HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-03-21 At~ a regular meeting cf the Board of S~upervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court House ef said County. o~ the 21st day of Nareh Present:~ ~; I~.Fray, Chairman, G.Pureel~! ~¢6~ae, P.H.Gentry, Y.E. Abel~, W~E~ghorne and Theminutes of the last meeting were read and approved. G~ motion of P°H.Gentry and second-6~ by G.Pureell N¢~ue it is ordere~ that the CoUnty subscribe six memberships to the Chamber of COmmerce. On motion of J'.E.Abei! and seconded by G.Purcelt McOue it is ordered that $75.00 be appropr~ed..~for the BOard of P~Dtic Wetfare's Car. INRE: Viewers Report Dated February ltth, 1928~, re-located E~a~ from' John Davis' Shop to Ncrtonsville. It appearing to the B~ard that in pursuance to a resolution dated January lSth 1928, viewers were appointed to re-located the road from John DaVis' Shop t;o Nortonsville, through the land~s o2 Joia ~.Gibson, R,~N. Br~nham, $..~, Branhsm and L.E.~ood, And it further appearing to the Board ~hat three of said viewers so appointed, to-wit~ J.B. Kegley, H.G.Waddelt and S~.~&. Calhoun re-located said road in accordance with the report, bearing date of February ltth 1928. After considering said report, the Beard proceeded 'to ratify, approve and confirm said viewers report and upmnm a hearing Cf said report, it was agreed by the several owners and the Board of Supervisors that the several owners should be compensated as follows~ ~'E. Wood John T.Gibso~ R. N, Bra nham $30~00 400.00 J.~.Branham to receive no money for land taken, but that his fences would be moved back at the cost and expense of the county. The Board doth ratify and approve maid agreemtn entered into a~d doth direct that said several sums be paid to the several land .owners. VIE~IERS' REPORT. STATE OF VIRGINI~ COUNTY OF At~ENARL~ TO WIT: I~, ~]4.Naupim, a Clerk in and for said County i~ said state d.o certify that ~.B.Kegley, $,~°Ca. lhoun & H.G. Waddel]~ appointed by the Board cf Supervisors of Albemarle Goum~ty at the meeting held on the t8%h day of ~anUm~y ~ t928 upon the question and expediency of relocating a county road leading from John Davis ' shop and Nortonsville personally appeared before me im my said county and being duly sworn made oath that they would faithfully and impartially discharge their duties as such viewers. Givem under my hand this loth day of t~embruary 1928. ~,]4,Maupin, Clerk. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE GOUNT¥ OF ALBE~RLE. The undersigned 9iewers appointed by your order made on the t~th day of ~an%~ 1928 respectfully report that we ~met upon the~ lands proposed to be taken for a p~ublic road from John Davis' ~aop to Nortonsvilte on the 1 lth day of Feby 1928, and report thereupon as follows:. tst. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as welt ~o individuals as to the public As as follows= Public convenience. 2nd. The said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. no. 3rd. No yard, garden or orchard' will have to be taken. l~o~e · 4th. The names of the land owners on such route are as follows:.~ John Gibson, R~N amd J~.~.Branham and ~,E.~ood. 5th..The following named of said land owners require compensation. John Gibson, R.N.& J.~'.Branham and L.E.~ood. 6th. A just compensation to the lmnd owners requiring compensation for the said land so taken and for the damage to the residue of the tract~ beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respec~ tc such residue from the road or land- ding to be established are as follows~ John Gibson R.N.& $.~Branham L,E.~o~d $2:2 %. 00 l .OO 3o.00 7th. the following are the other facts and circumstances which in the opinion of your viewers are useful in enablimg your ~oard to determine the expediency ef establishing or altering the said road~ Recommend that change as outlined by ~ounty Engineer be made. They herewith return a map of the proposed route. Alt of which is respectfully submitted, J.B. Kegley H.G.Waddell S,A.~alhoun IN RE: VIEV~ERS REPORT OF FEBRUARY 10TH 1928, RELOCATED THE ROAD LEADING FR0~ CEDAR GATE T0~ARDS STONY POINT ROAD AND THROUGH THE LANDS OF t. 0.THURNAI~. It appearing to the Board that a resolution was adopted by the ]Foard on the 18th day of January, 1928, to appoint viewers te re-locate the road from Oed~r Gate towards the S~ony Point road and through the lands cf Y.O.~hurman and Marie Thurman, his wife. And it further appearing to the Beard that four of said viewers so appointed, to-wit: ~.B'.Kegley, H,G.~addell, S.A.Oal~eun and W.B. Gotthurst, went upon the lands on the 10th day of February and re-located said road and reported that a proper compenstation~ for the land taken and damages to the residue, was $~0~100 and the costs ef re-setting the present fence. And it further appearing to the ]~oard from a letter directed to the ]~oard by ~.O.Thurman, bea~ing date of NarCh 19th 1928, that the said J. 0.~hurman ~.O.Thurman and that the G'ou~ty Engineer proceed to have the present fence removed at the cost of the Uou~ty, V IEWEI{S' REPORT. STATE OF VIRGINIA GOUNTY OF ALBE'MARLE TO ~VIT.' I, ~,L, Maupii~., a Clerk in and for said G'eunty in said State do certify that J:.B~.Kegtey, ~.B~ Oolthurst, S.A.Galho~ and H.G,Waddell appo-inted by the Board of Supervisors of ~lbemarle ~ounty at the meeting held on the 18~h day of January 1928 upon the q~estion and expediency of relocating a cowry road l~d- i~g from Cedar Gate towards Stony Point Read personally appeared before me in my said county and being duly sworn ~de oath t~t they would faithfully and impartial~ discharge their duties as such viewers. Given under ~ hand this 10th day of February 1928. W.L.~upin, Clerk. T0 EE HON0~B~ BOARD .'~e undersigned viewers appointed by your order ~de on the 18th day of January 1928, respectfully report ~hat we met upon the lands proposed to be taken for a public road from Cedar Gate ~owards Stony Poimt Road on the 10th day of February 1928, a~d report hereupon as follows:~ lat. The convenience or inconvenience ~hat will result as well individuals as to the public is as follows:~ Oonvenient to p~blic. 2nd. The said road will net be one of such mere private convenience as te ~ke it proper that it whould be opended and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. Public convenience. 3rd. Noyard, garden or orchard will have to be taken. n one. $~h. The n~mes of the lan~ o~ers ~n such route are as foii~ws. J.0. and ~rie Thur~n 5th. The following named ef said land oEers required compensation, J, 0. & ~rie Thur~n. 6th. A just compensation to the land oEers requiring compensation for the-said land se ~ken and for the de,ge to the residue of the tract beyond the peout~r ben~fits ~o be derived in respeG~ leading to be established sro as follows: Fifty dollars and reset present fence. ~th. The following are the other facts and circumstances which in the opinion of your viewers are useful in enabling your Board to dete~ine ~he expedienc~ of establishing or altering the said road. They herewith return a ~p of the proposed route. All of which is respectfully submitted, J. B. Kegl ey S.A.Cmlho~ H. G. Wa dd ell '~$. B. Colthur st. IN RE: Viewers Report of February IOth, 1928, re-locating the road from John Toms 'to the Heards Road, through the property of Highland Orchard Gom~any, Incorporated; also described as Harry F,~erriam is continued to the regular April Eeeting. ~he report of Seth Burn!ey, GountyEngineer, for ~he month of February 1928, was presented, examined and ordered to be filed. G. Stuart Ha~nm, Treasurer, presented to the B~ard a statement together with all warrants paid by him for the month of February i 928, the Board examined said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed. The Board adjourned to meet again on April 17th 1928. ~ ~ Gha i rman. / At an adjourned meeting of the Board of SuperVisors of ~tbemarle Gounty held aG the ~ourt House of said Gou~ty on ~he l?th day of April Present. J,~,~ray, Ohairman, $.E. Abelt, P.H. Gentry, ~E.~nghorne, O. PurCell EcOue and J.A.O'NeilI. The minutes of the imst meeting were reaA and approved. As required by law the Board published ~he Budget Estimates for ~he fiscal year 1928~1929 in the Scottsvilte News and designated April i7th 1928 at ~ll$100 A.~. es the day and time on which tax payers would be heard in-regard to said budget: There being no eom'plaints from anyone the board adjouned to meet again ~pril 18th 1928. .~ ~Ghairman