HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-10-19 At a regul~ meeting of t~e bo~d of ~upe~vizo~m of Albemarle County, Virginia,
acid at ~he Oourt HO~se of s.mid County on the 19th. ~a~v of 0c%obe~ 1927; P~esen~:
Y.M.Fra~V, Chairman, ~.E.~be~l, P.H.Gentry, V~.H.Lmnghorne, C.Pu~cel~-EcOue smd
The min.%es of %he lmst meeting were ~emd and ~pDroved.
On mo~ioh of ~-~H.I~nghorne and seconded by C.Pu~cell McCue it ia o~dered that
~he ~oom now used ~y ~he ~u~e of ~he Circuit Cou~ of Al~emamle be ma~e the' office
~f the Gommismione~ of the Revenue of Albemm~ie Count~, Va,., ~h~t the ~oom a~joining
~d. back of said office be ~emodeled fo~ the use of the ~udge,~ ~m~ thru% the committee
~ppointed mt- a forme~ meeting of ~he board be continued.
On motion duZy seconded it is o~de~ed that L.F.Smit'h, Commonwealth At%o~ney, ~e-
~reaent the Oounty of Aibema~Ze mt the meeting of the Virginia Association of Ooun~ies
~o be held in the C~ty of Richmond, V~,
On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the sum of one hundred dollars be
~pproprimted to the Red Crosm for a c~.
Polled vote, aye, Eess~$.F~my, Abeli, Gent~y,Langho~ne, EcCue mnd Mille~..
No. none
On mtion duly secomded it is ordered that a committee:.~:conmisting of Mess~s.
~mith, Bu~nley and M~upi~ be appointed to work out am e~uit~ble acheme fo~ the
~i.tribution of the gms tax.
Seth Bu~nley, County Engineer, ~ep0~t for the month of ~eptembe~ 1927, was
~esented examined ~u~d ozdezed to be filed.
G.S%us~t~ Hs~n__m_, T~e~su~ez, p~esented to the Bos~d at~tement ~ogether with
~a~ranta paid by him duming, the month of Septembe~ 1927. T~he ~osmd examined said
~amts and ordered $~id statement %o be filed.