HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-01-18held_at the Court House of said County on the 18th day of Sanuary ! 928. Present: $.~t. Fray, Chairman, ~.E. Abeli, P.I~.Gentry, G.~ureell and The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. At the request of T.L.Farrar and it appearing that notices were on the 3rd day of 0otober 1927, ~hat being the 1st day of the 0Gtober term of ~he CirCuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, posted at the front ~o~r of the Court House of said County and at two places in the neighborhood of ~he road proposed to be closed; J.B. Kegley, W.B. Golthurst, m.A. Gahoun, EoG.Waddell and George Garr are appointed viewers to view so much of the 01d S~ony Point Eoad that runs through the property of T,L.Farrar and NcMurdo'tha$ lies between T~L~ Farrar's~and McMurdo's Orchard and make written report whether in their opinion any, and if any, what inconvience would result from discontinuing the said road from the said Farter's ~e~to the said McMurdo's Orchard. The said ~iewers shall meet at ~0:~0 A,M. on thel0th day of February, 1928, and file with the Clerk of ~lkhe Board on or before the l~th day of February 1928 their report in writing. Y In the Matter of the of Seth and Application Burntey others to establish a public road from the .Heards Road ~o John Toms. The Board doth appoint JoB. Kegley, WoB. Golthurst, S.A.Galhoun, H.G.Wa*ddell and GeOrge Garr resident freeholders of this County, any three of whom may act, viewers ~o view the. route of the said proposed road, and report to the Board as scan o's practicable the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the p~ublio, if the said road shall be established as proposed, and especially if any yard, garden or orchard, or any part thereof will, in such case, have to be taken, and whether the said road will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that the same shall he established and kept in orde$ by the person or persons for whose convenience it is. desired. ney may examine routes other than the one proposed and report upon the one they prefer with their reasons for the preference; they will state the names of the land owners on the said route and what will be a just compensation t~ those re- quiring the same for the land to be taken, and the damage to the residue of the tracts beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to much residue from the road so proposed. And they will rotate any other fact or circumstances useful in enabling the Board ~o determine the expediency of granting the said application, and they will return with their report a diagram or map showing the route thereof, and an estimate of the probable cost of establishing said road, And the viewers shall meet on the 10th day of Fe~y, 1928, and shall file' their report with the clerk of this Board on or before the l~th day of l~eby ~-9~8. In th~ i~tte~r of the App~licatiom of Seth Burnley and others to estab- lish a public ~ad from Stony Point Road to Cedar Gate. The Board-doth appoing J,B. Kegley, W'~B. Gotthurst, S,.~,~alhoun, E.G~.~ Waddelt a~d George Cart, resident freeholders of this county, any three of-whom.ms~y act, viewers to view the route of ~he said proposed road, and report to the Board as soon as practicable the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well to individulas as to the public, if ~he said road shall be established as proposed, and especially if any yard, garden or orchard, or any parer thereof will, in such case, have to be taken, and whether the said road will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that the same shall be establish and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is' desired. They may examine routes other than the one proposed and report upon the one they prefer wi~h their reasoms for the preference; they will s~ate the names of the land owners on the said route amd what will be~a Oust compensatio~ to those requiring ~the same for the land to he token, and the damage-to ~he residue of the tracts beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road so proposed. And they Wil~l state any other fact or circumstances useful in enabling the Board to determime the expediency of granting the said application, and they will r. eturn with ~their report a diagram or map showing the route thereof, and an estimate of the probable cost of establishing said road. And the viewers shall meet on ~he loth day of February 1~2~, and shall file their report ~with the Clerk of ~his Board on or before the l%th day of Fe.~rua ry 1928. In the Matter of the Application of Seth Burntey and others to .establish a public road from John Davis' Shop ~ l~ortonsville. The Board doth appoint ~.B,Kegley, W.B.Golthurst, S~.A.~alhoun, Waddelt and George 0mr= resident freeholders of this county, a~ three of whom.may viewers to view the route of the said proposed road, and report to the Board as soon as practicable the convenience and inconvenience that will result as well to indi~ viduals as to the public, if the said road shall l~e established as propos~ed, and especially if any yard, garden or orchard, or. any part thereof will in~.such case., have to be taken, and whether the said road will be of~ such mere private convenience a.s to make it proper that the same shall l~e established and ke~) in order by the person or persons for whose convenience i~ is desired. They may examime routes other than ~he one proposed and report upon the one they prefer with their reasons for the preference; they will state the names of the land owners on the said route and what will be a just compensatiom to ~hose requiring ~he same for the land to be taken, a~nd the damage to the residue 'of the tracts beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect $o sach residue from the road so proposed. And ~hey wil't state any other fact or circumstance useful in enabling the Board to determine the expediency of granting the said application, and ~hey willreturn with their report a diagram or map showing the route thereof, and an estimate of the probable cost of establishing said road. And th~ viewers shall meet on the loth day of Fel~ruary 1528, and shall file ~heir the Clerk of this Board on or before the l%th day of On motion of G.Pur~ellN~C~Ae and seconded by $~E.Abe!t it is ordered that the several tracts of land assessed separately under the head of ~ineral I~nds be transferred to the general assessment if in the opinion of the Attorney for the Commonwealth it is legal. ~ On motion of C~Purcetl N~Gue and seconded by P.E. Gentry it is ordere that the $%0'00.00 of past due bonds held by Wood, VeS~ & Oompany be paid at the next interest period. On motion of G,Purcell NcOue and seconded 1my P.H.Gentry it is ordered that Seth Nurmtey, Goumty Engineer replace the wooden stringers on the ~eez~r~ns River Bridge with steel beams when in his judgment it seems necessary. The report of Seth Bmrnley, O~cumty Engineer, for the month of ~ecember 1927, was presented, examined and ordered to be filed. G. Stuart Ham~, Treasurer, presented to the Boar~ a Statement together with all warrants paid by him for the month of December 1927, the Board examined said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed. Oha iran