulbs exceeding four standard candle power shall be used in any such side lamp. ~c~~ Other exteriro lights prohibited. No vehicle shall be equipped with any lighting de~ice other than ~hose required or permitted in this or the ~prcceeding section expeI~t that this provision shall not be deemed to prevent'.the use upon a motor vehicle of interior lights cf low candleR~wer, ncr the use ef vacent or dis- tinction signs on vehicles operated as public carriers. (d~ Auxiliary lamps.-- Any motor vehicle may be eGuipped with such auxiliary lights of low candle power and illumimated signal devices as may be permitted or required under this act or the rules and regulations adopted by the commissioner. Sec. ~9- Requirements as to head lamps .-- (a ~ The head lamps of moto.r vehicles sB~lt be so constructed arranged, and adjusted that they will at all times mentioned in section forty-seven and under normal atmospheric conditions produce, a driving light sufficient $o render clearly discernible a person two hundred feet ahead, bUt shall not project a glaring er dazzeling light to persons in front of such head lamps. (B~ Head lamps shall be deemed to comply with the foregoing p~rovisions prohibiting glaring and dazzling lights if none of the main portion of the head lamp beam rises above a horizontal plane passing through the lamp centers parallel to the level road upon which the loaded vehicle stands and in no case higher than forty-two inches, sevenSy f~ve feet ahead of the vehicle. (~ Whenever a vehicle is being operated upon a highway or per. tier thereof which is sufficiently lighted to reveal any person upon the highway at a distance of two hundred feet ahead of such vehicle it shall be permissible te dim the head lamps or to tilt the main beams of light thereof downward or such head lamps may be extinguished provided such vehicle is equipped with two lighted side lamps projecting a light to the front of such vehicle and which comply with the rules and regulations of the commissioner. Sec. ~0. Lights. Motor vehicles may be equipped with two acetylene head lamps of approximately equal candle power when equipped with clear plain glass fronts, bright six inch spherical mirrors and standard acetylene five-eights' fo~t burners not more and not less and which project a driving light sufficient to render clearly discernible a person upon the roadway within a distance of two hundred feet But must not project a glaring or dazzl-lng light into the eyes of approaching drivers. Sec. %t Head lamp devices must be tested and approved before saAe of use.-~ ~- It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, either separately higheay any head lamp, head lamp lens, reflector, or head lamp control device or an combination thereof u~less of a type which has been submitted to a laboratory test and found to vomply with the specifications herein set forth and which type has bee spproved by the ¢cmmissionero (b~ ~t shall be unlawful for anY person ~o sell or offer for sale eithe~ separately or as a part of the equipment of a motor vehicle any head lamp device approved by the commissioner unless such device bears thereon a trade mark or name and is accompanied by printed instructions as to the proper candle power globes to be used therewith as approved by the commissioner and any particular methods of mounting or adjustment as te fcrcus or tilt necessary tc enable such ~evice to meet the requirements of this ordinance. Sect. ~2. Arrest upon charge that approved head lamps are improperly adjusted er equipped with w~ong candle power lamp's.-- The driver of any meter vehic equipped with approved head lamps who is arrested upon a charge that such head lamps are improperly adjusted or are equipped with lamps er bulbs efa candle pcwe~ not approved for use therewith shall, be allowed twenty-four hours within which ~c properly adjust and equip such head lamps, tt shall be a defence ~o any such char that the person arrested produce in court er submit to the proper authority satis- factory evidence that within twenty-four hours after such arrest, such headlamps have beenmade tc conform with the requirements of this ordinance. Sect. 53' Lights on parked vehicles.--Whenever a vehicle is parked or stopped upon a highway whether attended or unattended during the times mentioned in section forty-seven there shall be displayed upon such vehicle one or mere lamp~ prejectimg a white light visible under normal atmospheir¢ conditions from a distan~ of five hundred feet tc the fro~t ef such vehicle and projecting a red er yellow 1 visible under like conditions from a distance ef five hundred feet te the rear ex- cept that local authorities may provide by ordinance that ne lights need be displa~ upon any such vehicle when parked in accordance with local crdinance~upon any high, way where there is sufficient light to reveal any person within a distance of two hundred f~et upon such highways. See. ~$. Red or green light visible from i~ fro~t of vehicle prohibited It shall be unlawful for any person tc drive or move any vehicle upon a highway with any red or green light thereon visible from directly i~ front thereof. See. ~ Signal devices--(a~ ~ny meter vehicle which is so constructed or carries a lead in such a manner as to prevent the head and arm signal described in this ordinance from being visible both to the front and rear of such vehigle shall be eGuipped with a mechanical or electrical signal device which meets the requirements of law. (b~ Every device intended to give a signal of intentie~ to turn or stop a vehicle shall give a signal plainly visible at all times fram a distance of at least one hundred feet to the rear of the vihicle upon which it is used. TITLE III. HIGH~AY TRAFFI~ SIGNS. Sec. %6. Local traffic signs.--~he Board of Supervisors may. cause appropriate signs to be erected and maintained, designated residence and business districts, highways and steam or interurban railway grade crossimgs and such other signs as may be deemed necessary to earthy out the provisioms of this act, and cont~ traffim.. Y ght ed or light erected under the previsions of this act, and no persom shall, erect or maintain upo~ any highway any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be construed te prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the. name of an originization au6horized to erect, the. same. Sec~ 58 Injuring signs.--Any person who shall deface, injure, knock down or remove any sign legally posted as provided in this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. TITLE ~ PENALTIES. Sec. 59- Penalties for misdemamaors.--~a~ It shall be unlawful and constitute a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the provisions of this erdianc~e except section thirty-two unless such violation is law of this State declared to be a felony. Every person convicted of a misdemeanor for a violation of any of the provisions for which no other penalty is provided shall for a first conviction ~t~hereof b~'~punished by a.fine of ~not less than five dollars nor more ~than one hundred delia, s or by impriso~ ment in jail for not less than one nor more than t~m days; for second such conviction within, one year such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor mere than two hundred dollars or by imprisonment in jail for net less than one nor more than twenty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; upon a third or subse- quent convictioa within one year such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five, dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in ~ail for mot less~ than ten days nor more than six months, or by both such fine .and imprison- ment. Sec. 60. Penalty for reckless driving. Every person convicted of re.ck~ess drivimg under section, two of this ordinance, shall .be. punished for a first violation by a fine of nGt less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or by both such fine and imprisonment. ~or conviction for subsequent violation a fi~e of not les~ than fifty dollars not mere than five hundred dollars, or he may be further pinish~ ~y imprisonment in jail for a period of not less than ten days nor more than six months or by bo~h such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 61 Penalty for failure to stop in event of accident involving personal injury. --Every perso~ convicted or violating sub-division (a) cf section thirty, relative to the duty to stop in the event of personal injury accidents, shall punished ~y imprisonment t~ jail for net less than thirty days nor more than one year, or by five of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars or by beth such fine and imprisonment. Title ~. PROCEDURE UPONARREST REPORTS, DISPOSITION OF FI~ESAND FOR2EITURES. See. 62. Appearance upon arrest for misdemeanor.--(a~henever any provision of this ordiaamce punishable as a mis~emeanor the arresting officer shall, exc. ept as otherwise provided in this section, take the name and addresses of such person and the license number of his motor vehicle and issue a summons of otherwise notify him in writing to appear at a time and place to be specified in such summons or notice such time to be at least five days after such arrest unless the person arrested shall deemand an earlier hearing, and such person shall, if he so desire, have a right to an immediate hearing ~r a hearing withim twenty-four hours at a convenient hour, and before a court having jurisdiction under this act within the town c~r county ~w~~ ~11~ ~~ ~S eammited. Such officer shall thereupon and upon the givimg release him from custody, Any person refusing to give such written promise to appear shall be taken immediately by the arresting officer before the nearest or most accessible court.having jurisdictiom under this ordinance. Any persom who willfultyviolates his written promise to appear, given in accordance with this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and regardless of, and im addition tc the disposition of the charge upon which he was originally arrested. (b~ The provisions of sub-section Ca) of this section shall not apply to any person arrested and charged with an off~nce causing cr contributing to an accident'resulti~ in intury or death te any person nor to any person charged with~ reckless driving or driving in excess of thirty miles per hour within a b~siness eT residence district or in excess of forty five mies per hour outside a business or residence district nor tc any person charged with driving while drunk or under the i~fluence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs nor to any person whom the arresting officer shall have good cause to believe .bas commited any fe$ony, and the arresting officer shall take such person forthwith before the nearest or most accessible magisterate. Sec. 63. Fines and forfeitures.-- All fimes or forfeitures collected upon conviction or upon the forfeiture of bail of any person charged with a violation cf any ef the provisions of this ordiaance ¢onstitutimg a misdemeenor shall be disposited in a special fund to be known as the highway maintenance fund~ which is hereby craated and which shall be used exclusively in the comstructiom,~mintenance and repair of public highways, bridges and culverts, or of employing andL'maintainin; devices for traffic control or aid, including personnel, within such respective jurisdictions. Sec. 65~ Pedestrsins.$-(a$ The roadbeds of highways are primarily inten- ted forvehicles, but pedestrains have the right to cross them in safe~y, and driver of street cars an~ vehicles shall exercise proper care not to interfere with such rights nor to injure them or their property. ~When crossing highways within incorporated towns pedes~rains shall not carelessly or maliciously interfere with the orderly passage of vehicles, and shall cross whereever possible only at intersections or crosswalks. (c) At such intersections where no traffic officer is on ~uty pedestrain shall have the right of way over vehicles. (~ This shall not entitle the pedestrain to enter or cross the intereec tion regardless ,f approaching traffic, but shall be interp~reted to require vehicl to change their course, slow doE, or come to a complete stop if necessary to permi pedestrains to safely and expeditiously negotiate the crossing. (e~ Pedestrains shall cross only at right angles, and shall not c~e~s highways diagonally; ncr, except to board a street car, ~r tO emter a sefety zone at right angleS, shall they step into that portion of the highway open to moving traffix, at any point between intersections where their presence would be obscured from the vision of approaching drivers ~y a vehicl~ or other obstructions at the curb or side. (~ At i~tersections if traffic officers are on duty, pedestrims shall cross the intersection only with ~eleased traffic, and shall be subject to the same signals as govern the movement of other traffic. from street cars, step into the street sooner, nor remain there longer than As absolutely necessary to do so. (ih~ Pedestrains shall not use the highways, othern than the sidewalks thereof for travel, except when obliged to do so by the absence of sidewalks reasonably suitable and passable for their use, in which case they shall keep as near as reasonably possible to the extreme left side or edge of same. TITLE VIII INTERPRETATION. Sec 6%. Uniform_ity of interpretatioh.-- This ordinance shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose ~o make uniform laws relating to motor vehicles and their operation. If any part or parts, section, sub-section, sentence, clause, or phrase is for any reason declared to be unconstitutional, such decision shall net affect the validity of the remaining portions. Sect. 66. Short title.--This ordinance my be cited as the uniform ordinance regulating the operation of vehicles on highways. Sec. 67. Repeal.--All ordiaances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance ere hereby repealed. Seth ~mrnley, Oommty Engineer's report for the month of July, 1927, was presented examined and ordered to be filed. G.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him d,mring the month of July 1927, The ~oard examined said Warrants and ordered t~e said statement ~o be filed. _ _ Oha i rman.