HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-06-20 At a Eegular Meet~i~g of the Board of ~Upervisors of Albemarle County held at the Court House of said ~ounty on the 20th day of June 1928, Present: $.M. Fray, Chairman, G.Purcelt ~Cue, ~E..Abelt, F,H.GentrY, W.H~Aanghorne and J..A, 0'Neilt. ~e minutes of the ~ast meeting were read and approved. Om motiom cf C.P~Mc~e and seconded ~y~.~:,~nghcrne the following resolutiom was unanimously adopted. ~hereas an Act of the General ~ssembly of ~irginia approved Nar~h 1928, provides that in Coumties which are cooperating with the State and ~ederaI Governments in the eradication of bovine Tuberculosis, the tuberculin test shall be compulsory, therefore, BE IT RES0~VED that this ~ct shall be in effect in this county the cattle tested and res~ested in accordance with the rules and resu!ations of th~ area Plan. Resolved: that this board hereby makes applicatiom to the State Highway Commission in accordance with chapter sixteen, ActS of the Assembly, approved March the l~th 152~ for its apportionment of ~he Nifteen-hundred added miles to the State System, as follows: Extension of route number nimeteen (19~ from Scottsvilte ~o'Alb.ema~ie County Line im the Vicinity ef B~huyter. Extensiom of route forty-one~t) from Shadwe!t to the Albema=!e Count li~eJ Rcmd from route thirty-~ine ~395, at Gismomt to Louisa Gcumty ~ine, near Gerdonsvilte. that Seth old omo. On motion of P,H:.Gentry and Seconded by ~.A,O~Neill it is ordered ~urnley, County Engineer, keep the new road machine and dispose ~f the In the matter of John Gibson Bridge: 0m motion of G.Purcell NcGue and secomded by P. HJ. Gentry it is ordered that Seth Burnley, County Engineer, build a locust cub bridge on the new road through the property of John GibSon. In the matter of the viewers report on the relocation of a public roa~ from Charlottesville to Hardware River~ tt appearing that ~eseah V.Thompson am.d L,N.]Bean, the land owners through whcse property the proposed relocation is to be made are no~-residents, it ordered that they be proceeded against by order of publication in pursuance to the Btatute in such cases made and provided, and the said report is continued until the notice being published is matured. ~ The r~pOrt cf Seth Burnley, county Engineer, for the month of May G. StUart Ha~w~:, Treasurer, presented to the ~ard a statement together with all- warrants fer the menthef By tha.t were~paid by him., the Board eEamined said warrants and erdered said statement to be~.~2~led. ~/~ Ohs irman on,.--the, motion-of.. ~,E,~horne and..~: see~uded~.~ ordered.....~hat..~ t~e ~ma tter~ of 'felons ti'on ::~the, ::~p~bl.~= ~. ~oad.~;~h~.e~h'~:~the ~r~.~l~ty of wealth.Attoraey .t~ ~ake a..report .a.t...~he ne~t...-meeting,...:-of...the.:~ar~.