HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-09-21 At a regular meeting of the Board ef Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Va., held at the Court House of said County on the 2let day of Sept 1927.
Present.~ ~E~Fray, Chairman, V~H.Langhorne, ~E~Abel!, C~Purcell
P~H.Gentry and CoA~Eilter.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
At the regular July ~927 meeting of the Board, the hunting season for
squirrels was closed from Sept 1st 1927 to Ncv~ t~th 1927 by a resolution unanimous~
passed and since that time a good many petitions have been filed, and
ON ~i0TION duly seconded the matter was reopened for further discussio~
and on motion of ~/E.Abell and seconded by P.PI. Gentry it was unanimously ordered
that the resolution of ~uly 1927 closing the squirrel season from Sept 1st to Nov.
15th be and it is~ hereby recinded.
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the sum of $150.00 be
appropriated for the County's Exhibit at the State Fair to be held at ~ichmond, Va.
Aye, Fray, Langhorne, Abell, McCue, Gentry and Eilter.
Nco none.
In the matter of securing an office for the Commissioner of the Reven~
On ~otion of C,A.Milter and seconded by C.Purceli i~cCue it i s ordered
that a committee consisting of ~ssrs, Gentry, Burnley and ~upin be appointed to
go into the matter and report at the next meeting of the Board.
On motion of C.Purcelt ~ue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered
that the CommLissioner of the Revenue purchase the necessary field boGks to be used
by his office.
On motion of J.E.Abell and seconded by C~Purcell EcCue it' is ordered
that the County accept Governor Byrd's proposition that the State Highway Commissi~
take over one mile of the County Road and maintain it for one year at its own cost
if the Gotunty would do likewise.
It appearing to the B~ard that it will be necessary to borrow some
money with which to pay County expenses between now and the collection of 1927 taxe
It is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of Albemarle County, be and he is hereby
authorized in the name and on behalf of the said County, of Albemarle to make
ragement or arrangements with some bank or banks to advance the necessary amount
not to eEceed $10,000~00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the name,
and on behalf of said County as may be necessary to secure such advancement or
advancements, and also by such obligation or obligations pledge 1927 taxes for the
Seth Burn!~ey's report for the month of A~Eust, 1927 was presented
examined and ordered to be filed.
G.Stuart Harem, treasurer, presented to the board a statement together
with all warrants paid by him during the month of August 1~7. The Bo~ rd examined.
~8 w~r~t~ ~d ordered the said statement to' be filed.