HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-08-22 G.Stuart Ham~, Trea surer, presented ..t,o~ the .- '-~~a ·~e~a~bmen t
together'with all warrants for the menth of Jmae, 1928, that were~pa~i~d~;~b~?~him,,
the B~ard examined said warrant's a~ ordered said statement t~ be filed.
A't a R~r Meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of~ Albemarle
~ounty held atthe ~urt~ House of sa-~id ~Ou-~ty on the 1.%th~day~of AUg~st
Present; ~,li.~ray, ~hairman, ~.]~.Abell and l~,tt.~entry.
~ quorum not being present the ~oard a~ourned to mee~ again on
the ~nd of
At an adjourned meetiag of the Board of
~u.l~ty~ he~d~at the ~ oUrt House of said ~ouaty on the 2~d d~ of
The minutes of ~e :,last, were r~.d.,,-and approved.
BE IT ~SOL~D. that it is to ~e best interesl ef
sell,~,~.t~ .ten ~aore portion of the Co~ty~..Ho~. pro~tY~.ai~oimin~ ~e lands-0f
.=e~e. Spro~se~ and ~l.tOe Garlaad, and more partio~arly a~:. be.~t~er deaor[~d
plst..dra~ by Hugh F.~s, dated ~rch 1924; and l~t is hereby
sale be ~de and coaduoted as provided by the Oode of ~,irginia~: ~ot:io~ ~23.
It app~ring te the B~rd ef Su~rvisors t~t due
~s ~ea given to ~osiah V,~o~pson and L,M.~e~, and thet~~ tenamts,
with the Statute im e~c2 eases ~de and pr.ovi~ed, by an order of publicat~e~ pabl!shed
in,.the 8cottsville Newa~ a newspaper published in ~l~rle ~o~ty, o~.::,a'~:~ for
four.~ s~c~essive weeks, ord~ the ~id ~paom and the said Beam
the Board of Supervisors ~ the 1~ day of A~ust~ t92~ and sho~ cause,
they can, why the land mentipned ~ the ~iewers report filed with this
not be cond~ed.
And it further spearing to the Board t~t bo~ of said
faile~ to appear and sho~ cause w~ the land ~esorlbed ~2 said vipers report
not be ~ond~ed, therefore ~e B~rd doth approve ~id viewers report and.'d:~%h direct
that-....the road be relocated over and across ~e lands of ~he said
and.~.L.H.~eam in accordance wi~ such viewers report, all of which is sh~by t~
'~ minutes of this .Board, a.~ ..the Tre~s~er-of.~.th~s Cowry ts diree~ted to.::.ho~A:~t~ ~id
In the mat'~er of the appropriation for the policing of..the. C-ounty .Fair.
On motion cf C.Purcell No=ue and seconded by Polt, Gentry it 'is.-orde~ed
that a sum not exeeedi~g $400.00 be a~propri~ted to ~olice the Rlbemarle county
&ye~ Nessrs~ ~.~ray~ ~t~y, ~[c~ue, Gentry and Langhorne.
On motion of 0oPurceltNcCue and seconded by ~,~.&bell. it is ordered
that Se~hBurnley, O'ountyEngineer, buy a sand blast and paint. Spray if he cannot
rent one,
In the matter of the Keys for the Safe Deposit Boxes,
&ll keys e~cept S~muel~iller D~str~ct Key .are in-Sam~:..:N~:~e~~
D-lstri~t!s Box at the National Bank of =harlottesv~ile, Va° and the Samuel ~ler-~'
Dietr~ct,s key is in the County~2ne.ers .Box e:t the ~tional Bank of ~harlottesw. i~le.
On' motion of P,H.~entry and seconded by ~o~bel.1 it is ordered~.that
Seth Burnley, =oUntyEnsineer~ ~o over the followi~ roads and report back
board at its next meeting whether in his opinion any of the fo!lowing roads be relooa'tedo
1o ~oad from Wagner's Store towards N/lle~ ~hool.
2,~ad from Pred~ye 0reek ~hurch to G~lberts,
3. ~oad from a point on the ~echttms Rive~-Brownsvttle-.Roa. d to
Stockton Creek.
On mo~ion c~ff6,Pur=elll~c~ue and seconded by ~',-~&beli lt.is.~ordered
that the road leading from the 'lands of Theodore ~oee and
~-Vanna River~ alon~ the lands of ~ichaels, Bollin estate, to the road f~om .~hartott-
RS0 ~tati. on be. adopted as a ~ounty road if acceptable ~.to ~.H~Gentry,
G.Stuart Itamm, Treasurer, presented to the ltoard a statment
together with atl/~m,rrants for the month of ~uly that were paid by him, the l~oard
'e~tned sa~d ~r~nt~ and ordered s~d ~t, ttment to Be filed,
A~ a Regular ]~eeting of the. Board of supervisors of Albemarle
.~ounty ~eld at t~e ~our. t House 'of sa~d ~unty-'o~ the I~th' da'y'~f" Septem~"192~..
Present: J,~,Fra.y, Ghatrman, J.E,&bell, P,~,Gentry, U.H.
~nghorne and ~.~.O!Neill.
The min2~es of the last meeting were read and approved.
Om motion of P,t~.Gentry and seconded by ~,.E,&be~l it is
ordered that the sum ~f $20~.0~ be approporated to the ~hildren Home SOciety
~f Richmond, Virgin~m.
Aye, Messrs, Fray, Abell, Langhorne, Gentry and 0~t~eilt.
NO. none,
In the matte~ of relocating a ~ublic road from Pred~y,s Creek
~huroh to- Gi,I~e- ~.tSta ti on.
The. ~rd being of o~nian that the re, port of ~th ~ntey,
~.. ounty Ruglneer, this day filed is in due fo~m and should be' adopted, therefore
on motion duly secomded it is ordered that the ~i. erk of the l~ard issue subpoenas
to Susan Stubbs, ~y Stubbs, Nfs. ~ohn Goss and Lindsay Price te appear before_
the Board of Sul~ervlsors of Albemarle ~ounty at the ~ourt House of ~said county
on .the l?th ~ay of ~ctober. t92~ at 11:0~ &~]g,, to show cause, if any, why the
sai~ report in the matter of relocatimg a public road through their lands should
not be adopted.
In the matter of relocating a public road from ~echums R~ver-
~ownsville Rmad to Stockton Creek.
The Boa.rd being of opinion that the.report of S~th Burnley,
~oauty~ugineer, this day filed is im due form and shcul~ be.a~opted, t~e~efore
on moti~enduiy seconded it is ordered that ~e ~erk of the ~ard issue subpoenas
to ~ndy Stevenson to appear before the 2card of Supervisors ~f
~t the ~o. urt House of sa~ cc~ty oa ~e 17th day of ~cto.be~, 1~28 at 11~00 A.M.
~.e sh~w cause, if any, why the said report in the ~tt~r of relocat~ a pubt~c
road thro~h their lands should not ~e