HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-05-16 At a regular meetin~ of the F~ard of ~upervisors cf .Albemarie. ~oumty held at the ~ourt house of said ~oun~y cm the 16th day of May Presemt~ J~/~]~ray, Chairman,, C.Pur~eii l~o~Ue, $,E.,~belI, U',H.~anghorne and The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved; In the matter of the application of Seth l~uFnley and o.thers to establish a public road from Gharlottesvilte ~o Hardware RiVer. The ~oard doth appoimt J~B..Kegtey, U.B. Golthurst, H,~.Uaddelt, U.D.Holladay and S.T.~ite, resident freeholders of this county, any tl~ee of whom may act, viewers 2o view the route of the said prpposed road, and report to the Board as soon as practicable the convenience and inconvenience that will resul~ as well to individ~Is as to the public, if the said road shall ~ establishe~ as proposed, and especially if any yard, garden or orchard, er any part ~hereof wili~ in such ease, ~ve ~o be taken, and whether the ~id road will be of such mere private ~envenience ss to ~ke it proper t~t the sa~ shall be established and kept ~ order by the person or ~rsons for whose convenience- it is~desired. They ~y examine routes other than the one proposed_and report upom the ~.e they prefer with their re, sons for the preference; they will state the na~s ~f the lands ~wners on the said rou~e and ~aat will be a just c~pensation to those re~uiring the same forthe land to be token, and the da~ge to the .residue cf the tracts beyond the pec~iar ~enefits to be derived in. respect to such residae from the road so proposed. A~nd they Will state any other fact or circ~stances useful in enabling the Board to dete~ine the expediency of granting the said application, and they will return with their report a diagram or ~p showing the raute ~hereof~ and an esti~te of the probable cost of establishing said r~d; And the viewers shall meet on thel6th day of ~une 1~28, at t0:~00, and shall file their report with the clerk of this Boar~ on or before the 2Otb day of ~e On motion of C~,Purcelt Mc~Ue & seconded hy J~,]~..Abell it is ordered that the petition requesting the board to abolish the gates ~n the road in ~hite Hall District cou_m~encing at H.F,~listers gate and r~ning to the top of the hill above Ja~s ~.~ty's ~arn and build a fence on one side of the road for a distance of 10~ ~eds~ be adopted. The report of Seth Burnley, ~-ounty ~ngineer, for the month of ~!~.~, 192~, was presented examined and ordered to .be filed. 6.Stuart Hamm~, Treasurer, presented to the.~oard a statement together with all warrants for the month of April that were paid by him , the Board examined said warrants and ordered said statement to be.filed.