HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-02-15 ~t a I~egular Nearing of the Board Of Super~T&sors of Albemarle County, held at the Court House of said ~ounty on the I%th day of Februm~ 1928- · ~. Present: J,~.Fray, Chairman, W.H,~mghor~e, $.E~Ab.elI, P'.EoGentry, J.~,0,I~eilI and ~.P,NOGue. minutes of the .last meeting were rea.d and~approved. in ~he matter of closing so much of the old ~2.ony Point F~oad from T.~, l~arror,s property line to &.E.Mc-~r'do,s orchard at the intersect~ion .of the old and new roads. The petitioner presented satisfactory evidence to the ~erd ~t notice of closing said road ~d been posted en the Srd day of October t927, that being ~e first day of ~e ~tober term of the Giremtt Court of C~ounty, Virginia, st the Court House of. said ~oun~y and/two public places after the neighborhood of the ~oad ..proposed to be closed; that/said notice ~d been posted for at least twenty days this ~mrd did at its meeting held on-the day of January 1528, appoint five viewers, to View said road and report and..:report In writing whether in their opinion, mny, and if any what inconvenience ~would result fro discontinuing the same; that four of said viewers namely, J,B.Kegtey- S.A. Oalho~, H.G.Uaddelt and ~.B.~otthurst ~ve ~de their report in writing ~der date of February 10th 192~, that in accordance with the foregoing order.of said Board they have viewed said roa$ and that in their opinion no inconvenience:will result to anyone if said road ls discontinued mhd closed. · c~DY of said report signed by the viewers named above was presented to this meeting and the G~r.k of the ~ard ~s ordered to file said report. In consideration whereof it is ordered by this Board t~t so much of ~he 01d Stony Point Road from T.L. Farror's property line to A.E,~c~urdo,s at the intersection of the old and new roads, be, and it is hereby discontinued and 'closed. In the matter of relocating a public road from John Toms -to the Heards H:oad. The board being of opinion that the report of viewersl.ap~oi~e.d st the Sanuary meeting of the B~ar~d and this day filed is in due for~and should be adopted', therefore on motion duly seconded i t is ordered ~hat the Glerk of the board issue subpoenas to Henry F.M~rriam~o appear before the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Court. fy, at the Court House of said County on the 21st day of March 1928 at ll A.~. ~o show cause, if any, why the report 'cf viewers in the matter ~f relocating a public road through their lands should not be adopted. ~n the matter of relocating a public road from Ge. dar Gate towards Stony Point Road. The board being of opinion that the report of viewers appointed. the ~anuary Meeting of the Board and this day filed is in due form ~nd should be adopted, therefore on motion duly seconded it is ordered that the ~terk .of ~.he Board issue subpoenas to Y.O. and Earle Thurman to appear before the Bear.d I:n. the.matter of relocating a public road from Joh~ ~vms Shop and Nortonsville. ' The Board beimg of opinion that the report of viewers appointed st the Sanuary meetimg ef the ~$oard and this day filed is in due'form ,amd should be adopted, therefore on motion duly seconded it is ordered that the Gle~k of ~the board issue subpoenas to John Gibson, ~.N. Branham, J..~,Branham and L.E,~o~ to apl~ear before the Board of supervisors of ~lbemsrle GoUnty, st the Gemrt House of said Gounty om the 21st day ~Of Narch t928 at ll A.M. to show cause, if any, wh~ the relpor of viewers in the matter of relocating ~ public road through their lands should not be adopted. , -' ~he repo~t of Seth Burnley, Gounty Engineer, for the month of ~an~ry 1728, was presented, examined and ordered ~o be filed. G.Staart Hams, Treasurer, presented~ to the Bo~ard a Statement toge~ther with all warrants paid by him for the mouth of N&n~y'.~-1928, the Board examined said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed-.