HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-04-18regular meeting of the Bo~11~ ~ SuPervisors of AlbemSrle CoUnty, held at the G~Ourt House of said County on the lath day ef April Present. j~t~Fray, Chairman, G,Purcell NcGue, PrE. Gentry, ~E-.Abelt, L ~.H, anghorne and J..A.0,Neill. The minutes of the lest meeting were read and approved. In the matter of Martin Johnson's petition to erect an overhead pipe over the Blair Park Road, On motion of G. Purcelt McGue and seconded by J.E. Abelt it is ordered ~ha't Martin Johnson be permitted to erect an overhead pipe lime over the Blair Park Road under the supervisom of the GoumtyEngineer and that the said pipe line be removed before freezing weather. In the matter of the viewers report relocating the road from John Toms to the Hoards Road through the property of Highland Orchsrds. The said report having been duly continued to this day, ~r. ~.Gable agent of the Highland Orchards Inc. appeared before the board and offered a right of wmy through the Highland Orchards I~o. upon condition that $360, be-allowed for fences as per blue print filed with the G0unty Engineer, instead of the route .laid out ~y the said viewers, and after a discussion of the ma~ter on motion of G.~rcelt Mc~ue and seconded by P~.H. Gentry i~ is ordered that ~'~Gabte,s propositiom be accepted. T~ ~ood, vest & G'0. holders of $$000.0~ ~f Albemarle County past due bonds. Take notice that on the 1st day of July i928, all of the aforesaid bondS~will be paid off et the TreasGrers OffiCe of the County of Albe~rle, -Virginia. All interest upon said bonds.wilt cease at and on the firs~ day of July t$2~, and you are hereby notified ~o present the same for payment at the said Treasurers 0~ffice. To the holders of all of the bonds of the G:ounty'ef ~lb~rle issued on behalf of the ~hite Ealt Magisterial District~ Umder and by virtue of the statutes of Virginia, and in pursuance to an electioh held April 26th 1921, and pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Supe=wisors of October tgth 192t, which, bonds bear date of the first day ~f December, 1921, and are payable twenty'five years after dar, being cal ~table at a~y interest period after five years from date. Take notice that on the 1st day of ~une, 1928~, all of the aforesaid bonds, numbered from ~t to 80, inclusive, will be paid off at the National Bank ef Ohar]~ttesville, Virginia, in tSae O~ity mf ~harlottesville and in the S~ate ~f ~irginia- All of said bonds have been selected by let by the Board of Supervisors of Alberto. rte County, at its regular monthly meeting, held April 18th to be paid off in pursuance to the provisions of said bonds containing, five the same for payment at the Bank aforesaid, in the City cf Charlottesville, Virgin&m, It appearing tc the BOard that it Will be necessary ~o borrow some money with which to pay Gounty expenses between now and the collection of 192S ~.axes; It is therefore ordered that the Treasurer ef Atbemar~ie County, be and he is hereby authorimed in the name and cn behalf'of the said County, cf Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bank' or banks 1~e 'advance the necessary amount not to exuded $50,000.00 and to secure such obligation er obligations in the name, and cn behalf cf said GcUmty as may be necessary tc secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obligation er obligation and pledge 1925 taxes for the same. BUD~GE T ESTI~TES Prepared in accordance with ~he prcvisiGns cf section I of chapter S7 ef the acts ef Assembly ef 1~27o Glassifica tio~ ~en.. Appr. yr. Yr.-end. June 30'27 end. June 30,1928 Expen, from Ge'.fumds. BOard ~f ~uperviscrs County ~erk Sheriff ~ommc~. Arty ~ea surer Go~. ef Revenue Office s~pplies A~._ year_ e__nd. June 30,193_ 0 proposed increase decrease unt over Jun~e year ending/ ~ ~~928 ~u~e ~ ~ooe.oo 9.54.~e z000.00 ~ooe.oo ~400.00 1400.00 z~oo.oo ~$00.00 t200..00.. ~200.00 1200.00 120o.eo · 200.00 z200.00 ~200.00 ~200,00 ~5379.~0 t~027.03 ~379.50 ~oee. oo 637o,5o 637o,50 637o,5o 637o. oo ~3oo, oo ~266,6o ~3oo.oo ~3oo,oo 379. .50 Total for Adminstra-. 278~0.o0 274~?.23 278~e.00 27470.00 380.00 Su~iciary Salaires, Circuit Judge Jury Gommrs. etc ~90.oo 2000. O0 88~. 95 ~9o. co 2012. ~3 2000.0O 2~ · t~90. O0 890.00 2.000.00 ~9o.oo ~er PUblic ~uildimg s. Eepairs and inci. 600.00 600,00 600.00' 600.00 35oo.oo 2066.6t 3500.00 35o0.00 ~.oo F~ %mO0.00 4m00,00 EleCtiOns- The ~oOr Public Health 2000. O0 2004.76 I6500. O0 t9t95.60 52 50. oo 52~o. oo 2000. O0 2.000. O0 t65oO.oo loooo.oo 5750.00 7ooo.oo 2'42 50-77'~''' ~77,~0'. oo 65o0.oo 6~o0.oo ~' Animals 'a .~=ds Comport. for animals other expenses- ~i rds ~oo,oo 1~25.~o 15oo.oo ~.5oo.oo 3ooo,oo 3324.27 3000.00 3000°00 ~300,00 ~01,30 1300,00 500,00 800.00 Educe t ica ~atary of Supt. Admr. Expenses Salaries of teachers ~1~' for Education 3660.o0 368o.oo 3680.00 3680.oo 52620.00 63650.19 57650.15 57650.19 z3oooo.oo t307oe.oo I307oo.oo 132oo0.oo I~900.00 t9~3e.19 t92030.i9 Z93330.19 t3oo. o0 13oo.oo Roads.. Salary of Geumty supt. E~u~ent~'bridges otc 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00 12000.00 ~0232.88 24000.00 20000.00 t~0.00 [3232,--:8~27000.00 23000.00 4000.00 4000.00 Payment-~ ~oumty' bonded debt.-Imterest for-Gounty'-d'ebt 2139o.00 21S32.90 ~f3~90.00 ~%-g32.90 21290.00 t0000.00 ~290.00 t0000.00 1129O, 00 0therExpenditures from~GO~nty"funds. Demon & Farm & Home 3000.00 2726.00 3000.00 3000.00 ~'ire Protection 3oo. oo 258.0F 3o0~oo 30o.oo Payment of Floating debtt%0000,00 140000.00 130000.00 100000.00 University Hospital Pensinns ~ubarcular Tes% Shansndoah~mrk ~mergencies ~Otel from Go.FUmd 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 6350.00 6208.23 63%o.oo 6350.0o 2700.00 ~ooo.oo 2000.00 2000.00 ;~=33o.oo ~¢777~.00 ¢~5~0~9-0~t-~ 30000.00 Expenditures from District Fumds. Gharto~tesvi!le. Education Roads Other expenses Ivy E duc a t i on Roads Other expenses Rivan~a Education Roads Other expenses Sam~tNilter Edu¢atiom R~ads other expenses Sco~tsvilte Educa ~iom Roads other expenses White Hall Education Roads other expenses 227.~0 ~67.~2 227.50 227.50 20000.00 150~8,16 ~3000.00 Z3000.00 ~7000.00' 4~1~0.~¢ 47000.00 ¢7000,'00 3282.71 282~.98 $282.7t 32~2.7z 9000.00 6293.~2 ~1o0.00 61oo.oo 136o0.00 972o,'33 9oo0~oo 9ooo, oo 3~9o.88 4634.4.8 3~$o.88 3~9o.88 1=5oo0. co ~3658.a,9 1¢7oo. co 1¢,.7oo. co 28500-oo ~3o~7.7~ 2o3oo~,oo 2o3oo.oo ~t482.68 2000G.00 ¢I6oo.oo 12610,28 1148.2.68 10150.00 3-332;68 ~:~053-36 16700,00 16700. O0 3~52~- 57 2~00'0.00 2~0'0.00 8539.70 25~53.~¢ 8539.?o 755o.oo · 650o.oo ~6~9a.77 z33oo.oo 133oo.oo 540oo. 00 5~9.07' 39ooo.oo 39ooo.oo lo99.7o 5226.07 436-3. ,65226.07 ~226 07 7500.00 8~,~.1,418100.00 ~00~00 3~000;00 37526.35 2OO0O;0O [9000;'00 l~O0.O0 ~~expenditures from ~istriot"'FUmds 336049.54 323795.49 267549;5~ 26¢1~7~.~6 Grand To tal 784379.5~ 771569'.49 723109.73 66o307'.35 On this the 21st day of March 1928~ the Board ~f Supervisors of Atbe~rle County met for ~he purpose of preparing and mo~sidering the !seal budget of said ~oUn~y. Therefore and on said day there was filed the foregoing estimate. Thereafter. said estAmate was duly considered by ~he Beard which in accordance with law fixes as a_date of hearing on said estimate the t7th day of April 1928, at it:0~ ~.1~. of said ~day, said hearing to be had at the G!ourt House of Albemarle .~oumty, Va. The Glerk of the ESTIMATE 0F REVENUES AND BORROWINGS Pre ared--.in'ae¢ordance with ~he provisions of sec'lion L~ef O~pte.r 37 of the ~f Assembly of 1927 ~-- _ year ending year ~g 'T~t~tive Classification ~u~e ~0,27 ~ume ~0,28 estim~e ~~y Revenne s~ TaEes on~ real EState and~ Tangible personal property PUblic Service Corporations Capias tion Taxes Notor Vehicle Fnel Taxes(SC6231.36 Dis~. Roads~ God Taxes (8%% total~~ School Funds Eeceived from ~he S~a~e Delinquent rexes and Penalties Other Revenues Dawson & ~ater Fu~da~ inheritance Tax ) t~2797.79 ~¢71~8.86 ~7118.86~ · 72%5.35 4934-7.97 49347.97 35'65.00 356~.00 3~65.00 560%. ~ ~7oo. co 57o0. co 83237.66 84~9~.66 92735.66 $~69.93 ~200.00 ~00.00 ~3~.93 3oooo.oo 3coco.co 1616.o0 1616.00 16t6.00 2055-70 886.00 2380.03. 2300.0~. 2300.00 33~0', 30 3 ~oo. co TOtal Revenues '~y Bo. rrow{ngs Short term Loans Borrowing s 347748.13 333t25.49 340083.49 138~6o. 98 ~3oooo. co lOOOOO, co 113~oooo; oo' lOO~'oo,' co Total Oounty, Revemues and borrowings ¢8~90~.11 463~2~.49 44oo83.~9 District Re:Values Ghariottesville Riva~ma Samuel ~[ilte r S~ o t t svilte White Halt 7~6~3.o8 68000.00 68000.00 30479.23 24000.00 24000,00 ~¢5o3.77 ~lOOO.O~ ¢~ooo.o0 9~o93.66 62ooo.oo 62ooo.oo 8¢216.6¢ ~2ooo.oo ~2ooo.oo 7~06.32 36000';o0 36000,00 Revenues ¢1¢7¢2.70 283000, OO 283000. co District Borrowings t5~ooo', co' ~5ooo. co TOtal District Revenues and B~rrowin~s Grand Total Of ~oumty and District Revem. ues and B~rrOwimgs 4~742.70 2~000.00 283000.00 ~56~1,8~76!~2~.¢9,7123083.~9 On the 21st day of March 192~, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle~ ~ou~.-ty met for the purpose of preparing and considering the local budget of said ~oUn Therefore and on said day ~here was filed the foregoing estimate. Thereafter said estimate was duly considered by the Board which is accordance wi~h law fixes as a date of hearing on said estimate the l?th day of ~pril, 1928, at the hour of lt~00 ~.~, of said day, said hearing to be had a~ the Court House in Albemarle County, Va.. The ~terk of the Board of Supervisors was directed ~o publish a synopsis of the budge and ~he notice of hearing, as required by law, in the Scottsvilte news a newspaper having general ciroulation in the locality affected, at least ten days prior to the date set for hoarier. The Board proceeding to lay the Gounty levies for the year 1928 doth order that the Germz~issioner of the Revenues shall assess and the treasurer ef the Go. Unty of ~tbemarte shall collect on a~ 1 real estate and tangible personal property, including machinery and tools heretofore assessed as copitsi, whether belonging to indi,~iduals, corporations or companies, including public service corporation ~except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam~., based upon the assessment fixed by the State Gorporatiom G~ommission and certified by it to the Board of Super~ visors both as to location and valuation. Eot General Oounty purposes, eighty five ~8,~ cents on ever~y one hmndred dollars worth of said property; For County Sehoot purposes seventy ~?0,} cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property, amd for' persion fun'ds umder Acts approved NarCh 14th 19~, five (o05)~ cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; And the Treasurer shall further collect om all of said property for district school purposes, as follows, to-wit~ I~' ~he Ivy District forty on~ every one hundred ~ollars worth of said property; In the ~hite Hall District forty (~0) c~mtS on every Ome hundred~ dollars Worth of said property; In t~he ~amuel ~ller District forty (40~) c~Uts on every one hundred dollars worth'of said property; In the ScotSsville District ~ (~) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; In the Rlvanna. District fifteen cents (1~) on every one h~ndred dollars of said property; And for the district road purposes, he shall collect on all of sa. id properSy except that i~ incorporated towns that maintain their own streets and roads, as follows; tO-wit= In the Charlottesville District five (~} cents on ~very one hundred dollars worth of said property; A~ the Ivy District forty cents (~0.) on every one humdred dollars worth of said property. in the ~nite Ealt~district twenty five ~25~ cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; In the Samuel ~ilI~r District thirty ~01-~ cents on every~ one hundred doll, ars worth of said property. In the ~cottsville District twenty five (2~ cents on every o~e hu~dre~ dollars worth cf said property; In the Rivanna District twenty five ~2~ cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. &nd for interest and sinking' funds for district road bonds, he shall collect om all of said property as follows, to-wit: In the Gh~r!ottesviile District one dollar and sixty five cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; -In the Ivy District one dollar and ten cents ~$1,i~ on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; in .the Uhite Hall District one dollar and fifty five cents ~$-i.%5) on every o~e hundred dollars worth of said property; In t~e Samuel ~ilter DistriCt one dollar and ten cents ($1.,10) on every o~e hundred ~ollars worth of saidp~operty,' In the Scottsville District o~e ~ollar and sixty cents ($1=.60): Cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said I~operty; In t~-e RiVanna District eighty five cent's ~.85) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; And the treasurer shall also collect for district road purposes on all goeds,~ wares, merchandise and capital of merchants on hand ~he ls$ day of january, I928 whether belonging to individuals, corporations or companies, thirty cents (30) on every one hundred dollars worth of such property. ~e. report of Seth B~zrnley, County ~gineer, for the month of NmrCh was presented, .examined~and ordered.to be filed. ~.S~uart Bamm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement together with all warrants paid by him for the month of ~rch t928, ~he Board.examined said warrants and ordered said statement ~o be filed.